Kyle Katarn: Through Worlds Unknown - InfamousWriter123 (2024)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Darkness, he could sense it, he had been through it and he had fought it time and time again; whether with a saber in hand or his trusty Bryar pistol, Kyle was always ready to confront the darkness ever-present in the galaxy. As he found himself within a long barely lit corridor, the Jedi Master Kyle Katarn of Sulon threaded carefully with every step he took he sensed the presence of evil, an evil that was far beyond anything he had ever encountered. The hairs on the back of his neck tingled with worry that one may come from behind and attack; his eyes widened with fear as he realized he was not alone in this place and the dark was powerful, and anger began to set in as he clenched his gloved fist and he felt ready to ignite his saber at that moment. The Jedi were defenders of peace, they were meant to face these things that most would never dare to and so he knew what had to be done, yet the years of experience began to set in as he did not allow himself to be guided by such an abrasive mindset that had ruled him for many years before. He had grown both in age and mind and as such, he knew what he had to do.

Pursing his lips and allowing himself to take a deep breath, the Jedi closed his eyes as he placed his trust in the Force. Fear, worry, anger--these were elements that were only natural to life but they were also a path of corruption by the dark; they could lead sentients astray into the unnatural path of evil and senseless destruction, and as such the Jedi Master did not allow himself to be fooled by these trepidations as he stepped forward and did not stop despite the apparent presence surrounding his every move. He trusted the force, he trusted himself not to fall into corruption like before in his life, he knew the dark was testing him and so was the Force itself.

Before he knew it, Kyle found himself no longer within a corridor but in the middle of a large encircled room. Dim white light presented itself at the walls while the rest of the room was opaque, though Kyle could make up the forms of statues encrusted within the surrounding sphere design of the room, each one massive in scale and distinct. One resembled a man of a young skeletal face and a gaze of clear-cut anger, a clean head adorned by what seemed to be markings of a dark nature--not Sith, but also no other dark side belief that Kyle had any knowledge of. He wore a simple long tunic with a long collar set that expanded around the neck.

There was something obviously Sith-like to the statue but Kyle had seen too many of such to pay much more mind as he looked to the next figure, a woman. Her face was soft and slender and the design looked vibrant, her long hair seemed luscious even when carved in stone; there was something so majestic about her presence and her expression that said that she was at peace. Her long gown, adorned by a design similar to that of the Jedi of old, was vaguely familiar to Kyle, though it seemed more fitting for royalty like Princess Leia.

The following statue was more peculiar. It was not as roughly made as the first nor as ornately designed as the second but was rather a simple chisel with a smooth surface at the bottom and leading on what seemed to make the shape of an older bearded face, eyes opened and stoic in nature, as if the man was alive and looking at Kyle but not as a matter of hostility but rather analyzing him, deducing him. The scene made Kyle’s skin crawl as he then looked to what he expected to be the next carved figure, only to find nothing but an empty pedestal. The space sat empty and darkened and Kyle took a few steps out of mild curiosity as he wondered what this whole setting was and what it meant. He had never encountered anything resembling these beings in the few remaining Jedi Archives and no other ancient text or Holocron had ever shown anything of this sort; it made him look with astonishment, but then he felt it once more, he felt the terrible presence looming over him and this time he ignited his saber.

“Do not be afraid, Kyle Katarn, for I have a task for you,” A cryptic voice said, which didn’t serve to ease the Jedi’s mind as he kept his vibrant blue saber at the ready, scoffing at the voice.

“Whatever you may want me to do, believe me, I’ll do the exact opposite…” Kyle barked back unamused, though he remained firm in his defensive stance reminiscent of Soresu.

An eerie chuckle made Kyle raise an eyebrow as he glanced around the chamber with the light of his saber shining upon his eyes brightly. He could feel the presence; he knew it was here somewhere, looking at him, but it was hard to know exactly where and how as it seemed to not be physically within the veil of the Force. It lived within it but it also manipulated it, something he could not understand.

“That’s exactly why you are perfect.” The voice’s statement did not make Kyle change his posture but it did make him question what it meant.

“What are you talking about?” Kyle asked without expecting an answer as he felt his patience running short. “Show yourself, Sith-spit!”

“The Ancient Texts will show the way, the way to walk in the vergence, and when you do make sure to come to me, do not attempt to stop it… This next part will hurt.”

Kyle remained at a loss for words and understanding as he merely pondered those last words. Before he could say anything, he felt the presence manifest itself, sensing it behind him as he turned fast and he could see the pair of void eyes and a set of sharpened white teeth lunge at him with a sinister smile. Kyle had no chance to react as he felt the immense pain within his mind, something piercing deep into his soul and into his every thought as he dropped his saber and grabbed at his head in complete agony. His eyes drifted up as blood began to drip down his nose and his brown eyes became twisted into a complete white.

“Kyle, find her… Find the girl named Skywalker.”

It was at that moment that the immense pain ceased and Kyle felt himself fall for miles and miles, first through a dark visage and then right through what seemed to be a thin glass where a powerful aura of white light pierced through the darkness surrounding the Jedi. With what seemed to be thousands of pieces of glass shattering around him, Kyle felt as if he had just witnessed his life begin, end, and begin once more as he then felt the cold solid ground at his back, white bright light being the only thing in his view.

The sensation that he had just gone through was unlike anything he had ever experienced, like one of those bad after-effects from overindulging in drinks at a local Coruscant underworld bar but a thousand times worse. The Jedi let out a loud groan as he pushed himself from his resting place; he could barely move and the white blindness in his eyes persisted as he closed and rubbed them tightly in an attempt to get his vision back; little by little it seemed he could just barely see, so at least he knew he wasn’t permanently blind. His senses were all over the place as he struggled to even move his feet, let alone try to get up, as he rested down and took in deep breaths.

“I thought I had left these kinds of rough mornings behind…” He thought out loud while feeling his lips and detecting still fresh moisture, probably his nosebleed judging by the slightly metallic and bitter taste on his tongue. Another thing felt was heat, an immense heat at that; as he had been to several hot and humid planets, he quickly deduced it was anything but humid here as he noticed the ground being rather mashable and not the rough solid terrain he had initially thought. It must be sand, then. He groaned once more as he hoped he hadn’t managed to get himself stranded in some backwater in the outer rims; he would damn himself if it turned out to be Tatooine. He had had far too many escapades in that backwater to ever find it a desirable destination for a fun night.

While basking in the glory of what he still wasn’t sure had actually happened, Kyle’s presence had garnered quite the attention as the former imperial turned mercenary turned Jedi master noticed quite quickly that what seemed to be a few dozen or so silhouettes were surrounding him. He was still struggling to find enough strength to lift himself up since his entire body felt like it had just been swallowed whole by a Sando Aqua beast and then spat out in a gulp of digestive enzymes, only to then be run over by a manic podracer and receive the full brunt of the Death Star’s destructive power. Perhaps it was all an exaggerated analogy but that’s as far as Kyle could compare how he felt at that moment as he kept rubbing his eyes and readapting his vision while the curious locals of wherever he was kept gathering around.

“Who is he?”, one childlike voice asked curiously, followed by a myriad of other questionnaires.

“Did he fall from a starship?”

“There’s no ships above you moron!”

“He looks hurt…”

“He has one of those ancient swords I think,” one particularly thick voice commented.

“You think Plutt would pay well for it?”, another more nasally voice spoke with obviously nefarious intentions.

A scornful laugh came from the previous speaker, “You’re kidding, I know a dozen other junk bosses who would pay ten times what that Blobfish will!”

“Well then I guess this guy just happened to fall on the wrong place at the right time for us!”, the sniveling voice said as Kyle heard steps on the sand approaching him.

It didn’t take long for Kyle to get the hint as he immediately summoned his saber with a force pull, igniting the azure blade which caused the surrounding onlookers to frighten and others to even scatter. The would-be robbers found themselves surprised by the swiftness of what they believed to be a disoriented target as one of them quickly folded.

“Please sir, don’t hurt poor old Izen, I am but a poor scavenger trying to make ends meet!” Kyle chuckled a bit as he managed to raise himself up and could vaguely see the would-be robber kneeling down on the sand in fear, he found the scene pathetic but then he remembered that the other voice that had pointed out his lightsaber in the first place was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, Kyle was grabbed from behind by a pair of strong arms putting on a chokehold; the sudden attack made him drop his lightsaber as he and his assailant fell down onto the sands and rolled around in struggle. The attacker was strong, stronger than Kyle had expected as he tried to fight the hold to little avail.

“Yes, yes, keep at it Rokar!” The dastardly deceptive terrelian jango jumper Izen cheered while taking hold of the Jedi’s lightsaber and inspecting it curiously.

“Go to a long sleep you rockhead!” The gruff voice of Izen’s klatooinian partner in crime said as he kept pressing down his forearm against the stranger. For a moment it seemed that the stranger was indeed falling victim to Rokar’s powerful hold as his eyes drifted between open and closing and he struggled less and less which caused both robbers to laugh mockingly. Little did they know that this was no ordinary target they had crossed but a full-fledged Jedi Master who had been in stings far worse than two low lives trying to steal his belongings.

As soon as Rokar eased his stranglehold on Kyle, the human slammed the back of his head hard onto the Klatooinian’s snout-like face which caused him to wail in pain while Kyle quickly took the chance to unsheath a small phrik knife out of his left boot and quickly plunged the blade right into Rokar’s hand which caused the thug to let go in pain as Kyle slammed it right through his palm. Finally free and with his vision somewhat clear, Kyle stood up and looked at the wounded Rokar and then towards the flabbergasted Izen who still held the Jedi’s lightsaber.

“I’ll take that now, I’m only going to tell you nicely once unless you want to end up like your friend there?” Kyle said as he extended his hand at the Terrelian, whose entire body trembled with fear and indeed he acquiesced to the Jedi’s demand by merely dropping the saber and running away in fear.

Kyle for his part had managed to catch the falling saber with the force as he then gracefully set his weapon back on his utility belt. He cleaned up the blood from his nose and noticed that his shirt was now dirtied with blood which annoyed him.

“You piece of frack, my hand, my teeth!” Rokar continued to cry in agony as blood poured from both his mouth and his palm, Kyle’s knife still stuck in it.

“Sorry you dumb kath-mutt, but I wasn’t in the mood for a nap!” Kyle snided with a smirk as he stared down at the wounded scoundrel. Kyle then noticed that the entire scuffle had been witnessed by the curious and fearful eyes of other locals who backed away with caution from the Jedi. He nodded and lifted his hands as a gesture that said he wouldn’t hurt anyone that didn’t try to hurt him; nevertheless, he wanted to know where in the moons was he.

“So, unless anyone else wants to try and play gamorrean rugby, I would like to know where I am?” Kyle asked more politely than he was used to.

The locals looked to themselves with uncertain eyes as they were not sure if the question was a trick or if the stranger was serious.

Kyle’s patience was running thin at this time but he tried to be as courteous as he could, a difficult thing considering the circ*mstances. “I know that I may have done some damage to a local business during whatever drunken fest I went through but believe me I can compensate that, and I also don’t just go around beating people up like buddy here,” Kyle pointed at the still in pain Rokar whose every attempt to take out Kyle’s knife from his palm only caused him to howl a pathetic sound of torment.

“But I really need to know where I am so I can contact the New Republic and get in touch with the Jedi Praxeum, and hopefully sort out this mess!”

Everyone, including Rokar, were caught by surprise by the stranger’s comment as they once more looked at each other, this time with even more confusion as it seemed that the stranger was either truly lost or mad (or had been living under a rock for the last 5 years), which was impossible given he had just fallen from the sky a few minutes ago.

“You’re on Jakku, there is no New Republic anymore… And the Jedi, are you one?” The voice of a young girl amongst the crowd, covered in red drapes, spoke up as she emerged from below many other scavengers and traders. She looked at Kyle with a set of vibrant blueish eyes as she seemed to be dazzled by the question itself. Kyle himself was in a complete daze, as apparently there was no more New Republic, and the word Jedi seemed to have completely shocked these people to the point that a little girl was the only one with the guts to answer. Shaking himself out of his own mind, Kyle knelt down to the girl’s level, looking at her with a slight smile.

“I am… Kyle Katarn. Jedi master of Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Praxeum, at your service…”

The girl, though unsure, smiled.

Chapter 2: Stranger in a Strange World


A strange new world, after having been mysteriously taken from the fight against the YUUZHAN VONG, Jedi Master Kyle Katarn now finds himself in the unknown planet of Jakku. Uncertain of this perilous planet Master Katarn aims to find a way back to the fight, guided by a newly found guide...


Wanted to quickly say that my apologies for not having updated this for those who took the time to read. The good news is that I have a lot of chapters on backup to post so you can expect a chapter per week. Enjoy and may the force be with you!

Chapter Text

The sand dunes of Jakku were infamous for their vastness but more so for the decimated Imperial star destroyers that adorned them, imperial and New Republic shipwrecks alike could be viewed from all over the horizon. Each had been manned by thousands of people, each one had engaged in a prolonged battle for their supposed ideals of how the Galaxy should be ruled and each had paid the price as had most of its crews in the aftermath of what had been a clash of the ages. The battle of Jakku had decided the fate of the galaxy at one point, now the site of history lay as a forgotten desolate wasteland filled with junk traders and criminals that the galaxy would rather forget about. Among these downtrodden, there was a peculiar one, one not from this world and surely one who seemed to be lost in more ways than just being trapped in a galactic junk heap of a planet, the infamous Kyle Katarn found himself as an unknown castaway following behind the child he had met earlier and who was now acting as his guide in the vast desert.

"So an Executor-class, eh?" Kyle asked curiously while glancing at the empty horizon, almost all of it was endless mountains of sand with only a few pieces of debris scattered here and there. With his eyes squinted as he tried to avoid the sun's rays the Jedi received no immediate answer to his query.

"Polina?" Kyle said, trying to catch the girl's attention as she kept a brisk pace in front of him, her little steps causing slender rifts in the sand while Kyle's own steps caused him to sink his whole foot at every step. She was a nimble child of no more than ten years and she seemed to be rather knowledgeable for her age given her ease of traveling in this wastrel. It wasn't surprising given the hostile environment of this planet, Jakku, as they called it.

Polina's eyes drifted back to Kyle, she smiled and then turned her view back in front, "Yep, it used to extend all the way in the clearing, it was picked up little by little, least that's what they told me,"

The grandness of the surrounding panorama surprised Kyle. Unlike Tatooine, Zonju V, or many other desert planets that he knew of, Jakku was nothing but seemingly endless dunes with crashed star destroyers and Mon Cala cruisers alike. Polina explained that this planet had been the site of a major battle between the Galactic Empire and the rising New Republic, the Imperial leadership had planned to blow up the planet's core but were stopped before doing so, by whom it was still not quite clear. The scope at which these wrecks of battle spread out was fascinating to Kyle, he had only seen such signs of devastation from the Vong war, and that had been quite a destructive ordeal, this was only a dent on that.

Many of the crashed ships laid half-sunken within the sands while being picked up by all arrays of scavengers each looking for anything useful, Kyle could spot them easily from afar, several dozens of scavengers exiting out of the crash sites, bags of parts on their backs and ready to ship to parts unknown within their speeders or luggabeasts. The sight didn't faze Kyle much, it was no different than back in other junk planets where people lived off scavenging and collecting, even stealing like those pesky Jawas. All he wanted to do now was get to a starport and leave for Yavin as soon as he could, they'd been walking for hours and the scorching heat was beginning to take a toll on his body and perhaps even his mind.

"So how long till getting there, whatcha say it was called?" Kyle asked with a fatigued voice.

Polina turned her head, her eyes wide open as she looked right at the supposed Jedi, she still couldn't fully believe the man's claim that he was a Jedi, much less knew Luke Skywalker. However, Polina felt that he was lost, didn't know where he was, and needed help. Any other beggar or stranger who approached her would've caused her to flee in defense but the fact this man had quite literally fallen from the sky and into the sands of her homeworld told her he was no threat to her, at least she hoped.

"We're already here, past this hillside," she said with a slight smile much to Kyle's surprise, nevertheless the Jedi was overcome with a sudden boost in energy as he moved fast up the mound of sand.

Kyle's hopeful smile turned into a disappointed glare as what he expected to be a full-fledged spaceport was really nothing but a junkyard with dilapidated buildings scattered here and there. What seemed to be a large fence surrounding an assortment of other buildings and it seemed that people were coming in and out of the settlement. Taking deep breaths and trying his best to stay positive Kyle made his way down, clumsily so as he struggled to keep a footing on the sandhill, all the while Polina strode behind him with care and little hurry.

Eventually, as the strange traveler and local girl were approaching the outskirts of the marketplaces at the outskirts of the settlement Kyle looked up as a ship soared up and away into the skies. The sight gave him some confidence that perhaps not all was lost. Polina for her part watched as the man looked tired out, sweating intensely and running his gloved hand through his hair with discomfort. Several locals looked at Kyle with perplexed eyes but otherwise kept their distance and mostly to themselves as he passed by.

"Which way to get a ride?" he asked bluntly, to which the young girl pointed over towards a checkpoint further into the outpost, Kyle made his way promptly as he still struggled to keep a strong foot and felt the heat truly taking a toll on him but he hoped he'd be able to catch a ride out of here now.

Arriving at the checkpoint, welded to gates surrounding the large field he'd seen before the building was well protected by several layers of metal and a small gap at the center, what seemed to be the entrance into the main town was closed off by a red energy field. Kyle approached the stand and was immediately greeted by a tattletale droid sticking out of the gap which startled the Jedi for a moment before he composed himself.

"Uhm, hello there," Kyle said awkwardly.

"Ah'chu apenkee?" the security droid asked.

"I'm… I lost my ship back in the desert, and wanted to find a new one, or any ship available to travel out of here."

The droid kept silent for several seconds until it spoke once more, "Ah'ni apalineek."

"No, wait a second, I have credits I just need a ship out of h-"

"Ka'mi kiminik" the gatekeeping droid suddenly retracted back into its hole and the gate remained closed, Kyle slammed his fist on the wall in frustration.

"You weren't allowed in, huh?" Polina casually asked a surprised Kyle.

"You knew they wouldn't let me in didn't you!?" Kyle said in accusation.

"They never let anyone in, at least no one like me… I thought with you saying you're a Jedi and all they'd allow you inside." The girl's insinuation puzzled Kyle as he looked back into the surrounding marketplaces and run-down buildings, everyone wearing dirty garments and carrying in scrap and other junk to clean at tables made from rusted durasteel.

"So you're not allowed to leave the planet, I thought you said this was a spaceport!" Kyle asked.

"Well we actually call it more of a landing field," Polina corrected Kyle, "usually only people who run the stands or know the others inside get to leave, most of us are still indebted."

"Who is 'us'?" Kyle asked once more as he crossed his arms.

"The junk scavs, anyone who ventures out into the wreck deserts, ever since a couple of scavs stole a freighter off Unkar we're not allowed into bay three anymore, anyone who tries never makes it," Polina explained, there was a bit of resentment and sadness in her voice as she looked down and kicked the sand rather impassionately, Kyle noticed her mood shift.

"This Unkar, who is he?"

Polina looked up to the Jedi once more, "the junkboss, we give him all we find over there at his stand!" she pointed at a heavily armored blockhouse not too far from them. Kyle thought for a second, perhaps he'd be able to negotiate with this Unkar and find passage into the bay, the Jedi began walking towards the stand with Polina still following curiously behind him.

It did not take long for them to arrive, the whole settlement was not that large, Kyle saw as a scavenger handed several wiring and other pieces of technology into the stand only to be handed a couple of silver packets. Turning around with a disappointed expression the scavenger was confronted with a tall bearded figure standing right before him, Kyle stood firmly as he simply nodded to the scavenger who sprinted away in fear much to the Jedi's confusion. Kyle took a few steps forward to the service window, he could barely see inside through the screen but noticed the jumbled mess of parts and other pieces of scavenged scrap from various ships, some he recognized while others he did not.

"You are not affiliated with this outpost, are you?" A deep grouchy voice sounded off from within the stand.

"No, I am not," Kyle replied, "I'm looking for a way off-world, I heard you may be the person to speak to for it."

"Wrong, I am the person to talk to, lifts off Jakku are hard to secure these days," the supposed junk boss Unkar said with a deep wheeze before continuing, "what do you offer in exchange?"

His glare steady and posture firm despite the torture of the desert, Kyle looked within his right pocket and brought out a handful of credit chips, most of which were of a silver color while others were of a golden tint.

"I believe this ought to cover the expenses," Kyle said with unerring confidence as he set the bundle of credits on the stand.

Unkar let out a laugh followed by a slam onto the table from his side, he laughed heavily and the blockhouse could visibly tremble at the junk boss's guffaw which was cut short by him approaching closer to the screen and looking at the puzzled Kyle straight in the eyes.

"If you want to make jokes, go somewhere else, otherwise don't waste my time, reprobate…" With that said the stand's screen was closed up as the credit chips bounced off the stand and down onto the sand. The whole interaction left Kyle speechless as he picked up the chips and looked at them with concern.

"He's not going to take credits, here what matters is the salvage you can find," Polina appeared from behind the Jedi, she looked curiously at the credits in his hand, "and they better be good ones…"

"Well I don't have time for running through scraps to find power converters, I need a starship and I need it soon…" Kyle suddenly felt the heat of the day begin to truly kick in as he felt a cold sweat and stumbled down onto the ground barely able to keep himself awake. Polina approached the man hurriedly as she felt his brow and knew he was suffering from dehydration, possibly from extreme hunger as well.

The deserts of Jakku were not forgiving to everyone, especially those who were new to it, and Polina was used to seeing many others succumb to it, but this one was different, she knew he meant business and she would not allow him to fall victim to the elements.

"Come mister Jedi, you need rest," Polina said worriedly as she took Kyle's hand.

"I… I need to find a ship…" Kyle said slowly, struggling to keep his balance.

"Rest first, ship later!" Polina said authoritatively, to which Kyle acquiesced silently by standing up with his remaining strength, following the girl's lead until the two came upon a junk dump not too far from the outpost. Several vehicles and ships of different designs were piled up, all torn and scrapped except for a singular ship which stood out from the heaps of metallic garbage of different eras past their usefulness and dumped in here to rot.

What Kyle could make out of the ship was rather murky, much of it a rusted blue and grey, with a blocky fuselage connected to what seemed to be a pair of long s-foils that ran above the co*ckpit. A slim, rather dilapidated door opened up sideways after Polina inputted a short code onto the pad monitor. The interior of the ship was quaint, spacious enough for Kyle to enter unimpeded, he scanned around to see an assortment of trinkets, parts, and crates all piled in different places. A long piece of thick cloth hung on two opposite sides of the ship to make a makeshift bed, Kyle noticed some of the odd trinkets shaped in the form of ships, dolls, and other makeshift toys. By the looks of it, this was Polina's "home", if you could even call such a rusted trash heap that.

"How long have you been living here?" Kyle asked while curiously inspecting what seemed to be bolts and a battery welded together to make the shape of an AT-AT. Polina suddenly snatched the toy off Kyle's hand and calmly walked towards the front of the ship, the co*ckpit was a two-seater and seemed to be of similar design to ships made by Incom, but this particular design was alien to Katarn. The Jedi kept inspecting his surroundings completely unaware of whatever the young child was doing, he then noticed a familiar symbol, the three-pointed Starbird of the Rebel Alliance.

Setting his hand lightly onto the largely discolored insignia Kyle had a brief melancholic moment as he remembered back in the days of the Galactic Civil War, working alongside Jan, retrieving the Death Star plans, and meeting Luke Skywalker. He never thought he'd long to be back in those days when life seemed simpler.

"Hey, mister Jedi master!" Polina's words brought Kyle back from his reminiscing as he looked back and saw her handing him a small plate with what seemed to be a piece of white bread on it. Taking hold of the plate Kyle eyed the meal with slight uncertainty but he nonetheless nodded to Polina.

"Thank you," he said as she merely smiled and walked back to the other side of the ship, Kyle following her to find several more crates arranged as if they were chairs and tables, Polina gave a gesture for Kyle to take a seat in one of the improvised chairs and he did rather awkwardly.

"Aren't you gonna eat too?" Kyle asked, Polina nodded to him as she set another plate underneath a tube, she pressed a red button and a device that seemed to be some kind of condenser attached to the wall and with several long tubes going up and through the ships windows began to sputter. Polina then opened a silver packet similar to those that the junkboss had given out earlier, soon enough water came out of the tube and into the plate at which point Polina dumped a powder from the packet into the water and mixed it with her fingers. Within seconds the mixture turned into the same bread that Kyle had on his plate much to his amazement.

"So, this is what those packets are for…" Kyle said with a slight smile in realization. He smelled the bread and bit into it, finding the taste rather bland and the texture like biting leaves. Polina meanwhile ate the piece of bread without much hesitation, Kyle couldn't complain much as he felt he hadn't eaten anything in days and for whatever reason, this strange girl was helping him, at this point he began wondering why that was the case given how everyone else had greeted him so far.

Taking another bite from the bread Kyle swallowed it harshly before taking a look at Polina, "So, why exactly are you doing this?" he asked. Polina looked at the Jedi with wide eyes as she was just about finished with her portion bread.

"What do you mean, mister Jedi master?" she replied with a muddled voice.

"You can cut the 'mister' part and just call me Kyle," he said bluntly while taking another bite from the bread, the taste only got worse after each bite, "it's obvious you've lived here for long, and by how most of the locals have treated me this ain't exactly the most friendly of planets," he set the plate aside and leaned forward, "so what's your reasoning to helping a guy who fell from the sky and by all means could be crazy?"

Having eaten the last of her bread, Polina chewed casually as she then rested her back and looked at Kyle with no concern at his attempt to interrogate her. The girl had a smug to her and she seemed to be enjoying keeping Kyle in the dark.

"Fine then, thanks for the grub kid but I think this is where we split," Kyle said as he rose from his seat, still nauseated from the heat sickness Kyle would rather take his chances alone than continue to depend on a shady kid from a backwater planet. Just as he was about to make his way out of Polina's home the child finally spoke up, her words this time truly catching Kyle's attention.

"I know where you can get your ship…" Kyle's eyes glimmered for a second as he looked back at the kid.

"Alright, now we're getting somewhere," Kyle sat back down on the crate, "so, where's this ship?"

Polina's smug turned into a more sincere smile as she glanced around and spread her arms in a demonstrative manner. Kyle was unamused, to say the least.

"You serious?" Kyle looked around the ship himself and could only see nothing but a derelict piece of junk that could barely even count as a home, much less a working ship. Kyle chuckled a bit as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Listen, kid, I don't mean to make you upset but this thing is not gonna fly. You'd be better off trying to use an Ewok glider to get off-world than this rust bucket…"

"A what?" Polina asked, puzzled.

"Forget about it," Katarn uttered dismissively as he rested his head back and rubbed his eyes, and let out a frustrated sigh.

Polina meanwhile was far from upset, she realized her home had seen better days but she was convinced that it could be repaired.

"I've been working on this U-Wing for some time now, Unkar doesn't know it but all I need is two pieces to make it fly," Polina said with confidence.

"Oh, so you're some kind of engineering prodigy now!?" Kyle wisecracked.

"Well you learn a lot when scavenging, and from watching others do it too, according to the manual all I need is a stabilizing coil and an energy cycler!"

Kyle's chuckle turned into a full laugh, "Good luck finding any of that here kid, most likely every ship with an energy cycler has been stripped by now, and stabilizers lose power about a year after going unused."

"Well then it's a good thing there's a place here that has all those things in working conditions!" Polina remarked with a coy smile to a cynical Kyle who looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Ah, so you're also a thief?"

"Who said anything about stealing, I'm only saying that the blobfish wouldn't miss a couple of parts, It's not like he's bleeding for them," Polina replied quickly, almost as if she had the answer stored for use already.

With little else in terms of alternatives, Kyle knew it was either working for days, possibly weeks to find the parts they needed and never make it off the planet of going with Polina's 'suggestion.' Katarn was not a stranger to procuring things he needed from others, he had done that with the Empire plenty of times. Though he didn't act like it was something honorable and much less did he enjoy doing it. Nonetheless, it seemed it was his only option.

"Alright then, say we borrow these things from the junkboss, we get the ship fixed, what's in it for you?" Kyle asked as he raised himself up from the wall he was laying on.

"I want out of this planet, I don't care where you go, I'm coming too!" Polina said brusquely.

"Alright, so you got your mind set, is it that easy to leave your homeworld for you?"

Polina scoffed at the insinuation, "This isn't my homeworld, much less a place I want to live in, all I want is whatever is out there. Must be better than this…"

"Believe me, kid, you don't know how unforgiving the galaxy can be," Kyle retorted, speaking from experience.

"Can't be worse than living day to day scrounging for parts and eating these…" The girl said with a more depressive tone as Kyle looked over to the makeshift condenser, the empty silver packet, and the piled-up crates all covered with dust. He couldn't quite blame the girl for wanting to leave, by the Force he wanted to leave this hellhole as soon as possible and it seemed this impromptu partnership was his best bet so far.

"Alright then, we get the parts, repair the ship and we're out of here lickety split, together" He extended his hand to Polina, "deal?"

Polina didn't hesitate as she quickly took a hold of the Jedi's hand and shook it with a smile, to which Kyle smiled back.

"Alright then, now," Kyle said as he grabbed what remained of his portion bread, "tell me everything about this Unkar guy…"

Chapter 3: Awry


Marooned and devoid of a swift exit, Jedi Master Kyle Katarn faces the daunting challenge of acquiring the vital components required to mend the vessel shared with his newfound ally, a resourceful scavenger named Polina. In pursuit of the remaining elements to resurrect a dilapidated craft from the Rebellion era, Kyle stands on the precipice of a formidable endeavor – infiltrating the lair of the notorious scrap overlord, Unkhar Plutt. The mission ahead is laden with peril, demanding cunning and finesse from the seasoned Jedi...

Chapter Text

Night on Jakku was pretty much like one would expect of such a dry and hostile desert planet, shivering cold which contrasted with the scorching heat of the day. It was kind of pleasant given how unforgiving the day heat got, at least Kyle thought so as he crept through the junkyards of the Niima outpost, careful to not draw any attention as the infamous militiamen of the local constable patrolled the empty tarp stands and derelict buildings, looking for stragglers who would attempt to break into the spaceport. Kyle for his part didn't intend to break into the port but rather into the concession stand of Unkar Plutt, the long-hated big shot of Jakku who just happened to possibly have the pieces needed for Kyle and his newly found partner in crime, Polina. That mysterious little girl who seemed to have a knack for conniving, in most circ*mstances Kyle would question such but he didn't have the luxury of picking allies at this moment.

Sneaking past the militia was not hard by any means, an easy enough job compared with other situations Kyle had found himself in such as when infiltrating the Doomgiver. He still couldn't quite believe there was no Galactic Alliance, no New Republic, and by all accounts no Jedi Order, this world was either truly secluded from the galaxy or something very wrong had happened, Kyle didn't know what to make of the whole thing. The Jedi master couldn't stop to ponder, that was more Luke's style and he was definitely no Skywalker, the main goal was to get the pieces, get out of this sand heap, and then see what the situation truly was like.

As he approached the concession stand he could hear faint conversation close in, two militia members stood guard at the entrance of the stand.

"Um vizbir, wez fulat?" One guard said as if questioning the other.

"Chezula waztula, Mando kaz zier…" The other replied. Their language was a strange one but not one Kyle hadn't heard before, judging by their appearance with the large hats, slit yellow eyes, slim tall figures and the way their voice sounded somewhat deep due to respirators he assessed they were Kyuzo's most likely, though the language was not one that he was in any way fluent or even knowledgeable about. You spend years traveling the galaxy yet can't be bothered to learn more than basic and a few miscellaneous tongues, droidspeak at least was useful, Kyle thought.

After waiting behind a pile of crates for the guards to leave Kyle continued to sneak through the darkness of night and moved closer to the stand, he inspected its perimeter. It would seem rather frail and easy to break into at first glance but from what Polina had told him the cargo crawler turned blockhouse had a sturdy security system which made breaking into the stand near impossible, even touching the structure could activate it. Kyle was careful as he circled the blockhouse and found several peculiarities, when looking at the stand from an angle he could make note of a subtle rift at the perimeter, you could make it only slightly but it was easy to spot at an angle with the moon's light which peaked through the top tarps surrounding the stand. The rift was of a bluish tint and transparent to the stand's darkened and rusty exterior indicative of shielding not unlike those used in starships.

"Ah I see… motion deflection shield wall, impressive," Kyle murmured to himself as he scratched his chin, conjuring up ways to somehow bypass this security system.

Usually these systems relied on either a power terminal activated from somewhere nearby, or it could use a system reliant on a user's code, voice, or other kind of personalized input. Either way Kyle at least knew what he was up to and as such he began to look for whatever cable or any indication of where the wall's power was coming from. It didn't take him long to find one which led to a tower connected at the gate separating the outer junk village from the bay three platforms. If he acted fast enough he could possibly deactivate the wall without drawing any attention, get into the stand and find the parts and be gone before anyone noticed.

"Easy enough," the Jedi said as he made his way towards the tower, he avoided the various searchlights around the perimeter fence. Their patterns were easy to break through as he moved quietly and closer to the tower, he looked up and noticed one of the militia members standing guard at the very top, Kyle readied himself to leap up but found himself coming down with a deep headache followed by a nauseating sensation within his body. He wasn't sure what to make of this but he nonetheless committed as he jumped up using the force to exert himself and as he rose up he came into view of the guard whom he simply pushed back with the force causing the Kyuzo guard to drop back onto the rails of the tower. As the guard regained his composure he got ready for a fight but suddenly found himself stopped midway by a manifestation outside of his understanding.

"You will deactivate the shield wall," a soft voice compelled him, the guard could do little more than acquiesce as with a mere touch on his wrist pad the terminal powering up the concession stand's security system shut off.

"You feel tired, take a rest…" with those words the guard fell into a deep sleep, dropping down onto the floor of the watchtower.

As he stopped making use of the force Kyle let out a tired groan as he looked over to the stand, he felt exhausted for reasons unknown, as if his body would give up on him and the force felt anomalous and even hostile to him. He couldn't stop to make any note of it as he knew it was a matter of time before the other guards notice something was off, regardless he knew the force around him seemed disturbed. Making his way down from the tower the Jedi battlemaster made his way back to the stand, taking a handful of sand from the ground he tossed it at the structure and found that the shield wall was indeed deactivated. Cutting through the long depleted armored steel wall was no problem and Kyle found himself inside a true treasure trove of parts, loads of them all neatly stacked within racks and carts of various sizes. Kyle couldn't hold a chuckle as he quickly began to look for the parts needed for the U-Wing, that ship's design still perplexed him and so did the Alliance's emblem. Polina had mentione that many ships of the Alliance had fallen during the battle with Imperial forces here long ago, Kyle just couldn't recall such a thing ever happening during the galactic civil war, at least not in a planet such as this one. He still felt that weakening sensation but he knew he had to power through it.

"Stabilizing coils… Cyclers… Come on where are you," Kyle murmured as he looked through the racks and storage crates, nothing but useless parts ranging from a crate full of microvalves, band limiters, and even some power capacitors, though those seemed to have run out of charge.

"Lots of useless stuff here, so much for this being easy pickings…" Kyle scoffed as he set his hands on his waist, thinking of what to do. He tried to breath, tried to feel the force around him but all he could sense was a nauseating affliction, it was like his connection to the force was not cut off but more so confused and chaotic. It made him drown in a cold sweat as he struggled to think clearly, frustration started to turn into a sense of dread followed by anger as Kyle slammed his boot onto a crate, then a second one and then an entire rack, the sudden impact made the rack fall apart as an entire portion of the wall within the stand broke down and unveiled a hidden stash of more components, it seemed the so called Unkhar was smart enough to hide the more valuable pieces away from prying eyes.

"Jackpot," Kyle said excitedly as he hurried to move the broken rack out of the way and began scrounging among the hidden cabinets, this truly was the treasure trove. Shield boosters, ion dispensers, even some components which Kyle didn't know much about. What truly did catch his eye was a rack with several coils and modules, he approached and looked through each one, it was difficult to tell which was the adequate one for a U-Wing.

"Alright, if what she said is true then Incom must've designed that ship," that made finding something compatible a bit simpler but still, he was completely barren of knowledge on the U-Wing.

"This one will have to do," he said as he picked a piece shaped like a ring the size of a hand and set it inside a small burlap, it was smaller than the space for the stabilizing coil back at the ship's reactor core but it would have to do.

Next was finding the energy cycler, and finding it was not the hard part as there was a small glass container on the wall with several of them as Kyle noticed, but the problem was that they were noticeably strapped to an alarm system, Kyle could see the infrared motion detectors within the container, getting any cycler out would not be easy.

"Just as I thought this place's security was not that good…" the Jedi approached the container and inspected it carefully, one wrong move, even touching it could trigger the alarm system as any movement within would be detected. He had to be careful but he had some idea of what to do.

"Alright steady," Kyle reached out with his hand, the despite his shaky connection with the force he concentrated enough to lift the container carefully. The action took quite a toll on him but he knew he had to endure it if he wanted to escape this planet. Letting out a breath as he managed to keep the object stable enough he took the wrapped up coil with one hand and kept the container floating with the other. It was a pain on his body to keep it up for so long but again he reminded himself of what was at stake.

Exiting the hidden storage room and the stand proved little challenge for Kyle despite the tight space, though the pain he felt deep within didn't subside he knew he could hold it off until getting to Polina. He took careful steps on the sand, engaging in a slow but ever so constant walk leading back to the wrecked U-Wing, little by little the Jedi made his way towards his destination. The cunning plan would go without a hitch as Kyle made his slow progress back to the ship, it would seem as if it had been too easy. And it would've been had it not been for the sudden reappearance of the two Kyuozo's who had stood guard at the stand beforehand. The two had come from right across a corner of a shop and into the way of the would-be thief, the rigged container still hovering above his hand.

The two guards and the Jedi locked stares for what seemed like an eternity, the former needing time to process what was unfolding before their eyes and the latter gulping nervously while trying to keep a balanced hold on the object in his grasp.

"So… I guess you two can't just forget this happened right?" Kyle asked with a slight uncomfortable smirk.

The two guards looked at each other then at Kyle and subsequently raised their blasters aiming them at the Jedi, the two began to bark orders that though in a language that was unknown to him, Kyle could put two and two together.

"Hey listen, we can work som-" Kyle was cut off by a guard advancing onto him and continuing to issue commands at Kyle, which he could not quite understand.

Kyle knew he had to think of something fast, "Alright at least let m-" a guard suddenly shot at the ground, an obvious warning sign for Kyle not to move. It was now or never, all other guards would've heard that and he was exposed either way, Kyle knew he had to act.

"Fine, fine," Kyle said while slowly letting the sack with the stabilizer down, the pain of holding the container began to take a bigger effect as he could feel the cold sweat on his brow, his bones trembling and his mind engulfed in a pain of indescribable proportions, he had not experienced something like this since perhaps retaking his force connection at the Valley of the Jedi and even that was tame compared to what he felt now. He couldn't keep it up anymore, he had to act and he had to do it fast or both him and Polina would never get out of this planet.

"Zizeana Zo Wi-" Before the guard could even finish his command he only caught a glimpse of an object headed right at his head, the second guard approaching was surprised but nonetheless fired his blaster at the thief but to no avail as Kyle lunged forward and rolled away into cover, the security container having been the object he had force thrown at the first guard. The remaining Kyuzo kept his weapon fixed onto the Jedi's hideaway as he continued to fire sporadically in hopes to keep the stranger in cover, little did he know that within the security box laying now on the floor the infrared detectors had triggered and with a slight delay the box blew into a blaring somewhat ear drumming alarm which caught the guard unprepared as he felt his ears ring with the piercing sound of the alarm system.

This was Kyle's chance as he acted fast, igniting his saber and vaulting over cover he sprinted towards the stuttered guard and kicked him out of his way before quickly slicing the box containing the energy cyclers. The cyclers dropped at the sandy ground and Kyle wasted no time as he took a hold of one of them and forced pulled the sack with the coil back to him, it was time to scram. Guards began to inundate the entire outpost as sleeping scavengers and other locals looked in confusion of what was unfolding.

