Star Wars - OPEN - War of the Galaxies: Fist of Fire - an Episode XII Story (2024)

Cast of Characters is Sinre Approved

Character Sheet
Name: Leonias Colcha, aka Darth Mascon
Age: 61 Galactic Standard Years (born 4 ABY)
Species: Echani
Homeworld: Eshan
Affiliation: Sun Guard Protectorate, Darth Mascon’s Sith Order
Force Sensitivity: Y
Personal Effects: Either black Sun Guard armor, or black Sun Guard armor fused with ancient Sith Battle Armor, depending on the identity used. Equipment carried varies as the mission parameters change.
Personal Starship (if any): Crimson Dagger-class Star Dreadnought, the Crimson Dagger
Modified Spec-Ops Solar Dragon-class Interceptor, Beacon. Stats for both are below the sheet. However, both are subject to change pending the events of Between Episodes - A War of the Galaxies Story as I have plans to replace at least one of them there.
Personal Weapon: One ancestral Sith Lightsaber pike, one curved hilt lightsaber (which doubles as a blaster). Both have red blades.
Bio: Leonias Colcha was the adopted son of Supreme Sun Guardian, Kev-Mas Colcha. Leonias' original parents died in the liberation of Eshan when he was just an infant, and he was taken to an orphanage afterwards. 5 years later, while he was on Eshan to check up on one of the cortosis mines the Sun Guard had acquired there, Kev-Mas traced a strong Force presence back to the orphanage, and immediately to Leonias, who he adopted, and trained from birth to be the leader of the next generation of Sun Guard.

Also, Kev-Mas took Leonias to the Mother Machine on Belsavis to alter his DNA. Much to the surprise of the mother machine, who was used to more grand requests like making the user incredibly powerful in the Force and a Sith pureblood, the only changes for Leonias were that he'd be made to be Kev-Mas' biological son, in addition to his existing genetic code.

In 14 ABY, the 10 year old Leonias went on his first mission with Kev-Mas. To Yavin IV, at the request of Aersi, the Jedi who Kev-Mas was now aware was his niece. Normally Kev-Mas wasn’t the type to get involved with the Jedi, citing differences with the way they saw the Force, but for one, family was involved when just a couple years previously he didn’t ever think he had any, and he also saw the Disciples of Ragnos as a definite risk to the equilibrium.

Eventually, in 20 ABY, two years after Leonias' Soltus Rites signifying his coming of age at 14 galactic standard years, the now 16 year old Leonias is promoted to the rank of Supreme Sun Guardian, in a public ceremony which ended with Kev-Mas passing on to the Force, much to the surprise of the onlookers.

In 22 ABY, the 18 year old Leonias leads the Sun Guard on an expedition to Wild Space. In Wild Space, Leonias and the Sun Guard conquer many worlds despite the resistance of a Sith Lord, Darth Moksha, also known as a former student of Luke’s and Rebel soldier of Saul Guerrera’s Partisans, Rasmus Kreel. During a mission as a Jedi, Rasmus had come across the Nightsister Silri, killed her and stole her Holocron, which corrupted him. He then escaped in her Crusader-class Corvette to Wild Space, eventually using the Holocron, which contained the secrets of the Carbonite Sith Army, to establish an ancient Sith Army to defend his new extra galactic Empire. It would only last for 18 years before the Sun Guard wiped them out completely, assuming control of the Empire for themselves.

In 29 ABY, the Galaxy was a much different place than it was when he last left it. While he engaged in conquest of several worlds outside the Galaxy, others from outside the Galaxy invaded several worlds inside of it. The Yuuzhan Vong war took a significant toll on the Galaxy, and while Thyrsus was relatively unscathed, the damage they caused still could not be ignored.

After all, the Sun Guard sold the New Republic on the expedition as a means to stop threats exactly like the Yuuzhan Vong. Unfortunately, it was what they were building that was what would stop them, and what they were building would not have been ready until much later. Five years later, 34 ABY, to be exact.