The Jedi ran as fast as he could, each step sinking him slightly into the sand but nonetheless he kept a brisk pace while guards crawled all over the outpost, at every corner there was two or more with their flashlights and blasters ready to kill. Kyle knew there was only once chance out and he could not possibly take on the entire militia, at least he didn't think it was something he could do without putting innocents in danger.

"Sithspit, this Jedi code often feels like it's more harm than good," Kyle expressed in annoyance as he sprinted past tents, workshops and other parts of the outpost hurriedly towards the junkyard of Polina. He could feel how more and more guards were pilling up behind him, following his tracks as he had made no effort to make his exit discreet.

Unkar Plutt couldn't help but laugh, offering New Republic credits had to have been some kind of joke, of bad taste but a funny one nonetheless upon reminiscing. To see such a level of tomfoolery made him a tingling within his bloated self that caused him to crackle as he inspected a binary motivator, probably the only half-decent item he'd collected throughout the day.

"With some tweaking it could work on a star speeder, for perhaps 30 rotations," he chuckled while taking a hold of a meiloorun fruit and bitting a large chunk of it, contrary to all others in the outpost the blobfish was doing quite well for himself selling scavenged parts for more than they were worth, all while just having to give away lowly rations. Indeed Plutt made a good living for himself despite the oddness here and there, though he still couldn't help but sulk at how it all had nearly come crashing down due to that wretched girl and the stromtrooper.

It was then that Plutt's reminiscing was cut short by a banging on his door followed by a ringing at his nearby terminal. It would seem that the alarm system of his stand had activated.

"Blasted thieving vermin, they never learn!" the bubblering alien groaned as he had to push himself from his hover chair and towards the door, the Crolute opened up the door to find one of the Nimaa constable Zuvio standing tall right at the front.

The constable only had a second of a glance to see within Plutt's precinct, a large tank filled with some kind of blue substance could be made out in the dark, as could hundreds of pieces of scrap and other ship components adorning the walls. Fur matts of different types adorned the floors as did a collection of rare trinkets and other valuables within a tabletop at the far end of the room, signs that Unkar was not in dire needs of funds if he could afford to let such things as beskar ore and Nabooian marble sit around collecting dust. Despite the seemingly decrepit state of the place from the outside it was ten times better than anything anyone else could ever dream of in such a place like Jakku, Zuvio couldn't deny he sometimes felt the urge to riddle the blobfish with blaster holes and just take the place for himself, it wasn't as if he'd be missed.

"SO, who is it!" Plutt screamed out, making Zuvio refocus back on the situation.

"Ezzuto zazesu kaza" The constable stated coldly.

"I know that very well already, I want his head on a plate!" Plutt screamed out in a rage.

The time was here, everything was ready, at least most of it was. The foils were fitted with new plating, the controls oiled and recently changed from parts of an X-Wing, and the sealing was functional, at least she hoped as much. What was more of a wildcard was the quad engines, if at least two of them worked they'd theoretically be able to at least fly out of here, but that was already a big if. She had high hopes regardless that this would work, it had to work otherwise she knew the fate of those that stole from Unkar. For 5 years she had been working on this, five long years that seemed like an eternity after countless days of scouring through ships, reading manuals and having to rely on pure speculation and a lack of two vital parts which were the ultimate blockades to her escape.

And yet a new hope had fallen from the sky, quite literally, Kyle was either truly who he said he was and he'd be the key to their escape or perhaps he'd get them killed. Either way was better than wasting away further in this hell hole for any longer. She had lost too much, too many people to not go through with it. She inhaled deeply as she felt her heart race, it was one thing to wish for something for so long and then another entirely to finally be at the gates of it as one could feel the fear within making them question if they truly wanted to go through with it.

"Polina!" The voice of the Jedi rang out, "Polina let's go!"

The little girl didn't have the time to look back anymore, she realized fast this was it and there was no more going back. She turned from the pilot seat to find Kyle frantically entering the gunship, frantically looking behind him as if he was bringing with him the entire Nimaa militia. And that was exactly what he had done.

"Didn't you say you'd be quiet?!" Polina said with frustration.

"Look I said I'd get the part as quietly as I could, now quit yapping and give me a hand here!" Kyle said with a hurried voice as he opened up the reactor block of the ship. Polina meanwhile hurried up to get the ship ready to take off.

The reactor core of the U-Wing was not unlike that of other ships Kyle had seen in his lifetime, certainly didn't have the top notch modularity of the Moldy Crow or the more refined engineers of the Raven's Claw but it was something still serviceable. He first introduced the stabilizing coil into the adjacent cog right at the middle section of the core, though smaller than the original piece it still fitted well into the mesh.

"Alright, energy cycler, the most important part…" Kyle said under his breath as he took a hold of the part, inspecting it quickly he looked around inside the core compartment, the core's emitter on but it needed the new cycler in order to power up the entire ship but to do so he'd have to be fast, too slow and the entire thing could blow up from an short circuit. He felt the cold sweat drip down his brow as he readied himself to take the old cycler out and had the fresh one at the ready, he took a breath.

"Kyle, you done back there!?" Polina asked with concern, she could see the lights of the incoming guards fast approach, she herself began to break a sweat of nervousness and fear as it seemed that doom was approaching.

"KYLE!" She sounded off even more worried.

"Do it now!" The Jedi clapped back as Polina didn't hesitate to press on the activation handle and start up the ship.

Suddenly a few sparks flew out as Kyle had just barely switched the cyclers, the main core spinned up and though at first seemed unstable it quickly began to transmit a steady flow of energy. The entire thing gave Kyle a sigh of relief as the ship turned on, the lights of the cabin turned on as the engines began revving and expunged dust and sand from within as the pink ion energy began to emit from them. Kyle couldn't hold but smile.

Polina was ecstatic, she finally felt the years of hard work be worth the entire thing as the U-Wing slowly began to ascend from the grounds of Jakku. From afar the suns of the desert planet began to unfold across the horizon and for the first time Polina could see it all from up top, at least higher than she'd ever been able to be.

Kyle for his part began to make his way to the front but suddenly he felt the urge to stop as a blaster bolt lande right at the ceiling missing his head by a few inches. He looked down and could see dozens of guards, their blasters aimed at the ship, they then began firing volleys of blaster fire at the run-down Alliance gunship. Kyle hurried to close down the side door as he fast approached the co*ckpit.

"Alright kid, time to get out of this dump of a planet," he said as he took a hold of the controls, he was unsure how to properly work them all at first but it was time for him to relearn Incom controls fast. The hyperdrive computer seemed to be almost in pristine condition, weird considering how used up the rest of the ship looked like. The two S-foils which had initially been positioned in a forward manner suddenly began to retract back, in a wing like position which Kyle was completely bedazzled at how to bring back to configuration, if that was even how it was meant to be.

"You gonna get us out or not!?" Polina's voice rang out, breaking Kyle from his momentarily uncertainty. He held onto the wheel and pressed onto the throttle, the U-Wing initially began shaking and trembling, sparks flying off from one of the nav displays and for a moment Kyle feared the worst. Then suddenly the ship soared forward with awesome speed, more than Kyle ever expected as he felt his body tense up and the force of the speed kept him strapped onto the seat for several seconds.

On the ground, Zuvio and the other constables saw as the decrepit metal husk of a bygone era soared through the night skies like a shadow in the night. The gunship's shape with its wing fully spread out cast a terrifying shadow down onto the outpost as it flew rapidly under the moons of the planet and suddenly it turned in the direction of them, clearly in an attack position. Zuvio's eyes widened as he gestured his men to take cover, the ship came in fast as it grazed the outpost's tents by only mere meters, the sudden force drawing sand and dust all over the place as tarps flew around. Zuvio looked up with a perplexed gaze, unsure why whoever the pilot was had not blown him and the others to smithereens.

Unkar for his part was in complete rage as he witnessed the wretched U-wing fly up once more into the night sky. His teeth gritted and his blobby hands turned into fists of anger as he then looked at his utility gauntlet and pressed on a red button which opened up his commns to an unknown listener.

"I want that piece of junk blown out of the sky!" He ordered coldly.

Suddenly within the fenced up town secluded from the junk posts of the outpost, two large doors opened up on top of what would appear as an abandoned building and a platform slowly ascended to reveal a pristine starfighter, a Kihraxz light starfighter to be precise. This type of model had been used once by the Black Sun but like many of its type it had found itself in the service of Unkar Plutt. The blobfish chuckled as he saw the starship activate its engines and quickly take off from the platform.

Within the co*ckpit of the renegade U-Wing Kyle found himself at odds with controlling the sheer speed of the vessel, the two S-foils shaking violently as they opened up wide. The throttle was completely stiff as he tried to pull back, the stabilizing was all over the place as the ship kept rocking and shaking whenever it tried to go in a straight direction. Worse of it all it seemed that the weapon systems of the ship were completely degraded and who knew how the hyperdrive would turn out given how shaky the power cycler was.

"We would've been better off just stealing a ship, or making one from the damn scraps all over the place!" Kyle grumbled as he held onto the control wheel and kept the ship in a drifting direction, whenever it seemed to be maneuvering the stability increased.

"Hey, I told you I only fixed the basic stuff!" Polina shot back as she held on to dear life on the co-pilot's seat.

Amidst the bickering of the pair they had failed to notice the terrifying Black Sun starfighter creeping behind them, it didn't help that the ship's warning systems were completely nonfunctioning.

"We're gonna need at least 10 minutes before the hyperdrive powers up," Polina said while looking at the console, Kyle pursed his lips and before he could speak the ship was rocked once more, this time it made him lose his bearing as he felt the tell-tale impact of blaster fire hitting at the ship's rear. His eyes scrambled back and he could barely see the silhouette of something following them.

"Great, just what we need…" Kyle immediately went into full dog fight mode as he began to swift the ship's control in multiple directions, the ship's backup shields had barely held after that impact and he knew it would only take a couple more to bring them down. Polina meanwhile felt her heart race as she looked at the hyperdrive console once more, the power up was at fifty percent, she gulped.

The two starfighters engaged in a frantic chase as Kyle led the U-Wing in a zig zagging action, trying his best to anticipate the chasing assailant's targeting system. Red lasers kept narrowly missing the rebel ship which the pilot found to be surprisingly faster than his own, surprising given the state of the ship. Nevertheless the contending pilot had a mission and he would not be outdone by a relic as he prepared to fire a concussion missile.

Kyle felt his body tense up as he knew flying on open air was not going to cut it, he had to either get low, get to cover, or better yet behind the bogey. He looked at Polina, the girl was terrified as she had her eyes closed, her face was completely pale and she held tightly onto her seat. He had a duty to make it through, not only to return to the Praxeum but to keep this child safe and get her out of here, as he had promised he'd do. But this was dire, the odds were stacked entirely against them, outgunned and outmaneuvered by this pursuer.

He remembered the words of Luke, the story of the trench run and how Luke had achieved the near impossible by trusting the force. Kyle knew he had the force but his connection kept staggering and breaking and he was unsure of himself for that moment as he felt fear and anxiousness cloud his mind. Many times he had questioned his abilities and this was one of them but like many before he had to bounce up and go beyond his doubts, this was one of those times.

"You better hold on!" Kyle said as he held onto the throttle, it remained stiff but he held onto it tightly as he then straightened the ship, immediately the interior began to shake and tremble and it would seem as if they were done for as Kyle knew they were easy prey, he then closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Kyle felt the immense pressure of the force, how it kept piercing at his bones and churning into his stomach, causing him friction at the neck and making him sweat profusely from the brow. The immense pressure made him wince and grunt from the pain and Polina noticed this with worry as she felt that they were both done for.

Kyle wanted to recoil back, to break his connection but he pressed on and with all his might he pulled the throttle back and quickly maneuvered the ship to a spinning motion which caught the enemy pilot completely by surprise as he tried to avoid the spinning S-foil wings of the starship but it had been too late as one of the foils pierced right onto the Kihrax's nose and the ship began to lose control with smoke chugging out of it's engines it began to descend uncontrollably in direction back to the outpost.

Unkar saw as his priced starfighter began to quickly sink in the direction of the town and found cover within his so-priced loft as the ship impacted right onto the main gates of the fenced up space port. The ensuing crash had left the entrance wide open, it was unguarded and worst of all the local junkers had been woken up by the commotions and had witnessed as the electrified fence around the outpost began to power down and the entrance was entirely exposed. A few of them quickly became a dozen, and suddenly it was hundreds who began to sprint and rush at the entrance, though Zuvio and the other constables initially attempted to keep them at bay they had found themselves overwhelmed as the junkers passed by them fearless and uncaring of their orders. Zuvio was left unsure of what to do as he lowered his blaster rifle and so did his men, allowing the mob to descend onto the space port.

Unkar looked over to the holo cams in his loft and saw as hundreds of the scavengers who he had stiffed for years began to crawl into the space port like ants. The blobfish began to sweat and breath heavily as he saw how many of them were coming inside and most of the constables were outside of the gates. The blobfish darted clumsily to the exit of his loft and towards the hangar where the Kihraxz starfighter had taken off from but the fat and slow junk boss was quickly intercepted by dozens of angry scavengers who surrounded him and though Unkar attempted to fight off the horde it was a futile effort as he was gagged and tied up, the rebelling scavengers celebrating as they all lifted him up as a sort of victory prize.

Meanwhile up on the skies Kyle and Polina found themselves once more in an uncontrollable ship which seemed to be poised to crash at any moment as had their pursuer. Polina felt how the ship kept turning and now seemingly diving downwards and she kept her eyes closed expecting this to be the end… but it wasn't.

"You can open your eyes now," the voice of the supposed Jedi asserted, Polina was hesitant but she opened up her eyes slowly and saw that the ship was now flying calmly and unimpeded, right above the outpost that she had called home for so many years. They were actually flying with ease as she looked down to the space port, all kinds of chaos was unfolding down there, her fellow scavengers had made it inside and seemed to be waving up at them. She was amazed, overwhelmed with repose as she looked over to Kyle who held to the controls of the ship with a calm almost casual expression to her.

"I told you I'd get us out…" He said with a coy smile, Polina was perplexed, only a few minutes ago had it seemed that they were headed to their unceremonious deaths.

"B-but, how?" She asked.

"Trust in the force, it guides you even in the darkest of times…" Kyle's coy smile turned into one of assurance as the girl also smiled. She looked over to the spaceport once more as they began to ascend, she waved back, though her fellow scavengers would not know it she knew now they too had a way out.

"Now, let's get out of here," Kyle said as he looked over to the hyperdrive console, it had powered up and it seemed to have enough energy for one jump. He pressed onto the board and inputted the calculations, the ship had begun to break out of atmosphere and into space proper at last as it sealed up and the life support systems powered up, the right S-foil was completely torn but regardless the ship was stable for now.

"Alright kid, not a lot of options for us… But at least I know one place we can go to," he inputted the coordinates and took a breath. He hoped that the hyperdrive wouldn't blow up on them but this was their way out and anywhere else was better than this planet.

He looked at Polina, her face was one of trust as she looked at him with a smile once more. He smiled back and finally activated the hyperdrive, the ship initially shook but suddenly the portal opened up and the ship entered into the bluish contour of hyperspace, towards a new destination, through worlds unknown.

Chapter 4: Shattered Peace


Escape from Jakku, after having acquired all necessary components and only narrowly escaping their arid prison, Kyle Katarn and Polina find themselves in route to find the JEDI ORDER and whatever remains of the NEW REPUBLIC. However, despite Katarn's best efforts, he may find this to be a much more difficult task than he assumes...

Chapter Text

The tranquil skies painted a serene and peaceful dusk over the landscape. A gentle pinkish fog draped the marshes that stretched towards the mountains leading to the ancient city. The waning sunlight created a unique twilight, a phenomenon distinct to this place. The Bright Jewel, a bluish sphere, was nestled among the mountain ranges of Ord Mantell, emitting a soft aura as it retreated into the peaks. This breathtaking panorama was Old Goat Senth's everyday vista. He was a relic from bygone times who had found solace in this secluded corner of the universe. His fur, longer than customary for his Gotal species, defied the local climate's tendency to shed. Despite Ord Mantell's temperate and occasionally humid weather, grooming seemed unimportant to him.

Senth reclined on his hover chair by his modest shack's porch. With a tabac pipe in hand, he ignited the auto-lighter and inhaled the grey smoke that billowed across his foyer. The pungent scent signified true freedom for him, a liberation from the turmoil and vastness of the galaxy. From his perch, he relished the view—something rare in his life. Amidst the galaxy's endless cycle of calamities and cataclysms, this haven provided unwavering peace. The serenity embraced him, offering a sanctuary where his desires dictated reality. Here, tranquility was more than an illusion; it was his cherished reality.

As the Bright Jewel dimmed on the horizon, a glimmer caught Senth's attention in the darkening sky. Not just another star; this was different. The brightness grew, compelling him to grip his horns tightly, attempting to fend off the excruciating discomfort caused by hyperspace energy waves. Gotals, like Senth, had the rare ability to sense these waves, especially when a ship emerged from hyperspace. The incoming vessel—crash or wreck—was on a collision course with his homestead.

With widened eyes and a racing heart, Senth watched the impending threat. His peace shattered in an instant, and he grappled with pain radiating through his body and closed his eyes deeply. Then, as swiftly as it began, the pain ebbed, and Senth opened his eyes. Smoke now emanated from a crash site, only a short distance away. Resolute, Senth knew that whatever had intruded upon his sanctuary required immediate attention. He grabbed his scatter-blaster from the porch, activated it, and prepared for confrontation.

Amidst his furious gait, Old Goat Senth had no inkling of what was truly unfolding within the crash site.

Kyle and Polina's escape from Jakku had been a daring triumph. Fleeing aboard a relic from the past, they had soared to salvation. Yet, their fortune seemed to have ended abruptly as their current vehicle spiraled out of control, systems failing and hyperdrive overheating. Kyle wrestled with the controls, struggling to regain stability. The disarray mirrored their chaotic escape from Jakku. The vessel hurtled through the atmosphere, the Jedi master's sole focus: finding a safe landing spot.

Polina clung to her seat's rails, her fear palpable. Trust in the Force seemed distant as they plummeted toward the planet's surface. The Jedi master's determination was unwavering meanwhile, his attention fixed on a flat, open field ahead.

"Alright kid, hang on tight, this'll be a forceful landing!" Kyle's voice echoed in the co*ckpit, a warning about the impending forceful landing.

"I think by that you mean we're gonna crash!" Polina shot back as she held on to dear life once more, so much for trusting the force.

"Just hang on tight!" Kyle yelled out as the ship kept descending, down and down it went as Kyle kept a grip on the controls to the very last second. And then, impact.

The U-Wing crashed right through the tall greenery of the marshes of Ord Mantell's glades, piercing through the surface of the water and into the deep muddy terrain within, leaving a long trail of mud and debris behind it. Pieces of the ship flew in all directions as the S-foils had completely fallen out, scattered across the wetlands. Though the crash had been ugly, both passengers had found themselves virtually unscathed, Kyle could breathe a sigh of relief as it seemed that years of missions, and being aboard other ships hadn't failed to give him so much experience in how to properly crash land one, if that was something to learn.

"You call that flying?" Polina suddenly uttered as she once more found herself holding onto anything next to her, her grip stronger than that of an angry wookie, though perhaps it only felt as such to her.

Kyle scoffed, "Kid, once you've stolen Death Star plans, battled Sith cultists, and fought intergalactic raiders, then we'll talk flying. Now, let's move."

With urgency, Kyle unbuckled his belt standing tall amidst the wrecked up co*ckpit of the now unusable U-Wing. He immediately started gathering supplies from the wreckage – blaster charge packs, power cells, and more, storing them within a dusty back.

Polina for her part seemed to be in a daze as she dropped out from her seat and could barely stand still, feeling like her legs would fall off any moment. She had never experienced something like that before, the numbness of most of her body and her head twirling and spinning, at least that's how she felt. She couldn't even understand what Kyle had just said to her.

Kyle meanwhile continued to take everything that could be of use, a few portion packets from back in Jakku, nimate batteries, some unused glon embedder and even some electro-plasma scissors, he had not seen that in years. It seemed that was all he could take as he noticed smoke billowing from the ship, he knew time was limited. "Polina, we need to go," he urged. Yet, his haste was interrupted as Polina collapsed.

Kyle immediately rushed to her aid, kneeling down to her he shook her desperately, her eyes were twitching uncontrollably and her skin began to look increasingly pale.

"Come on kid, don't go out on me…" Kyle said as he kept trying to wake up to not avail. Finally the Jedi set on his backpack and hoisted her onto his shoulders, the fumes from the burning engines and mechanism began to invade the cabin further as it became a toxic death trap.

"Alright, time to get out of here on the double!" Kyle murmured as he covered the girl's mouth and nose with a rag, he himself lifted his shirt to cover his mouth. The Jedi once more made haste as he approached the side door, pressing onto the control switch on the side the door began to slowly open up, but it soon stopped not even a quarter of the way open.

"I got no time for this!" Kyle said in anger as he then held Polina against his shoulders with one arm and pulled out his lightsaber with the other, igniting the blue blade he easily cut right through the enclosed metallic door and with one single kick brought it down onto the waters of the marshes.

Finally the Jedi and the girl exited through the tight fit, Kyle holding Polina closely to his chest as the two made it out of the wrecked U-Wing and into the knee high waters of the marshes. Tall green bushes obscured Kyle's immediate sight but he was not concerned with that as he kept Polina onto his arms and began to make his way hurriedly away from the wreck.

As he carried her, Polina murmured incomprehensible words. Kyle strained to listen, but her muttering remained cryptic.

"Sa… Sa…" Polina's words were barely comprehensible to Kyle, he continued to make space between the ship and himself as well as the girl but he couldn't hold but look puzzledly at her.

A sense of urgency gripped him, and he knelt beside her, his hand on her forehead. Closing his eyes, he focused on the Force, attempting to understand her ailment. The darkness he encountered was unlike anything he'd seen before.

"Salvation… Salvation is within… Within it, within it… they locked away salvation… locked us away…once free... will live forever" Polina continued to stutter much to Kyle's bewilderment.

"Hey, hey kid… Polina!?" Kyle kept trying to wake her up, his confusion had turned once more into worry. He had promised to get her off Jakku, that much he had achieved, but for her to quite possibly die in his arms, that's something he would not allow. Kyle had to take a deep breath, remember the teachings of Luke to see within oneself during times of trouble, that had worked back in the desert and he had to do it once more. To trust in the force.

"Breathe, feel the energy…" Kyle reminded himself as he continued to attempt to see within Polina's living force. He continued to see darkness, darkness that was unnatural for such a young age and he also saw suffering, suffering indicative of years of repression and isolation. Within the struggle with the darkness Kyle could see glimmers of light, happiness and joy, but also melancholy and loneliness. All of these were natural within every being of the galaxy but Polina had experienced little of the light, and he couldn't help but feel for her more than before.

Suddenly, a set of horrifying eyes appeared within his own mind, causing Kyle to recoil in fear as he fell back onto the waters of the marshes, still holding onto the unconscious Polina. He opened his eyes, and before he could delve further into Polina's condition, the sound of a blaster aimed at him interrupted his concentration.

The Jedi looked up above and saw the concerning sight of an armed Gotal standing atop a hover-raft and with what seemed to be a short barrelled blaster, a scattergun type by the looks of it. Kyle remained still, looking straight at the assailant and not making any sudden moves.

"You betteeer have a good reason to have crashed that dang fossil onto my marshes boy," the Gotal asked with an accusatory coarse tone, his eyes covered by a pair of darkened visors but he had a mean face and Kyle could tell he was in no mood for coyness, and he himself had not time to waste.

"W-we went off course,the hyperdrive overloaded and we exited out here… I have no idea wher-"

"You're in Ord Mantell boy, but this hereee is my farm and you're ruining the seeds of my labor, add insult to injury that you drove all the dang krill away…" The Gotal, clearly of an older age and continuing with the rolling of the e's cut off the clearly distraught Kyle.

Kyle gulped as he tried to think of the right approach, he had an unconscious Polina on his arms and an angry alien pointing a blaster at him, this was not the best situation to be in, "Mister, I swear to you, I'll make it up to you… You can salvage anything from our ship, all I ne-"

"You mean that heap of junk?" The Gotal once more interrupted, "and the name is Senth boy, Old Goat Senth to you…"

"Right, my apologies mi-, Old Goat Senth…" Kyle said with a calm yet shaky voice, "There's still some valuables inside, all you hav-" Kyle abruptly flinched as the U-Wing only some meters away from them began to be engulfed in flames much to his dismay, he looked back at Old Goat Senth and he knew this could go only two ways for all it seemed.

"Well boy, it seems there won't be much to salvage hereee after all," Old Goat Senth said sarcastically, still aiming his weapon at the intruder. He had never been keen to strangers, much less those that disrupted his simple yet calm life. He had the drop on the stranger, he could fill him with a good array of bolts now and put an end to this mischief, but as he made his considerations he noticed something about the man, how he now held the little girl in his arms in direction away from the scattergun's range.

"If you're gonna kill me, at least spare the kid…" Kyle said as he continued to cover Polina with his own body.

Old Goat Senth's scowl then turned into a more calm yet still stern expression. He realized this man and his child were lost and confused, and whoever this man was he was not one to try to put his life above her's. That meant something to the Old Goat, even if he wanted to pretend otherwise.

Kyle continued to keep Polina tightly to his chest with one hand, while with the other he had begun to slowly move it towards his holstered pistol which the Gotal had not noticed, his left arm slowly creeping towards it across Polina's back. The Jedi knew he would have to be fast, and not miss, he didn't want to kill the old man but he would do so if he gave him no other choice and he knew these few precious seconds would determine that. It was then that he heard the next set of words from the Old Goat Senth.

"Climb up," followed by the sound of a folding ladder dropping onto the water.

Kyle turned around, eyes widened as he kept carrying Polina, the U-Wing at his side continued to go up in flames as he looked up to the Old Goat Senth with what were clearly eyes of gratitude.

"Well come on then boy, I ain't got all day…" Old Goat Senth was in no mode for dramatics as he lowered the scattergun, however he still had it ready to blast the stranger if he tried anything.

"Thank you… Thank you…" Kyle said as he moved over towards the ladder and with one hand he held onto it and began to climb up, holding the now fully unconscious Polina over his shoulder.

Guided by Senth's gesture, Kyle carried the unconscious Polina onto the hover-raft, where a worn but functional protocol droid operated the controls, its chassis a discolored blue. Kyle set the girl over a mound of what seemed to be nets, he did so lightly and with care, she was still breathing but she was looking paler by the minute.

"It's gon take weeeks to get this cleared up, krill season is about to end," As the farmer expressed his displeasure at the loss of his marshland and livelihood, an unexpected detail caught his attention – a lightsaber hanging from Kyle's belt. Old Goat Senth's hostility surged once more.

"Lightsaber!" Old Goat Senth said with a heightened voice as he once more aimed his weapon at Kyle, the Gotal knew being trusty was a mistake now. Kyle for his part rose up from where Polina was and turned around, now looking at the newly murderous Gotal straight in the eyes, no longer with a wailing and desperate expression but an apathetic look as he lowered his brow at the farmer.

"Be thankful at least your little girl won't have your blood all over her, I'll tell her you died in the crash" Old Goat Senth said as he readied himself and was just about to squeeze the trigger, then as if in the blink of an eye he saw his scattergun fly right out of his hands and drift away from his grip and towards the stranger who casually reached up and now he held the scattergun at the defenseless Old Goat Senth.

"Now, you were talking about me dying in some crash, right?" Kyle said coldly.

The two locked eyes, each assessing the other's intentions. It would seem that one man was not getting out of this raft alive, at least that's how it seemed to be heading for Old Goat Senth as he remained steadfast and surprisingly stern, his eyes continued to stare at the Jedi coldly as the only regret that the Gotal could feel at that moment was not having fully enjoyed his evening tabac. Finally as he let out a breath and slowly closed his eyes, Old Goat Senth readied himself for what was to come.

And yet as what he thought would be his last seconds turned into what seemed like an eternal limbo, nothing came. Senth had expected to have his chest pumped full of blaster bolts, and yet he remained breathing.

As Old Goat Senth opened up his eyes the sight beholding him was that of his scatter-blaster, levitating softly in front of him with the barrel not pointing at him but upwards away from both him and the stranger. Senth felt a strange sensation of relief and confusion as he looked at the stranger with uncertain eyes .

"Is this some kind of twisted Jedi trick, just get it done with and kill me already," Senth said, skeptic as always.

Kyle remained unfazed, chin up and his cold stare had turned into a more understanding glare.

"I'm not a murderer," Kyle answered plainly, "all I need is a place to stay for the night, she's sick…"

In the midst of this standoff, the memory of Polina's vulnerability rekindled Senth's empathy as he looked over to the girl who had remained on the mound of nets, her appearance disheveled and sickly. The farmer's scowl transformed into contemplation, recognizing the complex interplay of intentions and the fragile thread connecting their fates. He still felt a certain nervousness about the Jedi, or at least the man who he thought was a Jedi, but despite his own intentions to him only moments ago the man had spared him and was even handing him back his weapon. He realized the man truly was endeared to the girl, something he knew of as well despite his otherwise grim and uncaring disposition.

Acknowledging that the girl's safety trumped all else, Senth took a hold of the floating scatter-gun by its forearm, slowly. A shared understanding began to form, transcending the initial hostility as the Gotal nodded to the Jedi who then let go of the weapon's through the force.

"A-D10, get us back home," Old Goat Senth spoke up as he held the blaster down, him and the stranger still looking at each other directly, the protocol droid behind the controls of the quickly obeyed.

"Certainly master Senth," the protocol droid replied as the hover-raft moved through the marshes, Kyle and Old Goat Senth found themselves in an uncertain alliance, their fates intertwined by the wellbeing of the sickly scavenger girl.

Chapter 5: The Jedi and the Farmer


A momentary peace, after a heated confrontation with the reclusive farmer Senth, Kyle Katarn now finds himself in common understanding with the Gotal as the two aim to give aid to Polina who has fallen gravely ill, Kyle for his part may find revelations that this galaxy may not be his own...

Chapter Text

The interior of Senth's humble shack lay still and tranquil, untouched by disturbance for most of the day. The reclusive farmer seldom set foot inside his quaint yet tastefully furnished abode until day's end. However, Kyle and Polina's presence had disrupted this customary routine, causing the creaking slide doors of the farmer's dwelling to swing open and reveal the soft, dusky light of the evening as the pair hurriedly entered.

Leading the charge, Senth swiftly strode into the room, placing his scatterblaster meticulously in a cubby beside the doorway. Shedding his goggles, his brisk strides bespoke a being who knew his surroundings intimately. Carrying Polina in his arms, Kyle followed closely behind. The girl remained unconscious, ensnared by some affliction that had befallen her.

"Set heeer up on that table over there," Senth's voice carried across the room, accompanied by clinking and clattering sounds as he prepared. Acting without hesitation, Kyle cleared a nearby table of mysterious objects, making a space to gently lay Polina down.

Surveying the interior, Kyle scanned the dwelling with quick, yet perceptive glances. It was a lightly adorned, albeit slightly cluttered living space. Scattered crates and containers adorned the floor while an assortment of trinkets and oddities of various sizes were strewn about. Curiously, fragments of droid parts adorned the walls, hinting at a peculiar fondness for these discarded relics. A gossamer curtain partitioned off an area where Senth's activities produced muffled sounds. Despite the enigmatic state of this home, Kyle remained unfazed, focusing on more pressing matters than the eccentricities of the hermit's dwelling.

Kyle's gaze settled on Polina, an unspoken dedication to her well-being shining in his eyes. With a deep breath, he closed his eyes, allowing the Force to envelop him. Sensations of life surged around him— the ambient sounds of creatures, the subtle vibrations beneath his feet, even the peculiar energies of this dwelling. Placing his hand on Polina's forehead, he attempted to channel the Force, seeking to penetrate the darkness clouding her mind.

"Pressing your hand against her won't help, partner," Senth's words emerged as an unsolicited observation.

Interrupting his concentration, Senth's voice sliced through Kyle's focus, a grizzled tone resonating with a touch of irreverence. The Jedi turned his attention to the Gotal, their gaze meeting. A silent tension hung in the air, marked by Kyle's unwavering determination and Senth's stoic demeanor. The Gotal's stride carried him closer, a peculiar case in one hand and a mysterious visor in the other. This visor, an odd amalgamation of white, angular forms, had another device attached to the back, suggesting some arcane purpose.

With suspicion woven into his voice, Kyle inquired about Polina's condition, expressing his concerns while carefully watching Senth's every move.

"She's cold, I don't know what's wrong with her… What is all that?"

Unfazed by Kyle's caution, Senth approached the table, regarding Polina with a measured gaze. Tapping her forehead lightly, he then activated the visor with a press of a button on its module. Dim light emanated, casting an ethereal glow. Senth's intention to move the device toward Polina was thwarted by Kyle's swift hand, covering her head in an unspoken protective gesture.

Locked in a silent exchange, Kyle and Senth's eyes locked, a muted standoff between caution and conviction. "I'm not gonna ask again…" Kyle's words dripped with a mix of caution and rising tension, his grip on the situation palpable.

Senth, however, maintained an expression of sardonic indifference, his slight tilt of the head questioning Kyle's seriousness. "AD-10, come on in!" he called to the protocol droid, breaking the tense ambiance.

The blue-tinted droid strolled in casually, inquiring about his presence.

"You called, master Senth?"

"Explain to our buddy here what these are, I feel that anything I say will tickle his guts or worse…" The Gotal crossed his arms.

"Of course, master Senth!" AD-10 approached the table, looking at the still unconscious girl, the devices on the table, and then at Kyle.

"The device master Senth is trying to install onto this ailing patient is called a brainwave probe, commonly used by the Kaminoans, it should serve to detect anomalies within the psyche of the user," The droid explained rather plainly, it once more looked to the girl, "I advise you allow master Senth to perform the scanning procedure, otherwise the patient may expire."

The droid's efficiency in elucidating medical terms contrasted starkly with Kyle's cautious reticence.

"And the other stuff?" Kyle asked curiously though still cautiously awaiting any wrong move on the part of Senth or the droid.

"Common medical performance compact chest, it carries a variety of medical tools such as stim packs, pathological scanners, bone restructurers, infusion pads, verte-"

"Alright I get it," Kyle interrupted as he eased off, he knew he had no other choice but to allow Senth to continue, though his instincts told him to be cautious he found himself increasingly strained as he felt his chest compress and sweat continued to drip down his neck. Same sensations as back on Jakku, though this time not as severe.

This all didn't go unnoticed as Senth and AD-10 glanced at each other seemingly puzzled.

"I detect you're under duress, I recommend you sit and allow master Senth to give much-needed relief to this young patient, if we are to save her we must act rapidly," AD-10 couldn't emphasize the urgency more so.

Kyle gulped as he then looked down to Polina, and back to Seth. The drawn-out mutual suspicions would have to be set aside now, he knew that much and he had to remember who he was meant to be. Though many questions remained in his mind Kyle simply bowed his head slightly to Senth, a clear indication to proceed.

Senth didn't hesitate as he immediately prepared the probe to be set up on Polina's head. He strapped the device first setting the visors onto the girl's closed eyes, then gently setting the device at the back on her back. As he hurried to set up the probe and activated it Senth only gave a few looks to the Jedi, he couldn't exactly blame him for being cautious, he himself had aimed his scatter-blaster no more than 10 minutes ago. He still had many doubts about his intentions, his origin, and just why had he not put an end to him at that moment but that all would have to wait. Both men's doubts would have to wait.

"Alright, that's all ready…" Senth said lowly as the white light within the back module began to blink rapidly, the visor also lit up to a pattern of green, blue, and red colors. Within the span of only a few seconds the light stopped at blue. Senth's unsure expression now turned back to a more stern one as he opened up the medical chest to reveal a multitude of gadgets.

"What's wrong, what does that mean?" Kyle asked worriedly.

"As I initially suspected, lightspeed psychosis," Senth said plainly.

Kyle's confusion only heightened, "What?"

"Hyper-Space Induced Neuroafflicted State, colloquially known as Lightspeed Psychosis, a subject may contract it from prolonged proximity to hyperspace waves, either due to unsecured access points within a starship, looking directly at its light, or chemical brain imbalance, I suspect that the patient here may have contracted it due to her young age. Additionally, I believe it is important to explore the ori-"

"Save the leeecture for later AD, get the psionic ressecutator ready," Senth ordered the droid off as he himself set up a pair of gloves and took hold of a long tube connected to a wire. The droid meanwhile obeyed as it approached what Kyle could only assume was the ressecutator and pressed a few buttons, it then began to pump and jiggle and emit a low humming sound. Senth immediately inserted the tube within Polina's ear, carefully setting it inside as he then took hold of a small monitor which was also a part of his medical kit.

"Alright then, AD, get ready to begin the extraction procedure on my mark!" Senth said, he could feel part of his fur shed from the stress as he looked within the monitor, Kyle was entirely lost as he himself approached Senth and looked at the small screen. Within he could see a dimly lit needle, it seemed to be traversing within Polina's eardrum following closely towards some kind of cavity.

You may want to sit down partner, I don't think you'll like what happens next…" Senth said bluntly and before any warning Kyle observed as the long needle pressed right against the skin within Polina's eardrum and right into her skull. Kyle was caught completely by surprise as he stepped a few feet back from the image, he felt his teeth grit at the discomfort of knowing what Senth was doing.

It was then that Polina began to convulse once more, shaking violently and causing the table to tremble. AD kept the ressecurator stable but Senth knew he could not work with her shaking like that.

"Partner, you better keep your kid still if you want me to save her, I won't ask again," Senth said almost a snarky remark at Kyle's expense. The Jedi didn't lollygag as he immediately grabbed onto Polina's arm, trying to keep her on the table.

"Hold her head, this next part may wake her up or…"

"Or what!?" Kyle said with worry.

"Well according to Republic data, 60% of patients who go through the neurohype disturber procedure don't awake from their comatose state, however that statistic may not be fully accurate as my databanks date from befo-"

"You mean she may die!?"

"It's a possibility, though one should take into consideration various factors relating to the subject's skull diameter, age c-"

"AD, execute extraction now!" Senth barked.

"Initiating," AD-10 immediately obeyed as it pressed onto a set of buttons and as fast as he had inserted the needle Senth extracted it from within Polina's ears, as Kyle continued to struggle with keeping her still she suddenly stopped. The Jedi looked at the girl, she was still pale, and felt cold as ice, for a moment it seemed the worst had unfolded as Kyle looked at her with continued worry.

"Come on kid, come back…" Kyle said as he took her gently by the head, he tried to once more connect to the force as he closed his eyes, he could still feel that darkness, the solitude, and hidden pain, but within the confines of the darkness of it all he saw it, he saw a light and then a spark.

As Polina's body settled, her complexion gradually shifted, revealing signs of life and restoration as her breathing returned to normal and her skin began to warm up. The tension in the room eased, replaced by a sense of relief. Kyle's concern for Polina manifested as he held her close, his gaze reflecting a complex mix of emotions—gratitude, weariness, and determination.

The room transitioned into a brief respite, allowing Kyle to reflect on the unexpected alliance formed within these walls. Senth's initial hostility and Kyle's guarded caution had evolved into a shared purpose to save a life.

Senth looked at the scene with some slight satisfaction, knowing the girl was okay, he knew it would work but AD-10's constant need to lecture and tell odds was part of the reason he preferred for it to stay outside. He looked at the needle, its tip embellished with a blue gush at the very tip and he seemed completely unimpressed by it, as if this had been something he had seen many times before. Regardless, it was not all over, there were still some steps to take to make sure the girl would recuperate, and the sooner that happened the better.

Looking one last time at his medical case the aging Gotal pulled out a syringe which had a squared device attached to its side and a flat end. Without giving any kind of forewarn he injected it right at Polina's exposed arm, causing the child's body to flinch for a second.

"That should help with relieving the fatigueee and aftereffects… she should be okay by morning…" he began to set the medical equipment back onto the case while throwing the now-used syringe aside onto an empty crate.

"The A.9a adrenal stimulator is a marvel of galactic medicine, stimulates the body's production of epinephrine, blood cell recovery rates, and a multitude of other enzymes and vital bodily functions!" AD-10 added with a near-exciting voice.