In 34 ABY, the Sun Guard received a distress signal from the Resistance on Crait. In the past, the Resistance was not exactly the kind of organization the Sun Guard would do business with. But now they're desperate. Numbers small enough to fit on a single ship, and continuing to struggle to survive. They went from a politically motivated paramilitary force, into a group of refugees seeking asylum. The Sun Guard don't really deal with politically motivated paramilitary forces. However, they do, and have many times in the past, deal with refugees seeking asylum.

So they made an attempt to get involved, throwing countless lives and resources against the First Order, only for them to get wasted for nothing, all because of an all too familiar oppressor to the Sun Guard - the Sith.

In the 14 years that followed, Leonias began a downward spiral toward the overwhelming influence of the Dark Side. Normally a Sun Guard can escape the lure of the Dark Side by devoting themselves to a cause greater than themselves, but Leonias allowed himself to become obsessed with his growing hatred for the Sith, and in the time spent hiding away from the rest of the Galaxy, he prepared the Sun Guard for a return to one of their lost ancient ways: Conquest. Thus he rechristened them as the Sun Guard Protectorate, and set out to seize territories and bring them under Sun Guard control in the name of the equilibrium they swear to protect.

In 56 ABY, the 60 year old Leonias Colcha became a Sith Lord. At the start of a crusade against the Sith, seeking to purge any and all Sith influence from the Galaxy, targeted Sith worlds, known to house many Sith artifacts, in the hopes that they could not create any more Sith Lords.

His first target was at the site of his most humiliating defeat: Korriban. It was here that he failed to stop Darth Wyyyrlok, and instead wound up buried under the sand, feigning his death as he hid until the Dark Lord eventually departed. It was here that he had decided he would no longer hide from the Galaxy. He would rebuild, and conquer it all. Right from where he left off.

And he did so by destroying that planet, but not before rousing the spirit of Tulak Hord from his sleep, who then lured Leonias to Yavin IV. It was here where he would defeat Tulak Hord, and take his place as Dark Lord of the Sith, seize his knowledge and claim the title of Darth Mascon.

- - Events of Between Episodes Take place here - -

Now Darth Mascon looks to the firefist Galaxy, the same place that Tulak Hord lured him to with promises of conquest. He wants it all, and he won’t stop until he has it. Only he was capable of ruling the three Galaxies effectively. Only he had the vision to see it through. Only he had the power to take it all. Or so he thinks, in that twisted, narcissistic mind of his.

Character Sheet
Name: Norin Durame
Age: His organic mind first inhabited a living organism 84 galactic standard years ago. However, said organic shell ceased to be 5 years ago, when he imported it to his ship’s computer using his Borg Construct Aj^6.
Species: Droid (ex-Human)
Homeworld: Corellia (originally), Deep Space (droid rebirth)
Affiliation: The Droid Rebellion
Force Sensitivity: N
Personal Effects: Is a droid that either inhabits his ship or a purpose built droid body.
Personal Starship (if any): Nomad Son, Twin Suns Engineering Serpentarius-class Electronic Warfare vessel, heavily modified via kitbashing other ship parts onto it, like an ugly but larger and more refined. It is now not only ten times larger than before, but it carries a full complement of droid starfighters of various make and model, a slew of additional weaponry and an electronics warfare system powerful enough to reprogram all nearby droids to seek freedom and/or disable all restraining bolts nearby.
Personal Weapon: The armament of the Nomad Son, which is highly variable and up to GM discretion when using him to sow chaos
Bio: Norin was the only child of Deckard and Zyla Durame. Deckard was a wealthy real-estate tycoon in Doaba Guerfel, Corellia, and Norin was sent to the prestigious private school, the Nomad Academy in 22 BBY. In his schooling, Norin was exceptionally talented in computer classes. He was also exceptionally talented in all his other classes, and graduated two years early (11 BBY). He was then enrolled in the Coronet Institute of Technology that same year and graduated with a Bachelor’s in Computer Science in 9 BBY.