Cradling Polina in his arms, Kyle stood up and looked to Senth, "Thank you, I… I don't have much but I can try and pay you wi-"

"Pay me by leeeaving tomorrow in the morning, you both already created enough issues for me so the faster I could get you going the beeetter. You can set her up on the divan there," Senth said dryly as he took hold of the probe and began to make his way back towards the room he had emerged from, leaving Kyle to his own.

"Oh guests, how exciting, I shall prepare dinner for more than one tonight!" AD-10 said as it began to make way towards what seemed to be the kitchen, located only a few feet onto the wall on the other side of the cabin. It was then that the droid suddenly made a turn directed to Kyle.

"Shall I offer you some blankets for your daughter, visitor?"

"It's Kyle… and yeah, please," he replied while setting Polina onto the couch right in front of a circular fireplace made with piled-up stone, an ornate design to say the least.

As he sat beside Polina who was deep in sleep, Kyle observed around the place, the first chance he had now that the dust had settled. He noticed various things about Senth's, how the foundations and beams had been refurbished with charubag steel by the looks of it, the roofing had plastoid alloy in several sections, and yet the walls were made mostly with wood and several of the aded containers and blast door at the entrance were clearly not originally a part of how this place had been designed. This all spoke to Kyle that either Senth had lived in this place for a long time, or judging by his gear and his behavior thus far, he had turned his back on every aspect of populated areas and decided to live as a hermit in a run-down yet partially remodeled home.

"This should be sufficient to keep the young one warm for the night, Ord Mantell does have nights that reach minus twenty-five degrees," the droid handed a neatly folded blanket set to Kyle who merely nodded.

"I shall commence preparations for dinner, I do so hope master Senth likes talifenian broth with glaze sauce, I'm attempting a new recipe just for this occasion " AD-10 walked back towards the kitchen, leaving Kyle to his thoughts.

As minutes turned into hours, Kyle continually thought back to what he had seen, how he had delved into Polina's mind and had seen those very same eyes from that strange temple and it continued to haunt him. He had been to the dark side many a time, but this time he felt that this darkness was different from years ago, this one seemed to be following him and torturing him as he remembered the words of that wretched voice.

"The way to walk in the vergence…" He tried to make sense of the words, each and everyone but his memories kept betraying him, every time he tried to meditate back to that moment it was all a blur, all he could remember was Jan, talking with her and suddenly being here, he couldn't make sense of any of it.

Kyle rubbed his eyes and rested his head back onto the soft cushion of their resting place, looking over once more to Polina, she was deep in sleep. He also struggled to make much out of her, who she truly was, how she had even managed to get the U-Wing to semi-working conditions, and why she had decided so casually to tag along, this entire ordeal had been draining to him and he barely had the time to notice it.

"Visitor Kyle," the soft yet annoyingly embellished voice of AD-10 drew Kyle's attention from his attempts at pondering, he knew that was Luke's thing, not his.


"Dinner is ready, I shall inquire to master Senth if he shall join you!"

"Thank you, though I doubt he has much desire to sit alongside the man who crashed a starship onto his krill fields or whatever those were…"

"Master Senth is very much a reasonable being, I believe him and you can come to mutual understanding, at least until your departure in the morning."

Kyle scoffed and smiled, "I really doubt that, but I guess the force can work in mysterious ways." Suddenly the being of the hour, Senth himself made his presence as he exited his room and walked at a swift pace towards the table. Silently the Gotal sat onto one of the crude wood chairs, silverware and bowls had already been assembled by AD-10.

"Splendid, master Senth has decided to accompany you. Shall I make a serving for your daughter as well visitor Kyle?"

"She's beeetter off not eating right this moment," the cranky voice of Senth spoke up, "She eats anything she gon gag. Just let her rest…"

"I think it's best we follow the doctor's order here AD, but I'll take one."

"Wonderful then, two servings coming along!" AD-10 once more waltzs towards the kitchen, assembling all items with an exhilarated humming.

Kyle meanwhile approached the table, walking at a calmer pace he took hold of one of the chairs, the one he had picked was riddled with cobwebs and dust.

"You don't get many visitors do ya?" As Kyle spoke AD-10 approached the table, setting up two bowls containing a green-colored soup on each side of the table.

"What do you think?" Senth replied coldly, AD-10 had gone back and returned with a plate full of yellow bread rolls.

"Well judging that your first response to seeing two strangers in need was pointing a blaster at them, I'd say it isn't too usual of an occurrence, I also can't say you keep this place very tidy though I guess what's the point of keeping appearances if nobody comes around to see you, other than the blue servant over there," Kyle said with a bit of a sarcastic tone as he took hold of a spoon, observing the broth with curiosity before finally sipping the spoonful and finding the taste slightly acidic yet with a smooth passing and a nice flavor by the end of it.

"I'd love to say that it's my first time finding myself in that kind of situation, but unfortunately it happens more often than you may think…" he took another spoonful. Senth for his part remained with an unamused face and a clear scowl telling of a man who had

"Can't imagine why, maybe it's carrying that kriffing lightsaber around and crashing starships on one's home that causes that!?" Senth replied with disdain.

As he continued to savor the broth, Kyle remained unbothered at Senth's words, though he was curious at what he had first said.

"Listen, 'Old Goat' Senth," he took yet another spoonful before setting the silverware down, "I don't know what kind of problems you may have encountered with Jedi in the past, I know we're not exactly perfect but we've been trying to set the galaxy right as best as we can. Once I get back to the Praxeum I'll make sure you're compensated for what happened," Kyle's words made Senth become visibly confused.

"This is Ord Mantell right, I haven't been here in a while but if you take me to the closest city like Worlport I'm sure I can get in contact with a New Republic contact I know there," Kyle's way of saying those words, he sounded so sure of himself that Senth couldn't think at that moment, he was purely baffled.

"Have you been living under a rock or did you really hit your head in the crash that bad?" Senth said with an uncharacteristically sincere voice of concern, which caused Kyle to be taken aback.

"Fella, there's no New Republic, there hasn't been for a while now, and you don't want to even mention the words 'New Republic' anywhere here, they'll rip you apart faster than you can say Reek on a creek…" Senth said with a mocking scoff as he pulled out his pipe and set some tabac in it igniting it with his auto lighter he chuckled an looked back to Kyle.

"What else did you forget, 'cause if I have to refresh your memory as far back as Empire Day then I think you may be suffering some major brain damage…"

Though mired with a lot of questions now Kyle knew he had to be careful in what to say, "I guess you could say I haven't been in the loop for a while. Spent some time in the unknown regions, so enlighten me…"

Senth puffed the pipe, letting out a smokescreen so thick it obscured his face for a moment.

"Well, Hosnian Prime got turned into ash, as did some other planets. The First Order just waltzed in and took it all pretty shortly after that..."

"The First Order?"

"The remnants of the Empire which reorganized and attempted to regain control of the galaxy, during the so-called Hosnian Cataclysm approximately one hundred and fifty-five billion inhabitants of the galaxy expired as a result of the First Order's use of a superweapon known as the Starkiller Base," AD-10, the ever so ecstatic walking library explained before Senth could even speak.

Kyle was at a loss for words, visibly perplexed at what AD-10 had just said as he scrambled to make words, seemingly staring off into nothingness. He had fought many Imperials in the aftermath of Endor, but now one that he had never heard about suddenly had decimated the Republic, on a planet he had never heard of using a weapon that by all explanations could be a new Death Star.

"Dank farrik, you really don't know anything do you…" Senth chuckled, "Well I ain't taking the mindwave probe out again," Senth laughed, "Anyways, as AD said, they were in charge for a while but that didn't last… some kind of resistance group led an uprising. After that, there was an attempt to remake the Republic, but last I heard that fell apart…"

"And what of the Jedi?" Kyle asked as he bent forward on his seat, listening to everything with a mix of determined attention but also slight disbelief.

"Your pals, the Jedi Order, or New Jedi Order as I hear they call themselves now, were nowhere to be found during the war, and after the First Order fell the Mandalorians killed a whole lot of them, least that's what they say," Senth said casually, in a manner of clear derision towards the Jedi as far as Kyle could deduce, "they scattered and I've only seen a couple of them in Ord Mantell City, acting as hired muscle for whoever pays the most," Senth inhaled his pipe and puffed it once more through his flat nose, salivating in what he found was the relieving senses of tabac.

Kyle meanwhile was not sure what to think, or even if he could believe anything he had just heard.

"How recently did you see them?" He asked.

"Why, keen on reconnecting?" Senth said with slight scorn followed by an eye roll, "I haven't been to the city in quite some time, but I bet that tomorrow you can find out if they're still around…'' With that being said the Gotal stood up from his chair, taking with him a pair of bread rolls and his bowl all the while pipe still in his mouth.

"I ain't no inn, so you two better be gone before mid-day, have a nice night…" Slowly turning around Senth began to head towards his secluded room, leaving the Jedi to his own as AD-10 began cleaning up the spot his master had previously sat on.

"How long have you served him?" Kyle asked curiously.

"Oh, master Senth and I have quite the history, he acquired me long before the fall of the New Republic, and even before that of the Empire, I know he has his temper but he is quite a fair master," AD-10's words almost sounded like adulation, but Kyle didn't expect anything else from a protocol droid.

"You're not like any run-of-the-mill protocol droid I've seen, what custom programming did he install on you?"

"Well, while I am not at liberty to disclose much without master Senth present however I can say that I have fluency in over eighteen thousand languages and dialects, access to a databank detailing known inhabited starports and systems within the inner, mid, and outer rims, and also have a meals preparation application which has proven quite useful as of late," AD-10 replied, all the while Kyle fiddled with his spoon.

"You couldn't tell me which system has any kind of New Republic presence, if there even is one, I mean if this 'Resistance' defeated whatever the First Order was then there must be some kind of new government out there…"

"I, unfortunately, do not know much about the current state of galactic affairs, the last time my databanks were updated was three standard years ago, one thousand two hundred and four rotations ago to be precise, however, I could run a data scan on my memory bank to find any relevant information that may be of use in your search visitor Kyle," AD-10 then approached Kyle's side of the table as he had just finished his bowl, "May I take that?"

"Sure, thank you," Kyle said as he handed the bowl to the droid.

"I must say, it is quite a change of pace to have guests, master Senth usually isn't much for conversation!" AD-10 strolled back to the kitchen.

Kyle chuckled as he looked back to Polina, he stood up from his seat and approached her, she was still deep in sleep as her breathing was a smooth tranquil one and she was lost in dreaming. Kyle didn't bother trying to delve into the force, he wanted her to rest, that much she deserved and so did him.

"I think I'm going to try and catch some rest, thanks for the food AD…"

"You're very welcome visitor Kyle, I shall activate the fireplace to keep you and the young visitor warm, have a good rest." The words were immediately followed by a circle of blue flames lighting up around the fireplace, emanating a nice warmth for both Kyle and Polina.

Kyle sat on the spare space on the couch, resting his head back and closing his eyes.

A voice of terror echoed down the corridor of Kyle's consciousness. His surroundings morphed into a long hallway hewn from unforgiving stone, stretching into an otherworldly infinity. Ahead, an intense, almost blinding light pulsed, casting stark shadows that seemed to dance with malevolent intent. The disconcerting glow did little to dispel the growing sense of dread that coiled around his heart.

"Kyle!" The cry reverberated, sharp and insistent as if etched into the very stone itself. Its echo bounced off the walls, distorted and haunting. The urgency behind the voice was palpable, but its source remained elusive in the surreal illumination.

"Kyle, come back, Kyle!" The repetition was relentless, clawing at his senses like a desperate plea from the void.

"J-Jan?" The words escaped his lips, a mixture of surprise and confusion. The familiarity of the voice, tinged with worry and emotion, gripped him in its unrelenting grip.

Yet, the surreal scene was far from monolithic. Another voice emerged, layered with sorrow, clinging to the fringes of his perception. "Don't leave me, please… don't leave!" It quivered through the cold air, a mournful lament that seemed to rise from the very stones beneath his feet.

Kyle's head turned instinctively, drawn by the haunting call. The corridor behind him was awash with a sinister crimson aura that stretched out like a maleficent shroud. Along its eerie glow, a figure emerged, its form flickering in the dim distance. A figure in distress, as if battered by the weight of their own despair.

The agony of choice weighed heavily on Kyle's shoulders, a decision rooted in the unknown. The voice of Jan, a beacon of light, echoed once more. "Kyle, come back, come back to me!" Her words carried a plea for salvation, the safety of familiar shores in a sea of darkness.

"Please, save me…" The other voice, a whispered plea that tugged at his very soul, held a note of vulnerability that stirred empathy.

In the shadows of indecision, Kyle's mind spun, torn between these ethereal voices. As their cries intensified, a maddening crescendo of overlapping appeals, the walls of the corridor seemed to close in, pressing against his psyche.

The discordant voices, like warring sirens, wove a chilling tapestry of conflict that reverberated in his core. The intensity of their collision grew, their collective weight hanging in the air, threatening to shatter his resolve.

Amidst this symphony of psychological torment, those eyes returned—those bright, searing eyes that seemed to pierce the very fabric of his being. The sheer horror of their presence seized him, an icy grip that tightened around his heart.

With an abruptness that sent tremors through his very essence, the nightmare shifted. He was no longer a passive observer; he was the focal point of this maelstrom. In a blinding flash, a crimson beam of searing light lanced through his chest, an embodiment of death's cruel embrace. His eyes widened, reflecting the terror that now gripped him. The pain, both real and imagined, surged, a visceral reminder of his vulnerability.

Gazing upwards with a final effort, he sought the origin of this merciless assault. Darkness met his gaze, an abyss that seemed to absorb all light and hope. The assailant's identity remained shrouded, but the consuming void emanated malevolence that seemed to swallow him whole.

In that moment of piercing agony and suffocating despair, Kyle's reality buckled, folding in on itself, consuming him in a vortex of sheer terror. The voices, the eyes, the pain—they all converged into an overwhelming sense of doom, a symphony of horror that drowned out all else.

His eyes opened wide as he let out a sudden exalted breath followed by an instinctual need to go for his saber, Kyle had awoke to the same as he had fallen asleep on, the couch within the cabin of Senth, the fireplace at the front of the couch still had some dim fire within it, clear indication it had been running most of the night.

"I… It was just… how… who…" Kyle babbled incoherently for a moment as he looked around at the place in a frantic motion, he could hardly remember where he was for a brief second. It was then that he looked to his side and found Polina was no longer there, all that remained was the jumbled-up blankets AD-10 had brought for her the night before.

Standing up quickly he struggled to keep his pace, looking at his being he found nothing missing much to his relief. The shack seemed different, darkened as the light of the morning shined through the crevices and small windows around the walls. Looking around the shack Kyle found it empty, the small kitchenette devoid of any presence and so was the aging Gotal's room as the Jedi entered the quarters with caution, finding it a messy if cozy space. A flatbed laid at the corner of the room, covered by a green quilt, a few rundown terminals collecting dust at the far end, some piled up crates, and a small tabletop desk with various trinkets and other random pieces of technology scattered around, no particular method to this chaos. But Kyle did notice something, a small holoprojector laid right at the center of the desk and out of the odds and ends found on the table it was all Kyle recognized, he picked up curiously and pressed on the activator

A sputter was followed by the weak yet visible projection of an image, a peculiar one. It was that of two Gotals, one of them clearly a male the other one Kyle could only assume was s female. The two held each other side by side, the shorter female holding something in her arms Kyle could faintly make out the curled mushy face of a Gotal newborn.

Upon looking at such an image Kyle dwelled into realizations, remembering how people often hid more to their outward appearance and actions than they ever let out. At times it was easy to get lost in goals to realize how every being in the galaxy had their own story to tell, their own struggles, their own losses. Many did not have the benefits of Jedi training, a larger view of life, many would lose themselves in the dark and dwell on it. It was in that spirit that he knew the dark side could never truly be extinguished, it would always be a part of life. He himself had lost much throughout his life; parents, friends, allies, and so much more, and yet he had remained in the light even though in reality every day was a struggle for him as he had already been to the dark and back, something he would never be able to forget and thus he knew for many others it was a battle they more often lost.

Deactivating the projector with a deft touch, Kyle set it down on the table, his gaze momentarily shifting to the main door that led out of Senth's shack. Faint noises wafted through the air, originating from across the way. As if carried on a whisper, muffled screams reached his ears, their high-pitched cadence piercing the calm. A moment of tension gripped him, his instincts honing in on the source.

"Polina!" The realization hit him like a bolt of lightning. Reacting almost on pure instinct, Kyle summoned his lightsaber into his hand with a swift Force pull. Moving with a cautious stride, he approached the sliding door, uncertainty coiling within him. Pressing the control panel, the door slid open, revealing the vibrant morning sunlight that spilled in, flooding the room.

Emerging from the shack, lightsaber at the ready, Kyle surveyed the surroundings with an innate alertness. His gaze swept across the expanse, encompassing water fields that stretched into the distance and the looming mountain plateaus miles away. Yet, what he encountered was not the threat he had prepared for; instead, he beheld a scene of pure joy.

Polina, the very source of his concern, frolicked at the edges of the water fields. Her figure danced with abandon, arms outstretched as if she could take flight. A radiant smile graced her lips as she darted across the small beach, her exuberance mirroring the energy of the Ord Mantell morning. And then, as if compelled by the sheer ecstasy of the moment, she tumbled onto the soft, damp sands, laughter escaping her lips.

Kyle's wariness began to dissipate, replaced by a sense of wonder as he observed her playful display. With measured steps, he approached the scene, his lightsaber still in hand but no longer poised for immediate action. Polina, consumed by her amusem*nt, remained oblivious to his presence. The Jedi's boots sank slightly into the moist sand as he drew nearer, his watchful gaze a mixture of caution and affection.

"Well, you seem much better," he remarked, his voice laced with a touch of relief. Polina's response was a jubilant exclamation, her joy echoing in the air as she splashed water playfully, a gesture of connection and vitality. In an impulsive move, she sent a cascade of water toward him. Kyle deftly evaded, amusem*nt tugging at the corners of his lips, even as his blue pants bore the evidence of her playful assault.

Undeterred, he retaliated with a splash of his own, sending a small wave in her direction. The innocent water fight escalated, and soon both were engaged in a spirited exchange. Polina's hands scooped water, launching droplets in his direction, while Kyle's boots maneuvered deftly to create miniature tsunamis in response. In this ephemeral moment, they cast off the weight of their worries, relishing the simple joy of the present.

Memories of his own childhood flooded Kyle's thoughts as he joined in the merriment. He recalled days on Sollus, venturing to the lakes and beaches of his home planet, surrounded by friends and the boundless possibilities of youth. Amidst the exhilarating splashes and laughter, the shackles of the past and the burden of the present seemed to loosen, if only momentarily.

As their laughter mingled with the lapping of waves, an unexpected arrival made its presence known. AD-10, the protocol droid, emerged from the waterways, its mechanical form navigating the bushes with surprising grace. Its two legs united, the droid's feet created ripples as they submerged into the water. Its voice, a blend of formality and familiarity, greeted Kyle.

"Ah, greetings, visitor Kyle. Did you have a productive rest?" the droid inquired. Kyle's gaze shifted to the droid, his smile faltering slightly as he recalled his unsettling dream. He replied with a nod, "Yeah, I guess I slept well enough."

AD-10 proceeded to arrive on shore from the waters, its rotor mechanism disassembling back into simple feet.

"Splendid, I have taken the liberty to assemble your belongings into a bag, you shall find it back at the porch near master Senth's chair, according to my calculations the rations should last you well enough until you get to Ord Mantell City which lays approximately thirty-seven kilometers, however, I strongly advise you seek transport out of the city and to Worlport as the city is not very safe according to master Senth, a 'den of scum and villainry' he's referred to it."

Kyle's focus, however, shifted to the holstered Bryar pistol, a reminder of the challenges that could lay ahead.

"I'll keep that in mind AD," though he had only been to Ord Mantell a few times in the past, he had not heard of Ord Mantell City and he now felt even more unsure about finding any kind of New Republic backup after last night.

"By the way, where is that curmudgeon?" he asked. "Oh I believe he is at the storage shed over there," AD-10 pointed in the direction where a wooden shed could be seen not too far away, "We got done offloading some of the wreckage from your starship, unfortunately, most of its contents seem to have perished during the crash."

Kyle's gaze followed the droid's indication, spotting Senth near his hover-raft, preoccupied with the disarray of wreckage from the starship.

"Well I don't think anyone will miss that heap of junk anyway," Kyle answered back with a disregarding tone, Polina meanwhile looking at him with shock as that heap of junk had been her home.

"No offense kid," the Jedi added as he then stepped away from the scene and towards Senth, Polina following behind as AD-10 remained behind.

Leaving the waters behind, Kyle approached Senth, Polina trailing closely behind. Their steps were accompanied by the rustling of grass and the distant hum of machinery as the farmer tinkered with his hover-raft's engine.

"We're not staying?" Polina asked suddenly.

"I'm afraid not kid, we… well more like I, already made too much haze here and I rather not give this guy any more reason to want us out, we should be fine, don't worry…" Kyle answered as he looked at Polina with a faint smile.
The two promptly arrived at the shed as Senth seemed to be looking into the engine of his hover-raft, cranking and pulling onto the machinery with a wrench.

"Hey, Old Goat," Kyle said with a witty voice as he approached the Gotal who straightened up and away from the engine, raising his dark goggles and glancing back to Kyle.

The initial tension between the two seemed to linger, despite the attempt at banter.

"About time you woke up, now haul ass and get out of my farm…" he said with noticeable derision. Kyle meanwhile seemed composed as he simply tilted his head with a bit of coyness.

"We were just about, but I wanted to give you thanks for allowing us to shelter for the night, and for helping Polina," Kyle said with a calm and almost unemotional voice. Polina meanwhile seemed shy as she gave Senth a quick wave, her eyes shifting away from him.

Senth remained silent for a moment as his eyes shifted from Polina back to Kyle.

"You should get going now, AD-10 will show you the way out, don't come back," Senth's stance remained firm, his focus returning to the engine.

Pursing his lips Kyle patted Polina on the back, softly guiding her away from the scene and towards AD-10.

"Go, I'll be right behind you," he told her.

As Polina walked over back to AD-10 yet another moment of silence rose between Kyle and Senth, the latter of which broke it.

"If you want to keeep that girl safe I recommend you avoid Ord Mantell City all together and go towards Worlport, It's a longer distance but I'm sure your Jedi talents can get ya'll there…" Senth said as he continued to work on his engine.

Nodding in understanding Kyle tried to think of what to say, "I don't have much to repay you with, but I want to thank you for saving her, you didn't have to and you did and despite everything, Senth, I think you're one of the good beings in the galaxy, that much I can see in you."

Kyle's words of gratitude lingered in the air, an acknowledgment of the farmer's hidden virtues. Senth stopped working on his engine in that moment, glancing back to the Jedi with a scowl that turned into a softer expression.

"I wasn't gonna leeet her die, I would've let you die in the blink of an eye, but not her," Senth's response, delivered with a mix of bluntness and vulnerability, highlighted his underlying principles. While not a display of warmth, it revealed a reluctant connection forged through shared trials.

"Noted," Kyle answered with a bit of an awkward expression, "We'll try and stay safe, and I'll make sure we don't have to come back."

"Good," Senth then turned back to the engine once more.

Kyle remained silent once more, unsure of what else to say.

"May the force, be with you…" he finally spoke, Senth ignoring it completely leaving Kyle once more to his own thoughts, the Jedi then began making his way back to Polina who it turned out hadn't walked away too far from the scene.

Kyle merely looked at the girl with a momentarily annoyed grimace as the two were once more side to side and walked away towards AD-10. Passing by the Gotal's shack Kyle made sure to take a hold of his bag and set the strap on one side of his shoulder all the while Polina approached AD-10.

"I hope to see you again young visitor," AD-10 said with a polite tone.

"I doubt you will AD, but it's been an honor," Kyle interjected, Polina meanwhile smiled at the droid.

"It's Polina, my name is Polina," she giggled.

"My apologies, visitor Polina," AD-10 corrected itself, the droid then approached its hand to Polina and a small compartment at the middle of its metallic palm opening a small compartment which unveiled a small blue-colored twist-shaped candy by the looks of it.

"Tepasi taffy, I hope your journey is a safe and prosperous one," AD-10 added as Polina gleefully took the candy, she then suddenly hugged the droid which almost seemed to stumble for a second before it straightened back and it looked down at Polina with a curious wobble of its head.

Kyle meanwhile smiled at the scene as he looked back towards Senth once more, he wondered if the old Gotal would be alright but he could only trust in the force. He was more worried about Polina, her condition, and how they would get out of this one now. At least they were not in the desert anymore.

"If you follow the trail line leading, it will guide you out through a tunnel, there you must head north and you shall arrive to the road momentarily," the droid then offered Kyle yet another item, a compass by the looks of it, he took it without much hesitation, inspecting it.

"Once on the road you must head east and should arrive at the outskirts of Ord Mantell City within the evening."

"Thank you, take care of the old goat alright AD," Kyle said as he looked to Polina, and with not much else to say the two began to make their way out of the farm.
AD-10 observed as the visitors followed the trail leading out of the water valley and into the set of mountains and hills, it did not take long for them to disappear from his sights. The droid then approached its master, Senth was just about done with the hover-raft's engine.

"Did they leave?" Senth asked.

"They have, master Senth!"

"Good, we got a lot of work ahead of us… We still need to sort out the wreck and make sure nobody saw the crash."

"According to my calculations, there's only a ten point seventeen percent chance that Kord's men should have seen it. It came out of hyperspace pretty close to the atmosphere, I do not believe scanners would've detected it. Even so, there are slim possibilities that Kord would take interest in a strayed starship master Senth."

Senth pondered for a second, scratching the end of his bearded chin.

"Make sure the turrets are on anyway, once they leave I don't want to take chances…"

"Of course master Senth," the droid replied in obedience.

Chapter 6: Danger Looms


On the road, after a restive stay at Senth's farm and with newly regained strength, both Jedi Master Kyle Katarn and Polina are on their way to the nearest city within the treacherous planet of Ord Mantell. As Kyle and Polina continue their travels, the Jedi Master finds himself in deep thought, considering the state of the galaxy and what to do next with the newfound truths...

Chapter Text

As the water flowed freely, a chorus of creatures called out and the gentle, cool breeze brushed against Kyle's face for a brief moment while he sat beside the flowing river. Amidst this tranquil and serene setting, the Jedi's mind was filled with a tumultuous mix of thoughts. The New Republic lay in ruins, the Jedi Order had been fractured or possibly eradicated entirely, and he found himself on a familiar yet altered planet.

Kyle struggled to make sense of it all, a confirmation of Polina's accounts he had previously doubted due to her years of isolation on Jakku. It felt as if he were a man lost in time, unsure of what had transpired, how much time had passed, or if he was trapped in a never-ending nightmare.

"What guidance would Luke offer at this moment?" he pondered.

"Perhaps he'd say something like, 'You must have faith in the Force, Kyle,' or deliver a sermon," he replied to himself with a sardonic tone, a subtle dig at Luke Skywalker.

Although his ailing connection to the Force had improved, every attempt to glimpse the greater aspects of the Force yielded emptiness and faint, untraceable echoes. The Force wasn't proving to be a reliable guide at this moment.

"Well, that's disappointing," Kyle murmured, gazing at the river's unceasing flow, uncertain of his next move. Ord Mantell City seemed to be the best option, even though it wasn't a place he wished to linger in for long. Worlport was more distant, requiring several days of travel, a luxury he couldn't afford.

Taking a deep breath, Kyle fought to maintain his composure, even as the uncertainty of his situation threatened to engulf him. He had to remind himself that, despite past moments of hopelessness, he and his allies had always prevailed. But in this place, he lacked allies and friends, and an overwhelming sense of solitude hung over him.

"Hey, I filled these up!" a voice interrupted Kyle's contemplation of Ord Mantell, and he turned to see Polina approaching with two metal canteens.

"I still can't believe there's so much water," she remarked with a mix of excitement and skepticism, her years on Jakku having left her unfamiliar with such abundance of water.

"You spent your entire life on Jakku?" Kyle inquired.

Polina paused for a moment, her gaze fixed on one of the canteens, her expression shifting from melancholy to a genuine smile as she remembered her past.

"I remember a different life, somewhere else," she began, "but it's all so blurry. All I know is that we crashed on that planet, and we've been stuck there ever since."

Kyle raised an eyebrow in surprise as he listened to her, asking, "Your parents?"

"I never knew them," Polina replied dispassionately, indicating her reluctance to delve into her memories of them.

Polina raised her canteen to her lips, ready to drink from the river.

"Hold on a second!" Kyle exclaimed, reaching out with the Force and swiftly snatching the canteen from her grasp. Polina's reaction wasn't one of annoyance or anger but rather astonishment. Kyle reached into his belt and retrieved a small device from one of its pockets.

"Always make sure to check the safety of the water," he explained, demonstrating a device no larger than his hand. He took a drop of water from the canteen and placed it on a flat glass surface on the device. Polina watched with keen interest as the device's screen turned yellow, displaying some text.

"Yep, the water has a high level of bacteria and a dense population of morsik," Kyle declared, wiping the water off the scanner and returning it to his belt.

Polina gazed at him with wide eyes. "What was that thing?" she asked.

"A diagnostic screener, it analyzes material both organic and inorganic and can give a rough readout of their data or molecular makeup," Kyle replied casually, while reaching into his pocket once more. He noticed Polina's bewildered expression.

"Basically, it tells you what's wrong with things," he said, pulling out a slim cylindrical device with a white body and a blue cap on top.

"And what's that thing?" Polina inquired again.

"Just watch, kid," Kyle instructed. He removed the blue cap with a deft motion of his finger and dropped a white tablet into the canteen. He did the same for his own. Within moments, a foam began to form on the water's surface, accompanied by rising steam. Polina watched the process with fascination.

"These are water purifiers," Kyle explained as he then sipped from his canteen. Polina did the same though she rapidly chugged on her own, almost finishing half of it.

"Don't drink it too quickly," Kyle cautioned. "I only a few more tablets left."

"Sorry, mister J—" she began but corrected herself, "Kyle."

Chuckling softly, Kyle gazed out at the forested green hills of Ord Mantell, his view obscured by the undulating landscape. He estimated that they had a few more hours of daylight left, and they needed to continue their journey. He wasn't certain how far it was to Ord Mantell City, but he hoped that once they crested the hill ahead, they would have a better view.

Closing his canteen and securing it to his backpack, Kyle stood up, stretching his arms as he attempted to regain focus.

As they prepared to resume their journey, Kyle noticed Polina gazing at the flowing river with a distant look. She stood silently, her canteen in hand. "Kid, we need to keep moving," Kyle urged, walking over to her and gently tapping her on the shoulder. She looked up at him with a curious expression.

"What if you can't find anymore?" she asked, "What if you're the last Jedi left?"

Kyle paused, gazing at her incredulously before offering a reassuring smile as he knelt down to her level.

"Polina, being a Jedi isn't just about using the Force or wielding a lightsaber," Kyle began. Polina looked at him, puzzled but attentive. "It's about living by certain principles, like rules, you could say. These principles guide us to protect the innocent, help those in need, show compassion, be brave, and be what the galaxy needs – a defender of peace. As long as people uphold those ideals, calling themselves Jedi or not, then there will always be good in the Galaxy. I may be the last Jedi for all I know, but our spirit and message will never fade even if we do."

Polina's confused expression gradually transformed into one of understanding as she hung on Kyle's words. "So, if I do those things, if I protect the innocent and do good, could I also become... a Jedi?" Polina's eyes lit up with hope as she posed the question.

Kyle regarded her with a thoughtful expression. "From a certain perspective, yes, anyone can be a Jedi." He stood up, towering over Polina, and continued, speaking with sincerity. "But to be a true Jedi, you need training, an understanding of the Force, and a commitment to those guiding principles. It's not an easy path." Despite the seriousness of his words, Polina's smile remained intact.

"I want to learn, I want to be like you!" Polina declared with confidence. Kyle pursed his lips and studied Polina closely. He knew the complexities of being a teacher, with both successes and failures in his past. He recalled Rosh's fall to the dark side and Jaden's resilience against it. Luke had taught him that instructing wasn't straightforward, but learning from failure was crucial. He also knew that he needed a way to keep the girl focused, at least until he could find her a safe place.

"Alright, kid, it won't be a walk in the park. Are you sure you're up for it?" Kyle asked, although he already knew the answer.

Polina responded with a puzzled look, "A walk where?" Kyle let out a sigh but then chuckled. "Never mind about that."

He crossed his arms and emphasized the commitment needed. "I'll teach you what I can, but you must be prepared. It might take years, but if you work hard, you can become a great Jedi. I'll do my best to help you along the way."

Polina's eyes sparkled with excitement, her chin held high as if she was ready for her first lesson. Kyle smiled as he considered what to teach her first. "Come over here," he gestured as they moved closer to the river's edge. Kyle asked, "Lesson one – tell me, what do you see?"

Polina observed the water and the green surroundings. "A lot of water, lots of green, and that's about it."

Kyle acknowledged her observations. "That's what you see, but now tell me, what do you feel, what's around you?" Polina tried to sense her surroundings, feeling the cool breeze, hearing distant animal sounds, and the constant flow of the water. But she struggled to grasp anything beyond that.

"Just a bunch of noise, I don't get it. What's the point?" Polina's impatience was typical of a new student.

As Kyle approached the river, he explained, "What I feel is not just the river's flow, but the energy within it, the various life forms residing there, each with its place and pulsating spark." Kyle knelt down once again on the stony riverbank, rearranging a few stones to reveal a small flat insect crawling across the muddy terrain. Polina watched in wonder.

"Every living creature has its place, and we have our place too. We're all part of the natural cycle of the Force, where we find beauty," Kyle elaborated. Together, they observed as the insect ventured into the water, only to become prey to a lizard-like creature lurking in the underwater growth. Polina squirmed, feeling sympathy for the little critter, while Kyle remained unfazed.

"We also encounter death, a natural part of life. Without it, there's no life, and without life, there's no death and beyond. It's a cycle we maintain, ensuring balance in the Force." Kyle rose once more, his gaze shifting to Polina. "In the world, there's both good and evil, light and darkness. If we were to try to control this river, to save the insect from being eaten, we'd disrupt the cycle. The lizard would starve, the insects would overpopulate, and life would ultimately suffer. The Force would be unbalanced, leading to dire consequences."

Polina contemplated Kyle's words and asked, "Like what?" Kyle recalled various examples but chose a simple one to avoid overwhelming her. "I knew someone who believed they could use the darkness for good. It granted them power but corrupted their mind, almost leading them to kill my friend." Though he left much unsaid, his eyes conveyed the unspoken truths unknown to Polina.

"In the end, they returned to the path of light. But such temptations can affect even the best of us, Polina. The dark side provides power when you indulge in your darkest impulses – selfishness, greed, anger," Kyle said, gazing at the river. "But it twists you, and you may come to regret it. But it's never too late to choose the path of redemption. What matters is what's in here." He pointed to Polina's chest, emphasizing the importance of one's heart. Polina looked at her chest and then back at Kyle, struggling to fully grasp everything but sensing its significance. At that moment, she knew that Kyle was a genuine Jedi, a man with wisdom and experience.

"That's it for today's lesson. I'll teach you more later. Just stay close and don't gulp down all your water, alright?" Polina responded with enthusiasm, "Sure thing, master!"

"It's still Kyle, kid" he insisted. He hadn't quite gotten used to formal titles.

"Alright, Kyle," Polina agreed with a bounce in her step, moving a bit ahead of Kyle. He stole one last look at the river, taking in a deep breath, fully aware that many challenges still lay ahead. He had plenty of questions for Polina, but this lesson would help her maintain focus for now. The good thing was she seemed ready to listen to him, at least for the time being.

"Let's go, Kyle!" Polina cheered as she waved for him to follow. With a smile, the Jedi Master kept close behind. They trekked up the dirt road, ascending to the crest of the hill. At the top, they were greeted by the sight of towering structures and an array of ships bustling in what Kyle assumed was Ord Mantell City. While Polina felt like they'd been walking forever, Kyle hoped to find reliable transportation and, with luck, any remaining Jedi.

Kyle still had his doubts about Polina—whether she'd heed his guidance and if venturing into the city was a wise decision. He recalled Senth's warnings. Suddenly, Kyle addressed Polina with authority, "Polina, when we get there, stay close to me." She looked at him with confusion but nodded, her smile still in place.

"I mean it, kid. Anything could go wrong, and I need you to follow my lead, got it?" Kyle added firmly, his tone reflecting a newfound sense of authority. Polina swiftly picked up on her master's shift in demeanor, lowered her gaze, and replied promptly, "Yes, ma—Kyle..."

Kyle didn't relish giving orders, but he understood the necessity of safeguarding the young girl, especially as they ventured into potentially hazardous territory. With that in mind, he knew he had to conceal his lightsaber, hiding his true nature—a lesson he'd learned all too well.

The labyrinthine streets of Ord Mantell City pulsed with an eerie vitality, as if harboring secrets and dangers too wicked to fathom. Market stalls lined the cobblestone walkways, their wares illuminated by flickering neon signs, and an exotic parade of beings from every corner of the galaxy swarmed like a carnivorous hive. Yet, lurking in the shadowy corners and concealed alleyways, an assortment of ne'er-do-wells and malevolent figures slithered like serpents, waiting to pounce upon hapless prey.

The galaxy teemed with predators, those who would strike without remorse as soon as you turned your back. Polina knew this well, and she shadowed Kyle like a specter, her gaze never straying from his form. Her senses tingled with unease.

For Kyle Katarn, this dystopian tableau was all too familiar. He had trod the treacherous paths of Nar Shaddaa, navigated the perilous streets of Corellia, and delved into countless other cesspools of the Galaxy's darkest facets. The menacing glares from brutish Trandoshans, cunning Weequays, and a slew of other alien miscreants failed to even register on his battle-hardened psyche. With a resolute stride, he moved through the heart of Ord Mantell City, Polina clinging to his side like a lifeline, her anxiety palpable. They had barely crossed the threshold into this unforgiving city, and already the weight of countless unseen gazes bore down upon them, an unsettling prelude to the impending danger that loomed like a shadow over their every step.

"Get yourself some Jogan fruit, fresh from off-world," the raspy, bird-like voice of an Ishi Tib trader pierced through the bustling crowd, his bony fingers brandishing a round, purple fruit adorned with intricate white patterns. Polina's gaze fixated on this exotic sight, an enigma to her untraveled eyes. The vendor noticed the child's wonder and locked eyes with her.

"Astromechs, new stock!" bellowed a deep, guttural voice, belonging to a bulky Abednedo alien. Polina was well-acquainted with such figures from her days on Jakku, but to Kyle, they remained intriguing anomalies, inviting his probing curiosity.

"You there, young one! Delectable Mantell mix, fresh from the ovens!" called out the Ishi Tib trader, relinquishing the tantalizing fruit to reveal a pair of bags containing multicolored, bumpy spheres that captured Polina's fascination. She tugged on Kyle's hand, her youthful excitement evident.

"Kyle, Kyle, they're giving out that!" Polina's voice brimmed with enthusiasm. The Jedi promptly retracted her, his response curt.

"Perhaps another time," he addressed the vendor, who dismissed them with a disdainful snort. Polina's disappointment was palpable.

"They're not 'giving it out,'" Kyle grumbled with a trace of annoyance. "They're trying to empty our pockets, and I doubt they'd appreciate the New Republic credits I'm carrying." His reference to his currency did little to alleviate Polina's hunger pangs.

She remained silent, her gaze lowered, wrestling with her predicament. The pair had wandered for what felt like an eternity, surrounded by an abundance of tantalizing food stalls, none of which she could sample. It hardly seemed fair.

Kyle, meanwhile, doggedly pursued his goal, scouring the streets for any sign of Jedi or an energy resonance akin to the Force. The sprawling city offered no solace; its inhabitants were equally reluctant to offer assistance.

"Excuse me, do you know where I c—" Kyle's efforts to seek directions were met with indifference, the passersby ignoring his queries. He persevered, "Have you any idea where th—" Once more, his attempts fell on deaf ears.

He sighed in frustration, a sense of foreboding overtaking him. He glanced at Polina, her uncertainty mirrored in her eyes. With an awkward smile, he attempted once more to connect with the Force, yet found only emptiness.

"We'll find something, don't worry," Kyle reassured, though his own conviction wavered.

Suddenly, a youthful voice called out from behind, tapping Kyle's opposite shoulder. "Hey mister, looking for directions?" asked a young human boy, his attire modest, with a brown vest and a blue cap. Kyle regarded him with a stern expression, arms crossed.

"Depends. Are you charging for directions?" he inquired incredulously.

The boy smiled, "You could say that. I can give you directions for 10 credits, and I can even be your personal guide for a little extra." His gaze shifted to Polina, who cowered behind Kyle, peeking at him timidly.

"A young entrepreneur, I respect that. I don't have many credits, but I got some items of value that would fetch a fair price. Surely, they'll be worth more than 10 credits," Kyle responded, still unimpressed.

"Sorry, mister, we only accept credits," the boy replied.

As the boy and Kyle continued their negotiation, Polina clung tightly to her mentor. She observed the various signs and vendors around them, then cast a wistful look toward the Mantell mix trader. Her belly rumbled, and the hunger weighed on her, a constant reminder of her privations on Jakku. She didn't want to keep hunger at bay any longer, but she also didn't want to disappoint her Jedi master.

"Hey, you there," a voice beckoned her.

Polina searched the clamorous surroundings in confusion, the cacophony of the crowd making it difficult to pinpoint the source.

"Over here!" the voice called out again. This time, a taller boy with fair skin and curly red hair appeared, wearing a plain white shirt with an orange vest. His clear blue eyes fascinated Polina, who had never encountered such pristine features.

"I heard you need directions. I can get you wherever you want to go for free. Just follow me!" the boy said with a confident smile, gesturing for Polina to join him. Uncertain, Polina hesitated. She remained by Kyle's side, but her stomach's insistence grew louder, causing her to clutch it and groan.

The boy noticed her distress and revealed a small bag from his belt, opening it to reveal the same multicolored spheres she had found so enticing. "Mantell mix, want some?" he offered. Polina couldn't resist any longer. She let go of Kyle and reached out to take the bag. She eagerly plucked a sphere and savored it, savoring its crunchy texture and sweet taste, her face lighting up with delight.

"I have more, but you need to follow me. I can take you to your destination afterward. How does that sound?" the boy proposed, still wearing a friendly smile as he extended his hand to Polina. She glanced at the Mantell mix, then at the boy's hand, and finally back at Kyle.

"I really shouldn't. I have to stick with—" Before Polina could finish her sentence, the boy grabbed her hand and pulled her away, guiding her into the maze of the streets.

"Hey, what are you—" Polina began, but the boy quickly interrupted.

"Relax, we'll get some more and return to your dad without any problems," he reassured as he raced through the crowd with ease.

Meanwhile, Kyle reached an impasse with the boy he had been negotiating with, who remained obstinate about accepting only credits. "You hear that, Polina? Everything in our—" As Kyle looked down to speak to Polina, he realized she had vanished completely. Panic coursed through him, his every sense sharpening.

"See ya, mister!" the boy in the blue cap taunted with a laugh as he dashed past Kyle. Enraged, the Jedi sprinted after him, navigating the bustling streets as he shoved aside anyone in his path.

The chase was on, and the boy proved swifter than Kyle had anticipated. They darted through crowded intersections, bypassing vendors and shops, leaving surprised onlookers in their wake.

Meanwhile, Polina clung to the red-headed boy as he led her farther than she had expected. Fear gripped her as she realized they were venturing too deep. She called out, "Wait, I need to—" Her words were cut short as the boy tightened his grip, causing her pain.

"Ouch, stop, Kyle!" she protested as she was forcibly pulled into the darkened alleyway.

Kyle, in relentless pursuit, closed in on the blue-capped boy. The kid seemed taken aback by the Jedi's determination, unaccustomed to such tenacity from his previous victims. With a sudden burst of energy, he pushed toward an alleyway, hoping to elude the relentless stranger.

But Kyle had reached the limit of his patience. He reached out with the Force, and just as the boy was about to slip into the alley, he was abruptly yanked back, as though caught on an unseen obstacle. He fell to the ground, his body wracked with pain.

The boy struggled to rise, only to find the imposing shadow of his pursuer looming above him. Kyle effortlessly seized the boy's arm and lifted him up, paying little heed to the boy's futile resistance.

"Let me go, let me go!" the boy squirmed, but Kyle held him firmly.

"Where did you take her?" Kyle demanded, his voice growing louder, drawing the attention of passersby, though most continued on their way.

"If I tell you, will you let me go?" the boy stammered, fear flickering in his eyes.

Kyle maintained his stern expression, his patience waning. "You don't want to test me, kid. Tell me where she is."

"The name's Alexbre, mister. I don't know... Fleck is the one who takes them. I was just supposed to distract you."

"Takes them where?" Kyle's voice was firm, his scowl deepening. His eyes bore into the boy, who cast fearful glances around.

"Hey, anyone, please help!" the boy raised his voice. "Anyone, pl—" Suddenly, a whooshing sound cut through the air, and a brilliant blue light materialized inches from the boy's face, startling him into silence.

"Let's try this again," Kyle said in a grave tone.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Ord Mantell City's nocturnal underworld laid claim to the streets. Blinding lights draped every corner of the main thoroughfares, casting long, dark shadows in the alleyways. These labyrinthine passages concealed treacherous hazards and witnessed the unfolding of countless illicit dealings. The Dusking alleyway, colloquially known by the city's riffraff, held a notorious reputation as one of the last places to catch a glimpse of the fading sun's bluish rays, a solitary gleam from the Bright Jewel ornamenting the alley's dead-end. From afar, the clustered structures stood as silent sentinels, bearing witness to the activities of Fleck and his compatriots, all belonging to the notorious gang known as Goro's Hand.

The gang members occupied various niches within the Dusking's dark embrace. After a day of thieving, extortion, and general misdeeds, it was now their time to unwind, basking in the dwindling sunlight. Among the assembled criminals, Fleck, one of the younger members, sat with his back against a towering, decrepit metal generator, fiddling with a bolt as he anxiously awaited his partner in crime.

"He should've been back by now," Fleck muttered, voicing his impatience to the disinterested junk surrounding him.

"Relax," came the muffled voice of a masked, older member of the gang, emerging from his makeshift seat, fashioned from scavenged ship parts and discarded machinery.

"You know how he is, probably got sidetracked picking pockets of some other unsuspecting mark," he chuckled before resuming his seat.

"Maybe, but he doesn't usually take this long, Deng... we could have secured a hefty ransom by now," Fleck grumbled, tossing the discarded bolt aside.

"Nah, I doubt Goro will bother with a ransom. There's word of a Zygerian slave trader offering good credits for our catch. He'll probably go that route," the masked Deng replied, his tone casual.

"Well, I still want my cut," Fleck insisted, crossing his arms in frustration. Suddenly, his attention was captured by a silhouette approaching the alley in the distance. His expression shifted from a hopeful smile to one of confusion as the figure drew closer, revealing a bearded man in a white shirt, brown vest, dark blue pants, and a holstered blaster pistol. He was nonchalantly escorting none other than Alexbre, the missing partner in their criminal endeavor.

"What the kriff?!" Fleck gasped in shock as he beheld the sight. Deng was similarly taken aback as he noticed the commotion, his makeshift chair clattering against the debris, drawing the attention of the other criminals nearby.

The stranger's deliberate steps carried him closer to the chaotic scene. He firmly held Alexbre by the back of his shirt, displaying a detachment that bordered on audacity. Deng, a blaster now drawn, and his fellow gang members, armed with a motley assortment of blasters and makeshift weapons, prepared for an encounter.

"That's close enough," Deng warned, forcing the stranger to halt, his grip still firmly fastened to Alexbre.

"Now, mister, you seem a bit lost or perhaps not quite in your right mind. How about you release the kid and walk away? Place the blaster on the ground, along with your bag, while you're at it," Deng demanded, his blaster aimed with lethal intent. "This is Goro's Hand territory."

The stranger offered no immediate response. He maintained a cool composure, seemingly scrutinizing the masked criminal and his cohort. Fleck, growing increasingly uneasy, soon realized the man's identity; he was the same person from whom he and Alexbre had stolen their latest haul. Anxiety welled within him as he inched away slowly, trying to distance himself from the impending confrontation.

"I don't care about whatever shady dealings you've got going on," the man finally spoke, his expression unwavering. "But this young one here, along with another named Fleck, kidnapped a child I'm responsible for. I'm here to propose an exchange."

Deng's blaster remained unwavering, aimed squarely at the stranger. "I don't know what you're talking about, mister," he retorted, voice dripping with menace. "But if you're not gone from our turf by the time I count to three, we'll turn you into a pincushion. How's that for an exchange?"

The stranger remained undaunted. "I'd strongly advise against that, friend..."

Deng and his fellow gang members erupted in laughter at the stranger's audacity, finding his demands and threats both amusing and preposterous. How could an outsider dare to challenge Goro's Hand?

"We'll just blast you away then," Deng sneered, readying his blaster with menacing intent.

"Wait, please, Deng, hold on!" Alexbree's trembling voice pleaded as the stranger maintained his grip. Deng and the others hesitated briefly, Deng offering the scared boy some scant reassurance.

"Don't worry, we'll deal with him first," Deng chuckled, echoing the mirth of his fellow thugs. Fleck and Alexbree exchanged fearful glances, their hope dwindling.

The stranger seemed unfazed by the gang's threats, Alexbre for his part continued to express panic as the situation escalated. His captor's blue blade had etched vivid terror into the young criminal's mind.

"He's a-" Alexbre struggled to find the right words.

"What are you waiting for, Al? Speak up," Deng pressed impatiently.

"One of those guys the boss used to work with, with the light swords!" Alexbree finally blurted out, the revelation drawing surprised and worried glances from Deng, Fleck, and their compatriots.

"I've got a bad feeling about this," Fleck muttered with a gulp, a sentiment shared by those around him.

"Shut up, Fleck!" Deng snapped as he kept his blaster trained on the unyielding stranger.

The stranger's gaze shifted toward Fleck, a smug grin tugging at his lips, as if he had stumbled upon a priceless treasure.

"You can have my share; I'm out of here!" Fleck exclaimed, making a desperate dash back into the alley, heading toward a sliding door near the dead end. But just as he took his first steps, he felt a powerful unseen force seize his neck and drag him to the ground. Astonishingly, it was not the gang members who restrained him but the stranger, using the Force to control Fleck's movements. The gang made a feeble attempt to rescue their comrade, blasters aimed, but their resolve wavered as they faced a formidable opponent.

Fleck lay sprawled at the stranger's feet, panic etched across his face. He opened his eyes to meet the man's piercing stare, the same man they had attempted to deceive and swindle.

"Wait, wait!" Fleck pleaded, clutching himself in a defensive posture while still on the ground. "I know where she is. Goro has her. They're going to sell her to a Zygerian or something!" He spilled the truth, desperate to avoid the stranger's wrath.

The stranger chuckled at the spectacle before him, then turned his gaze to Deng.

"It appears you're down two now. My offer still stands, at least until my patience wears thin," he declared with unwavering confidence.

Deng gritted his teeth, sweat trickling down his brow beneath his stifling mask. He clung to his blaster, hand trembling, torn between confronting the stranger and the potential peril Goro might unleash. A showdown with this enigmatic figure was far from a guaranteed victory.

"Look, whatever your name is, I go—" Deng began to speak, but the stranger interrupted.

"It's Kyle," he offered.

"What?" Deng replied, bewildered.

"Name's Kyle," the stranger reiterated.

Deng weighed his options, sweat glistening on his forehead, his grip on the blaster tightening. The tension thickened as it became evident that a confrontation was imminent.

"If you want to play it that way, then..." Kyle began, his hand inching toward his holstered weapon.

Deng's grip on his blaster grew firmer, and he contemplated seizing the moment and shooting Kyle, despite the stranger's inexplicable abilities. Yet the knowledge of Kyle's true identity loomed, preventing him from taking rash action.


The sudden, commanding voice disrupted the mounting tension. A figure emerged from the open sliding door, silencing the gang members and the approaching confrontation. This slender figure, bald-headed and with slender pointed ears, featured distinctive patterns on its head and face. With a patterned cross running from the top of the head to the right eye, it was unmistakably a Sakiyan.

"I assume you must be Goro?" Kyle inquired, his hand still hovering near his holstered blaster.

The Sakiyan offered no immediate response as it descended a ramp to join the confrontation. Adorned in a dark red long jacket and a collar with an intriguing device, the figure displayed a commanding presence. Its measured steps, intricate patterns, and distinctive gait spoke of authority. It surveyed its men, then, finally, stopped beside Deng, hands in pockets, and cast a critical eye over Kyle.

"You assume correctly, I am Goro," the Sakiyan confirmed, enunciating the R's in its thick accent. "And you are..."

"Kyle," Goro completed the introduction, a note of curiosity coloring his words.

Goro studied Kyle, appraising him from head to toe, sparing only a cursory glance for the two terrified gang members, Fleck and Alexbree, who had sought refuge in their midst.

"What do you seek, Kyle?" Goro inquired, his tone revealing his intrigue.

Kyle maintained his unyielding demeanor, extending his proposal. "The girl you're holding is not yours to sell to a Zygerian slaver. I'm willing to return your two ruffians here, and you bring the girl out. We can part ways amicably; I have no intentions of lingering on this planet for long. After this, you'll never see us again. How does that sound?"

Goro raised an eyebrow, frowning with bemusem*nt. He regarded Deng, who met the boss's gaze with a mixture of apprehension and determination, his blaster still raised. Goro pondered his options, aware that Kyle held potential and powers that the gang did not possess. He then gave Deng and by extension his other men a calm gesture to lower their blasters, they did so.

"I couldn't care less about these two," Goro declared, his gaze returning to Kyle. "They're nothing more than two street sleemo's I keep for easy pickings. You, on the other hand, pose a significant problem for my business, and I can't allow that."

Kyle sighed, his hand still hovering near his holster, his unease growing. He probed the Force for any hint of danger but found only elusive fragments yet again.

"However, I also recognize a profitable opportunity when I see one," Goro continued, a hint of craftiness in his eyes. "To avoid troubles that could cost me dearly and to seal a mutually beneficial deal. Tell me, Kyle, will we cease these childish games and engage in a truly profitable arrangement? I can return your girl and add a little extra, provided you're not afraid to perform a simple task, as I know your kind does."

Kyle displayed a hint of confusion before assuming a more calculating expression. He felt a gnawing uneasiness but was no stranger to such dealings. He contemplated his options, recognizing that these individuals possessed more information than they he did, yet they also were not aware of his own lack of much knowledge of this planet and even this galaxy. He acknowledged the potential for manipulation, even as the ominous cloud of uncertainty loomed. Goro had a menacing presence, but Kyle was not one to back down easily.

"Lead the way," Kyle finally replied, the balance of power hanging precariously in the now dimly lit alley.

Chapter 7: Amidst Bad Company


Amidst the perilous spires of Ord Mantell City, Jedi Master Kyle Katarn has seen his new Jedi apprentice, Polina, taken by the clutches of the criminal underworld. Goro's Hand tightens its grip, ensnaring Polina and attempting to use Kyle for its sinister plots. As Kyle races against shadows to rescue her, Polina descends into a realm of despair...

Chapter Text

The cacophony of anguish and despair, the relentless symphony of tormented souls, echoed through the sinister realm where Polina found herself. She recoiled in terror, her very essence quivering as she nestled within the frigid embrace of a steel cage. Her senses were engulfed by a suffocating dread, shrouded in the enigma of this grim incarceration, an abyss where hope had long abandoned its perch.

Within the confinements of her meager prison, there was scant room to move, leaving her clutching her own legs in a futile attempt to console her racing thoughts. She pondered, "What would Kyle do, what would a Jedi do?" Regret gnawed at her, for her inattentiveness and lack of focus had sealed her fate, perhaps forever. She feared she might never again feel the soothing caress of flowing river waters or bask in the warmth of temperate suns. She felt like a failure, she had failed in the most basic of tasks, failing her master and dooming any dreams of becoming a Jedi to oblivion.

"I am nothing," she whispered, tears falling silently, as the anguished chorus of her fellow captives reverberated around her. In the heart of this malevolent place, a wooden table served as a grim focal point, surrounded by figures all in varied attires and clearly armed, the obvious guards of this prison. They conversed animatedly, heedless of the desperate cries for mercy emanating from the multitude of incarcerated souls. At their table was an amalgamation of credits and other valuables they were using for their game, as well as a holoprojector emanating the image of a Twi'lek girl dancing exotically with music to accompany it.

"Release me from this wretched purgatory!" a large imprisoned Dowutin shrieked, his voice a desperate plea, as he assaulted the door of his cage. The subsequent violent impact caused the entire chamber to shudder and sway, as if the very fabric of their misery trembled in response.

"Rego," intoned one of the men seated at the table, his words dripping with casual indifference.

Comprehending the unspoken command, Rego, one of the guards of this place who wore a simple attire of dark pants, boots, a plain blue long shirt with a belt carrying several pockets and other gear nonchalantly cast his cards onto the table and rose with an irritated stretch, a palpable annoyance etched across his features.

"I'm out of creds anyway," Rego declared, seizing a lengthy metallic pole. He advanced towards the cage, where a ruckus of protests erupted from the imprisoned Dowutin, vehement in his defiance.

"You low-sc*ms had better release me! You have no idea of the forces you're contending with! I am Gruner of the Constancia Council, and I shall see your heads laid out before me, relea-!" Gruner's tirade was abruptly halted by a surge of violet current coursing through his body. He convulsed in pain, collapsing to the ground, wisps of smoke rising from his singed garments.

"And I'm the Queen of Naboo," Rego retorted, sarcasm lacing his words. "Shut your damn chops. Your ransom should arrive soon, unless the Council deems you worthless." A smirk played on Rego's lips as he strolled leisurely past rows of cages, each containing unfortunate souls ensnared by the deceitful tendrils of the Goro Hand's abduction network.

"No force in this system or elsewhere will find you here," Rego proclaimed to the prisoners, punctuating his words by jabbing the tip of his electric staff into the damp ground, sending sparks flying and eliciting fear from the captives.

"You can only hope that your loved ones and whomever the bosses contact with the ransoms value you enough to pay, after that you'll be on your merry way out!"

Taunting each cage with the menacing threat of his staff, Rego finally halted at Polina's cage. The young girl cowered in the farthest corner, visibly frightened.

"Well, at least most of you have a way out. Can't say the same for you. But you'll fetch a good price with that slaver," Rego remarked with a twisted smile, before continuing his patrol. However, Polina noticed a detail—a door handler pad dangled from the man's belt, a slim, squared gray device adorned with buttons and attached to chains. Polina had seen similar ones in Jakku's markets; they had the power to open multiple doors simultaneously. She surmised that the one hanging from Rego's belt could potentially unlock not just her cage but others as well.

"Come on, Polina. Can't give up now," she whispered to herself, inching towards the main door. Her gaze fixed on the automated lock, then flickered to Rego as he continued his ominous circuit, toying with the frightened victims.

"Time to use it, use the Force!" Polina urged herself, newfound determination bubbling within her. She reached out with an open palm toward the door handler, desperately trying to channel the powers that Kyle so casually made use of. But her efforts yielded nothing. Trembling, she redoubled her efforts, yet the handler remained obstinately at Rego's belt. Rego, spotting her, approached with a scowl, clashing his staff onto the ground once more and unleashing sparks in her direction. A burning sensation on her exposed arm caused her to draw back in fear.

"Do that again, and I'll break your little arm!" Rego threatened, brandishing the electric staff. After a brief, tense moment, he scoffed and moved on to torment other captives.

Polina's heart raced, fear coursing through her. She wasn't Kyle; she couldn't wield the Force effortlessly. But she couldn't surrender; she had to try again, and again, her only glimmer of hope.

Once more, Polina crawled toward the door, closing her eyes. She sought to block out the cries for mercy, the sobs, the pain—everything within this wretched prison. Focusing on the tingling sensation in her chest, she zeroed in on the door handler dangling from Rego's belt. Chains jingled, metal clashed against cloth. Opening her hand this time, she reached out with her thoughts, every fiber of her being summoning the handler.

"Boys," a voice, loud and unmistakable, shattered Polina's concentration. Her gaze shifted, unable to discern the speaker as the various scoundrels turned their heads from their card game toward the door in the room's far corner. A solitary figure emerged from the shadows, prompting the men to rise, one of them switching off the holoprojector on the table, the rest standing at attention.

"Yes, boss!" a man spoke, a faint tremor in his voice betraying a sense of fear.

Goro revealed himself, stepping into the dim light. Despite his lean frame, his footsteps resonated heavily. The lights on the device protruding from his neck emitted an unmistakable and unsettling hue, accentuating his otherwise empty crimson eyes beneath the arrow pattern on his face. Goro surveyed the room briefly, arms concealed behind his coat, a hint of scrutiny in his demeanor.

"Is this the same batch?" he inquired.

"Yes, boss," a man affirmed. "We haven't moved any out yet. That slaver from Zygeria is still waiting at the han-"

"Forget him," Goro dismissed with a wave of his hand. The Sakiyan scrutinized the captives before fixing his gaze on Polina's cage. The girl met his gaze without flinching, and a smirk played across Goro's face.

"That one, bring her out."

Without hesitation, Rego approached Polina's cage, electro staff in hand. With a few button presses on the door handler from his belt, the cage opened with a beep. Rego signaled for Polina to exit, using his staff as a clear indicator to which Polina quickly obeyed and she soon found herself face to face with the towering Goro.

"Watch out for this one, boss. She's a trouble seeker," Rego sneered at Polina.

"I think I'll be quite fine," Goro responded with a dismissive scoff, directing his attention to the girl. "What is your name, young one?"

Polina remained silent, defiantly crossing her arms. She refused to reveal any fear; after all, she aspired to be a Jedi, and Jedi showed no fear even in the darkest of times.

"The boss is asking you a question," Rego prodded, activating his staff to release more violet sparks near Polina.

"Polina," she finally acquiesced.

Goro scratched his chin, momentarily impressed by the girl's attempted defiance. However, admiration was not his purpose.

"Come with me, Polina," the enigmatic Goro said, gesturing for her to follow. With little choice, she walked at a slow pace behind the long-coated Sakiyan. Rego continued to regard her with disdain before turning his attention to the other prisoners who all seemed to have been watching the scene with curiosity.

"What are you lot looking at!?" Rego barked at them, activating his staff. Polina could hear the screams of terror once more as she followed Goro, her skin crawling, and her heart heavy with impotence.

As they ascended stairs and traversed a long hallway, Polina fidgeted with her hands, torn between the impulse to confront Goro and the overpowering grip of fear and uncertainty.

"You have very good friends, Miss Polina," Goro remarked with an oddly sing-song tone, confusing Polina. "Be thankful for that. Not many people have that privilege." They turned a corner and approached a large metallic sliding door. Goro pressed a button on the device at his neck, and the door opened. As Polina caught a glimpse past Goro, her eyes widened.

"Kyle!" she exclaimed with evident joy, sprinting across the room and into the arms of her Jedi master. Kyle Katarn felt the force of her embrace, and despite the surprise, he welcomed her into a brief, tender reunion. Tears pressed against his neck as Polina clung to him.

"Sorry about taking so long, kid," Kyle said, patting her on the head. Tears flowed down Polina's rosy cheeks as she held onto her protector.

"You came for me, Kyle! You came for me!" she cried, her relief palpable. Kyle chuckled, "next time let's make sure you got a harness on," he said with a hint of jeast.

"Apologies for interrupting such a lovely reunion, Mr. Kyle," Goro interjected, approaching from the door, which closed behind him. "But I believe you and I have business to attend to now."

Kyle's gaze locked with the Sakiyan, a fleeting tension rising between them before the Jedi gently distanced himself from the still-distressed Polina. Rising to his feet, Kyle now towered over Goro, his stare a formidable force. Goro, however, seemed unfazed, surrounded by a cadre of armed henchmen ready to spring into action if the Jedi made a hostile move—though Goro doubted he would.

"I shall consider that look a 'thank you, Goro; yes, we do,'" Goro quipped, advancing past Kyle toward another set of stairs revealed by a sliding door.

"Stick close," Kyle instructed Polina, gripping her hand. "Don't wander off this time, got it?" he added sternly. Polina nodded.

Ascending more stairs, each floor unveiled a life of increasing comfort, evolving from simple relaxation rooms to pure luxury. As they ascended, they entered a vast and opulent reception area, filled with beings in presentable attire but bearing mean countenances, akin to Goro. Polina clung to Kyle, her grip tightening, while he surveyed the surroundings with caution.

Goro guided them past an open doorway marked by golden strings, entering a larger, even more lavish penthouse. A panoramic window displayed the city's night view, a bar occupied one corner, a holonet screen showcased programs in another, and a hexagon-shaped table with three individuals took center stage. Polina glanced at the table, reminiscent of the cage scene but now elevated in luxury.

"Wait here; I'll inform my boss of your arrival," Goro said to Kyle as he approached a large silver-plated door.

"Hold on a second," Kyle cautioned. "This was a matter between you and me, Goro. We talk now. I'm not waiting here for an ambush..." His hand hovered near his holster, the room's occupants glancing at the brewing tension.

"If I wanted you dead, it would've happened by now. I returned the girl in good faith. Don't insult my hospitality and wait. Jee-jee agree?" Goro sighed.

Left with little choice, Kyle withdrew his hand, raising it visibly in acknowledgment. Goro entered the room behind the silver door before Kyle could protest further.

"Why's his boss want to talk to you?" Polina asked, her curiosity tinged with concern.

Kyle hesitated, scanning the room and attempting to sense any danger. "I tracked you down. I had to make a deal so you wouldn't be harmed," he admitted. "But don't worry, we'll be out of here soon. I promise," he reassured her, though uncertainty lingered in his own mind.

As they stood and waited, the men at the hexagon-shaped table continued their card game, one of them leisurely smoking from a water pipe. The dim lighting cast shadows on the cards as the game unfolded.

"Hey, Goro's guy," one of the men called to Kyle, attempting to draw his attention.

"Come on, Goro's guy," the man insisted. "Like he said, if we wanted you riddled with blaster fire, it would've happened by now. Come over here. We're missing a fourth. Better than standing there like some schutta."

Kyle, still unsure, shifted his attention to the table. "Whatchu playing for?" he asked.

"We'll make it a friendly match for now. Come and sit..." the man replied, shuffling some cards.

Kyle approached, Polina walking with him.

"Kid can go watch the holonet. Don't worry, only appropriate channels," the three of them chuckled. Kyle glanced at Polina, giving her a small nod.

"Go, I'll keep watch on you."

"O-okay..." Polina said nervously as she moved to the other side of the room, where a promotional holonet program was playing.

"With Ohnaka Transport Solutions, your most valuable assets, be they of verified providence or otherwise, are all guaranteed to arrive at their desired destination. Our pilots are certified and trustworthy, and we have plenty of ships, as I, Hondo Ohnaka, always say, 'customer satisfaction will yield the best reactions,' only with Ohnaka Transport Solutions!"

Polina chuckled at the screen, settling down on the couch. Kyle kept a sharp eye on her while finally taking a seat across from the three shady individuals at the table. Neon lights cast a glow, creating shadows on the table.

"You can call me Kyle," he said with a confident smirk.

The player at the center shuffled the cards and dealt the first hand. "So, Kyle, you reckon you've got the skill for a game of Sabbac?" one of them sneered, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Let's find out," Kyle replied, narrowing his eyes as he examined his cards. The banter flowed along with the cards.

As the game progressed, Kyle engaged in casual conversation, probing for information. "So, you gentlemen heard about any Yuuzhan Vong meddling on the outer rim?" he asked, his tone seemingly casual.

A player chuckled, another glanced at Kyle with slight confusion while the other kept smoking from his pipe.

"Never heard about whatever that is," the player right across Kyle said as he looked through his own cards, "but I did hear that the 'Reformed' Republic finally broke apart just this last week, good riddance I'd say."

The men all snickered at the news, Kyle remaining silent as he looked at his cards. The news seemed to hit him with a mix of shock while not quite surprised at the revelation. At this point, it was all what he had come to expect, yet he also tried not to take whatever these people were saying at face value.

The casual game continued for only a few minutes before the silver-colored door opened up, Goro emerging. He looked over to Kyle.

"Kord wants a word now," he called out, interrupting the game.

The players exchanged glances, their expressions unreadable. Kyle pushed back his chair, subtly indicating that the game was over for now.

"Polina," he called for the girl, who quickly rose from her seat and approached the Jedi master, standing next to him now in the blink of an eye.

"She stays with me," Kyle said to Goro, who merely had a blank expression as he gestured with his head for Kyle to enter.

Kyle stepped into the room, the air thick with the foreboding scent of danger. The atmosphere transformed into a darker, more sinister tone as both he and Polina ventured into a space that emanated authority and malevolence. The walls were draped in ominous shadows, and the concealed ventilation system hummed softly, contributing to the eerie background noise.

Seated on a raised platform at the room's center was Kord, a Harch mob boss infamous across the galaxy. Kyle had heard tales of these beings but had never encountered one in the flesh. Kord's large, spider-like form, adorned with grayish hair, occupied a massive chair that resembled a throne, its legs twisted into arachnid limbs. Crimson eyes gleamed in the dim light, assessing Kyle with predatory intelligence. Despite the absence of one arm, evidence of battles in the galaxy's underbelly, Kord exuded an undeniable air of authority and dominance.

His dark coat, adorned with intricate patterns, draped over his arachnid body, and his remaining arms boasted golden rings and ostentatious jewelry, symbols of wealth and power within the criminal underworld.

As Kyle approached, Polina lingered nervously behind him, her heart pounding with fear. Kord's henchmen, a diverse mix of humans, Weequay, and various other aliens, stood guard around their boss, creating an imposing presence. The room fell silent, interrupted only by the occasional creak of the throne's legs.

"You must be the one who tracked down one of my operations," Kord spoke with a voice seasoned by years of orchestrating illicit activities, punctuating his words with a distinctive clicking noise from his fanged mouth. His eyes flickered with a mix of curiosity and menace as he observed Kyle.

"Kyle, isn't it?" Kord continued, his tone dripping with a blend of derision and interest, followed by a click. "If I have it correctly, you are a Jedi. What brings you into my domain?"

Maintaining a composed demeanor, Kyle met Kord's gaze. "I'm no Jedi," he replied with a firmness that resonated through the room. "Just a guy with a lightsaber and in need of some transport off-world."

Kord chuckled, the sound reverberating in the confined space. "Well then, we may just be in good business. I had not worked with one of your type for quite some time; I was under the impression you had been wiped out."

"You could say we've been busy…" Kyle said with a calm expression.

Leaning forward, a glint of delight in his eyes, Kord clicked and said, "Indeed. Now, let's discuss how you plan to settle this debt you have with my organization, since if I have it correctly, Goro here was very fair with you."

"I'd hardly call it a debt, a mere exchange," Kyle said, crossing his arms, showing no fear at Kord's attempt to extort him.

Releasing a few clicking noises, Kord caressed the fur around his jowls.

"Even if that were so, you find yourself under my discretion now," Kord said, followed by clicking.

Kyle chuckled, "I don't feel keen on a fight right now, Kord," he pronounced the name with sarcastic dignity.

"So how about we do this: Goro mentioned a job. You tell me what this job is about, and I just might be interested in helping you out. For a fee…"

Kord eyed the supposed non-Jedi for a moment, examining him with his pulsating three pairs of eyes. For a second, it seemed that the crime boss was displeased with Kyle's perceived indolence, but Kord's subtle chuckle followed by a bellow of laughter betrayed that appearance, for the most part.

"I do enjoy a good negotiation, but you're in no position to make demands," Kord stood up, his figure imposing.

"However, I do respect a fellow man of business," his mouth clicked once more as he took steps down from his chair and approached Kyle with a calm pace.

"I will keep it simple: a former associate of mine took something quite valuable from my organization. I need that back and him disposed of."

"Ah," Kyle smiled, "so liquidation huh. Can't any of your goons here do that?"

Kord tilted his head with amusem*nt, "Perhaps, but I know this former associate is ready for me and my associates, and I much prefer the use of a man of your skill to take care of him. Recently we managed to locate him; he seems to have fetched himself a nice little home…"

Kyle's smile slowly began to fade as he listened to the crime boss' words. Kord then pulled out a holo-projector, activating it to reveal the blue image of a Gotal, none other than Senth, the farmer whom Kyle and Polina had met before. Though internally concerned, Kyle remained unfazed, looking to the projected image with a blank stare.

"This associate's name is Aresenthanel. He might be going by a different name now, but my sources recently located his possible location here…" Kord pressed a button at his wrist collar. A large screen activated, shining a green light across the room and revealing a map which showed a mark on a location. Kyle immediately knew where this was, unbeknownst to Kord. Polina, meanwhile, tried to keep quiet, her mind riddled with just the same kind of realization as Kyle's.

Kord's eyes gleamed with a predatory intelligence as he studied Kyle's reaction to the revelation of Aresenthanel's identity. The crime boss's voice resonated through the dimly lit room, accompanied by the rhythmic clicking of his mouth.

"Now, Kyle, I am a reasonable being," Kord began, his tone adopting a veneer of congeniality. "I understand the weight of such a task, and I acknowledge your skills. How about we sweeten the deal?"

Kord gestured toward the expansive chamber, and with a subtle motion of his remaining arms, he summoned his henchmen. A silver-colored female Twi'lek in a dark glittery dress approached, carrying a data pad and a secure-looking case. Kord's crimson eyes remained fixed on Kyle as the Twi'lek presented the items.

"In exchange for your services in dealing with Aresenthanel, I offer you a starship, top-of-the-line, equipped for your travels across the galaxy," Kord declared, the words hanging in the air with the allure of opportunity.

The Twi'lek opened the secure case, revealing a stack of credit chips, the glint of their metallic surface catching the ambient light. Kord continued, "And, of course, a generous sum of credits to ensure your future endeavors go smoothly. Consider it a gesture of goodwill between business associates."

Kyle maintained a guarded expression, the wheels of caution turning in his mind. The prospect of a starship and a considerable sum of credits was undoubtedly tempting, but the nature of the task gave him pause, especially given who the task was about. Kord observed Kyle's contemplation, his clicking sounds punctuating the silence.

"Think it over, Kyle," Kord suggested with a tone of understanding. "I understand the gravity of the situation. You and the girl must be tired. I can offer you lodgings within my establishment, a place to rest and consider my proposal."

The crime boss inclined his head toward a doorway, leading to a private area of his complex. "Take your time. Discuss it with your young companion. I trust you'll find the accommodations to your liking."

As if on cue, the Twi'lek handed the data pad to Kyle, displaying the details of the starship and the credited sum. "You'll find everything you need there," Kord added, his eyes still fixed on Kyle.

Kyle took the data pad, his expression a mix of skepticism and consideration. Glancing down at Polina, who stood silently beside him, he nodded in acknowledgment.

"We'll need some time to think it through," Kyle stated, his words carrying a tone of caution.

"Of course," Kord responded, his demeanor retaining a tone of courtesy. "Rest assured, I value the art of negotiation. Take all the time you need, my friends. The galaxy can be a dangerous place, and I believe in mutually beneficial arrangements."

With that, Kord motioned for his henchmen to guide Kyle and Polina to the designated lodgings, leaving the room with the scent of intrigue and potential danger lingering in the air.

The room provided by Kord was dimly lit, adorned with lavish decorations that clashed with the atmosphere of uncertainty that enveloped it. Polina paced back and forth, her small figure silhouetted by the faint glow of a holo-lamp. Her eyes betrayed the worry that weighed heavily on her.

"Kyle, we can't do this! We can't help that mob boss, and we definitely can't hurt Senth," Polina exclaimed, her voice fraught with distress.

Kyle sat on the edge of the bed, the weight of the decision bearing down on him. He ran his fingers through his beard, contemplating the dilemma that had been thrust upon them. The data pad lay on the bedside table, its holographic display casting a soft glow in the room.

"I know, Polina," Kyle responded, his tone calm yet tinged with a somber resolve. "But we can't ignore the opportunity Kord is offering. A ship like that and a substantial sum of credits—it's our ticket out of here, away from this mess."

Polina halted her pacing, her eyes locking onto Kyle's. "But what about Senth? We can't just abandon him. He helped us."

Kyle sighed, recognizing the moral dilemma that lingered in the air. "I won't help Kord. But I've made up my mind about the ship. We'll take it and use it to get as far away from this place as possible."

Polina's eyes widened in a mix of relief and trepidation. "But what if Kord comes after us? What if he hurts Senth because we refused?"

Kyle reached out, placing a reassuring hand on Polina's shoulder. "We'll find a way to help Senth, but we can't play into Kord's game. We'll be smart about it, stay under the radar, and figure things out. This ship—it's a tool, not a pact with Kord."

Polina nodded, her worry not completely assuaged but tempered by Kyle's assurance. "I just don't want anyone to get hurt because of us."

"We'll do what we can to minimize the harm," Kyle said, his gaze determined. "But our first priority is getting out of this situation. Once we're in the ship, we'll decide our next move. Deal?"

Polina hesitated for a moment before nodding reluctantly. "Deal."

As the room fell into a heavy silence, the distant hum of the city outside seemed to echo the uncertainty that now enveloped Kyle and Polina. They knew they were treading a precarious path, but the galaxy had a way of presenting choices that were seldom black and white. The data pad, still displaying the details of the starship, served as a silent reminder of the complex web they found themselves entangled in.

The nights in Ord Mantell City teemed with clandestine transactions, revelry in the opulent heights, and the predictable undercurrent of petty crime. For Rego, a callous guardian of the depths beneath Kord's luxurious domain, it was a routine of grime for meager compensation. In a system like this, options for those at the bottom were scarce.

Exiting the cage-riddled confines, a lone guard found himself in the hanger bay, tasked with overseeing a concealed ship. Goro had mentioned a pickup for the next day, and standing vigilant in a desolate hanger seemed a mundane duty. Kord's reputation for merciless retribution against troublemakers lingered like a looming shadow over Ord Mantell, discouraging anyone from crossing him.

Yet, the man was indifferent to such concerns, engulfed in boredom. Suddenly the slide door adjacent to him rumbled open and another guard, a counterpart in monotony, strolled in. Both companions exchanged glances that spoke volumes about their shared ennui. The dimly lit hanger echoed with the distant hum of starships passing through the above skies.

With a knowing look, the other guard produced a small container of death sticks. The first guards eyes glinted with a spark of anticipation as the illicit items changed hands. They made their way towards the tarped ship for seclusion. Soon enough the pair began indulging in the deadly drug, exhaling tendrils of yellow and red liquid into the cold hanger air.

Little did they know that in the shadows lurked an unseen force, a presence that thrived in the art of anticipation and subversion. Kyle, wielding his lightsaber not yet activated, approached with silent precision. In the midst of their indulgence, the guards were oblivious to the impending disturbance.

As the death stick haze enveloped them, Kyle struck. His lightsaber ignited with a vibrant blue hum, slicing through the air in a swift arc. The element of surprise worked in the Jedi's favor as he effortlessly dispatched the guards before they could react.

The hanger now devoid of their sluggish presence, Kyle moved purposefully into the heart of the building, guided by an unrelenting determination to rescue those ensnared by Kord's malevolence.

Swiftly navigating the labyrinthine corridors, Kyle reached the destination Polina had divulged—the cage room. A symphony of despair echoed within as desperate pleas and cries reverberated off the cold metal walls. Undeterred, Kyle, a luminous figure in the darkness, entered with unwavering resolve. His lightsaber, a beacon of hope, materialized in his hand as he confronted a quartet of thugs, they all sat around a run down table at the center of the room. The element of surprise was his ally, yet he also wanted to give them a chance to reconsider their allegiances.

"Game's over fellas, how about you all go home!?" His voice spoke casually.

Ignoring Kyle's words the thugs began to clumsily pull out their weapons and a volley of blaster fire soon erupted. Kyle, a seasoned dancer in the art of combat, deftly deflected the incoming blaster bolts, orchestrating a mesmerizing dance of light within the shadows.

Two of the assailants unwittingly became victims of their own aggression as their blaster bolts rebounded, finding lethal purchase in their chests. With a seamless leap, Kyle advanced upon the remaining guards, driving his saber into one's chest and swiftly severing the arm of another followed by another slice at his chest to finish him off. Retreating into a defensive stance, he surveyed his surroundings, vigilant for any lingering threats.