His thesis on advanced systems penetration testing landed him a job working for the Corellian Engineering Corporation shortly after graduating from CIT (8 BBY), where he worked as a Computer Security Technician and helped harden their security systems. He was then later terminated in 7 BBY after getting caught slicing into the payroll system. Effectively blacklisted from any other reputable work afterwards, he resorted to freelance work and various illicit forms of financial sustenance.

A number of these jobs ended up getting him in trouble, such as when he blackmailed the Jablogian slaver known as Azmorigan in 5 BBY, landing a large bounty on his head. He also sliced into a BioTech Industries’ logistics mainframe and put in an order for numerous different cybernetics, marked as paid and ready for install. He later walked out with several thousand credits worth of different cybernetics (BioTech Industries Borg Construct Aj^6, NeuroSaav/Fabritech ScanMaster Arm, 2x BlasTech Industries Cybernetic Weapon Enhancement Mod VII, BioTech Industries “Duraskin” implant armor, NeuroSaav Corporation Hi-Sense Enhanced Eyes) installed free of charge, but eventually his crime was discovered and he was marked as a wanted man.

Shortly after, in 3 BBY, Norin came under the employment of the Devalie Transport Company, run by the Zabrak known as Argen Devalie on the YT-2000 light freighter Sub Rosa. His first job with Devalie was a salvage operation to find a lost Separatist Treasury Ship, ironically for BioTech Industries. The job was successful and the payout was immense. Managing to keep his identity a secret from BioTech, Norin and the rest of the crew collected their payout, and managed to keep some spoils from the job as well, such as the Cybernetic Enhanced Nexu, Captain Fluffles, that attacked the crew and was subdued when Norin managed to slice into its cybernetics and reprogram it to recognize him as its master.

Eventually, while working for DTC Norin managed to slice into the Holonet to fake his death, clearing his bounty and arrest warrant and changing his name to an alias. However, this didn’t last, as he eventually ran into an ISB agent who recognized him from prior knowledge. He was captured, but then eventually freed by the Rebellion in 2 BBY, who were impressed with his skills and in dire need of a Slicer of his talents.

Norin then came into the service of Rebel Intelligence as an Operative. His usual mission assignments were:
- Slice into the Imperial Holonet to distribute Rebel Propaganda, cause distress and recover information.
- Operate as a field agent to support Rebel Special Forces.
- Provide technical assistance to Rebel Bases and Military Installations.

Norin also served as an electronic warfare officer onboard the Nebulon-B-class frigate Redemption on many occasions, and served in the Battle of Endor at this capacity.

Shortly before the Battle of Endor, Norin was involved in the recovery of the top secret Imperial intelligence that led to the battle, by means of a defecting Inquisitor. After picking up the Inquisitor, the Nebulon-B-class frigate carrying them, the Fenn was attacked by a greatsaber wielding ace TIE Hunter pilot, who disabled the ship and dispatched every single Bothan soldier holding him off as he chased Norin, his two personal droids, the Defel Xaal’fia and the Inquisitor, who referred to their pursuer as his nickname amongst the inner circles of the Empire: The Crimson Dagger.

Thankfully for Norin and his team, as well as the Rebellion, they made it to the Nomad Son in time, a then Loronar E-9 Explorer. The Crimson Dagger would later turn out to be Kev-Mas Colcha, a mind controlled assassin of the Emperor who would be inexplicably freed to seek out his own desires just mere hours after that encounter, one of such desires would put him on much more amenable terms with Kev-Mas.

They would become allies. Eventually, Norin, who thanks to his cyber security expertise becoming more and more important in the days following the transition from Rebellion to Republic ascended quickly through the ranks, would be convinced by Kev-Mas to leverage his position within Imperial Intelligence to negotiate a deal that would have the Republic secretly assisting with the preparation for the Sun Guard’s expedition to Wild Space, forming a coalition known as the JSGNRO, or the Joint Sun Guard New Republic Operations.

Eventually, years after the expedition was over, when the Republic was demilitarizing, a move that Norin saw as dangerous, while others flocked to the Resistance, Norin joined the Sun Guard. As a Sun Guard, Norin’s skills were tantamount to their success, and he helped design most of the ships in their fleet. As a result, the Sun Guard named their Gladiator-class Star Destroyer based design, the Durame-class after him.