"You kriffin bastard!" An audacious assailant emerged from a hallway, brandishing an electro staff, he rushed at Kyle with deadly intent.

The guard unleashed a multitude of attacks in quick succession, all filled with rage. The inevitable outcome soon unfolded with Kyle effortlessly dodging and countering, a masterful parry cutting the man's weapon in half followed by a fast diagonal slice at the assailant's chest life extingued from him at that moment.

With the immediate threats neutralized, Kyle seized the door handler attached to the fallen attacker's body, a key to liberation. Activating it with a few button presses, the cages swung open, unleashing a cascade of liberated captives. Chaos ensued as the freed prisoners surged forth, all of them reveling in newfound freedom and most importantly desire for retribution.

Amid expressions of gratitude from the liberated, Kyle noticed several of them seizing blasters from the ground. Escalating the stairs at the corner of the room, the prisoners ascended the floors, engaging in a fierce exchange of blaster fire with Kord's enforcers who were caught by surprise.

"That should keep them busy," Kyle murmured to himself, seizing the opportunity to return to the hangar bay where their ticket to freedom awaited, the very ship promised by Kord. Kyle, lightsaber still activated, arrived at the hanger, momentarily disoriented.

"Polina?" he called.

"I'm here!" Polina responded, emerging from behind a barricade of containers, carrying both Kyle's backpack and a rucksack filled with essential supplies.

"Did you free them?" she inquired.

Kyle nodded, a silent affirmation sufficing, punctuated by an explosion resonating from the upper floors—a clear indication of Kord's men grappling with the chaos wrought by the escaped prisoners.

"We need to leave now, come on!" Kyle urged, taking Polina's hand as they hastened towards the tarped ship. Knowing the absence of an activation code, Kyle hoped he'd be able to hack into the ship's mechanisms, a skill acquired from Jan's tutelage yet he still wasn't very well versed in it.

Approaching the still-shrouded vessel, Kyle fastened his saber to his belt and swiftly unveiled the ship's sleek silver plating, revealing an unmistakable H-Type Nubian yacht—a remnant of a more civilized age.

"Woah!" Polina marveled at the imposing sight while Kyle, focused and urgency in his mind, activated the ramp entrance. "Come on, Polina," he urged as she hurriedly made her way, struggling with the weight of the backpack.

"Let me take that, yo-" Kyle's words were abruptly halted by crimson blaster bolts, narrowly missing his head and scorching the ship's plating. Taking cover behind a makeshift barricade, he unsheathed his Bryar pistol. Polina sought refuge inside the yacht, dropping the bag and hastening to the control cabin.

"You're a real sleemo, you know, Kyle!" A familiar accented voice, Goro's, called out. "Yeah well, I never was one for wet work..." Kyle replied, exchanging verbal volleys while Goro continued his assault.

"Yeah, but thievery is right up your alley!"

"Spare me the disappointed monologue, I'm not the one kidnapping people for profit!" Kyle retorted, keeping an eye on Polina in the cabin, uncertain of her actions. As Goro advanced, blaster shots still focused on the Jedi, Kyle stood his ground.

"It's just business, Kyle, you Jedi Mercs ought to know that very well." Goro taunted, his blaster locked onto Kyle's position.

"That's the thing, Goro. You and your boss assumed wrong. I'm not a merc at all. Jedi don't work for money!" Kyle's resolute voice echoed.

Goro, undeterred, continued his advance, seeking a strategic position. "There's not many of you left then, what's one more dead hero Jedi, huh? It's just par for the course for your type!"

As Goro flanked the scrap heap, Polina inside the cabin activated emergency flares, they flew right out of the Nubian's side and unleashed blinding lights that disoriented the Sakiyan just as he was about to fire. Seizing the opportunity, Kyle jumped high off the platform and landed right behind Goro, his blaster pressed at the gangster's head.

"And I guess this is par for the course for you?" Kyle's voice held a threatening edge. Goro chuckled nervously.

"If you're not a merc Jedi, then you won't fire on an unarmed man, will you?" Goro dropped his blaster, challenging the Jedi's principles.

"Correct." Kyle swiftly summoned the fallen blaster with a flick of his palm, emphasizing his connection to the Force. Facing Goro, their eyes locked in a tense standoff.

"You best hope Kord never finds you, the price to pay for your treachery will be high," Goro warned.

Kyle nodded, his stern gaze unwavering. "I think you're about to pay your own price, so I wouldn't worry too much about us."

Goro turned, confronting the liberated captives armed and ready for retribution. Panic in his eyes, he pleaded with Kyle. "Wait, wait! I have the code to the ship, take me with you and I'll tel-"

A sudden jolt of pain cut Goro's plea short as he clutched his neck, realizing his once-cyber attached device was now in Kyle's grasp. "I think this'll be good enough, thank you!" Kyle retreated toward the ship, Bryar pistol still trained on the now-shocked Goro.

Kyle, maintaining a wary eye on Goro, eventually made it to the opened entrance ramp, closing it behind him as he entered. The cyber-neck interface flickered with blue light as Kyle strode into the ship's main cabin, moving to the main controls. Polina, peering through the ship's windows, witnessed the unfolding drama.

Outside, the chaos among the liberated prisoners escalated. Goro, still recovering from the unexpected assault, found himself surrounded by figures he had once imprisoned. Angry faces and vengeance-fueled determination emanated from every corner.

Taking advantage of the bedlam, Kyle manipulated the neck device with a few deft motions connecting its cables with the ship's outlets, navigating the ship's intricate security protocols. The hum of the ship's systems began to resonate through the hangar, a sign that Kyle was making progress.

Goro, now aware of the dire predicament he was in, attempted to negotiate with his former captives. "Wait, hold on! I can help you! Let's talk about this!"

The response he received was a mix of jeers, accusations, and a vengeful anger. The freed prisoners were not interested in Goro's pleas.

Back inside the ship, Polina, her eyes fixed on the unfolding scene, held her breath as Kyle continued his hack. The ship's exterior lights flickered as the final steps were taken.

Goro, realizing that his pleas fell on deaf ears, attempted to break through the circle forming around him. The angry mob, however, closed in, and the scene outside became a chaotic melee as the formerly imprisoned Gruner was first to lodge a strike at the mobster followed by the entire mob that descended upon him.

Meanwhile, with the ship now fully under Kyle's control, he nodded with a sense of accomplishment. "We're ready to go," he called to Polina, who quickly returned from her vigil by the windows.

The ship's engines hummed to life, drowning out the clamor outside. Polina secured herself in the co-pilot seat as Kyle prepared for takeoff.

As the vessel rose from the hangar floor, the chaos in Kord's compound intensified. Blaster fire echoed, and distant shouts filled the air. Kyle piloted the ship skillfully, maneuvering it through the chaos and away from the crime lord's clutches.

Leaving the turmoil behind, the ship ascended into the dark Ord Mantell sky, carrying with it Kyle, Polina, and the echoes of their daring escape.

As the ship soared through the night sky of Ord Mantell, Polina's eyes darted between the star-studded canvas outside and the control panels within the ship. The hum of the engines created a backdrop for the conversation that was about to unfold.

"Kyle," Polina's voice cut through the ambient noise. "We have to go warn Senth. Kord knows where he is, and he saved my life. We can't just leave him to whatever fate Kord has in mind."

Kyle, focusing on the ship's controls, sighed audibly. "Polina, our priority is to get as far away from Kord as possible. We have a working ship, and we need to find a safe haven."

"But Kyle, you told me we're supposed to defend the innocent and protect the weak. Isn't that what you said?" Polina countered, her eyes searching for a connection with the Jedi's sense of duty.

Kyle, slightly annoyed, glanced at Polina. "Yes, I did, but we need to prioritize our safety first. We can't help anyone if we're caught or worse."

"But what about Senth? He risked everything to help us. We can't just abandon him, Jedi don't just run away, we're supposed to do what is right!" Polina argued, a determination in her voice that echoed Kyle's own teachings.

The Jedi, torn between duty and pragmatism, considered his options. He knew the risks of returning to warn Senth but couldn't shake the echoes of his own words and teachings he had bestowed on Polina. Part of him felt proud that she at least remembered some of it.

With a reluctant nod, Kyle adjusted the ship's course. "Alright, we'll warn Senth. But we have to be careful, and we can't stay too long. Our safety comes first."

Polina, satisfied with the compromise, smiled. "Thank you, Kyle. I know this is the right thing to do."

As the ship altered its trajectory, leaving behind the city, Kyle couldn't shake the uncertainty that lingered. The stars witnessed their journey, indifferent to the struggles of those traversing the vastness of the galaxy.

Chapter 8: The Stand


Jedi Master Kyle Katarn and his apprentice Polina have narrowly evaded the clutches of the ruthless crime lord Kord. Yet, in the midst of this treacherous journey, their ally, the farmer Senth, becomes the target of Kord's menace. Driven by the resolve to prevent the demise of their old comrade, Kyle and Polina journey back to the homestead, bearing a dire warning of the impending threat...


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The H-Type Nubian yacht glided effortlessly through the awakening atmosphere, a silver beacon against the rustic expanse of the Ord Mantell marshes. Morning's ethereal glow spilled over the jagged mountain peaks, casting a dim bluish light on the chrome vessel's sleek design—an emblem of elegance juxtaposed against the wild canvas of the secluded homestead.

As the ship descended toward Senth's coordinates, an ominous warning beeped, alerting Kyle to an incoming transmission. Kyle furrowed his brow as an incoming transmission blinked on the screen."This is a private airspace. Identify yourselves or be prepareeed to face the consequences," Senth's stern voice echoed through the ship's speakers.

Polina, swift to respond, assured, "Senth, it's Kyle and Polina. We need to talk to you!"

Senth's suspicion echoed through a brief pause before his voice cut through the tension. "Kyle? Polina? Explain why I shouldn't blast you out of the sky."

"We have information about Kord. He's after you, and we thought you should know," Polina urgently conveyed, her words hanging in the air with gravity.

Senth, skeptical yet intrigued, challenged their credibility. "Why would I trust information from you? You could be leeeading me into a trap."

"We have no reason to lie, Senth. Kord's men captured us, and we escaped. We've got a ship now, and we had to warn you," Kyle asserted, his voice carrying the weight of sincerity.

Tension escalated as another pause followed, only broken by Senth's cautious concession. "Lower your shields and land. If this is a trick, you won't live to regreeet it."

Kyle complied, guiding the ship to a makeshift landing area quite a distance away from Senth's homestead. The silver ramp descended, revealing the Jedi and Polina standing amidst the familiar surroundings, they made their way through the open grassland leading towards Senth's home. The Nubian's elegant and sleek appearance stood apart from the sea of brush and wilderness surrounding it.

As the pair closed in, Senth emerged from his shack scatter-blaster in hand, his Gotal features displaying a mix of wariness and visible anger. "Explain quickly. I don't have much patience for games."

Kyle stepped forward, hands visible in a gesture of goodwill. "Kord is after you. He knows where you are, and we thought you should be warned."

Senth's narrowed eyes betrayed lingering suspicions. "Why would you help me? What's in it for you?"

Polina, stepping forward with sincerity, replied, "You saved us before. It's the right thing to do, helping someone who helped us."

As tension hung in the air, the trio stood on the dusty ground, memories of their uncertain alliance carried by the winds of Ord Mantell.

"You can choose to do whatever you want, Senth," Kyle spoke, a noticeable weariness in his tone.

"But one of the things you can do is very simple, you can get your things now and get on that ship with us. We'll drop you off wherever you want, and we'll take our separate paths, or you can stay here… the choice is yours."

Senth remained silent, lowering his scatterblaster, an expression of contemplation on his face. This sanctuary, his haven, faced the threat of upheaval. He looked at Kyle, torn between acceptance and resistance.

"I've had to run for years, had to do many things I didn't want before that as well… I won't be doing that anymore. Kord took everything from me. If he wants to take more, he can come and try," Senth declared, gripping his scatterblaster with newfound determination, fully aware of the consequences that awaited.

The winds of Ord Mantell's wetlands carried a tense silence as Polina locked eyes with Senth, her plea cutting through the air. "Senth, we can't just leave you here to face Kord alone. You've helped us, and we won't abandon you."

Senth, resolute and unyielding, met her gaze. "I appreciate the warning, but this is my home; I won't be chased away."

Polina's eyes welled with frustration, and she took a step closer. "Senth, we can protect you. Together, we stand a chance against Kord. You don't have to face this alone."

Senth shook his head, his determination unwavering. "I've faced worse odds. I won't run anymore."

The atmosphere thickened with the weight of unspoken words. Kyle, observing the exchange, remained silent but conveyed understanding with a subtle nod toward Senth.

Frustration etched across Polina's face, and she pressed, "Senth, come with us. We can't just abandon you."

Senth's response was firm, "I appreciate your offer, but I'll face whatever comes my way."

Polina turned to Kyle, desperation in her eyes. "Kyle, we can't just leave him here. We have to do something."

Kyle, still nodding in understanding to Senth, spoke gently, lowering down to meet the girl's troubled gaze, "Polina, being a Jedi means defending the innocent, but it also means respecting people's choices. Senth has made his decision."

Polina's shoulders slumped, defeated. "But we can't let Kord harm him."

"We've given him the warning. The choice is his," Kyle affirmed, a stoic resolve in his Jedi demeanor.

Polina, heartbroken, finally relented. "I hate this…" she struggled to speak as she turned to Senth, "but if this is what you want Senth, then I understand…"

Senth nodded appreciatively, and with a heavy heart, Polina retraced her steps heading towards the ship feeling consumed by a sense of defeat. Kyle for his part exchanged only a mere glance as both he and Senth knew their paths were meant for elsewhere, yet despite the initial animosity that had behest them both of them found a new sense of respect for one another.

As Kyle and Polina made their way back to their ship, the Jedi sensed the brewing storm of anger within the young woman. With a heavy sigh, he attempted to reassure her, "I know you're angry, Polina, but there are times when you can't convince people to do what's in their best interest. Sometimes, you have to respect their choices even if you don't agree with them."

Polina's gaze remained fixed on the ground, her arms crossed in evident discontent. "We're supposed to help others; that's what Jedi are supposed to do..."

Kyle empathized with her frustration, choosing his words carefully. "Helping others also means respecting their autonomy, Polina. It's a delicate balance between what's right and what's realistic…"

Polina listened in silence, absorbing the lesson beneath the surface.

The air suddenly filled with a familiar, ominous sound—the notorious roar of an incoming TIE fighter. Kyle's instincts kicked in, and he hurried Polina towards the Nebulon, a sense of urgency in his movements.

However, as they approached, an unexpected burst of electricity erupted from the ship, engulfing the immediate area, including Senth's cabin. Though the burst was small and didn't harm Kyle or Polina, the Jedi realized his shield generator at his shoulder paldround had had deactivated, seemingly fried up from overload though his lightsaber and Bryar pistol still worked fine by the looks of it. The increased roar of the TIE fighter heralded a devasting rain of neon green blaster fire raining down on the Nebulon, causing a catastrophic explosion.

Kyle, quick to react, brought Polina and himself to the ground, seeking cover from the fiery debris. The once-proud ship now disintegrated into a shower of sparks and smoke. The force of the explosion sent shockwaves through the air, leaving Kyle and Polina shaken but miraculously unharmed.

Silence settled over the devastation as the echoes of destruction reverberated. Kyle's gaze shifted from the smoldering wreckage to Polina, a shared sense of disbelief etched on their faces. The echoes of the TIE fighter's haunting roar still reverberated as Kyle swiftly led a dazed Polina toward Senth's shack. The urgency of the moment pushed them forward, the smoky aftermath of the Nebulon's demise lingering in the air.

Approaching the shack, Polina appeared to be in a state of shock, her gaze unfocused, lost in the aftermath of the Nebulon's destruction. Sensing the urgency, Kyle burst into the small dwelling, still holding the bedazzled Polina. At first glance, the living room seemed empty, but a closer look revealed furniture trampled and moved aside, unveiling an opened hatch. Within this hidden enclave, Senth manned various terminals, surrounded by an array of tech.

As Kyle surveyed the underground room, the air was tinged with the scent of machinery, and the soft hum of terminals filled the space. Senth, caught off guard by their unexpected return, looked up from his work.

"I thought you two had left by now," Senth remarked with surprise.

Kyle, still cradling Polina, leaped down into the underground dwelling, offering a dry remark, "Well, our ride isn't quite in working condition anymore."

Senth, unamused, demanded they leave, "You guide these kriffin scumballs into my home and can't even be bothered to leave well enough alone, get out!"

Tensions escalated as Kyle shot back, "Listen 'old goat Senth,' or should I call you by your real name, Aresenthanel? I know you're no innocent soul here. Kord was well on your trail before either of us came into the picture!"

The mention of his real name widened Senth's eyes, a spark of rage igniting as he clutched his scatterblaster. Kyle, hand on his lightsaber, shared a tense moment of mutual distrust with the Gotal, reminiscent of their first meeting.

Before the dispute could escalate further, a transmission from Senth's droid, AD-10, interrupted the heated exchange.

"Master Senth, Master Senth!" The droid's voice called over comms. Senth pressed a single button and answered, "Yeah, AD?"

"Oh, there you are, Master. I was growing worried. My sensors picked up an ion pulse, causing most of the perimeter turrets to short-circuit. I've also detected several hovercraft approaching from the marshes. I was just finishing collecting krill, but I'm heading back to the cabin!"

Kyle and Senth exchanged a knowing glance; petty squabbles were a luxury they couldn't afford. As Kord and his men approached, Kyle then asked, "How can I help?"

Senth, begrudgingly acknowledging the imminent threat, shifted his focus. The trio, once at odds, now faced a common enemy closing in on them. The underground room, with its myriad terminals and tech, became a makeshift command center as they now had to hastily formulate a plan to confront the impending danger.

Amidst the urgency, Polina, still in a state of shock, began speaking cryptically once more, "It was there, it was within, within the prison... they cast us, cast us in, always watching but never in power."

Kyle, hearing her unsettling words, approached her with concern. Meanwhile, Senth continued manning the terminals in a desperate attempt to reboot the systems that had been fried.

"Polina," Kyle said with worry, "Hey, kid, come on, don't go off into your rambling again."

"The darkness, the prison in the darkness, they knew..." Polina continued to ramble, much to Kyle's distress. Above the underground control center, the sound of blaster fire rumbled, a clear sign that the TIE fighter outside was continuing its assault.

"We can worry about her later. I need your help, Jedi man!" Senth abruptly snapped at Kyle. The Jedi gently set Polina back onto the floor, standing up with newfound determination as he looked at Senth.

"I need you to go out there and manually reset the turrets around the perimeter; here, use this!" Senth handed him a comlink, "Also you may want to grab a new weapon, you'll need more firepower than that meager hand blaster."

As Kyle took the comlink, he glanced back at the wall filled with an assortment of blaster pistols and rifles, a considerable arsenal to say the least. Without hesitation, he reached for a familiar A280 blaster rifle, securing it on his back. Kyle then addressed Senth with a firm nod.

"Watch out for Polina," he instructed before scaling up the ladder, and emerging into the chaos of the surface. The air was thick with the acrid scent of blaster fire, and the distant roar of the TIE fighter continued its relentless assault.

Ready to face Kord's forces, Kyle steeled himself for the imminent confrontation.

"AD-10 will guide you to the first turret…" Senth stated over the comlink, Kyle was suddenly met by the blue protocol droid.

"Ah, Visitor Kyle, I did not think we would see each other again!"

"Neither did I AD…" Kyle said as he exited the shack, "We gotta get going now…"

"AD-10, show Kyle to the nearest perimeter turret and give him all the help he needs. Code 212, Province," Senth's voice rang out from the comlink and to AD-10 directly which visibly seemed to affect the droid momentarily.

"Certainly master Senth, Master Kyle, please follow me!"

From a vantage point on the other side of the valley, the crime lord Kord peered through a pair of binox's, his eyes ablaze with rage and a thirst for revenge. He watched the homestead, a fortress that had eluded him for too long, now within his sights. A sinister chuckle escaped his lips as the TIE fighter continued circling above to unleash havoc upon the shack.

As the fiery assault continued, one of Kord's henchmen approached, cautiously reporting, "Boss, everyone's gathered up. We've got about forty guys ready for your command."

Kord's eyes narrowed in surprise at the seemingly small number. His lieutenant explained, "With the prisoner escape, we could only spare this many men, boss."

In a sudden fit of anger, Kord delivered a backhand to his lieutenant, a sharp crack echoing in the air. "You imbecile! I will not have him escape again. Bring everyone you can find!"

His lieutenant, nursing the side of his face, quickly reached for a communicator, fear etched on his features. Speaking in an alien language, he urgently called for reinforcements, his words laced with desperation.

Kord, seething with impatience, glared at the shack as the TIE fighter continued its destructive assault. The small number of men at his disposal did little to assuage his fury. Revenge burned in his eyes, and with each passing moment, the valley echoed with the ominous sounds of impending conflict.

In the midst of the chaotic air assault, Kyle found himself amidst the tangle of cables and unfamiliar inner workings of a massive weapon. The structure vaguely resembled an Imperial XX-9 heavy turbolaser battery, but it had three menacing cannons, their metallic surfaces gleaming ominously amidst their camouflage of greenery and bushes which made the entire structure blend into the valley.

Senth, standing by over comms observed with the cameras attached at the corner of the turret, he began giving instructions on how to reboot the intricate system. "Jedi, you see those blue cables there? Connect them to the central core. Yeah, that one. Good. Now, press the activation sequence on the terminal panel to your left."

Kyle, focused on the task at hand, diligently followed Senth's instructions. As he worked, he couldn't help but voice his curiosity. "This kind of firepower is impressive, Senth. Where did you manage to get your hands on something like this?"

Senth, his eyes narrowed in concentration, responded with a hint of nonchalance, "Since the First Order fell, their weapons have been scattered all over the galaxy. It's a free market for anyone bold enough to claim a piece."

Kyle, grappling with the unfamiliar technology, pressed further, "So, you just stumbled upon this heavy turbolaser battery?"

Senth, still giving vague responses, replied, "Let's say opportunities presented themselves, Jedi. Now, focus on the task. We're not out of the fire just yet."

The TIE fighter above continued its sporadic assault, the ominous hum of its engines and the intermittent blasts adding urgency to the situation. Kyle, determined to master this familiar yet also alien technology, persisted in fiddling with the cables and terminals, hoping to bring the formidable weapon back to life.

Senth, watching the Jedi's efforts, added, "You've got to hurry, Jedi. We don't have much time. Those hovercraft from the marshes will be here soon, and we need this turbolaser ready to greet them."

The tension in the underground control center escalated with each passing moment, the fate of their small refuge hanging in the balance as Kyle grappled with the mysterious machinery, the hum of the TIE fighter above serving as a constant reminder of the impending danger.

With the homestead now surrounded by over a hundred men, Kord stood amidst the boundary of the marsh valley, a myriad of hovercrafts of various sizes and armament at his disposal. His eyes gleamed with the anticipation of victory as he surveyed the imposing force under his command. The TIE fighter above retreated momentarily, its role accomplished for the time being.

"All of you, listen up!" Kord bellowed, clicking still echoing in his voice as it cut through the quiet tension. "We've got them cornered. This is the moment we've been waiting for. Take no prisoners. I want that homestead reduced to rubble, and I want every last one of them dead."

His words resonated with a chilling resolve as his henchmen geared up and boarded the waiting hovercrafts. The air hummed with the anticipation of imminent conflict.

The hovercrafts rumbled to life, their engines echoing through the marshes as they began to move forward, a formidable armada advancing on the seemingly vulnerable homestead. Kord, flanked by a bulk of his force, watched as his men executed his orders with ruthless efficiency.

As the hovercrafts disappeared into the marshes, leaving Kord and a significant portion of his force behind, he muttered to himself, "This is the end for them. No one defies me and lives to tell the tale."

The air hung heavy with the promise of violence, and Kord, his eyes ablaze with the pursuit of vengeance, waited on the edge of the marsh valley, prepared to witness the destruction of the homestead and the end of those who dared to defy his reign.

Kyle continued to struggle with the task of rebooting the turret's automatic system. The complex machinery resisted his efforts, and frustration etched his face as he worked tirelessly to bring the formidable weapon back online.

Amid this struggle, AD-10's metallic voice echoed through the underground control center. "Masters, sensors indicate the intruders are fast approaching. The TIE fighter seems to have retreated."

Senth, his eyes narrowing in concern, stated the obvious, "We can't get the turret to function in time unless we find something that could immediately reboot it."

Kyle, not one to back down from a challenge, had another idea. "I might have a solution," he said, pulling out the cybernetic device he had acquired from Goro. Recalling the unique properties of the cybernetic, particularly its master function chip, Kyle quickly attached it to the mainframe of the turret.

As the cybernetic interfaced with the turret's systems, a surge of energy flowed through the machinery. Kyle's eyes glinted with determination as he realized the potential of the newfound connection. "This cybernetic had a master function chip. If I can establish a direct link, I might be able to control the turret myself."

Senth, eyeing the cybernetic with a mix of curiosity and hope, nodded in approval. "Do it, Jedi. We don't have much time."

With focused intent, Kyle delved into the cybernetic's interface, establishing a direct connection with the turret's mainframe. The hum of machinery intensified, and the dormant turret came to life, its three cannons pivoting with newfound purpose.

AD-10, detecting the successful reboot, chimed in, "Master Kyle, the turret is now under your control."

A sense of relief washed over Senth's face as he spoke to Kyle, "Good work, Jedi. Now, let's show these intruders they picked the wrong fight."

The fleet of hovercrafts advanced through the marsh fields, their engines humming with an air of impending triumph. Thugs aboard, blasters at the ready, anticipated a homestead reduced to nothing but dust, unaware of the unexpected turn of events waiting for them.

As the hovercrafts drew closer, the atmosphere was thick with tension when suddenly, without warning, piercing green blaster fire erupted from the homestead. The deadly shots struck with precision, obliterating one hovercraft after another. Chaos ensued as explosions echoed through the marshes, engulfing some of the crafts in billowing flames.

Thugs who managed to escape their doomed crafts scrambled for cover, seeking refuge in the waters of the marsh fields. However, not all were as fortunate, meeting a grimmer fate as the relentless barrage continued.

From his vantage point, Kord seethed with rage as he watched the destruction unfold. "What in the kriff is happening?" he growled, his anger escalating. He quickly called for the TIE fighter to return and eliminate the newfound threat.

Above, the TIE fighter, having momentarily retreated, reappeared on the scene. Kord, his eyes ablaze with fury, barked orders into a comm device. "Blow that turret to pieces! I want it gone, now!"

The TIE fighter responded to Kord's command, unleashing a torrent of blaster fire towards the turret. The air filled with the sound of explosions as the TIE fighter attempted to eliminate the source of resistance.

Amidst the chaos, Kyle strained to target the incredibly fast TIE fighter with the turret's cannons. The starfighter danced through the sky with unnatural agility. AD-10's metallic voice resonated, " Kyle, this is a TIE Brute with a modified engine. It was part of the First Order's Starfighter Corps, known for its exceptional speed and maneuverability along."

Kyle, gritting his teeth in frustration, replied, "I don't need a history lesson right now, AD. Just give me the information I need to take it down!"

As the battle in the skies raged on, Senth interjected, "You won't be able to manually target it, Kyle. The Brute is too fast."

Undeterred, Kyle continued his attempts to lock onto the elusive TIE fighter. AD-10 continued to provide details, much to Kyle's annoyance, about the First Order's advancements in starfighter technology.

"Master Kyle, the TIE Brute is equipped with concussion missiles. It seems to be positioning for a shot," AD-10 informed.

Kyle's focus intensified, determined to line up a shot despite the odds. However, as he attempted to lock on, a realization struck him. "Concussion missiles incoming!" AD-10 warned.

Reacting swiftly, Kyle abandoned the turret just in time as the missiles struck, erupting the turret into a fiery explosion. Debris scattered, and for a moment, all communication went silent.

Concern etched Senth's face as he called out, "Kyle? Kyle, do you read?"

Polina, eyes wide with worry, added, "Where is he?"

Suddenly, AD-10's voice broke through the tense silence. "Master Kyle is alive. I am assisting him. Initiating a medical examination."

Amid the debris, Kyle stirred, his focus unwavering. "No time for that, AD. Focus on the attack!"

Senth, relieved by the news of Kyle's survival, joined in. "He's right. We've got more trouble incoming. AD-10, what do you see?"

AD-10 responded, "Several signs of intruders at the beachhead. Hovercrafts approaching."

As the battle intensified, Kyle, battered but resolute, rose to his feet, ready to face the next wave of attackers. As the Jedi and the droid looked down into the beach they saw various figures beginning to gather up, Kyle knew he had to act fast.

"Alright AD," Kyle said as he looked at his blaster rifle and then at the protocol droid, "I got an idea…"

The beachhead lay in ruins, the aftermath of the first assault turning the once serene area into a war zone. Hovercraft wreckage scattered across the landscape, engulfed in smoke and ash, making visibility nearly impossible. Surviving thugs cautiously spread out among the debris, their movements shrouded in the lingering haze.

As one of the leaders cautiously approached what remained of the shack, blaster fire erupted from the burning ridge where the turret once stood. The thugs scrambled for cover, attempting to return fire, but accurate blaster shots from the ridge cut them down one by one.

"Spread out! Find the source of that fire!" the leading thug ordered, frustration evident in his voice.

A few thugs attempted to flank around the ridge, hoping to catch the unseen assailant. However, a sudden blue light pierced the smoke, and the thugs dropped like dominoes. Kyle, armed with his lightsaber, emerged from the shadows, engaging the remaining thugs with swift and precise strikes.

AD-10, positioned on the ridge, provided covering fire with the A280 blaster rifle. As a thug lunged toward Kyle, blaster bolts from AD-10's rifle struck true, saving the Jedi from harm. Kyle acknowledged the assistance with a subtle wave of thanks.

Amidst the chaos, Kyle's lightsaber flickered through the smoke, a beacon of blue cutting through the confusion. The remaining thugs, caught between the lightsaber and blaster fire, had little chance. The skirmish ended as quickly as it began, the first assault thwarted by the combined efforts of Kyle and AD-10.

As the echoes of blaster fire subsided, the smoke began to clear, revealing the charred remnants of the beachhead. Senth for his part exited out of the charred remains of the shack, his scatterblaster still in hand as he looked with visible distraught the absolute destruction of his once comfortable home. Kyle for his part stood amidst the wreckage, lightsaber extinguished.

With the first assault repelled, Kyle swiftly took hold of a fallen thug's blaster, the cool metal weapon feeling unfamiliar in his hands. He called out to Senth, "We fought off the first assault, but there's probably another one incoming!"

AD-10's metallic voice interjected, "Indeed, Masters. There's an imminent threat, and the TIE Brute is returning for another attack."

At that moment, the TIE Brute's green lasers streaked across the sky, narrowly missing what remained of the shack. Kyle, frustration evident in his voice, exclaimed, "As long as that thing's in the air, we're toast!"

AD-10, processing the situation, offered a glimmer of hope. "There's a chance one of the turrets at the other side of the marsh has rebooted and is operational. Someone needs to reactivate it."

"I'll do it," Kyle declared decisively, not allowing AD-10 to finish calculating the odds. "AD-10, keep providing cover fire. We need that turret back online."

The droid acknowledged the command, "As you wish, Master Kyle."

With determination in his stride, Kyle and Senth both moved toward the farmer's own docked hovercraft. The distant roar of engines grew louder as Kord's second wave approached, opening fire in a relentless assault, both Senth and Kyle took cover within a ditch, amidst the still burning remains of an enemy hovercraft.

As Kyle prepared to make a run for the hovercraft, he shouted to Senth over the cacophony of blaster fire, "Cover me, Senth! I'll get that turret online!"

Senth, armed and ready, nodded in acknowledgment, "Go, Jedi. We've got your back!"

Kyle sprinted towards the hovercraft, blaster bolts whizzing past him. AD-10, perched on the ridge, unleashed covering fire, providing a momentary shield for Kyle as he embarked on his mission to reactivate the crucial turret and turn the tide against Kord.

The hovercraft surged through the marsh fields, Kyle piloting it with determination toward the distant turret. The craft weaved and darted, deftly avoiding the incoming blaster fire from Kord's men as they unleashed a relentless assault.

As Kyle neared the turret's location, the TIE Brute made its reappearance, locking onto the Jedi's hovercraft. Multiple sorties of green blaster fire erupted from the starfighter, closing in on Kyle just as he was within striking distance of the turret. The hovercraft's underbelly then took a direct hit, and with a violent jolt, it lost control, swerving and rolling over into the murky waters.

Smoke and fire billowed from the submerged hovercraft as Kyle struggled to resurface. He emerged from the waters, battered and bruised, gasping for air. Despite the pain, he was undeterred. With sheer determination, he fought against the currents, struggling to find a footing.

As Kyle staggered through the water, his goal still clear in his mind, a hovercraft cut his path. Another approached from behind, trapping him between them. The distinct voice of Kord echoed through the marsh, taunting the injured Jedi.

"Well, well, if it isn't the non-Jedi himself. Looks like you're all washed up Mr. Just a Guy with a Lightsaber…" The crime boss's jowls produced a set of menacing clicks, exuding a palpable sense of bloodlust as he fixated on the battered Jedi. Emerging ominously right behind Kord's vessel, the TIE Brute materialized, hovering mere meters above, a malevolent display of unbridled power.

Kyle, though battered, glared defiantly at Kord. "Is this the part where I'm supposed to beg, 'cause you're about to be sorely disappointed…"

Kord chuckled, his henchmen closing in with their blasters aimed at the Jedi. "I would've put a blaster bolt through you by now if you hadn't proven useful enough. Thanks for getting that Nubian close enough to deactivate Aresenthanel's defenses. I knew you'd be stupid enough to steal it and come to warn him, I could see it in your face, in the way you carried yourself – you're no Unchained..."

The tense atmosphere hung thick in the air as confusion flashed across Kyle's face at the mention of "Unchained." Before he could question further, Kord raised his opulent, gold-adorned blaster, signaling an imminent threat.

"Despite your usefulness, Jedi, you've proven to be quite the thorn in my side," Kord sneered, reflecting on the freed prisoners and the havoc Kyle had caused. "Now is the time to end you."

Tauntingly, Kord added, "As for that girl of yours, rest assured, I'll see to it she's raised properly."

Caught in a perilous moment, Kyle's eyes darted to a glimmer in the waters – his lightsaber, only a few meters away. Knowing it might be his only chance, he also recognized the risk; any sudden move could be a death sentence.

Unexpectedly, the tense standoff was shattered as the TIE Brute erupted into a fiery explosion. Senth emerged at the beachhead, wielding a smoking homing launcher. The starfighter crashed into the marshes, a blazing wreck.

Locking eyes with Kord, Senth emanated a palpable desire for vengeance. However, before the two could engage, Kord's men raised their blasters, unleashing a torrent of blaster fire. Senth attempted to retaliate but was cut down by the overwhelming onslaught.

Seizing the opportunity, Kyle summoned his lightsaber from the waters, its blue glow reflecting off the marsh's murky surface. With a swift and fluid motion, he executed a masterful saber throw, the blade cutting through the air with precision. The humming energy cleaved through Kord's hovercraft, and the crime lord realizing it too late, had only a brief moment to process the impending danger as the saber decapitated Kord and his henchmen in a single lethal arc. Their heads thudded heavily onto the hovercraft's deck, with Kord's unique eight-eyed visage plunging into the murky waters of the marsh.

The scene left the remaining thugs in stunned silence and fear. Kyle, catching his lightsaber effortlessly, turned to face them with a stern scowl. The thugs, realizing the tide had turned, fled in terror. The crumbling of Kord's crime empire echoed with his demise, leaving behind the fiery wreck of the TIE Brute as a testament to it's ultimate defeat.

Amidst the desolation that cloaked the homestead, Kyle returned to the beach bank aboard Kord's hovercraft. The aftermath painted a grim tale of chaos and destruction, a stark contrast to the once-secluded sanctuary.

With a sense of urgency, Kyle scanned the surroundings, desperately seeking signs of Senth and Polina. A trail of what seemed to be Senth's blood drew his attention toward the shack. As he approached, the haunting aftermath unfolded before him.

Seated on his hover chair, Senth's expression bore the toll of the conflict, blood streaming from chiseled blaster injuries. Igniting his tabac pipe, Senth projected an air of having seemingly accepted the inevitable.

AD-10 stood beside Senth, displaying a metallic solemnity, a testament to the droid's unwavering dedication to its master. Meanwhile, Polina emerged from the underground shelter. Her initial relief at seeing Kyle shifted to distress as she took in the sight of the mortally wounded Senth.

In the heavy silence, Polina's voice trembled, "Senth, h-hold on, w-we'll get you help!"

She turned to Kyle and AD-10, urgency in her eyes, "We have to do something. We can't just let him..."

Senth, however, interrupted, "No, Polina. I've seen enough battles to know when it's time to take a seat and let go."

Kyle, understanding the gravity of Senth's decision, nodded solemnly, "He's made his choice, Polina, this time we can't help him. Sometimes, that's the hardest part."

Polina, grappling with the reality of the situation, reluctantly nodded. Senth, looking at them with a hint of gratitude, murmured, "Just let me enjoy the quiet for a bit. No more running."

The trio stood in the aftermath, surrounded by the echoes of a battle that had claimed more than just the physical landscape. Yet a quiet and serene moment unfolded, Polina embracing Kyle as the Jedi stood firm and glanced at Senth with eyes that beckoned mutual respect amidst their shared struggle.

Amidst the quiet aftermath, Senth's voice, burdened with the weight of memories, cut through the stillness. "You know," he began, the words carrying a pressured raspiness, "I knew a Jedi before you not that long ago..."

Kyle, enveloped in the solemnity of the moment, listened with heightened curiosity, keenly aware of the significance of the farmer's words.

"He was nothing but farkled scum, a real bastard," Senth continued, puffing on his pipe. A dry cough seized him, a small splatter of blood escaping his mouth, staining the purity of the marsh air.

"But you're alright," Senth declared with a calmer tone, his gaze fixed on the lingering tendrils of smoke from his pipe. "We need more like you."

In that fleeting moment, the farmer's revelation resonated with the subtle complexities of his past. The air hung heavy with the echoes of regrets, unspoken stories, and the quiet acceptance of the end.

"Sulina... Bek... I'm home," Senth whispered his final words, a serene acceptance washing over him. With that, he gently reclined his head, releasing the last breath of air, his journey finding its conclusion.

The cool breeze of Ord Mantell's dusk rustled through the scorched remnants of the homestead as Kyle and AD-10 concluded the task of burying Senth. The grave, situated over the ridge near the still-burning turret, offered a somber vantage point overlooking the remains of the once-secluded sanctuary.

Polina, holding Senth's pipe, approached the freshly turned earth. Kyle, visibly exhausted and bearing a plain shirt, joined her, the blueish hues of the evening casting a melancholic glow on their weary faces.

Setting the pipe gently atop the grave, Polina turned to Kyle, her eyes reflecting a mix of grief and determination. "We should say something," she suggested.

Kyle, initially uncertain, nodded. "Senth... was a cantankerous old goat," he began, a faint smile touching his lips. "Always had a nasty remark ready, but you know what? Underneath that gruff exterior, he was one of the good beings in this galaxy. Faced down his demons, even when he knew the end was near."

Polina listened, her eyes welling with tears as Kyle continued, "He didn't ask for help, didn't want pity, but he sure as hell earned our respect. And for that, Senth, we'll remember you."

AD-10, standing beside the grave, remarked in his metallic voice, "A splendid eulogy, Master Kyle."

As the last words lingered in the air, the trio stood in the fading light, paying their respects.

Amidst the remnants of the homestead, Kyle and Polina had gathered what supplies remained salvageable. Kyle sat on a crate and unveiled his med kit's lancing device, he tended to the cuts and scrapes on his arm, souvenirs from the battle. His sweater, bearing the personal shield generator shoulder pauldron, lay on a blasted-up table nearby.

As they worked, AD-10 approached, his metallic demeanor carrying an air of inquisitiveness. "What is our course of action now?" he inquired.