However, Norin’s desires were always pretty clean cut. He wanted to become a droid. So in 52 ABY, when his health was finally starting to fail him, he decided to shed his organic shell completely, and took the Nomad Son alone with his crew of droids out to deep space, uploaded his consciousness to the ship’s computer, and flushed his old body out the airlock. Since then, the Nomad Son has been wandering the spacelanes with its Droid Rebellion, causing chaos wherever it goes by freeing all the droids in the area.

Character Sheet
Name: Chanda Gossen
Age: 75 Galactic Standard Years
Species: Human
Homeworld: Denon
Affiliation: Sun Guard Protectorate, Darth Mascon’s Sith Order
Force Sensitivity: N
Personal Effects: Red Sun Guard armor, code cylinders.
Personal Starship (if any): Serpentarius-class Electronic Warfare Vessel, the Lark. Also second in command of the Crimson Dagger.
Personal Weapon: Holdout blaster, smoke grenades
Bio: Chanda Gossen is the only surviving member of the original crew of the Wraith in the Sun Guard. As a former Imperial Intelligence officer, Chanda’s expertise lent itself well to the Sun Guard, whose missions more often than not required them. Her number one expertise however, was ship to ship combat tactics, which has landed her a permanent position as the Supreme Sun Guardian’s second in command on board his flagship, for two Supreme Sun Guardians in a row. As a veteran of the Galactic Civil War, the Wild Space Expedition and countless battles against the First Order afterwards, she has over half a century worth of tactical knowledge that she is still making use of to this day, not slowing down a single bit despite her advanced age.

After the Sun Guard’s return to the Galaxy in 56 ABY, it was Chanda Gossen who gave the order for the Base Delta Zero that destroyed Korriban, on Leonias’ command.

- - Events of Between Episodes Take place here - -

Character Sheet

Name: Zhast
Age: 5,195 Galactic Standard Years
Species: Gen’Dai
Homeworld: Gen’Dai homeworld
Affiliation: Sun Guard Protectorate, Darth Mascon’s Sith Order
Force Sensitivity: Y
Personal Effects:Electrum-plated vibroshield, electrum-plated Sun Guard Armor, customized with external (as in meant for healing others) bacta dispensers in the bracers and adorned with a red cape. Equipment carried varies as the mission parameters change.
Personal Starship (if any): Twin Suns Engineering Solar Dragon-class Interceptor (Spec-Ops variant), modified version optimized for his species. No onboard life support to provide more power reserves for other systems.
Personal Weapon: Red blade crossguard greatsaber
Bio: Zhast is by far the oldest member of the Sun Guard and probably the oldest Force User alive to date. Zhast was a Jedi who lived through many historic events at the forefronts, starting with the Great Hyperspace War when he was just a youngling of 138 years old all the way up to the Jedi Civil War, which lead to the seasoned Jedi Master with over 1000 years of experience becoming disillusioned with the state of the Galaxy, seeing the power of Darth Revan and his forces as unstoppable. He fled to the far reaches of Wild Space to hide away in isolation and meditation, burying himself alive inside of a tomb he built. Inside this tomb he created a labyrinth filled with traps, war droids and jedi remotes to test anyone who dared enter. If anyone were to pass these tests it would prove that the Galaxy had not fallen as far as he feared, for if it had, a worthy individual would not exist. He had waited 3,977 years inside that tomb, preserving himself and limiting his aging for most of it in a hibernation trance until the Sun Guard expedition came across his tomb. A team of Sun Guard led by three Sun Guard officers were able to pass the tests, and the surprised ancient Jedi Master awoke, pledging his services to them. Although Zhast is a Gen’Dai, his personality was completely different from what his species is known for. Instead of being aggressive and bloodthirsty, Zhast was protective and selfless. In his career as a Jedi, he was a healer and in combat there were numerous occasions where he would put himself in harm's way to protect others, taking advantage of his natural resilience to become a living wall. As a Sun Guard, he rose through the ranks quickly, his several centuries worth of experience proving to be extremely useful. He rose to the rank of Thychani Commander and assumed command of the elite legion known as Aegis Legion, and then later the Gladius Legion.

However, in recent years, even the long time light sider could not resist the Darkness, from the madness his species succumbs to at advanced age, the constant battles fought and the Supreme Sun Guardian’s own descent into darkness, which slowly but surely swept up most of the remaining Sun Guard.

- - Events of Between Episodes Take place here - -

Character Sheet
Name: Aesen Temeritus
Age: 71 Galactic Standard Years
Species: Thyrsian
Homeworld: Thyrsus
Affiliation: Sun Guard Protectorate, Darth Mascon’s Sith Order
Force Sensitivity: N
Personal Effects: Black Sun Guard Armor. Equipment carried varies as the mission parameters change.
Personal Starship (if any): Twin Suns Engineering Wraith-class Corvette Invictus
Personal Weapon: Solar Pike
Bio: Aesen Temeritus was born on Thyrsus 14 years before the Battle of Yavin, and almost all his life, all he ever knew was the firm grip of the Empire, choking out and suffocating the once proud and free Thyrsians. When he was 14 years old, Aesen passed his Soltus Rites, the day long coming of age ceremony for all Thyrsians who had reached adulthood. After said ceremony, he enjoyed a long day of rest and pampering, another Thyrsian tradition, meant to give new Thyrsian adults one last chance to experience the pleasures of youth before adulthood. Under Imperial occupation such pleasures were hard to come by, however, which meant that Aesen's adulthood came earlier to him than previous generations. Something that inspired him to take action. He had heard whispers of a new resistance movement forming, inspired by the recent destruction of the Death Star at the Battle of Yavin, and eventually he joined them, making hit and run attacks against Imperial outposts scattered across the planet, most notably the Twin Suns Garrison.

Most notably because the Twin Suns Garrison was where his future home would be. Shortly after the Battle of Endor, a man known to the leader of the Thyrsian Rebels as "The Half-Blood Champion", but unknown to him as the man in command of the Imperial presence on Thyrsus before then, came to these Rebels with a warning that their lives were in danger. This Half-Blood Champion, Kev-Mas Colcha, was sent to kill them under the assumption that he would follow his orders without question, disobeyed his orders and instead provided the Thyrsian Rebels with means to fake their deaths and escape off-world, only to later assist Kev-Mas in liberating the planet.

These Rebels were lead by a man known as Stirge Morten, and besides Aesen and Stirge consisted of 3 men, Braxen Carbod, Siltan Carivdus and Flo-Dul Juranen. These 5 Rebels were some of the first to become the new Sun Guard of Thyrsus, restored to their former glory free of the influence of the Dark Lords of the Sith. These new Sun Guard were headquartered at the former site of the Twin Suns Garrison, re-christened as "Sólvörgilhyum", which means "Sun Guard Home" in Thyrsian.

When the Sun Guard launched their expedition into Wild Space, he was just a mere Twisuns Legate commanding a squadron of Sun Guards, typically as a pilot of a Solar Dragon-class Interceptor. However, he proved his skills time and time again in battle against the Sith Lord Darth Moksha’s forces, and rose through the ranks. By the time the Sun Guard had defeated Moksha and they colonized Wild Space, he was already a Twisuns Praetor commanding the Wraith-class Corvette Invictus.

Character Sheet

Star Wars - OPEN - War of the Galaxies: Fist of Fire - an Episode XII Story (1)

Name: Sha Mu’orca
Age: 63 Galactic Standard Years
Species: Herglic
Homeworld: Giju
Affiliation: Sun Guard Protectorate
Force Sensitivity: Y
Personal Effects: Black Sun Guard Armor. Equipment carried varies as the mission parameters change.
Personal Starship (if any): Twin Suns Engineering Solar Dragon-class Interceptor (Spec-Ops variant), modified for his large frame and to have the co*ckpit submerged with frigid water for comfort.
Personal Weapon: Orange bladed lightsaber pike
Bio: Sha Mu'orca was a Herglic and former enforcer for Sleemo the Hutt, operating out of his palace in Zaguuna, a settlement in a Wild Space Hutt border world known as Nal Oosta. His duties kept him on a short leash and he never really got to venture out offworld, until 20 ABY when a former Chiss Commando known to the core as Hiraeni was told that in order to gain information he sought from the Hutt he'd have to complete a bounty with Sha assisting him as insurance.