Kyle, still uncertain, explained, "With the Nubian gone and the homestead in ruins, we'll have to head back to the city or try our luck getting to Worlport."

AD-10 then dropped a surprising revelation. "With Master Senth's passing, I am programmed to recognize the person assigned with the Province Protocol of Temporary Obedience as my new owner. In this case, that would be you, Master Kyle."

Bemusem*nt flickered across Kyle's face as AD-10 continued, "Regarding transport, there is some good news."

The ground suddenly quivered beneath their feet, and a low rumble echoed through the remnants of Senth's homestead. The soil, scarred by the recent conflict, began to part ways like a hidden secret unveiling itself. Kyle rose from the crate, his eyes widening in surprise. Rising from the depths below, an imposing Barloz-class freighter emerged with a quiet majesty, its durasteel hull reflecting the dim hues of Ord Mantell's twilight.

The ship, concealed and protected for years, broke free from its terrestrial confines, revealing its sharp and weathered exterior. Panels and hatches glided smoothly into place as the vessel ascended, its once-hidden presence now dominating the scorched landscape. The ship's silhouette, defined by angular lines and reinforced plating, stood as a testament to Senth's foresight and the unexpected fortune it now bestowed upon Kyle and Polina as the both of them in awe, approached the emerging ship.

AD-10 explained, "Master Senth docked and hid this ship several years ago. It should still be functional, though he chose not to use it, perhaps out of stubbornness or due to the presence of the TIE fighter above."

A smile spread across Kyle's face as he glanced at the bewildered Polina. It seemed luck had turned in their favor.

"Thank the Force… thank you Senth!" Kyle said with a low voice.

In the aftermath of loading supplies onto the Barloz-class freighter, Kyle found himself in the co*ckpit, examining the controls and seats. A pair of seats for the pilot and co-pilot stood at the front, flanked by additional seats for navigation. The atmosphere was peculiar, indicating that the co*ckpit had remained dormant for an extended period.

Kyle ran his fingers across the control panel, feeling the worn but reliable surfaces beneath his touch. "Corellian Engineering Corporation really knew how to build them to last," he mused, his gaze fixed on the pilot's seat.

AD-10 joined him, offering his insights. "The freighter's systems are holding up well, Master Kyle. Senth did some modifications, including a Netro-Boost function for those times when a hasty getaway is necessary."

A small grin formed on Kyle's face. "Senth knew his way around a ship, that's for sure."

As Polina waltzed in from behind AD-10 and settled into the co-pilot's seat, her eyes danced across the controls. "This is amazing! I've never been in a ship like this before."

AD-10 turned his sensors toward Kyle. "And where shall we set our course, Master Kyle?"

Kyle's brow furrowed slightly. "Well, with the galaxy in its current state, no New Republic or Jedi for all I know... I'm thinking Dohu IV or maybe somewhere outside the oversector where we could lay low."

The droid chimed in, "I compiled a list of known Republic and Resistance-affiliated systems, per your previous request. The closest one is Ajan Kloss. They might still be there and could provide assistance."

"Ajan Kloss?" Kyle repeated, his expression revealing his unfamiliarity with the name. "I've never heard of it, but it's worth a shot. We'll set a course for Ajan Kloss, AD-10. Let's see if anyone there can shed some light on what's happening in the galaxy."

The Barloz-class freighter, once hidden beneath the wreckage of Senth's homestead, groaned as it lifted off the ground. Dust and debris scattered in the ship's turbulent ascent, creating a temporary storm around the former battleground.

Inside the co*ckpit, Kyle, Polina, and AD-10 buckled themselves in, feeling the ship's initial shakiness. Kyle's hands expertly danced across the controls, compensating for the instability. As the ship ascended, the tremors subsided, replaced by the hum of the engines and the view of the darkening sky.

Polina looked out of the co*ckpit window, watching as Ord Mantell's marshes and hills receded beneath them. "We're really leaving, huh?"

Kyle shot her a reassuring smile. "Yeah, we are. Sometimes the path forward is uncertain, but it's better than staying where the danger is."

AD-10 chimed in with his mechanical beeps, injecting his usual touch of logic into the conversation. "Though, by the odd diameters, we may end up encountering more danger than none. But that is still a good perspective to have, Master Kyle!"

Kyle rolled his eyes, glancing at Polina with a mischievous grin. "Well, Polina, if we stumble upon a scrap yard, we'll at least know how much our metallic companion is worth." He chuckled, anticipating Polina's reaction.

Polina playfully punched Kyle's arm, her laughter blending with the ship's hum. "Oh, come on, Kyle, AD-10 is priceless!"

Kyle laughed along as the freighter continued its ascent, breaking through the atmosphere into the star-studded void of space. The glow of hyperspace lanes awaited them as Kyle inputted the coordinates for Ajan Kloss. The ship's engines roared, propelling them toward their next destination.


Well, that's a wrap on this arc. For those who may not have been aware, this story was also posted on with all chapters up to 8 posted and I know it may be a bit facetious to post them here in periods but I wanted to maintain a sense of suspense for those who were not aware so apologies for that haha. Anyhow I appreciate all the kudos and people who have read the story so far, from now on everytime I update the story on it will also be updated here concurrently rest assured. Feel free to leave comments and tell me what you think of the story so far, be it good, bad, or ugly, I appreciate any and all feedback. Expect the next chapter by next week :)

Happy new year by the way, and may the Force be with you!

Chapter 9: Shadows of the Dominion


A fresh odyssey unfolds. Jedi Master Kyle Katarn, victorious over the insidious crime lord Kord, embarks on a renewed journey. Accompanied by his apprentice, Polina, and the astute droid AD-10, they soar through the cosmos aboard a new vessel, propelled by destiny's currents. Their course set for the mysterious world of Ajan Kloss, the Jedi seeks the elusive Resistance and any traces of the Jedi Order...

Chapter Text

The Barloz-class freighter soared through the luminous streaks of lightspeed, its hull bathed in the ethereal glow of hyperspace. A serene calm enveloped the ship as it traversed the cosmic currents, navigating the vastness of the galaxy with a quiet determination.

In the Captain's room, Polina lay on a comfortable bed, her features softened in the gentle ambient light. Unbeknownst to her, the ship danced through the fabric of spacetime, carrying dreams and aspirations toward an unseen destination.

As the freighter hummed with the distant echoes of its hyperdrive, Kyle wandered the ship's common hallways outside the co*ckpit. The soft hum of the engines created a tranquil backdrop, accentuating the thoughtful expression on Kyle's face as he pondered the mysteries that awaited them. As he navigated his thoughts, AD-10 emerged from the co*ckpit, its blue plating catching the ambient light.

"Master Kyle, my sensors detect a high level of distress in your emotional state. Is there something you wish to discuss?" the droid inquired.

Attempting to downplay his unease, Kyle smirked. "Oh, just contemplating things AD, nothing else."

AD-10, unfazed by the attempted deflection, analyzed the data. "My calculations suggest a 97.97% probability that your statement is inaccurate."

Kyle chuckled, realizing the droid's precision. "Okay, maybe I'm feeling a bit lost. This galaxy... I don't quite know what to make of it."

Curious, AD-10 probed further. "What aspects of the galaxy are difficult for you to grasp, Master Kyle?"

With a heavy sigh, Kyle leaned against the corridor wall. "I never heard of the First Order, the New Republic is gone, and the Jedi... they're nowhere to be found. It's like things just went ahead and took a massive turn and I'm light years away from ever catching up."

AD-10, attempting to comprehend the sentiment, responded, "Master Kyle, the galaxy may be in disarray, but nothing is beyond repair. Even in chaos, there are opportunities for positive change."

Kyle nodded, appreciating the droid's attempt at reassurance. "You're right, AD. It's just a lot to take in. Maybe I can make a difference here."

The droid nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Master Kyle. Even a single spark can ignite significant change."

Kyle offered a faint smile, reminiscing, "I do miss Luke. He had this knack for making sense of things. Or, at least, putting up a convincing act."

AD-10's photoreceptors flickered, catching the subtle nuance in Kyle's words. "Master Kyle, are you referring to Jedi Master Luke Skywalker? He vanished from the galaxy several years prior to the First Order's invasion."

Confusion knitted Kyle's brows at the droid's revelation. "What do you mean, 'vanished'?"

"Reports say his Jedi Order was decimated years before the rise of the First Order. Only a single apprentice was thought to survive by the time the First Order crumbled five years ago," AD-10 continued, its synthetic voice measured. "Did you know Luke for long?"

Kyle's gaze drifted, the past unfolding before him. "Luke and I connected when the galaxy was in turmoil, dealing with Imperial remnants and the Yuuzhan Vong. We aimed to rebuild the Jedi Order, bring balance to the Force. Trained a new generation, dozens of them..."

Intrigue resonated in AD-10's circuits. "Fascinating. Your journey with Luke Skywalker spans crucial moments in history, yet there are gaps, shadows in the narrative you are detailing. My data banks lacks information on the 'Yuuzhan Vong' you mentioned."

Kyle, his memories dancing at the periphery of thought, mused, "If you don't have data on the Yuuzhan Vong, it's a bigger problem. They weren't a small threat. Makes no sense you wouldn't know, unless..." He trailed off, fingers absently tracing his beard in contemplation.

AD-10, processing the implications, probed, "Are you formulating a theory, Master Kyle?"

A sigh escaped Kyle's lips. "Not sure yet. Mysteries aside, I'm set on finding what's left of Luke's order. Senth spoke of clashes with the Mandalorians."

Understanding colored AD-10's response. "Indeed, Master Kyle. Unfortunately, my memory banks lack detailed records of that conflict."

"That's alright, AD. Let's focus on reaching Ajan Kloss for now. We'll see what we can uncover there."

"Of course, Master Kyle. In fact, we're about to arrive," AD-10 replied. They returned to the co*ckpit, uncertainty lingering in the air around Kyle like a subtle question mark.

The Barloz-class freighter emerged from the rippling fabric of hyperspace, its transition marked by a subtle tremor that resonated through the ship's hull. Ajan Kloss, bathed in the glow of its distant suns, came into view as the ship entered the system. The green aura of the planet reflected back into the co*ckpit through the expansive windows, casting a lush hue upon the vessel's surroundings.

AD-10, its metallic form illuminated by the vibrant glow, initiated a scan of the planet. "Master Kyle, the sensors detect minimal extraorbital activity. However, there are indications of population centers within the planetary boundaries."

Kyle, studying the holographic readouts, nodded thoughtfully. "Let's head for the nearest population center then. We might find some answers there. AD-10, punch in the coordinates."

As the droid diligently input the destination, Polina, roused from her rest, entered the co*ckpit with a yawn. Her eyes, still heavy with sleep, widened at the mesmerizing view beyond the windows.

"Where are we?" she asked, her voice a curious one against the hum of the ship.

Kyle turned to her, a small smile playing on his lips. "Ajan Kloss. We're descending into one of the inhabited areas. Seems like a good place to start."

Polina, rubbing her eyes, leaned in to get a better look at the planet below. "Ajan Kloss... never been here. What's the plan?"

"We'll touch down and ask around for some information," Kyle explained, gesturing toward the holographic display. "See if anyone knows anything about this 'Resistance' or the Jedi Order. We need information, Polina."

She nodded, the weariness in her eyes replaced by a spark of determination. "Alright then, let's find some answers."

The ship continued its descent, passing through the layers of Ajan Kloss's atmosphere. The co*ckpit filled with the soft hum of the engines once mmore. As the green aura of Ajan Kloss enveloped the ship, Kyle and Polina exchanged glances, both harboring their own hopes and uncertainties.

Fallstar Outpost, a small town nestled beneath an imposing dam wall in the mountainous jungles of Ajan Kloss was a vivid tapestry of life. Quaint wooden buildings, weathered by both time and the elements, stood in contrast to the few modern structures that dotted the landscape. The dusty streets resonated with the joyful laughter of children engaged in playful pursuits, while the townsfolk, with purposeful strides, went about their daily routines amid the thick, jungle foliage.

As the town lay cradled at the valley's bottom, a colossal dam loomed overhead, its concrete face holding back the reservoir's waters. Below, a set of pipes crafted an intricate riverway that wound its way through the town, transporting the cascading water and imbuing the atmosphere with the soothing melody of flowing streams. The vibrant hues of the jungle reflected in the crystalline waters, creating a mesmerizing dance of light and shadow.

In the outskirts, extractor droids moved with mechanical precision, their arms tirelessly at work in the deforested areas. Further in the distance, the rugged mountain ranges bore witness to the scars of mining operations, a testament to the town's dependence on resource extraction.

Quinio, the weary manager of the minute starport, sat within the control cabin. The starport, a humble collection of landing pads, served as the town's sole connection to the broader galaxy. His squinted eyes focused on a small holo transmitter, where scarce signals from the holonet highlighted just how secluded this place of the galaxy was.

Suddenly, a bleep on the radar roused Quinio from his contemplation. His brow furrowed in confusion and urgency as he tried to establish a connection with the incoming ship.

Quinio connected to the incoming ship's comms, a tinge of anxiety in his voice, "W-we weren't expecting any arrivals until later in the month."

The signal crackled, the voice of the incoming pilot distorted and barely recognizable. Quinio, now even more perplexed, hurriedly exited his cabin. As he manually turned the alarm horn, its deep echoes resonated through the town, signaling the unexpected arrival.

The vibrant community, once bustling with activity, now fell into an uneasy silence. Children dashed indoors, and the townsfolk, casting apprehensive glances at the sky, retreated to the shelter of their homes. The extractor droids and distant mines persisted in their rhythmic tasks, while the jungle, with its vibrant foliage, stood as a silent witness to the unfolding mystery.

The unknown vessel drew closer, and the palpable tension in the town thickened, an anticipatory hush settling over the jungle-clad haven.

The Barloz-class freighter glided through the cloudy currents, its rough and bulky hull navigating through the skies of Ajan Kloss. Polina, her eyes sparkling with excitement, stood by the viewport, captivated by the spectacle of a new planet unfolding before her.

"Kyle, can you believe it? A whole new world to explore!" she exclaimed, her enthusiasm infectious.

Kyle, focused on piloting the ship, nodded absentmindedly. "Just another stop," he muttered, his mind preoccupied with thoughts beyond the lush scenery outside.

AD-10, the diligent overseer of diagnostics and data, chimed in with information about the planet. "Ajan Kloss is rich in a valuable material known as lumarium, a mineral extensively mined for its conductivity and energy applications. The concentrations here are remarkably high."

Polina's eyes widened with fascination, "Lumarium? That sounds important! Maybe we can find something valuable to trade or upgrade the ship."

Kyle, less interested in the material wealth, interjected, "Yeah, yeah. More interested in finding out what happened to the Resistance. We need information, not minerals."

As the ship glided through the planet's atmosphere, a static-filled signal pierced the airwaves. Kyle furrowed his brow, his focus intensifying. "What's this signal? Can you make anything of it, AD?"

AD-10 processed the erratic transmission. "Insufficient data to determine the origin or content of the signal, Master Kyle. The interference is substantial."

Kyle sighed in frustration. "Figures. Just what we need—more mysteries."

As they descended towards what appeared to be a starport, Polina shot a concerned glance at Kyle. "You sure about this? That signal didn't sound too friendly."

Kyle, maintaining a facade of nonchalance, retorted, "Oh, they haven't shot us down yet. We're probably fine." He winked at Polina, attempting to play it off as a joke.

AD-10, ever the literal companion, interjected, "The statement 'we're probably fine' is 67.83% false, Master Kyle."

Kyle scoffed, "Thanks for the precision, AD. I'm sure we'll be fine."

The freighter gently settled on one of the landing pads near the settlement, an air of uncertainty lingering like a ghostly whisper. Polina, Kyle, and AD-10 convened at the loading ramp on the left side of the ship, none of them knowing what awaited them.

Kyle, the epitome of seasoned determination, readied his Bryar pistol, securing it in its holster with a practiced ease. A brown single sling backpack hung casually over his shoulder as he adjusted its straps. Gone was his earlier pauldred sweater, replaced by a simple dark robe with a plain brown shirt beneath. His sleeves were rolled up, revealing gloved hands that spoke of battles fought and stories untold.

His gaze shifted to Polina, a contrast of excitement and anticipation in her eyes. She had shed the tattered red garments of Jakku for a new ensemble – a long white shirt cascading down her waist, complemented by a slim brown vest, light blue pants, and boots mirroring the practicality of Kyle's attire.

Curiosity got the better of him. "Where'd you find those?" Kyle inquired.

Polina beamed, her joy infectious as always, "There was a whole cabinet of clothes in one of the rooms. They fit perfectly!"

"Huh," Kyle uttered, his taciturn demeanor revealing little of his thoughts.

AD-10, the ever-observant droid, interjected, "Master Kyle, you may find Master Senth's clothes at his former quarters. They might suit you well."

"Maybe later," Kyle replied, his attention focused on the task at hand. With a press of a button, the loading ramp descended, revealing the intense radiance of the Ajan Kloss day. "For now, let's see what lies ahead…"

Quinio, the anxious technician overseeing the modest starport, approached the Barloz-class freighter as it rested ominously on the landing pad. The ship emitted an assortment of mechanical sounds, its presence evoking an uneasy tension in the air. As Quinio neared, he could feel the currents of air, unpredictable and unsettling, emanating from the enigmatic vessel.

His nervous gaze fixated on the ship, Quinio's apprehension heightened as a door on the side began to slowly descend. The creaking sound added to the eerie atmosphere, causing a shiver to run down Quinio's spine. His eyes widened, unable to anticipate what awaited him.

As the door completed its descent, Quinio's initial fright transformed into perplexed confusion. Stepping out first was a tall protocol droid with a distinctive blue chassis. Its head, modified in an unconventional manner, and its bulkier frame indicated alterations beyond the usual protocol droid design. Following the mechanical entity was a man clad in blue pants, long boots, and the rest of the attire bearing that of a typical traveler, though a holstered blaster was noticeable along his belt. A child, an unexpected companion, trailed alongside him.

Quinio, still recovering from the shock, blurted out, "Who in the blast are you?" His words, said in utter perplexity, hung in the air as the unexpected visitors from the mysterious freighter stood before him, their presence shrouded in an aura of enigma.

Amusem*nt danced in Kyle's eyes as he glanced at his companions, Polina following closely. A wry smile played on his lips as he made a light-hearted jest about not being entirely sure how to take this reception, adding with a chuckle, "Beats having a blaster aimed at me, I suppose."

With a casual stride, he approached the perplexed man, who stood hesitantly near the landing pad. "Kyle Katarn, at your service," he declared, extending a hand in a gesture of friendliness.

Quinio, still wrapped in confusion, hesitated for a moment before tentatively accepting Kyle's hand. "Quinio," he replied, his voice reflecting a mix of uncertainty and curiosity. "I'm the, uh, technician around here. Welcome to Starfall Outpost." His body language remained a telltale sign of the ongoing bewilderment.

As Polina stepped forward, her eyes bright with curiosity, Kyle continued, "This here is Polina, and our knowledgeable companion is AD-10."

Quinio, still in a state of puzzlement, managed a polite nod, his uncertainty evident in every aspect of his demeanor. "Well, uh, welcome. I'm not quite sure what's happening, but welcome nonetheless." The confusion lingered, woven into the atmosphere as the unexpected meeting unfolded in the shadow of the Barloz-class freighter.

Kyle, a hint of confusion still lingering in his expression, decided to ease the situation. "Well, Quinio, we'll need a place to stay and a quick check-up and refueling for the ship. Any chance you can help us out?"

Quinio, though still uncertain, nodded. "We've got a fueling station and a small inn at the center of town. Should be able to help you out. Just be aware, we only take nova marks here."

"Nova marks?" Kyle questioned, a term unfamiliar to him.

Quinio clarified, "Yeah, our currency. Nova marks."

Before Kyle could respond, AD-10 interjected, "Master Kyle, worry not. My adaptive currency module has more than enough stored to cover our expenses."

Surprise flickered across Kyle's face. "Really? Well, that's convenient."

Polina, seizing the opportunity, cut to the chase. "And what about the Resistance? Are they still around here?"

Quinio, his avoidance apparent, "I… I'll go get the fuel line, yeah that…"

As he rushed away, Kyle exchanged a glance with Polina. More questions than answers lingered in the air.

AD-10, ever perceptive, analyzed the situation. "By my observations, there's an 89.78% chance Quinio is not telling us something, Master Kyle."

Kyle, with his usual wry smile, retorted, "Thanks for stating the obvious, AD. Stay with the ship, we'll go look around…"

"Certainly, Master Kyle. I shall keep the ship safe and await your return." AD-10 replied as Kyle and Polina began making their way towards the town.

The large dirt road at the center of the town lay empty, a desolate thoroughfare devoid of the usual vibrancy that characterized such settlements. As Kyle and Polina traversed the quiet path, the air hung heavy with an unusual stillness. Kyle's force sensitivity, still murky and unsteady, failed to discern specific dangers but instead detected an undercurrent of fear and uncertainty, manifesting as blurry impressions.

Polina, her gaze sweeping across the eerily deserted scene, remarked, "This place is like a ghost town, Kyle."

Kyle, ever vigilant, nodded in agreement. Bending slightly toward her, he spoke in a hushed tone, "The Force might not be giving me clear signals right now, but something's off. We need to be cautious."

"Why is it so empty?" Polina questioned, her curiosity evident.

"People here might not be fond of strangers," Kyle explained. "Sometimes, when a Jedi wants to gather information or do good, they have to be silent, blend in, not stand out."

Polina absorbed his words, nodding in understanding. "So, we need to be like ghosts too?"

Kyle smirked faintly. "Not ghosts, just... cautious. We'll ask about the Resistance later, but for now keep it to a minimum until we know what's going on. Understood?"

Polina nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting determination. Kyle acknowledged her with a subtle nod, and together, they pressed on toward the center of the town, navigating the uncertain terrain.

Approaching a large ornate building, its design a blend of local aesthetics and common galactic elements like communication dishes and advanced filter gallons set at the side of the building. Kyle and Polina were greeted by the diligent hum of an LEP servant droid sweeping the steps.

"Excuse us, is this the inn?" The Jedi attempted to engage the droid, but it ignored him, continuing its cleaning routine. Annoyance etched across Kyle's face as he muttered to himself, "What in all Bantha fodder is up with this place?"

Polina, seizing the moment, approached the droid. With a series of chirps and clicks, she drew its attention. A quick exchange of whistles and chirps followed and the small droid, now responsive, squeaked and led the pair inside.

Baffled, Kyle looked at Polina. "I didn't know you spoke binary, and I've never heard such a way to say it."

Polina shrugged, "The scrapyards of Jakku teach you many things about droids..."

They followed the diminutive droid through a set of sliding doors and into the inn's interior, a fusion of quaint and modern living. Tables scattered around held remnants of half-drunk drinks, and the atmosphere, though quiet, carried a sense of untold stories. The inn's single tender, made her presence known, cautiously stepping out from a room and into the main desk, eyeing the newcomers.

The innkeeper, a woman with weathered features and a gaze that hinted at experiences beyond the serene facade of Ajan Kloss, spoke up. "Who are you, and what brings you to Starfall Outpost?"

Kyle, always composed, stepped forward. "I'm Kyle Katarn, and this is Polina. We're just passing through, looking for a place to stay and maybe some food. Any chance you can help us out ma'am?"

The innkeeper eyed Kyle with a curious mix of suspicion and interest before her gaze shifted to Polina. The initial distrust in her expression softened as she gestured, "Come on in, take a seat. I'll get you a plate."

Kyle and Polina complied, finding places at one of the many vacant tables. The Jedi settled his backpack beside his seat making sure to keep it near him at all times, a silent testament to his cautious nature, while Polina gleefully took her seat.

As they made themselves comfortable, the innkeeper approached, her earlier wariness now replaced with a more hospitable demeanor. "I'm Verna," she introduced herself. "You two must be hungry. I'll get you something to eat."

Kyle, maintaining his composed demeanor, nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Verna. We're just passing through, not sure how long we'll stay."

Verna nodded in understanding and disappeared into the kitchen.

Polina glanced around the inn, taking in the seemingly tranquil atmosphere. "This place looks so peaceful, Kyle. Maybe we'll catch a break here."

Kyle, ever cautious, leaned back in his chair, his eyes scanning the surroundings. "Always read between the lines, Polina. Peace can sometimes be a cover for things hidden beneath the surface."

Polina, unfamiliar with the expression, tilted her head. "Read between the lines? What does that mean?"

Kyle offered a small smile, attempting to simplify the concept. "It means things might not be as they seem. This town... it's like it's hiding something. We need to be careful and observant."

Polina nodded, absorbing the wisdom.

Before long, Verna returned, setting a pair of steaming plates before them.

"Enjoy your meal," she said, her tone a blend of hospitality and curiosity.

The aroma of the meal brought by Verna filled the air. Momentary curiosity flickered in Kyle and Polina's eyes, but before Polina could dig in, Kyle subtly stopped her. He pulled out his diagnostic reader, the tool once more proving to be vital, he took a piece of the food with his fork and set it on the scanner. The device returned an all-green readout.

"Always check," Kyle reminded Polina, his vigilance unyielding.

Polina nodded and began to eat, but Kyle remained vigilant, glancing over his shoulder toward Verna as she cleaned a nearby table.

"So where are all the other patrons?" The Jedi inquired.

Verna, wiping down a table, replied, "Most are minding their business or probably at the lumarium mines."

Detecting a hint of insincerity, Kyle probed further. "Is this how Starfall usually greets all its travelers?"

Verna, surprisingly understanding, set the cleaning rag aside and sighed. "We don't get many visitors. The occasional monthly collection delegation from the Dominion, that's about it."

Kyle, eyebrows raised, pressed on. "The Dominion? What do you mean by that?"

Verna met his gaze. "The Mandalorian Dominion controls this region. It's their way of keeping things in check."

Kyle's expression darkened slightly as he absorbed the information, the mysteries of Ajan Kloss deepening with every revelation.

"How often do the Mandalorians come around?" Kyle inquired, his tone laced with a growing sense of concern.

Verna, continuing her work, paused thoughtfully. "Can't say the exact time, but roughly every 30 rotations or so. Keeps things in order, they say."

The revelation brought a shadow of unease to Kyle's features. "And our ship... they mistook us for them?"

Verna nodded, leveling with Kyle. "Well, the town probably did. Your arrival was unexpected, and with the Dominion's schedule, folks thought they came earlier than usual."

Kyle sighed, realizing the unintended disruption. "I apologize for being brash. We didn't mean to create a ruckus."

Verna, wiping her hands on her apron, reassured him, "It's fine, really. Folks just ain't used to things being unpredictable here."

As the conversation unfolded, Verna couldn't help but notice Polina finishing her plate at lightning speed. With a playful note, she remarked, "Well, someone's hungry!"

Polina grinned, "Sorry! Can I have another?"

Verna teased, "Well, I don't know, depends if your dad is okay with it."

Kyle, visibly lost in thought, merely said, "Yes." As Verna headed off to get another plate, Kyle continued to ponder, the complexities of Starfall Outpost unraveling with each passing moment.

Polina, curious, noticed the worry etched on Kyle's face. "Why do you seem so worried, Kyle?"

Kyle, concealing the deeper concerns about the Mandalorians' potential disdain for Jedi, replied with a faint smile, "I just didn't want to cause any unnecessary fear among the locals, Polina."

In reality, the Jedi grappled with a more profound worry—that their unexpected arrival in a Mandalorian-controlled outpost might have serious repercussions for both of them.

Verna returned with another plate for Polina, who thanked her before diving into the second serving. Turning her attention back to Kyle, Verna mentioned, "The room is 25 Nova Marks a night, but depending on how long you'll be staying, I might be able to cut you a deal."

Kyle, still uncertain about their stay, explained, "I'm not sure yet. My droid has the credits back at our ship."

Verna nodded, understanding the situation. "Alright then, I'll check in with Quinio to collect for a day for now, plus the food."

Kyle nodded appreciatively. Before Verna stepped away, he seized the opportunity to ask another question. "When did Ajan Kloss become part of the Dominion?"

Verna, a bit confused by the unexpected query, replied, "Since the end of the war." With that, she excused herself to attend to other tasks, leaving Kyle to ponder the implications of the outpost's alignment with the Mandalorian Dominion.

AD-10 diligently ran diagnostics on the Barloz-class freighter, his sensors scanning every inch of the vessel for potential issues. As he delved into the intricate web of circuits and systems, he meticulously assessed the ship's condition.

Meanwhile, Quinio conducted a thorough checkup on the ship's engine. His experienced hands moved with precision, inspecting the vital components. To his relief, the engine appeared to be in adequate condition and he promptly informed the droid.

AD-10, monitoring the progress, processed the data and communicated with Kyle over their comlink. "Master Kyle, the ship's diagnostics indicate optimal functionality. Technician Quinio also performed a check on the engine and found it to be in satisfactory condition, with minor condensation accumulation in the landing modules."

Kyle, receiving the update, acknowledged with a sense of relief, "Good work, AD. Let Quinio know we appreciate his assistance."

AD-10 promptly relayed the message to Quinio.

"Master Kyle wishes me to express his appreciation for your work, technician Quinio."

Quinio, wiping his hands with a rag, looked over at AD-10 with a friendly smile. "So, where do you all come from, and where are you headed?"

AD-10, without hesitation, replied, "We've traveled quite a distance. My master is in search of any Resistance or New Republic presence in the galaxy, while we're also on a mission to find the Jedi Order."

Quinio's eyes widened with surprise. "The Jedi Order? You folks are looking for Jedi?"

AD-10 nodded, "Yes, that is correct."

Quinio, still processing the unexpected revelation, once more walked away from the port, his expression a mix of shock and uncertainty. Despite the momentary disturbance, he hadn't even charged for the refueling and checkup.

AD-10, unfazed by the exchange, turned to Kyle over the comlink. "Master Kyle, technician Quinio seemed quite shocked by our mission. It's peculiar, as he didn't charge us for the refueling and checkup."

Kyle's voice came through the comlink, concern palpable in his tone, "Wait. What did you tell him, AD? Just how much information did you share?"

"We have to go!"

In a hurried flurry, Kyle ushered Polina out of the inn, leaving Verna confused by their abrupt departure.

"We appreciate the hospitality, but there's some matters we have to attend off-world, we'll send you the payment due, don't worry!" Kyle expressed quickly as he continued to usher Polina out.

As they stepped outside, Kyle noticed the town's atmosphere shifting. Most of the townsfolk were making their way back out, and a group of armed men in distinctive outfits were approaching rapidly from the far end of town.

"What's going on?" Polina, bewildered, questioned.

Kyle hushedly urged her to head back to the ship.

Traversing the town swiftly, the pair became the focus of continuous wonder from the watching townsfolk. As they neared the starport, their ship came into view. However, their path was blocked by yet another group of armed men, led by a figure with a large hat and a mustache.

The man carried an obvious degree of authority, hat casting a shadow over his stern face. He chuckled sardonically as Kyle and Polina faced the encircling armed group. "Leaving so early, strangers? The Outpost Prefect would like a word."

Kyle, maintaining composure, replied, "We appreciate the hospitality, but we have urgent matters to attend to. Perhaps another time."

The man raised an eyebrow, his mustache twitching with a hint of amusem*nt. "Oh, I'm afraid the Prefect insists on a chat right now. You wouldn't want to keep him waiting, would you?"

Polina glanced nervously at Kyle, who gave her a reassuring nod. "Lead the way," Kyle said with a cautious determination.

The man gestured with his hand back to town, his group forming a tight escort around the pair as they moved. As they left their ship, Kyle couldn't shake the feeling that their sudden revelation about seeking the Jedi Order had triggered a response far beyond what he anticipated. The tension in Starfall Outpost had escalated, and the impending meeting with the Outpost Prefect held him uncertain. He knew he could take on these folks, but that was not something he wanted to do at all, for now it was for the best to cooperate.

The armed escort guided Kyle and Polina towards a slim building at the far end of town, where the man in the hat held the door open, inviting them inside. Polina's nerves were evident, but Kyle maintained a calm composure, giving her a reassuring glance.

As they entered, the duo found themselves in an office setting. The man in the hat motioned towards a simple door, and as they entered, they encountered a man of pale skin, plain face with tired gestures and graying hair, he wore a red vest, a signet on his chest symbolizing his authority. He gestured for them to sit down, while the man in the hat, standing at the rear, suddenly pulled out his blaster, pointing it at Kyle.

"Put your blaster on the ground, and kick it here," he demanded.

"Oh, come on, Garrick," the Prefect interjected, dismissing the aggressive gesture. "No need for hostilities. Just gotta sort out this misunderstanding, I'm sure."

The man in the hat reluctantly rescinded, allowing Kyle and Polina to take their seats. The room had a quaint atmosphere, but the tension lingered as the Outpost Prefect prepared to address the unexpected visitors.

Prefect Varic leaned back in his chair, offering a congenial smile. "Welcome to Starfall Outpost. I am Prefect Varic. My apologies for the less-than-warm welcome you received. Please, make yourselves comfortable."

As Kyle and Polina took their seats Varic continued "Now let me just assure you that your ship and your droid won't be tampered, I just need to know a few things is all."

He leaned forward, "I'm curious. What brings you all the way to Ajan Kloss?"

Kyle hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. "We're merchants, passing through on our way to the Core."

Prefect Varic raised an eyebrow, his smile unwavering. "Merchants, you say? That's quite interesting. You know, I received a report that mentioned something about you looking for the Resistance."

Kyle made a surprised expression. "The resistance? As far as I knew, they no longer exist."

Varic nodded knowingly. "Indeed. But you see, talk of the Resistance, or anything related to the Republic, is not well-received here. It's been a taboo subject since the end of the war."

Kyle offered a sincere apology. "We didn't mean to cause any trouble. If it's best for us to move on, we will leave in peace."

Varic leaned back again, his demeanor seemingly relaxed. "I appreciate your understanding. We prefer to keep things quiet and simple here. If you're just passing through, you're welcome to continue on your journey without any interference."

Kyle expressed gratitude to Prefect Varic, standing up with Polina as a gesture of their departure. "We appreciate your understanding, Prefect. We'll leave now to avoid any further misunderstandings."

As they started to walk away, Varic's voice echoed in the room once more "There's something that still perplexes me, though. I have a feeling you're not being entirely upfront. You're leaving something out, aren't you?"

Kyle's senses began to stir, a subtle unease creeping in. He turned to face Varic, his expression carefully neutral. "I don't know what you mean."

Varic leaned forward, a cryptic gleam in his eyes, "Oh, I think you know exactly what I mean."

In that tense moment, Garrick, hat casting a shadow over his steely gaze, raised his blaster once more, aiming it at Kyle's back. "Looking for Jedi, eh? You came to the wrong place." The air thickened with suspense as Kyle remained completely still. Polina for her part carried a fearful expression.

Kyle remained motionless, his gaze steady on Varic as he delivered a stern warning. "You've got this all wrong, Varic."

Varic sighed, a genuine hint of regret in his expression. "I'm truly sorry it has to come to this, but I can't risk the lives of my people or our standing with the Dominion by allowing a Jedi sympathizer to wander freely. It's a violation of the truce."

Kyle, uncertain about the "truce" Varic was referencing to or its implications, gave them one more chance. "You have a choice. Let us walk away, and there won't be any trouble."

Varic shook his head, his resolve unwavering. "I can't do that, Kyle."

The air grew heavier as the standoff unfolded, the tension palpable in the room. The once-hospitable encounter had spiraled into a clash of conflicting interests.

As Varic maintained his stern stance, he instructed Garrick, "Take him to the brig."

Garrick, with an almost gleeful compliance, approached Kyle, ready to disarm him. As the blaster was about to be taken, Kyle's hand moved swiftly, revealing a lightsaber that hummed to life. With a swift and precise motion, the Jedi easily sliced Garrick's blaster into two, leaving both men stunned by the unexpected turn of events.

Varic, rising from his seat in surprise, was halted as Kyle swiftly turned his blaster toward the Prefect. The blue lightsaber remained fixed at Garrick's neck, a powerful and unexpected countermeasure.

Polina stood in shock, her eyes wide as she observed the unfolding scene. The atmosphere in the room shifted dramatically, as the Jedi revealed himself, and the delicate balance between the locals and the unfamiliar visitors took a sudden and precarious turn.

Kyle, maintaining an unamused expression, dryly remarked, "Should have mentioned that this isn't the first time I've had a blaster pointed at me."

With a measured tone, he continued, "I'm not here for trouble, and I certainly didn't want it to come to this."

Taking advantage of the new power dynamic, Kyle shifted the conversation. "Now, let's talk about a resistance base that used to be on Ajan Kloss. Any information you've got on that would be helpful." His calm demeanor carried a subtle insistence.

Varic, visibly nervous, explained to Kyle, "After the war between the Reformed Republic and the Dominion, the Republic vacated Ajan Kloss as part of the truce. It's puzzling that you don't know this."

Kyle, visibly in thought, lowered both his blaster and lightsaber. "We're not here to create trouble. As long as you don't try anything, we won't either."

This act of mercy left both Varic and Garrick bewildered, as they found themselves dealing with a Jedi for the first time. Varic, showing genuine gratitude, voiced, "You're not bad people, I realize that, but we just want to protect our own. I'd strongly advise you to leave. Having an actual Jedi here would be a serious problem for everyone if the Dominion found out."

Understanding the delicate situation, Kyle seemed to agree but not before seeking further information, "How do I find the Reformed Republic, at least whatever remains of it."

Varic, with a sincere expression, shared the limited information he had. "Last I heard, the Reformed Republic was facing some kind of crisis in their provincial capital world of Lothal. I don't know much beyond that."

Kyle, maintaining a calm demeanor, holstered his blaster and offered another apology for any disturbance caused. Suddenly Garrick, seizing the opportunity, brandished a hidden blaster and aimed it at Kyle.

"Kyle watch out!" Polina cried out.

Polina's timely warning allowed Kyle to react swiftly, defending himself by swiftly slicing off Garrick's hand.

As Garrick fell to the ground, writhing in pain, Kyle assumed a defensive stance, lightsaber at the ready once more. Varic intervened.

"Hold on, wait!" he said while cautiously making way towards the injured Garrick, "why would you do that you fool!?"

Garrick, still in pain, spoke with a dry voice "I'm doing what you can't, coward…" he turned to Kyle, a taunting smile on his face, "You're a dead man walking! You won't leave this system alive!"

Visibly upset, Varic demanded an explanation, "Garrick, what have you done!?"

In between groans of pain, Garrick admitted, "I notified the Dominion of a spy. They're on their way."

Varic's expression shifted from distress to absolute horror, realizing the grave consequences of Garrick's impulsive actions.

Varic turned to address Kyle, frustration and regret etched on his face.

"You need to leave—now! The Mandalorians won't hesitate to destroy your ship if you go into orbit. Head into the jungle; your ship should blend in."

Kyle, an uncertainty invading him, attempted to offer his help "I can help you fight them off…" guilt seemed to grip him.

"No, it's too dangerous. I'll handle this. You leaving is the best help you can offer," Varic insisted, his tone firm.

With a reluctant nod, Kyle agreed. He and Polina stepped away from the office, leaving Varic to confront the fallout of Garrick's actions.

"I'm sorry for the trouble. If there's anything I can do to make it right..." Kyle offered one last time, genuine concern in his voice.

"Just go. We'll manage. And be careful; the Mandalorians won't show mercy," Varic urged, his words laden with both gratitude and a sense of impending danger.

As they made their way out of the office, uncertainty loomed over Kyle and Polina's next steps. The weight of the situation hung heavily in the air, a reminder that the planet they found themselves in was far from the safe haven they had hoped for.

As the freighter remained docked at the small starport, Kyle and Polina rushed inside, AD-10 was tending to the ship's systems.

"Ah Master Kyle. Did you find out about the Resistance?" AD-10 inquired, its photoreceptors flickering with anticipation.

Kyle, a sense of urgency in his voice, responded, "No time. We need to leave. Get the ship ready for takeoff."

AD-10 immediately headed to the co*ckpit alongside the pair, and soon the trio prepared all necessary procedures to have the ship takeoff. The engines hummed to life as they began their rapid ascent, leaving Starfall behind.

Once they had ascended up into the canopy of the planet Polina asked, "What about the town? Are they going to be okay?"

Kyle, still focused on piloting, replied with uncertainty, "I don't know. Right now, we need to find a spot in the jungle to dock the ship."