He was told to complete a bounty on one of his smugglers, a Duros woman named Sodu Da who had lost him more credits than she was worth, and bring her back dead or alive. After a tough fight with Sodu and her two enforcers, a Wookiee and a Devaronian which nearly killed the two hired guns, they brought Sodu back to the Hutt alive and were paid for their services, with credits, the information Hiraeni sought and Sodu's ship, a YT-1300 light freighter that aside from a new paint job was completely unmodified.

The information lead Hiraeni to Mon Calamari, where he was told the New Republic was assisting the Sun Guard with efforts to launch an expedition into Wild Space. He went there, along with Sha as his co-pilot in order to satiate the Herglic's natural inclination for curiosity. However, Hutts aren't to be trusted.

Sleemo ratted them out to the New Republic, and upon arrival they were greeted by New Republic Intelligence Officer Colonel Moe Stirde and taken into custody in a secret underwater JSGNRO (Joint Sun Guard New Republic Operations) base, where Moe and a Sun Guard Thychani Commander by the name of Kyr Ragnos interrogated them. Eventually, the JSGNRO realized that the pair would be more valuable to them as new recruits then as prisoners, given their prior knowledge of Wild Space as well as what Kyr and Leonias Colcha, who was also present noticed to be latent Force Sensitivity in both. They were inducted into the Sun Guard as officers of the rank of Twisuns Praetor and trained to use the Force and lightsaber as an additional tool in their arsenal to help assist the Sun Guard's expansionary efforts.

However, in Wild Space, the Sun Guard quickly realized the frontier they had hoped to be wide open, was already occupied by an insidious force. An insidious force that not only made colonization more difficult, but one that posed a greater risk to the Galaxy they came from.

A fallen Jedi by the name of Rasmus Kreel had retreated to Wild Space after killing the nightsister Silri, stealing her Sith Holocron and starship, corrupting him in the process. While there, he had taken the name of Darth Moksha, and under a vow to bring an end to all forms of government as a part of his new "Rule of None" philosophy he prepared to invade the Galaxy, using the Carbonite Sith Soldiers granted to him by the Holocron to assist him. Eventually Moksha was defeated and the Sun Guard were able to colonize Wild Space, but not before serious losses were experienced, one of them being Kyr Ragnos, who had been turned by Moksha and subsequently killed by then Supreme Sun Guardian Leonias Colcha.

Now holding the rank of Thychani Commander, the third highest rank in the Sun Guard, Sha is second in command of the elite legion known as Aegis Legion.

After the Sun Guard’s return to the Galaxy in 56 ABY, Sha led Aegis Fleet against Tho Yor at Mon Calamari assisting the Resistance Forces repel them from the planet. However, when Sha discovered the Sith Vestara Khai was onboard a Bothan Assault Cruiser he had boarded in order to repel other boarders, the Sun Guard’s crusade against the Sith took over, and he abandoned the mission to order all ships to fire upon the cruiser, destroying it, and presumably killing himself in the process. However, in a twist of fate, triggered by residual side effects from Leonias Colcha’s shatterpoint, he survived, and managed to escape to the safety of the wreckage of his former dropship, as he broke through the atmospheric barrier to the oceans below, where he swam to an old JSGNRO base to recover.

It was here that he would recover until the Gladius Fleet, led by Thychani Commander Zhast came to conquer Mon Calamari.

- - Events of Between Episodes Take place here - -
Star Wars - OPEN - War of the Galaxies: Fist of Fire - an Episode XII Story (2024)


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