AD-10, monitoring the ship's nav-computer, suddenly alerted, "Starship detected exiting hyperspace outside orbit."

Kyle's expression tightened. "We'll dive into the jungle, AD-10. We need to go dark."

The ship swiftly descended into the thick foliage, landing a few clicks away from the town. As the engines powered down, Kyle instructed, "Turn off all systems. We stay quiet and hidden."

AD-10 complied, and the ship fell into a silent stillness within the heart of the jungle, awaiting the uncertain arrival of the Mandalorian ship.

As the ship descended with the distinctive dagger like design of the Mandalorians, fear once again gripped the town. Varic, attempting to keep the panic in check, stood before the gathering of townsfolk outside his building.

"Please, everyone, remain calm. We don't know the intentions of their visit," Varic urged, his voice resonating with uncertainty.

The crowd, however, was uneasy, their eyes fixated on the approaching ship. Questions and murmurs filled the air, demanding answers about the stranger and the incoming Mandalorians.

Quinio, who had been on alert, now wore an even more anxious expression. "This ain't good," he muttered to himself.

The ship touched down at the starport, and the townsfolk watched in silence, their anxiety growing with each passing moment.

Varic stepped forward, "We need to stay composed. Let me handle this. Everyone, return to your homes."

But the unease lingered, and the town held its collective breath as the Mandalorian ship completed its descent, leaving an air of uncertainty over Starfall Outpost.

The Mandalorian group, an intimidating assembly of warriors, disembarked from their ship, presenting a formidable presence. Each member wore a unique set of armor, showcasing a diverse array of styles. The commanding figure among them stood out prominently, clad in battle-worn red armor that exuded a sense of seasoned combat experience. His distinctive red helmet featured an intricate wave-like pattern at its crest, while a sharp antenna protruded from behind. The visor, set apart from the others, possessed a distinctive cut-up split at the sides, enhancing the leader's menacing visage.

Varic, flanked by anxious townsfolk, stepped forward to address the approaching Mandalorians. Tension hung in the air as the two groups faced each other.

The Mandalorian's leader, with an intimidating presence, approached Varic. His voice, modulated by the helmet, resonated with authority. "Prefect Varic, I am Warblade Theron, representing the Mandalorian Dominion. We received a distress signal regarding a potential Jedi sympathizer. What's the situation here?"

Varic, attempting to maintain composure, responded, "Warblade Theron, there's been a misunderstanding. The stranger is long gone and was no threat. He claimed to be a merchant passing through."

Theron, his helmet's T-shaped visor fixating on Varic, spoke with a measured tone, "A merchant? That's quite an explanation, Prefect. You know Jedi sympathizers are not to be taken lightly."

Varic, sensing the gravity of the situation, pleaded, "I assure you, we've handled the matter. No need for further intervention. The town is under control."

The other Mandalorians stood silently, their presence casting an air of unease over the town as the confrontation between Varic and Theron unfolded.

Theron, his red-armored visage inscrutable, appeared momentarily convinced by Varic's words. He began to turn away from the prefect, creating a sense of relief among the onlooking townsfolk. However, in a sudden and brutal twist, Theron swiftly pivoted back, delivering a powerful blow with his gauntlet to Varic's face. The townsfolk gasped, witnessing the unexpected violence unfold before them.

"Where is Foreman Garrick!?" Theron demanded, his voice echoing with a metallic edge.

Varic, having fallen to the ground and still reeling from the strike, pointed in direction of the slim building, his face showing a mix of pain and contempt. Theron nodded to two of his party, signaling them as they began marching towards the indicated location.

Without a word, Theron brought down his hand and took hold of Varic's hair raising him up with ease, a harsh reminder of the Mandalorians power. The townsfolk watched in stunned silence as Theron berated Varic for deceiving the Dominion.

"You've jeopardized the prosperity of this planet with your lies," Theron sneered, gripping Varic's head. "The Dominion does not tolerate deception."

With a swift gesture of his hand Theron signalled the remaining Mandalorians to commence a thorough search of the area. The armored figures spread through the town, scrutinizing every corner, weapons at the ready. The once peaceful outpost now echoed with tension and fear as the Mandalorians scoured for any sign of the supposed Jedi sympathizer.

As the Mandalorians fanned out through the town, two of them returned with Foreman Garrick in tow. His arms, carried by the Mandalorians, seemed frail and limp, and he was unceremoniously deposited back in the middle of the crowd.

"We found him in a cabinet," one of the Mandalorians reported, his voice tinted with disdain. Garrick, with a bandaged and missing hand, bore the signs of recent injury.

Theron, still holding Varic's head, questioned Garrick with a piercing gaze. "Explain yourself, Foreman. Why did you call us for a mere merchant?"

Garrick, standing up with contemptuous resolve, shot Varic a spiteful look before turning his attention to Theron. "A mere merchant, you say? Varic let a Jedi go. He's a traitor to the Dominion!"

The revelation hung in the air, a heavy truth that sent shockwaves through the gathered townsfolk. Varic, still held by Theron, attempted to protest, but Garrick's accusations reverberated through the anxious crowd.

Theron, his helmet concealing any hint of emotion, tightened his grip on Varic's hair. The townsfolk watched in tense anticipation as the Mandalorian leader processed the shocking turn of events.

The Barloz's co*ckpit was immersed in an uneasy silence as Kyle, Polina, and AD-10 grappled with the repercussions of their recent encounter. Anxiety clung to the air like a heavy cloak, and the deep silence of the ship's systems seemed to intensify the tension.

Polina, her eyes reflecting concern, couldn't contain her worry. "What's gonna happen to the town, Kyle? We can't just leave them like this!"

Kyle, his unease palpable, ran a hand through his hair. "I don't know, Polina. We have to be careful. I didn't want to bring trouble to these people."

AD-10, displaying a rare moment of remorse, spoke up. "Master Kyle, I must apologize for revealing the nature of our quest. If it has caused any problems—"

Kyle, though frustrated, shook his head. "It's done, AD. We'll deal with it."

Polina, sensing an opportunity, pleaded with Kyle. "We can't just sit here! We need to go back and make sure they're okay. They don't deserve this because of us!"

Kyle, conflicted but resolute, stood up. "You're right, Polina. I can't let others suffer because of my actions. Luke wouldn't allow it, and I won't either."

He gathered his belongings, including a thin grey fabric he fashioned into an improvised hood. AD-10 voiced a cautionary note. "Master Kyle, the risks could be perilous. Are you certain about this?"

Kyle nodded, his resolve unwavering. "We won't know if the Mandalorians are gone unless we check. And we can't do that if we stay holed up here."

Polina, armed with her usual confidence, started preparing her gear. However, Kyle stopped her with a firm hand. "It's too dangerous, Polina. Someone needs to stay and guard the ship. I'll go check on the town."

Before Polina could protest, Kyle reassured her. "I'll be fine, Polina. You stay with AD-10. I'll be on the comlink for updates."

Reluctantly, Polina agreed, and as Kyle exited the ship, determination etched on his face.

The town square, once a place of routine gatherings, was now a stage for an ominous spectacle. The Mandalorians, led by the imposing Warblade Theron, stood in a formation that radiated menace, their distinctive armor reflecting the harsh light. Varic, still held by the head by Theron, was unceremoniously dragged up the platform leading into the slim building. The townsfolk, unarmed and cowed by the Mandalorian presence, had gathered in a fearful huddle.

Theron, his red armor a stark contrast to the subdued palette of the town, addressed the crowd with, his modulated voice carried a tone of authority. "Citizens of Starfall, the Mandalorian Dominion offers protection, prosperity, and unity to the galaxy. Loyalty is our currency. Prefect Varic's actions have cast doubt on the loyalty of this town."

He paused, scanning the crowd before continuing. "You are given a chance for redemption. Anyone with information on the Jedi spy's whereabouts will be rewarded. Speak now, and the town may yet find favor with the Dominion."

Silence hung in the air as the townsfolk exchanged hesitant glances. No one dared to step forward. Theron, a man of few words, conveyed his impatience. "Very well. If you choose to remain silent, then you choose defiance."

As Theron prepared to execute Varic with a vibro blade pulled from behind his belt, a commanding voice rang out from the edge of the town square, cutting through the tense atmosphere.


The crowd, the Mandalorians, and Theron himself all turned to see a cloaked figure standing at the periphery of the square. The hood of the cloak obscured the person's face, but an air of quiet authority emanated from the newcomer. All eyes fixed on this unexpected interruption.

The ominous atmosphere in the town square intensified as Theron, blade still in hand, signaled his war party to approach the cloaked figure. The Mandos, their armor gleaming in the harsh light of Ajan Kloss's sun, moved forward with a disciplined precision, surrounding the mysterious individual.

As the figure unhooded himself, revealing Kyle Katarn's resolute countenance, a hushed murmur passed through the crowd. Kyle stood tall, undeterred by the encircling Mandalorians. His appearance, reflecting both wisdom and battle-hardened experience, contrasted starkly with the armored warriors closing in.

Theron's helmeted gaze bore into Kyle, assessing the unexpected challenge. One of the Mandalorians, a hint of skepticism in their voice, questioned, "Is there something you want to confess?"

Kyle remained silent for a moment, the weight of the situation palpable, before speaking with unwavering clarity. "I am Battle Master Kyle Katarn of Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum. I urge you to leave this town and its citizens alone. There is no need for bloodshed."

The Mandalorians exchanged glances, clearly surprised by Kyle's upfront honesty. Theron, momentarily taken aback, quickly regained his composure. "Luke Skywalker is dead. What remained of his order has been decimated by the Dominion. You will be next unless you put down your weapons and come quietly, Jedi."

Kyle, undeterred by Theron's contemptuous tone, responded with calm resolve, "I'm not here to resist you. I'm here to protect innocent lives. There's no need for further conflict. Leave this town in peace."

The Mandos, unimpressed by Kyle's words, mocked his attempts at diplomacy. One of them, with disdain in his voice, scoffed at the familiar rhetoric of Jedi, "Save your Jedi platitudes, old man. We've seen Jedi like you fall like dogs during the war. You're no different."

Ignoring the mockery, Kyle stood firm, repeating his plea for a peaceful resolution, "We can all go our separate ways, we do not need to fight…"

However, the Mandalorians, under Theron's command, remained unswayed. Theron, growing impatient with what he saw as a futile display, issued the order for his war party to take the Jedi into custody with a mere signal of his hand.

With a swift summoning of his lightsaber, its blue blade ignited, Kyle pierced through the makeshift hood that concealed his identity. The radiant glow reflected determination in his eyes. As the Mandalorians closed in, Kyle struck at the chestplate of one warrior, causing the assailants to recoil. Seizing the opportunity, Kyle leaped gracefully into the air, escaping the encirclement with agility.

Upon landing, Kyle assumed a defensive stance, reminiscent of many legendary Jedi before him. The Mandalorians, surprised by the Jedi's unexpected display of skill, exchanged uncertain glances. Theron, visibly repulsed by the turn of events, barked the order for his war party to eliminate the Jedi.

"Warblades, destroy the Jedi!"

The Mandalorians, their weapons raised, unleashed a barrage of blaster bolts upon Kyle. With masterful precision, the Jedi deflected the incoming fire, sending several bolts back at their origin. One Mando, caught by the redirected blasts, crumpled to the ground, his chest plate riddled with scorch marks.

Kyle advanced confidently, continuing to deflect the relentless stream of blaster bolts. Swiftly, he reflected another volley, causing a Mandalorian to be propelled backward by the force of his own blaster fire. Panic spread among the Mandalorian warriors as they realized the Jedi before them was a formidable adversary.

Executing precise movements, Kyle struck down one Mandalorian after another. The warriors, attempting to retreat, found themselves cornered by the relentless Jedi. Kyle, with a leap that defied gravity, surprised the Mandalorians from above. His lightsaber sliced through the back of one warrior and severed the entire arm of another, leaving him writhing on the ground.

In the midst of the chaos, Theron, observing the unfolding battle, released his grip on Varic and sheathed his vibro blade. Calmly, he activated the jetpack on his back, lifting himself into the air. With a swift press of a button on his gauntlet, long blades extended from both gauntlets, ready to face the approaching Jedi.

As Kyle finished off yet another Mandalorian, several of the ones still standing fell back from him, his lightsaber still at the ready. Suddenly Theron descended upon Kyle, meeting the Jedi's lightsaber with his dual blades. The clash of energy and metal echoed through the town square, the combatants locked in a fierce struggle.

The clash between Theron and Kyle intensified, the humming energy of the lightsaber meeting the relentless onslaught of Theron's dual metallic blades. The remaining Mandalorians stood back, watching the duel unfold with a mix of awe and uncertainty.

Theron's aggression was palpable as he unleashed a flurry of strikes upon Kyle. The Mandalorian's movements were precise, each swing and thrust executed with deadly intent. Grunts and growls escaped his helmet as he pressed forward, determined to overpower the Jedi.

Kyle, on the other hand, moved with calm and calculated conviction. His lightsaber deflected every strike, the blade meeting the cold, unyielding metal of Theron's gauntlets. Despite the intense heat of the lightsaber, the Mandalorian's blades remained unscathed, a testament to its durability.

The clash of weapons echoed through the town square, a symphony of energy and metal. Kyle danced around Theron, evading strikes with nimble footwork and responding with a well-timed counterattack. The Jedi's movements were fluid and deliberate, showcasing his mastery of dueling.

The air crackled with tension as Theron propelled himself skyward using his jetpack, the distinctive whirring sound cutting through the ambient noise of the town square. With a swift motion, he unleashed a small rocket from his wrist, the projectile streaking toward Kyle with alarming speed.

Kyle's eyes widened with realization, and in an instant, he was in motion. His well-trained instincts kicked in as he sprinted with remarkable agility, narrowly evading the incoming rocket that exploded with a thunderous blast mere feet behind him. The shockwave rippled through the air, stirring up dust and debris.

Undeterred, Kyle, with the Force as his ally, leaped into the air, propelled by a burst of energy. His lightsaber, tossed with precision, traced a mesmerizing arc as it spiraled through the smoke-laden atmosphere. The weapon twirled like a deadly dance partner, homing in on its master's command towards Theron who dodge it quickly by use of his jetpack.

Kyle snatched his saber from the air just as another rocket erupted in a burst of flame and smoke behind him.

Before Kyle could fully grasp the moment, Theron charged at him once again, his gauntleted blades gleaming in the ambient light. The air was charged with energy as the two combatants clashed in a blur of motion. The hum of lightsaber meeting Mandalorian steel resonated through the square.

Their movements were a symphony of calculated strikes and parries, each combatant pushing the other to the limits of their skill. Theron continued to be relentless and aggressive, aiming to overwhelm the Jedi with a barrage of attacks, while Kyle, with the finesse of a seasoned warrior, deftly met each assault.

The townsfolk, watching in awe and fear, held their breath as the duel unfolded. The clash of blades and the explosive bursts created a chaotic spectacle, a dance of light and sound that mirrored the intense struggle between the lone Jedi and the formidable Mandalorian.

Kyle stood firm as Theron charged at him once more, their blades clashing in a fierce struggle. The Mandalorian taunted about the Jedi's imminent defeat, "I've killed many Jedi, none like you, your weapon will make a fine trophy!"

Unfazed, Kyle skillfully redirected Theron's blades and targeted the wrist gauntlet housing the rocket launcher. With a precise strike, Kyle deactivated the rocket launcher, causing Theron's jetpack to malfunction. The Mandalorian leader found himself momentarily vulnerable as Kyle remarked "You done now?"

The two warriors circled each other, a tense pause in their intense duel. Theron, fueled by rage and frustration, declared "Once I put an end to you, this town will also pay for its treachery, Jedi!"

Before he could launch another attack, blaster fire erupted from the crowd. Townsfolk, armed with salvaged Mandalorian blasters, took a stand against the invaders. The element of surprise worked in their favor as the Mandalorians found themselves under a barrage of fire.

As blaster bolts zipped through the air, one of the townsfolk, armed with a recovered blaster, took a courageous shot at Theron. Another followed suit, and soon the crowd joined in. Rocks, tools, and anything within reach were hurled at the retreating Mandalorians.

Varic, who had recovered from the earlier confrontation, led the charge alongside other townsfolk. Their collective defiance rang out as they proclaimed their rejection of the Dominion's influence. Theron, recognizing the shift in the tide, hastily ordered his war party to retreat.

The Mandalorians assisted their wounded comrades, leaving one behind whose arm had been severed by Kyle's lightsaber. The retreating warriors scrambled back to their ship, battered and shaken by the unexpected resistance.

The town erupted in cheers as the Mandalorian ship ascended into the sky. The citizens, empowered by their successful stand, continued to jeer and protest, venting their frustration against the Dominion. Varic approached Kyle with a grateful nod, acknowledging the Jedi's role in turning the tide against the invaders.

The jubilation in the town square began to dissipate as the reality of their situation sank in. Concerned murmurs swept through the crowd as citizens, their homes, and their way of life were now under the ominous shadow of the Mandalorian Dominion.

"What will happen now?" one said.

"Will they come back?" another one wondered.

"Not if there's a Jedi to protect us!" one declared.

Amidst the uncertainty, Foreman Garrick appeared on the platform of the prefect's building. His demeanor was filled with venom as he pointed an accusing finger at Kyle, "It's him, it's his fault, he brought them here and now they will kill us all!"

Varic, however, stepped forward to defend Kyle. Vehemently refuting Garrick's claim, "No Garrick, it's you who brought them here, you said it yourself… this is your fault, not the Jedi's!"

The tide of the crowd swiftly turned against Garrick. Anger and frustration boiled over as several townsfolk charged at him, holding him accountable for the peril they now faced.

Varic, maintaining order, commanded "Take him to the brig!"

"You, freking ingra-" Garrick's protest was cut down as a gag was forced on him.

In the midst of the chaos, a voice rang out, "hey everyone, there's still one here!" pointing at the injured Mandalorian whom Kyle had dismembered.

The townfolk prepared to deal with the injured warrior, poised to execute him as a threat. However, Kyle intervened, "Stop! He's injured, he's no threat!"

Varic, acknowledged Kyle's plea, "He's correct, we gain nothing from killing him… take him to the brig as well," the townsfolk though initially hesitant, complied.

In the aftermath of the tumultuous events in the town square, Kyle and Varic found themselves standing together amidst the uneasy calm that settled over Starfall Outpost. The citizens, now aware of the impending threat from the Mandalorian Dominion, were left to ponder the uncertain fate that hung over their small community.

"Varic, I'm sorry for the trouble I've brought to your town," Kyle began, his voice sincere and remorseful.

Varic, however, shook his head, "No need for apologies, Kyle. You saved my life back there, and I won't forget it. The blame lies with Garrick and the messengers who couldn't keep their mouths shut."

Kyle nodded in understanding, grateful for Varic's understanding. "If there's anything I can do to help your town, I will," the Jedi offered, determined to make amends for the unintended consequences of his presence.

Varic looked at Kyle with a mix of gratitude and concern. "Well, there might be something. The Resistance may be gone, but I know where they had a base here on Ajan Kloss. If you're looking for them, whatever they left behind could point you in the right direction."

Kyle's expression brightened at the prospect. "That would be immensely helpful, Varic. Thank you. I'll make sure to check it out."

As they stood there, uncertainty lingering in the air, Kyle couldn't shake the feeling that the town of Starfall Outpost faced more challenges ahead. The sky above, once a serene backdrop, now held an ominous weight, mirroring the apprehension shared by the town and its newfound ally.

Chapter 10: Master and Apprentice


New world and new conflicts, Jedi Master Kyle Katarn and his apprentice have landed on the enigmatic world of Ajan Kloss. Unbeknownst to them, their presence drawing the attention of a formidable adversary—the resurgent Mandalorian Dominion.

Facing unexpected adversaries, Kyle and his apprentice stand as the first line of defense against the looming threat. Following a hard-fought victory against the initial Mandalorian war party, the citizens of Starfall Outpost brace themselves for the inevitable retaliation, fortifying their outpost against the encroaching danger.

Undeterred by the impending storm, Kyle Katarn continues his journey, delving deep into the untamed jungles of Ajan Kloss. Driven by an unyielding resolve, he seeks any semblance of guidance that might lead him to the scattered remnants of the Jedi Order or potential allies amidst the shadows...

Chapter Text

As Kyle ventured deeper into the overgrown remnants of what had once been the Resistance's base, the air hung heavy with the scent of damp earth and vibrant vegetation. The soft hum of distant wildlife filled the jungle, an eerie contrast to the once bustling hub of resistance activity that now lay dormant.

The fallen leaves crunched beneath Kyle's boots as he moved through the reclaimed clearing. The skeletal remains of repulsorlift engines hinted at the starfighters that once stood sentinel here. Nature, relentless and patient, had claimed its territory back, but the faint echoes of the past lingered.

He approached a cluster of battered crates, their surfaces etched with scratches and weathered by time. The distinct emblem of the Resistance adorned some of them, a familiar symbol that carried memories of camaraderie, battles fought, and a galaxy yearning for freedom.

As Kyle delved deeper into the base, remnants of a makeshift command center emerged all hidden within what seemed to be a massive cave. A skeletal frame of what used to be a tactical display stood derelict, the holographic projections long extinguished. Faded maps and abandoned datapads lay scattered, capturing moments of urgency and strategic planning.

Moving past the remnants of the command center, Kyle approached the edge of the clearing leading into a cave. The outlines of decaying starfighters hinted at a past conflict, a time when the Resistance faced the looming shadow of the First Order. It was here, among the echoes of battles fought and a resilient spirit, that Kyle felt a connection to a cause that had transcended the physical confines of the base.

As he traced the contours of the landscape, a mixture of continued wonder and determination fueled Kyle's purpose. He had stumbled upon a relic of a time he had never experienced, a place where allies he knew nothing about had once gathered under the banner of freedom. Now, surrounded by the whispers of a past time, he pondered his next steps in a galaxy that had changed, one that was drastically different from that of what he knew, and yet still yearned for the light.

The cave, once a bustling hub of resistance, now echoed with the soft footfalls of Kyle as he navigated through the clutter of forgotten memories. Small insect-like creatures skittered away, disturbed by his presence, as he ventured deeper into the heart of the abandoned base.

Kyle pondered further about the struggle against the enigmatic First Order. The name resonated within him, a haunting familiarity that stirred unsettling emotions. He knew little about this formidable foe, and yet, a sense of urgency tugged at his consciousness.

As he sifted through the debris, a mixture of curiosity and frustration fueled his search. The once-bustling base, now in ruins, held no answers, and the quarters that once housed allies stood as silent witnesses to battles fought and comrades lost.

Despite the desolation, Kyle pressed on, determined to uncover any trace of the past. His path led him deeper into the cave, where dim light barely illuminated the murals on the cave ceiling. It was there, amidst the shadows, that he stumbled upon a poignant scene.

A mural stretched across the ceiling, depicting two figures in what were undoubtedly Jedi robes. One was a female standing beside the familiar silhouette of a man with a long beard and gray hair, his appearance triggered a moment of recognition within Kyle.

"Luke," Kyle whispered to himself, a bittersweet smile crossing his face.

As he examined the mural with the assistance of a small light projector, Kyle inspected the scene further. Luke Skywalker, aged and wise, stood beside what seemed to be another Jedi. The symbol of the Jedi Order adorned the painting, a beacon of hope in the midst of darkness.

The discovery filled Kyle with a sense of connection, a tangible link to a familiar face from his past. Yet, a melancholy accompanied this revelation as it all continued to hint at the complexities of this seemingly temporal web in which he found himself entangled.

Beneath the mural, amidst the remnants of what has no doubt been once a sleeping space, a small holo disc lay overlooked. Kyle, guided by both curiosity and a yearning for answers, reached down and retrieved the disc. As he held it in his hands, the holo disc seemed to whisper promises of untold stories and forgotten legacies.

The small holoprojector hummed to life, casting a soft glow in the dim cave as Kyle activated it. A holographic image materialized, revealing a young woman, no older than in her twenties. She stood with an air of confidence, adorned in the unmistakable garb of a Jedi. As Kyle's gaze shifted between the hologram and the mural overhead, a revelation struck him—the girl in the projection was the same depicted in the cave’s artwork.

The girl’s voice resonated within the cave, echoing strength and determination as she spoke, "My name is Rey Skywalker, Jedi apprentice to Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa," she began, her eyes reflecting wisdom beyond her years, her voice was soft and elegant as she continued "I send this message to all those in the galaxy who have experienced the awakening in the Force. This is a time for discovery, a time to learn, a time for peace, and we must strive to preserve that peace."

The holographic Rey continued, her words carrying a weight that transcended the confines of the cave. "I urge you to join me. I will teach you, pass down what I've learned, and in due time, we shall restore hope to the galaxy. Come to the planet of Ahch-To. You shall find the coordinates in this message. May the Force be with you, always." With those words, the message looped, replaying its profound call to action.

Kyle, though uncertain of the intricacies surrounding Rey and the message's purpose, felt a spark of relief. The holographic plea offered a lead back to the Jedi Order, a glimmer of hope amid the mysteries that enveloped him. Yet, as Rey's words hung in the air, questions multiplied. Who was she, and what enigmas lay concealed on the planet of Ahch-To? The journey ahead, Kyle realized, would unfold the answers to these inquiries and more, as he embarked out of the cave and on a path shaped by destiny and the enduring echoes of the Force.

The remnants of the Resistance base lay behind him as Kyle placed the holo disc carefully into his backpack. While emerging from the cave, he was met by the sight of Polina and AD-10 making their way through the dense vegetation.

"Kyle, did you find what you were looking for?" Polina asked, her eyes wide with awe as she took in the remnants of the base.

Kyle, evading a direct answer, simply remarked, "This place has been abandoned for years."

Polina's excitement lingered, and she suggested, "But it could hold a treasure trove of Jedi knowledge!"

With a knowing smile, Kyle replied, "Sometimes, the past is best left undisturbed. We do have a lead, though. A planet called Ahch-To."

AD-10, puzzled, chimed in, "I couldn't find any charts with that planet, Master Kyle."

"That's because I have the coordinates," Kyle assured the droid. "But let's head back to the town. It'll get dark soon, and we need to prepare for the journey."

“Brilliant proposal Master Kyle, I shall lead the way back, we shall make it safely within the hour!”

AD-10 led the way, with Polina walking alongside Kyle. The jungle seemed to come alive once more with the hum of wildlife as they traversed the overgrown remnants of what once stood as a bastion against the encroaching darkness.

As they navigated through the dense jungle of Ajan Kloss, Kyle observed Polina's demeanor. Sensing her unease, he decided to address it.

"Something on your mind, Polina?" Kyle inquired, his tone gentle.

Polina hesitated for a moment but then decided to share her thoughts. "I can't shake this feeling, Kyle, that I'll never truly understand the Force. It's like there's so much to it, and I'm just stumbling in the dark."

Kyle chuckled softly. "Polina, no Jedi begins their journey as a master of the Force. It's a path of discovery and learning. Patience is key, and you've already shown great potential. Trust in the process."

She looked at him, uncertainty still lingering in her eyes. Kyle, with a reassuring smile, continued, "We'll start the next lesson as soon as we return. Every step you take is a step closer to understanding the Force. It's a journey we're on together."

Polina's expression brightened, a glimmer of hope evident in her eyes. "Thank you, Kyle. I'm ready for the next lesson."

As they continued their trek through the jungle, the atmosphere seemed lighter, and the bond between master and apprentice seemed to strengthen.

As Kyle, Polina and AD-10 exited the jungle they beheld the town of Starfall spread out before them. The imposing dam, a symbol of both power and vulnerability, loomed in the background. The town, once a peaceful outpost, now bore the marks of preparation for potential conflict. Barricades and makeshift fortifications adorned the streets, transforming the once-quiet settlement into a wary fortress.

“AD, go to the ship and make sure it’s all running smoothly, we’ll meet up later,” Kyle said to the droid.

“Certainly, Master Kyle!” AD-10 obeyed immediately as he began making his way towards their ship, Kyle and Polina continued walking into town.

Amidst the armed townsfolk, who nodded respectfully at the Jedi and his companion, Kyle took a moment to survey the scene. "It seems they've taken the threat seriously," he remarked to Polina, who glanced around with a mix of concern and curiosity.

"But why haven't the Mandalorians returned?" Polina asked, her eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of the armored warriors.

Kyle shrugged slightly. "It's hard to say. Maybe they're regrouping, or perhaps they encountered unexpected trouble. Regardless, it gives the town time to prepare, and that's an advantage we shouldn't overlook."

As they continued walking toward the dam, Kyle noted "Varic mentioned that the Dominion might be stretched thin. If that's the case, we have an opportunity to stand our ground."

Polina, though still uncertain, nodded in understanding. "So, what's our plan?"

Kyle paused for a moment, gazing at the fortified dam. "For now, we continue your training."

As they approached the dam, the town's militia continued their diligent work, maintaining a watchful eye on the surroundings.

The mount provided a picturesque view of Starfall Outpost below. Kyle and Polina sat in the grass, the cool breeze carrying the subtle sounds of the town, and the artificial riverway from the dam not too far away. As they settled into a serene atmosphere, Kyle initiated a meditation session.

Eyes gently closed, Kyle entered a state of deep concentration. His connection to the Force was second nature, a practice honed over many years. Beside him, Polina attempted to mimic his composure, crossing her legs and attempting to still her mind.

After a few moments, Polina couldn't contain her frustration. "This is so boring," she whispered, her eyes darting around.

Kyle opened one eye, offering a small smile. "Boredom is part of the challenge, Polina. In the stillness, we find clarity."

"But what are we supposed to do? Just sit here and think about nothing?" Polina asked, her restlessness evident.

Kyle chuckled softly. "It's not about thinking about nothing. It's about letting go of the distractions. Quieting the mind allows us to listen to the Force and attune ourselves to its guidance."

Polina shifted uncomfortably. "I tried something like this on Ord Mantell when I was in that cage. I tried to reach for the lock the guard had, but I kept getting distracted."

Kyle nodded knowingly. "Exactly, and that's the challenge. It's about learning to control those distractions, to close them off and find focus. Meditation is a practice, like any skill. It takes time, but the rewards are worth it."

Polina sighed, unsure of her ability to master this Jedi technique. "I just don't get it. How can sitting still help us fight off the Mandalorians or figure out what's happening?"

Kyle paused, opening both eyes and turning to face her. "In stillness, we find clarity. Understanding the Force is not just about combat; it's about comprehending the larger picture. When we learn to quiet our minds, we can better hear the whispers of the Force and gain insight into the challenges we face."

As they resumed their meditation, the Jedi and his eager apprentice sought to harmonize with the energy of the Force, preparing for the trials that awaited them. The two continued in their meditative state atop the mount overlooking Starfall Outpost for what had seemed hours. After some time, however, Kyle extended a hand toward Polina.

"Come, Polina," he said, his voice gentle yet firm. "I'll show you what I see within the Force. It's a connection that may help you in your journey."

Polina hesitated for a moment before taking Kyle's outstretched hand. Their fingers interlocked, and as they closed their eyes, a sense of calm enveloped them. The ambient sounds of the town and the riverway faded away.

Kyle guided Polina through the early stages of meditation. She initially heard the rustling leaves, the distant chatter, and various other noises, but Kyle encouraged her to focus. Slowly, Polina began to attune her senses.

First, the flowing waters of the riverway became prominent. Then, the gentle caress of the wind against her skin. With each breath, she sank deeper into a state of tranquility, clearing her mind of external distractions.

As the sounds of the world around her subsided, Polina felt a tingling sensation within her being. The connection to the Force, previously elusive, now became palpable. Kyle, sensing her progress, spoke softly.

"The Force lives within us all, Polina," he said. "It flows through you, as it does through me. You need only let it in."

Suddenly, a weightlessness enveloped them. Polina, still connected with Kyle, felt herself elevating from the ground. A sense of awe and wonder filled her as she hovered, suspended inches above the mount's surface. Kyle, floating alongside her, emanated a calm assurance.

"The Force connects us, binds the galaxy together," Kyle's voice resonated in Polina's mind. "Feel its energy, embrace it. Let it guide you."

In this serene moment, Kyle and Polina remained suspended, their physical forms transcending the limitations of gravity. The Force enveloped them in a shared experience, a testament to the profound connection that bound all Jedi in their journey toward enlightenment.

As Kyle and Polina floated serenely above the mount, a sudden shift in the atmosphere shattered the tranquil moment. Kyle's serene expression twisted into one of agony, his eyes widening in distress. A familiar, haunting set of yellow eyes penetrated his consciousness, a malevolent force invading his thoughts.

A searing pain lanced through Kyle's mind, disrupting his connection to the Force. His mental defenses crumbled under the assault, causing him to lose control of the telekinetic hold that kept them suspended. The descent was swift, both Jedi and apprentice plummeting to the grassy ground below.

Polina, concerned for her master, rushed to his side. She found him writhing on the ground, clutching his head in pain. The air around them felt charged with an unsettling energy.

"Kyle, what's happening?!" Polina asked urgently, her eyes reflecting genuine worry.

Kyle, still contending with the echoes of the invasive force that had attacked his mind, struggled to regain his composure. The haunting words reverberated in his consciousness – "FIND THE GIRL!"

"I don't know what just happened,” Kyle finally said, struggling to make words, “Something... something dark tried to break through."

“But, are you okay, Kyle?” Polina asked with visible worry.

“Yeah, I’m fine, Polina. It’ll take more than that to take me down,” the Jedi smiled reassuringly as he raised himself from the ground.

Kyle, while attempting to soothe Polina's concerns, couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that the ominous presence he had felt before was now closer than ever, and its intentions were far from benevolent. It was the same force that he had met at that temple, he remembered how just as he found himself suddenly there had found himself in the sands of Jakku, and ever since then his connection to the force had been a shifting struggle, it could not be coincidence.

As the sun continued to descend, a warm golden glow was cast over the mount. Kyle, seemingly setting aside the unsettling episode from earlier, decided to shift the focus to more tangible training. He tossed a long, smooth stick to Polina, breaking the residual tension that lingered in the air.

"Time for a sparring session, Polina," Kyle declared, a playful glint in his eyes. Polina, still nursing a bit of discomfort from their previous day's session, hesitated as she caught the stick.

"Remember, progress comes with practice,” her master reminded her.

With sticks in hand, they assumed their stances. Kyle, experienced and poised, stood ready. Polina, her nerves palpable, mirrored his posture. Kyle's voice carried encouragement, assuring her that she was progressing well.

The session began with deliberate movements. Kyle made anticipated strikes, giving Polina the chance to block with her stick. As the rhythm set in, Kyle suddenly shifted to a faster sequence—up, down, down. Polina, caught off guard, received a hit to her hilt.

Kyle chuckled, his demeanor encouraging. "Again," he said, emphasizing the importance of repetition in mastering the techniques. The routine continued, with Kyle pushing Polina to trust her instincts and flow with the moves rather than anticipate.

"Trust instinct, instinct in the Force!" Polina repeated, determination in her eyes. Kyle executed another series of strikes, and Polina, with growing confidence, blocked each one. A spin attack aimed at her exposed back prompted a quick reaction—she positioned her stick behind her to block Kyle's strike.

"Very good!" Kyle commended with a smile. "We'll make a fine Jedi out of you." Polina smiled with pride.

In a sudden motion, the Jedi moved with precision, launching a new strike aimed at Polina's exposed hilt. The impact, though brief, prompted a momentary flinch from the apprentice. Undeterred, Kyle seamlessly transitioned into the lesson, his words carrying a blend of lighthearted wisdom and a subtle forewarning. "In the heat of battle," he remarked, his gaze steady, "our adversaries won't always adhere to fair play. It's a crucial lesson to remember—never underestimate the unpredictability of a real fight!"

“Again…” he repeated.

As the sun dipped lower on the horizon, the Jedi and his apprentice engaged in their sparring session, the rhythmic clatter of sticks echoing in the serene atmosphere. The mount became a training ground, bathed in the soft hues of the evening sun, as the pair honed their skills in the fading light.

As Kyle and Polina threaded through the dimly lit paths of Starfall Outpost, the artificial lights cast long shadows against the fortifications. The hum of generators and the distant murmur of the townsfolk created an eerie ambiance as the duo made their way back to the heart of the settlement.

As they approached the town square, Kyle placed a reassuring hand on Polina's shoulder, "You're doing well, Polina. Remember, patience is key in mastering the Force. Keep practicing, and you'll get the hang of it."

Polina nodded appreciatively, "Thanks, Kyle.”

"Katarn,” Varic, the ever so dutiful prefect of the town approached, “I need to talk to you about something important," Varic said, his voice low and tense.

Kyle's brow furrows in concern, "Of course, Varic. Polina, head back to the ship, I’ll meet with you later."

Polina nodded, “I'll make sure AD-10 hasn't caused any trouble.”

Kyle chuckled, "Just keep an eye on him. I'll catch up with you in a bit."

As Polina headed back toward the ship, disappearing into the shadows, Kyle turned to face Varic, who stood with visibly concern in his face. The prefect's expression was serious, and Kyle sensed an air of foreboding.

Varic glanced around cautiously before speaking, "The Dominion is planning something big. We've detected a transmission indicating a large ship arriving in this sector. Starfall Outpost is in danger, and we can't face them alone."

Kyle's senses sharpened at the gravity of Varic's words. "What kind of ship? And how much time do we have?"

Varic hesitated, choosing his words carefully, "I don’t know, the scanners we have are ancient but it’s clear they're mobilizing a significant force. We may have a couple of days, perhaps less. We need help, Kyle, and we need it now."

The Jedi's expression turned resolute, "I found a lead back in the Resistance base, possibly a planet that may have a more concrete presence of the Resistance or the Jedi Order. My ship itself isn’t impressive but I’ll see if AD can work out a way to send an urgent transmission."

Varic nodded appreciatively, "Time is of the essence. I'll gather the townsfolk and prepare for what's coming. We're counting on you."

As they parted ways, the weight of the impending threat hung in the air. Kyle strode purposefully back to the Barloz freighter, his mind already racing with plans to secure aid for Starfall Outpost. The night, once calm, now bore the ominous tension of an approaching storm.

Kyle entered the Barloz freighter, a sense of urgency compelling him to act swiftly. In the common room, he found Polina and AD-10 engaged in a game of Dejarik, the holographic pieces moving strategically across the board. AD-10, with his metallic limbs, was providing Polina with tips on how to outmaneuver her opponent.

Polina seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the game, her excitement evident as she made her moves. As Kyle approached, he couldn't help but smile at the scene, a brief respite from the looming threat outside.

"AD-10, can you extend the wavelength of our communication array? We need to send an urgent transmission," Kyle requested, his tone grave.

AD-10 paused the game, turning his attention to the Jedi. "Master Kyle, it's not designed for long-range transmissions, but I can attempt to boost the signal. The outcome might be unpredictable."

Kyle nodded in understanding, acknowledging the limitations of the outdated equipment. "Do what you can. We need to reach out to the Resistance or anyone who can provide assistance."

Polina looked up from the Dejarik board, concern etching her features. "What's happening, Kyle? Is there trouble?"

Kyle sighed, the weight of responsibility heavy on his shoulders. "The Mandalorian Dominion is planning something. Starfall Outpost is in danger, and we can't face them alone. I need to call for help."

Polina's eyes widened with understanding, and she nodded solemnly. "We'll do whatever it takes to protect the town. Right?"

With determination in his eyes, Kyle reassured her, "We will. Now, let's focus on getting that transmission out. AD-10, do your best."

As AD-10 stepped away from the Dejarik game with Polina, Kyle made his way to the co*ckpit. The ship's controls hummed to life as he initiated the communication array, hoping that his plea for aid would reach someone in the vast galaxy beyond Ajan Kloss. The fate of Starfall Outpost hung in the balance, and the looming threat of the Mandalorian Dominion drew nearer with each passing moment.

The co*ckpit of the Barloz freighter was dimly lit, the glow from the console casting shadows across Kyle Katarn's face. AD-10's metallic voice echoed through the coms, "Transmission array at maximum output, Master Kyle. You should be able to reach a significant range."

Kyle nodded his gratitude to the droid, “Thanks AD,” his eyes focused on the holo-disc in his hands. With precision, he input the coordinates of Ahch-To, the mysterious planet he hoped held answers. Facing the holo-disc capturer, he began his urgent message:

"Attention, to all who can hear this message. This is Kyle Katarn of the Jedi Order. Ajan Kloss, specifically Starfall Outpost, is facing a dire threat from hostile forces. I stand as a lone Jedi.”

Pausing after those words, Kyle seemed to struggle to find the right way to relay his urgency, he then continued, “This is an urgent distress call. To any surviving Jedi, to the remnants of the Republic, or the forces of the Resistance – heed my words. Ajan Kloss is under siege, and the citizens of Starfall Outpost need your aid. I stand as one of its defenders, requesting assistance for the defense of this planet. I will input our coordinates. May the Force guide you to our side. May the Force be with us all."

The night draped the Ajan Kloss sky with a blanket of stars, casting a tranquil glow over Starfall Outpost. Polina sat at the opened ramp of the Barloz freighter, gazing up with wide-eyed wonder. The celestial dance above, a canvas of twinkling lights, seemed to capture her attention.

A small campfire flickered nearby, casting a warm glow that danced with the luminous sky. The crackling flames provided a comforting ambiance to the serene night. Polina, engrossed in the cosmic spectacle, felt a sense of peace amplified by the gentle warmth of the fire.

As she marveled at the cosmic symphony, a familiar presence approached from behind. A subtle grin played on Kyle Katarn's face as he took a seat beside her. His sudden appearance prompted Polina to flinch, an involuntary reaction that brought a low chuckle from the Jedi.

"Scaring you, am I?" Kyle teased, a playful glint in his eyes.

Polina rolled her eyes, though a smile betrayed her stoic expression. The two shared a moment of quiet contemplation, enveloped by the cosmic symphony and the crackling fire. Eventually, Polina broke the silence.

"Pretty sure you won't be the last Jedi left once I finish my training, right?" she asked, her eyes still fixed on the stars.

Kyle's amusem*nt lingered as he responded, "Well, all in due time, Polina. Becoming a Jedi is a journey, and there's much to learn."

Curiosity sparkled in Polina's eyes as she turned to face Kyle. "What's it like, you know, being a Jedi your whole life? Going on all those adventures and everything?"

The Jedi's gaze drifted towards the distant stars and the dancing flames as he pondered her question. "I wasn't always a Jedi. There was a time when I led a different life as a mercenary. But the Force has a way of guiding you, showing you a path you might not have chosen for yourself."

A gentle breeze carried the weight of Kyle's words through the night air, and as the stars continued their eternal dance, Polina listened, eager to learn of Kyle’s life.

"A mercenary?" Polina's eyes widened with curiosity. "Like a hero for hire?"

Kyle smirked at the description. "Something like that. I fought for the Alliance against the Empire, and later for the Republic. It was during those days that I met Jan."

"Jan?" Polina echoed the name, intrigued.

"Yeah," Kyle nodded, a nostalgic glint in his eyes. "Jan was my partner, a skilled pilot, and a great friend. She was the one who introduced me to the Alliance, set me on the path to something greater."

Polina, engrossed in the tale, asked, "And did you and Jan ever... you know, get together?"

Kyle chuckled, holding a touch of melancholy. "We tried, many times, we held affection for one another. But missions, the fate of the galaxy, always seemed to get in the way. There was never a right moment."

Polina's eyes sparkled with fascination. "Sounds like a grand adventure."

"It was," Kyle affirmed, a distant smile on his lips. "But every adventure has its share of sacrifices."

The atmosphere grew somber as Polina sensed the weight behind Kyle's words. After a moment of silence, she ventured further, "What happened to Jan? Is she still around?"

Kyle's expression tightened, and he looked away, his voice low. "I don't know. Ever since I arrived to Jakku, I don’t know much about this galaxy or the people I used to know and where they may be…" He trailed off, uncertainty lingering in the air.

Polina placed a comforting hand on Kyle's shoulder, understanding his struggle. The campfire flickered, casting shadows on the duo, the night holding tales of both heroism and heartache.

Inspired by the warmth of the campfire and perhaps seeking a change in mood, Kyle suddenly stood up, beckoning Polina to join him closer to the flickering flames.

"Hey," he grinned mischievously at the girl, "ever seen a Jedi fire trick before?"

Polina's eyes widened, and she eagerly shook her head. "No, not yet! Show me!"

Kyle chuckled, "Alright then, watch closely." He took a seat near the campfire and motioned for Polina to do the same. "Now, focus on the fire, and don't take your eyes off it."

Polina nodded, her gaze fixed on the dancing flames. Kyle extended his hand, using the Force to manipulate the fire's movements. The flames respond, twisting and twirling with an ethereal grace. The flames suddenly took shape, one vaguely of a human-like figure.

Polina's eyes sparkled with wonder as she watched the fire move at Kyle's command. "Wow, that's amazing!"

Encouraged by her excitement, Kyle decided to add a bit more flair. With a flourish of his hand, the flame burst upward, creating a brief spectacle that shaped into that of a figure wielding some kind of blade upwards before gracefully returning to their original state.

Polina burst into laughter, clapping her hands in delight. "That was so wizard, Kyle!"

Kyle smiled, pleased with the genuine joy on Polina's face. "Just a little trick I picked up along the way. The Force can be pretty playful when you know how to ask nicely."

As the night continued to embrace them with its serene aura, Kyle and Polina shared a moment of levity, the campfire casting dancing shadows as they enjoyed the simple magic of the Force.

Suddenly, the blue-framed figure of AD-10 emerged from within the ship's ramps, strolling into the scene with a subtle whir of mechanical joints. The droid greeted them both, "Good evening, Master Kyle. Polina. I am pleased to report that the transmission has been successfully sent."

Kyle nodded appreciatively, "Thank you, AD. Now, all we can do is wait and hope for the best."

Polina, still captivated by the campfire's glow, looked up with curiosity, "Wait for what, Kyle?"

Kyle sat down again, gazing at the starry sky, "We've asked for help. A distress call to any remaining Jedi, the Republic, or the Resistance. We can't face the threat alone, and we're putting our faith in the Force to guide that message to the right ears."

Polina nodded in understanding, her eyes reflecting a mix of hope and uncertainty. "I hope someone hears it."

AD-10 chimed in, "Statistically speaking, there's a high probability that the distress message will reach potential allies. However, one must acknowledge the non-negligible chance of it falling into less scrupulous hands."

Kyle raised an eyebrow, "Thanks for the morale boost, AD."

The droid tilted its head slightly, "My apologies, Master Kyle. I merely present the facts."

Kyle chuckled, "No worries, AD. We'll deal with whatever comes our way. Now, let's get some rest. Tomorrow might bring good news or bad ones, we’ll see."

The trio, master, apprentice, and droid, settled into the quiet night, the distant hum of the jungle and the flickering campfire provided a soothing backdrop to their thoughts.

A solitary Resurgent-class Star Destroyer emerged from the shadows of the vast expanse of the cosmic void, its dark silhouette cutting through the sea of stars. The colossal vessel, once a mighty asset of the First Order, now bore the iconic Mythosaur symbol of the Mandalorian Dominion with bold defiance.

As the massive warship cruised silently through the stellar abyss, distant planets and constellations painted a mesmerizing tapestry of light. The void held an air of mystery, and the flickering stars whispered untold secrets. The Star Destroyer moved forward, a harbinger of impending doom, navigating the uncharted territories with purpose.

At the bridge, Warblade Theron stood firm, his crimson battle-worn Mandalorian armor gleaming with the reflection of holographic displays. The Resurgent-class Star Destroyer, a symbol of the Dominion's might, carried the Mandalorian insignia boldly on its hull.

Theron's gaze fixated on the vastness before him. Ajara, the gas giant, loomed in the distance, its presence casting an otherworldly glow across the bridge. Ajan Kloss, the defiant moon turned mining planet, awaited the Dominion's wrath. Theron surveyed the scene with cold determination. His gaze focused on the planet that dared resist the Dominion's authority. The Republic's remnants on this outer rim world were an annoyance, and Theron intended to crush any resistance with the might of his warship.

A figure clad in his own unique Mandalorian armor approached from behind Theron, the unmasked Mandalorian warrior held a data pad in hand. "Warblade Theron, the ground forces are ready for deployment. Starfall Outpost will bow to the Dominion."

Theron's voice resonated with authority, "Prepare the troops, Captain Drayl. We'll make an example of this pitiful resistance. The Dominion's might will be felt across the galaxy."

“This is the way,” Drayl stated with a chest salute and hurried to carry out the orders, Theron's helmeted gaze remained fixed on the distant moon.

“This is the way…”

The Star Destroyer continued moving forward through the sea of stars, poised to unleash its fury upon the defiant planet below. The silence of space was soon to be shattered by the sounds of impending conflict, and Warblade Theron welcomed the chaos that would follow.

Chapter 11: Wrath


In a galaxy continuously gripped by turmoil, Kyle Katarn has uncovered the existence of the Jedi Order led by the enigmatic Rey Skywalker. Desperate for aid, he's sent out a distress signal, hoping to rally support against the encroaching forces of the Mandalorian Dominion.

As Kyle delves deeper into the mysteries of this still puzzling galaxy, the citizens of Starfall Outpost continue to prepare for an imminent clash with the Dominion, their resolve unwavering despite the looming threat of merciless violence.

But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, a spark of hope remains. The Jedi clings to the possibility of a peaceful resolution, even as the shadows of war cast their long shadow over the galaxy...

Chapter Text

Kyle's steps echoed ominously, each one a haunting reminder of his vulnerability as he traversed the dark corridor. The shadows clung to him like a sinister shroud as he moved forward, uncertainty gnawing at his every step. The oppressive air seemed to squeeze the breath from his lungs, and an unseen malevolence hung thick in the atmosphere.

The feeble glow at the end of the corridor promised an escape from the encroaching blackness. Yet, before he could reach it, a serpentine entity materialized around him, its ethereal form undulating with an otherworldly grace. The creature's grip tightened, lifting Kyle off the ground as if he were a mere puppet in its cruel grasp.

Yellow eyes, filled with an insatiable hunger, pierced through the darkness, locking onto Kyle's gaze. The distorted voice, a dissonant chorus of whispers, echoed in his mind, chilling him to the core. "FIND THE GIRL!" it demanded, each syllable laced with an unearthly menace.

Struggling against the spectral serpent's hold, Kyle felt the tendrils of fear constricting around him. The pain was visceral, an ethereal force clawing at the very essence of his being. Yet, in the face of terror, he summoned the light within him, drawing on the strength of the Force to combat the encroaching darkness.

A crooked smile curled across the serpentine entity's spectral form as it reveled in the struggle. Kyle's determination intensified, a flicker of defiance in his eyes. The silent battle between light and shadow unfolded, an ethereal confrontation in the depths of his subconscious.

Abruptly, Kyle jolted awake, gasping for breath as if he'd been submerged in the depths of his own nightmare. The ship's dim lighting offered a stark contrast to the vivid horrors he'd just faced. Beads of sweat clung to his skin, his mind still gripping with the intensity of his dream's grip.

As he sat in the quiet solitude of the ship's quarters, the lingering sense of terror refuses to dissipate. The dream's haunting echoes persisted, leaving Kyle to grapple with the unsettling visions that have woven themselves into the fabric of his consciousness. He still didn't know what to make of them, but he knew they meant something, something sinister, he would have to find their meaning soon.

As Kyle stepped out into the crisp morning light of Ajan Kloss, the jungle stirred with the sounds of awakening life. His weariness lingered, the remnants of the night's haunting dreams still etched across his features. The vibrant greenery that surrounded Starfall Outpost seemed to pulse with vitality, a stark contrast to the weight on Kyle's shoulders.

The continuous hum of the ship's systems melded with the ambient sounds of nature as AD-10 diligently tended to his routine checks. The droid's blue-framed form moved efficiently around the Barloz freighter, oblivious to the inner turmoil brewing within the Jedi.

Polina's room remained undisturbed, the girl lost in peaceful slumber. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves overhead, creating a soothing cadence that did little to ease the turmoil in Kyle's mind. He found himself in consideration of choice, torn between the duty that bound him to Starfall Outpost and the gnawing uncertainty that lingered in the recesses of his thoughts.

The village below, with its makeshift fortifications and resilient inhabitants, seemed to await his support. The prospect of facing the Mandalorian Dominion loomed large, a threat that could unleash unimaginable consequences upon the settlement.

In a moment of contemplation, Kyle glanced toward the ship, its metallic exterior reflecting the dappled sunlight filtering through the canopy. The co*ckpit beckoned, offering a simple and quick departure from the impending conflict. Yet, the connection Kyle had forged with the people of Starfall Outpost tugged at him.

Just as the weight of indecision settled upon him, a voice broke the silence. "Kyle," Varic's voice called out within Kyle’s comlink, coming from the town’s makeshift command center near the dam. The prefect's tone was earnest, and a sense of urgency colored his words.

The dilemma crystallized in that moment. Stay and defend, or depart and seek safety. Kyle stood at the crossroads, knowing that the choice he made would shape the destiny of Starfall Outpost and the lives of those who called it home.

Kyle's hand instinctively reached for the comlink at his belt as Varic's urgent voice echoed through the air. "Kyle, you there?" Varic repeated, holding a weight that demanded attention. With a moment's hesitation, Kyle activated the comlink, the familiar crackle preceding Varic's voice.

“Kyle here,” the Jedi answered.

"There's something you need to see.” Varic’s voice said with a hint of forewarning.

The choice that had loomed over Kyle moments ago seemed momentarily set aside as a new development drew his focus.

Leaving the ship behind, Kyle made his way through the winding paths of Starfall Outpost. The jungle's symphony accompanied his steps, but the usual serenity felt disrupted by an undercurrent of tension. As he approached the fortified prefect’s center near the dam, he found Varic standing at the roof of the building standing beside a holoprojector.

Varic gestured toward the Jedi who quickly made his way up to the roof. The two men briefly shook hands as Varic then pointed to the holographic display, and as the blue light flickered to life, an image materialized before them. It revealed the gas giant Ajara, its imposing presence dominating the screen. A Mandalorian Resurgent-class Star Destroyer loomed in orbit, a symbol of the impending threat.

"What you're about to witness," Varic's voice carried a somber note, "is footage from our outdated scanners. We managed to intercept a portion of the Dominion's communication. It doesn't bode well for Starfall Outpost."

As the holographic scene unfolded, encrypted chatter between Mandalorian forces filled the air. There was talk of a strategic assault, a coordinated effort to overwhelm the outpost.

"The troops are at the ready, Warblade," a voice spoke through the crackling comms.

A ripple of anticipation hung in the air as the response came, "Good. We'll commence the assault by noon. Keep our warship in orbit, and under no circ*mstances, fire upon it. The lumarium deposits must remain intact," the unmistakable voice of Theron commanded, its authority cutting through the transmission.

The air in the command center grew heavy as the gravity of the situation sank in.

Varic turned to Kyle, a look of concern etched across his face. "Kyle, I fear our time is running out. We need your strength and guidance. The people here look up to you. We're ready to face whatever comes, but we can't do it alone…"

Kyle's gaze remained fixed on the holographic display, the dance of lights and shadows reflecting the uncertainty that clouded his mind. The choice he faced now transcended personal dilemmas, extending to the survival of Starfall Outpost and its resilient inhabitants. The battle ahead seemed inevitable, and the weight of responsibility settled firmly on the shoulders of the lone Jedi in their midst.

Kyle's brows furrowed as he looked toward the dam, he noticed what seemed to be a pair of sealed up gates at the top besides where the pipes leading down the valley initiated, his mind churning with thoughts. He turned to Varic, a question on his lips. "Varic, what's the deal with this lumarium? Why does the Dominion want it so badly?"

Varic glanced at Kyle, his expression serious. "Lumarium is a highly sought-after material for the Dominion. It's a crucial component in their energy cells, used to power their technology and ships. Its conductivity and durability make it ideal for their purposes. But it is also highly volatile when exposed to heat. It's one of the lifebloods of their war machine, and they won't let it go easily.``
Kyle's eyes narrowed in thought as he absorbed Varic's words. Though the lumarium deposits gave the Mandalorians more reason to attack it also gave the townsfolk an advantage of having only to contend with a ground assault, the Mandalorians would not send in heavier firepower at fear of the lumarium mines being destroyed.

"Varic," Kyle inquired, "where are the controls for those gates at the dam? The ones at the top?"

Varic gestured toward the imposing dam structure, "The control cabin is at the roof of the prefect building. A set of levers manages the gates. During heavy rains, we occasionally open them to release excess water."

A subtle glint of determination sparkled in Kyle's eyes as he surveyed the towering dam gates. "I have an idea," he said, a plan forming in his Jedi mind.

The dense jungle air hung with tension as Kyle's ship settled in the secluded clearing. Hovering over a crate, he methodically gathered blasters and checked his lightsaber's functionality. AD-10, busy with additional blasters, relayed updates to Kyle.

In the midst of preparations, Polina appeared with a furrowed brow, concern etched on her face. "What are you planning to do, Kyle?" she asked.

Kyle, adjusting his bandolier of thermal detonators, sighed. "The town needs more weapons, and the Mandos are closing in. I have a plan."

Polina's eyes reflected worry. "But why do I have to stay on the ship again? I feel useless."

Kyle placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "There will be a time for you to stand against evil, Polina. But for now, I need to keep you safe. I need you to trust me and stay on the ship, okay?"

Polina nodded, visibly apprehensive. AD-10 chimed in, "The crate is loaded, Master Kyle."

Kyle picked up the crate and turned towards Polina. "Keep the ship hidden, and don't come out until I return."

Worry etched Polina's face as she asked, "What if you don't come back?"

Kyle gave her a confident smile. "The Force is my ally." With those words, he hurried towards the town, leaving Polina and AD-10 behind in the secluded clearing.

As Kyle reached the heart of Starfall Outpost, the town was a hive of activity. Citizens armed themselves with whatever they could find, Kyle’s arrival with the crate full of blasters aided in that as the citizens formed a makeshift militia under the dim light of the early morning. Verna, among them, wore a determined expression as she checked a blaster rifle.

Varic, armed with a blaster rifle himself, approached Kyle. "The young and old are gathered in the underground shelter of the Prefect building," he said, gesturing towards the fortified structure.

Kyle nodded in acknowledgment, he readied himself with bandolier carrying several thermal detonators. "Good. We won't shoot first, only in defense when the Mandos come."

“Has the Mandalorian we captured talked yet?” Kyle suddenly asked Varic, he merely shook his head. Kyle nodded, his gaze now focused back on the sky above.

The early morning fog still clung to the town, providing an eerie backdrop. Ajan Kloss's sky hinted at an impending change, clouds gathering on the horizon, threatening rain. The citizens of Starfall Outpost manned their positions in the fortified buildings, trenches, and windows, ready for whatever was about to unfold.

As the tension built, the outpost held its breath, bracing for the battle that loomed on the horizon.

The captive Mandalorian sat in tattered drapes with stoic silence, his bruised face revealing the remnants of a struggle. His missing arm a stark testament to the violence he endured and yet he had no discernible emotion about it, not even discomfort. Beside him, Garrick, the former foreman of the outpost, nursed the pain of his own missing hand, bitterness etched across his face.

Garrick, still resentful, couldn't resist the urge to voice his frustration. "This ain't right! I shouldn't be treated like a damn prisoner!"

The armless Mandalorian remained indifferent, his gaze fixed on some distant point. The constant complaints seemed to fall on deaf ears.

Before the confined tension could escalate further, a group of town militiamen marched in, their blasters at the ready. The leader motioned to the armless man, ordering him to stand and exit the cell. The Mandalorian complied without a word, rising with an eerie calmness that contrasted with Garrick's continued protests.

“Wait, what about me?” Garrick attempted to reason with the militiamen, “I shouldn’t be here, I was just trying to pro-”

A swift gesture from one of the armed guards silenced him. They aimed their blaster threateningly, a clear reminder that the former lawman was now shunned.

With the Mandalorian now in their custody, the militiamen led him through the darkened brig, the echo of heavy footsteps resonating in the confined space. The mysterious man's fate remained uncertain as he ascended a set of stairs, leaving behind the cold confines of the cells.

The door to the town’s prefect office swung open, revealing the space within. However, instead of Prefect Varic, it was Kyle Katarn who awaited the Mandalorian, the Jedi who had severed the Mandalorian’s arm days prior. The room was dimly lit, casting shadows on the walls as Kyle gestured for the Mandalorian to take a seat.

The Mandalorian complied, his posture rigid but showing no immediate signs of resistance. There was a heavy silence in the room as Kyle studied the man who now sat before him. After a moment, Kyle broke the silence.

"I reckon I'm not the person you were hoping to see," Kyle admitted with a calm demeanor, "But I'm glad to see that the townfolk patched up your arm at my request."

The Mandalorian remained silent, his gaze fixed on Kyle with a steely intensity.

After another beat of silence, Kyle sighed, leaning against the desk. "Look, I know Jedi and Mandalorians haven't exactly been the best of friends over the years. I didn't want any violence, but circ*mstances led to that. I want you to know, I don't hold any ill will towards Mandalorians. What's your name?" he asked, a genuine curiosity in his voice.

The Mandalorian's gaze remained unwavering, a mixture of defiance and resentment in his eyes. Kyle, however, met that cold stare with an air of nonchalance, a faint smirk playing on his lips.

"You can try giving me the death stare all day," Kyle remarked, "but it won't change the fact that I could've let the town do worse to you, and I didn't."

As he leaned back, Kyle's expression grew more serious. "I want to avoid further violence. Maybe you could be the key to that. Mandalorians, as far as I know, are bound by a code of honor, right? Do you have something like that?"

The Mandalorian’s silence persisted for a moment longer, but then he spoke, the words low and measured. "Name's Cyn. It's called the Creed."

Kyle raised an eyebrow in mild surprise. "Well, Cyn, enlighten me. What's this Creed all about?"

Cyn's voice held a hint of pride as he began to explain the Mandalorian Creed. "The Creed is about loyalty, solidarity, helping your fellow Mandalorians, and keeping your word. We're warriors, but it's more than that. It's a way of life, a set of principles we live by."

Kyle listened attentively, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Interesting," he mused. "It's not quite how I remember Mandalorians."

Cyn's tone turned somewhat defensive. "The Creed changed. We've been through a lot, especially after the fall of Mandalore. We learned that peace and diplomacy only leads to destruction. It's about survival, bringing peace to the galaxy, and ensuring the Empire doesn't rise again."

Kyle's eyebrows raised, intrigued by the change in Mandalorian philosophy. "The Jedi defeated Mandalore thousands of years ago," Cyn continued, "and their Republic failed. Now it's our turn. We govern, bring peace, and ensure that the mistakes of the past aren't repeated. That's the new way, the Mandalorian way."

Cyn's gaze remained fixed on Kyle, his expression unyielding. "None of that means we have to be enemies," Kyle suggested.

Cyn's response was resolute. "Previous leaders may have believed that, but after the fall of the First Order, the Reformed Republic and your New Jedi Order proved once again to be failures at governing. The Jedi made themselves enemies by standing in the way of peace when Mandalore the Resolute declared a new crusade for peace."

Kyle furrowed his brow, finding the statement paradoxical. "A crusade for peace?"

Cyn nodded, his tone unwavering. "Your Jedi allowed piracy, anarchy, and chaos to rule the galaxy. The Reformed Republic did nothing. It was Mandalore the Resolute who led the charge against this. We believe in order, strength, and protecting our own. The galaxy needs a firm hand to guide it."

Kyle's face wore an expression of disappointment, evident in the subtle creases on his forehead and the downturn of his lips. The dim light in the room accentuated the gravity of the conversation.

"The Dominion sounds no different than the Empire. We can put a stop to this senseless conflict," Kyle asserted, his voice carrying a note of conviction. "I respect your creed, Cyn. If you help us, I give you my word that our two sides can find a way to peace without having to resort to such things."

Despite the earnestness in Kyle's plea, Cyn's countenance remained unyielding. His eyes, cold and unresponsive, regarded Kyle's words as nothing more than absurd propositions.

“I sooner die than help a Jedi!” he spoke with clear disdain in his voice.

A heavy sigh escaped Kyle's lips, a tangible acknowledgment of the futility of his words.

"I hope you see reason," Kyle said, a faint trace of disappointment lingering in his voice. With a subtle motion, he gestured for the militiamen to escort Cyn back to his cell. The clinking of the Mandalorian's boots echoed in the quiet room as he was led away. Abruptly, amidst the silence, Kyle's voice sliced through the air, commanding attention. "Wait!"

Cyn and his accompanying wardens pivoted in response. In Kyle's hand, there dangled a pendant—a three-sided artifact. With a deft maneuver, Kyle shifted it, revealing a small image nestled within. The depiction captured the visage of a woman with fair skin, cascading brunette hair, and a pretty complexion.

Contemplatively, Kyle gazed at the contents of the pendant for a fleeting moment before propelling it in a smooth arc toward Cyn. The Mandalorian, displaying almost natural reflexes with his remaining arm, effortlessly caught the pendant mid-air.

"They discovered this within your armor when they brought you in. I thought it best you had it," Kyle explained, his words laden with sincerity.

Cyn didn't say anything, simply turning back and leaving Kyle alone in the office, his thoughts dwelling on what he felt was an inevitable spilling of blood.

Theron’s gaze was fixed on the viewport of his Star Destroyer, displaying the expanse of space beyond. A subordinate approached and notified him of the readiness of the ground forces gathered below. Theron nodded in acknowledgment before issuing a command to be patched through to Battlesworn Ryna.

Theron turned from the viewport as Ryna's holographic figure materialized before him. He addressed her in a commanding tone, "Battlesworn Ryna, report on the defenses of Starfall Outpost."

Ryna, clad in armor with violet schemes, responded confidently, "Minimal at best, Warblade. Our forces should make quick work of them."

Theron's helmeted gaze seemed to sharpen as he inquired further, "Any signs of the Jedi? Has he been spotted?"

Ryna shook her head, her holographic image flickering slightly. "No sightings, Warblade. It's likely he fled rather than face the Dominion's wrath."

Theron's expression remained inscrutable as he considered the information. After a moment of silence, he issued his orders, "Proceed with the assault. Ensure the preservation of the lumarium mines. Report back once the operation is underway."

Ryna saluted, her holographic image fading away as she affirmed, "This is the way."

Left alone in the dimly lit bridge, Theron's thoughts lingered on the absence of the Jedi as he contemplated the upcoming assault.

Anticipation weighed heavily on the shoulders of Starfall’s defenders. A light drizzle began to fall, adding a surreal ambiance to the tense atmosphere. Sirus, a young man no older than twenty, huddled in a foxhole with his friend Niles, an older figure with a grizzled beard and a headband that spoke of rugged experiences.

Sirus cast a wary gaze across the fortified structures of the outpost, his expression thoughtful. "You know, Niles, I always heard tales about Jedi. Never thought we'd have one here."

Niles, an older, more weathered figure, snorted skeptically. His eyes, etched with the wisdom of years, scanned the surroundings. "Stories won't save us, boy. We need real defenders, not mystical warriors."

As they conversed, the drizzle intensified, and the mist obscured the edges of buildings. The air buzzed with nervous energy. Before Sirus could respond, the sudden eruption of blaster fire shattered the uneasy calm.

Caught off guard, Sirus and Niles sought cover, their voices drowned out by the chaotic symphony of destruction. The jungle surrounding them seemed to unleash a torrent of aggression, and the defenders scrambled to find refuge.

Through unfolding chaos, the young and the old faced uncertainty together, as the distant roar of dagger-shaped starfighters heralded the beginning of a battle that would test the resolve of Starfall Outpost.

The relentless rain of blaster fire from the Mandalorians in the jungle intensified, creating a chaotic symphony of destructive energy. The defenders of Starfall Outpost, now entrenched within their fortified positions, exchanged anxious glances as the situation grew direr. The fang-class starfighters continued their precise bombardment from above, adding a layer of devastation to the beleaguered town.

Emerging from the dense jungle, the Mandalorians, a formidable force numbering in the dozens, advanced with calculated brutality. Their armor gleamed ominously in the dim light, and their disciplined march bespoke the efficiency of a well-coordinated military force. The landing pad area became the focal point of their assault, and the defenders prepared to face the impending onslaught.

Varic, at the forefront of the defense, shouted orders to the militia, urging them to hold their ground. The air resonated with the deafening combination of blaster fire, explosions, and the ominous hum of approaching Mandalorian forces. In the midst of the chaos, the defenders steeled themselves for the impending clash, knowing that the fate of Starfall Outpost hung in the balance.

Amidst the chaos of the Mandalorian assault, Ryna, the leader of the assault, spurred her fellow warriors forward with unwavering determination. Her voice echoed through the rain-soaked jungle as she rallied her comrades to fight for the glory of the Dominion. The Mandalorian forces advanced relentlessly, their blaster fire creating a storm of energy as they closed in on Starfall Outpost.

As Ryna pressed forward, her anticipation turned into a surge of exhilaration. However, her elation was abruptly interrupted when she noticed the uneven ground beneath her. In a moment of realization, she lowered her gaze, only to be met with a shocking revelation. Lumirium charges lay hidden in the earth, a treacherous trap set by the defenders.

Before Ryna could react, the world erupted into blinding light and electrifying explosions. The carefully placed charges detonated in a dazzling display of energy, wreaking havoc among the Mandalorian ranks. The ground shook, and the air filled with acrid smoke as the explosive onslaught decimated the front lines of the Dominion forces.

Emerging from the chaos, Kyle, the lone Jedi defender, unveiled himself from a hidden vantage point on the rooftops. A thermal detonator in hand, he moved with an almost dance-like grace amidst the roofs, hurling the explosive devices into the heart of the Mandalorian advance. The luminous explosions sent Mandalorians flying in disarray, their armor charred and bodies battered.

Ryna, once at the forefront of the assault, found herself hurled backward, her body pierced by shrapnel and flames. Severe wounds marred her armor as she struggled to rise. The tide of the battle had shifted dramatically, and the Mandalorian forces, disoriented and reeling, now faced the relentless counterattack of the determined defenders.

Jumping down from the high ground with his lightsaber blazing through the air, Kyle moved with a fluid grace, effortlessly slicing through the remaining Mandalorians who dared to challenge him. Varic and the other townspeople, inspired by the sudden turn of fortune, rose from their cover. A torrent of blaster fire erupted from their makeshift barricades, converging into a relentless assault on the Mandalorians.

Ryna, battered and bruised, managed to pull herself back into the fray, though her steps were staggered and labored. Seeking refuge in a ditch for cover, she observed the chaotic battleground unfold before her. Surviving Mandalorians exchanged fire with the resolute townspeople, their once-coordinated assault now reduced to scattered attempts at resistance.

Kyle, lightsaber held high, stood at the forefront of the town, a beacon of defiance against the Mandalorian onslaught. Bolts of blaster fire were deflected with precision as he moved like a guardian protecting the heart of Starfall Outpost. The rain intensified, adding to the atmosphere of the intense conflict as the town's defenders pressed forward, determined to repel the Mandalorian forces and safeguard their home.

The confined co*ckpit of the Barloz freighter hummed with tension, the persistent drumming of rain on its hull echoing the unease within. Polina, her gaze fixed on the stormy outside, exuded visible anxiety. AD-10, sensitive to her emotional turmoil, delicately broached the subject, "Polina, I detect a certain unrest within you. Is something troubling your thoughts?"

The rain intensified, mirroring the very storm of emotions brewing within Polina. Frustration etched across her features as she confessed, "I hate just sitting here, doing nothing. I should be out there helping Kyle and the others."

AD-10, in his ever-composed manner, sought to console her, "You mustn't blame yourself. You are a dedicated student to Kyle, and he likely made the decision with your safety in mind. It's a testament to the care he has for you."

As the rain outside pounded relentlessly, Polina's gaze remained fixed on the tempest, and in a moment of vulnerability, she revealed a personal truth, "You know, Kyle isn't my father, but he's the closest thing I've ever had to one."

A flicker of surprise crossed AD-10's digital visage, quickly replaced by a composed response, "I see. It's understandable that you are concerned for him. But rest assured, Polina, Kyle is a capable Jedi. He'll find a way through this."

The co*ckpit became a sanctuary for conflicting emotions and Polina’s continued sense of uncertainty encapsulated by the storm outside.

The tide of battle took a grim turn as the fang-class starfighters returned, their lethal blaster fire ripping through the air once more. Kyle, along with the determined townspeople, sought cover, but the devastating attack claimed several lives, including Niles. A moment of mourning passed as Sirus grieved for his fallen friend amidst the settling dust.

As the ominous fang-class starfighters circled back for another assault, Kyle, sensing the impending danger, urged the remaining defenders to fall back. With his lightsaber deflecting bolts, he stood as a steadfast guardian, shielding those in retreat.

“Fall back, back!” He ordered while deflecting blaster bolts.

However, the sky above Starfall Outpost became even more crowded and threatening. A group of larger Gauntlet-class ships emerged from the rainy skies, casting an eerie shadow over the beleaguered town. The side doors of these imposing vessels swung open, releasing Mandalorians equipped with jetpacks. These skilled warriors soared through the stormy skies, descending upon the town with swift and deadly intent.

As Kyle fell back alongside the defenders, the situation grew increasingly dire, and the clash between the Starfall Defenders and the Mandalorian Dominion intensified, creating a chaotic and unpredictable battlefield in the heart of Ajan Kloss.

Kyle, the Jedi still standing valiantly, danced on the edge of despair, deflecting blaster bolts and disrupting the advance of jetpack-wielding foes.

“Kyle, watch out!”

Amidst the sounds of conflict, Varic's urgent call cut through the fray, causing Kyle to momentarily shift his attention. However, a close and relentless explosion suddenly tossed him into the air.

Landing on the ground his body scorched and resolve shaken, Kyle fought to regain his footing, blood dripping down his face. The airborne Mandalorians, firing a barrage of devastating rockets, orchestrated the destruction of Starfall with ruthless efficiency. With resilience etched on his features, Kyle stood once more, only to confront a renewed attack as a forceful kick sent him twirling to the ground, his lightsaber spiraling away.

Ryna, the angered and charred Battlesworn, descended with fiery determination, ready to strike a final blow against the staggered Jedi. As she poised to pull the trigger of her blaster pistol, an unexpected interruption cut through the turmoil: a barrage of blaster fire rhythmically landing against Ryna's armored back. The source? None other than the small and nimble Polina, standing resolute with a smoking blaster.

Ryna turned and upon seeing the assailant she scoffed, dismissing the threat, but realization dawned too late as an object landed against her exposed back – a series of beeps indicating a thermal detonator, a harbinger of imminent catastrophe.

Desperation filled the air as Ryna attempted to remove the explosive, unwittingly triggering a cataclysmic explosion. Kyle, summoning his last reserves of strength, lunged at Polina and shielded her from the blast as the Mandalorian met a fiery demise.

Amidst the swirling smoke and the echoes of distant explosions, Kyle's gaze bore a mix of frustration and concern as he faced Polina. He firmly held her by the arms, his voice laced with a mix of anxiety and sternness.

"What were you thinking, Polina?!" Kyle's words carried a tone of both anger and concern. "This is not a safe place. I told you to stay on the ship!"

Polina, wide-eyed and shaken, stammered out her explanation. "I... I had a feeling you were in trouble. I just wanted to help."

Kyle's frustration deepened. "Help?! You could have gotten yourself killed. This is no place for someone untrained. It's not a game, Polina!"

Polina nodded with a mix of understanding and regret, her eyes down as she visibly recoiled at his stern words, her earlier enthusiasm now replaced with a sense of remorse. She had never seen Kyle upset, and the weight of his disappointment struck her.

The battle continued around them as Kyle, his lightsaber in his hand once more, held a protective arm around Polina, guiding her towards the fortified prefect building, “We need to get to safety. This isn't the place for you."

As they entered the building Kyle noticed the Mandalorians retreating, it seemed they had earned some moment of respite.

Warblade Theron, flanked by his Mandalorian warriors in their ships as they hovered above the town, seethed with anger. The loss of Ryna and many of his comrades kindled a fiery rage within him as one of his men reported that most of the town's inhabitants were now trapped in a building.

“They've retreated to the main building. We should be able to make quick work of them in a final assault Warblade!” One Mandalorian suggested.

"No," Theron commanded, his voice laced with a venomous fury. "Open the dam's floodgates. Drown them all."

His Mandalorian subordinates exchanged glances, uncertain about the order, “what about the lumirium sir, the mines?”

Theron dismissively waved off their concerns, "We'll find other sources. But this town won't survive."

The grim resolve in his words underscored the impending calamity as the Mandalorians prepared to unleash a watery deluge upon the besieged Starfall Outpost.

The interior of the prefect building was filled with an air of desolation as the remaining defenders gathered amidst the wounded. Varic, nursing a wounded townfolk, looked up as Kyle entered, battered and worn. Polina, visibly distraught, looked at the scene with wounded men and women, all of them had tried to fight off the Mandalorians despite the odds and Kyle was their only hope and even he seemed to have seen his fair share of hurt, she then understood the gravity of it all, being a Jedi was not the adventure she believed, it was a noble duty but one that could also be deadly.

“I'm sorry Kyle, I should have, I just wanted to help…” Polina apologized for her actions, expressing her genuine regret.

Kyle, after taking a moment to collect himself, reassured her, "I appreciate your courage, Polina, but you can't put yourself in harm's way like that."

Before Polina could reply Varic cut in, his gaze reflecting the gravity of the situation as he spoke, "We can't endure much more of this, Kyle. We've lost too many already."

Kyle, surveying the destruction, nodded solemnly. "The Mandalorians seem to be retreating. I hope someone received the transmission I sent by now…"

As if in response to their dire situation, the terminal beside Varic's desk began to blink urgently. Varic checked the display, his expression shifting to that of sheer horror. "The Mandalorians are targeting the floodgate hinges. They're planning to flood the entire town!"

The weight of the impending catastrophe bore down on them as the defenders faced yet another dire threat.

Amidst the palpable tension, Kyle turned his gaze to Varic. "How long do we have before the dam gives way?" he inquired urgently.

Varic, monitoring the monitors displaying the unfolding catastrophe, shook his head grimly. "Not much, Kyle. They're relentless."

A Mandalorian starfighter, hovering menacingly over the cameras, unleashed another barrage upon the dam's vulnerable hinges. The structure visibly quivered under the assault.

Kyle, decisive in the face of impending disaster, rallied the remaining defenders. "Evacuate the town! I'll try to hold the gates, but if I can't, you need to be far away from here."

Varic, though initially uncertain, saw the truth etched in the severity of the situation. "Follow the Jedi's lead! Move!"

As the townsfolk scrambled to gather their belongings and tend to the wounded, Polina approached Kyle with concern etched across her face. "How can I help?"

Kyle, acknowledging the urgency, met her gaze. "Guide everyone to the ship. Get them out of here."

Protests welled up in Polina's throat, worry etched across her features. "What about you? What if the dam breaks?"

Kyle, a blend of frustration and concern coloring his expression, reassured her, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Polina's protests continued, and Kyle, unable to entertain further argument, called out to Varic. "Take her, Varic!"

Varic, now entrusted with Polina's safety, moved to guide her away. Polina resisted, her cries echoing in the tumult, but Varic, resolute, ensured she was led to safety, her desperate pleas lingering in the air. Kyle, watching the scene unfold with a heavy heart, steeled himself, readying his lightsaber as he ascended the stairs, Varic continuing to hold Polina back from the impending danger.

As Varic firmly guided Polina away from the impending danger, she struggled against his grasp, her voice echoing with desperation.

"Let go! I have to stay with Kyle! He can't face this alone!"

Varic, struggling in the face of the girl's resistance, responded with measured determination. "Kyle told us to get to safety. We can't risk losing anyone else!"

Tears welled in Polina's eyes as she continued to plead. "I can't leave him! What if something happens? What if he doesn't make it?"

Varic, maintaining his grip, spoke with empathy. "We have to trust Kyle. He's doing everything he can to save us. But we need to get you to the ship, away from harm. Please, Polina, for your safety!"

Despite Varic's reassurances, Polina's desperation lingered, her gaze fixated on the unfolding turmoil, her heart torn between the safety of her own and the unwavering bond she felt with Kyle.

As the disarray from the outside echoed through the brig, Cyn and Garrick found themselves thrust into the sudden turmoil. The clatter of alarmed footsteps outside grew louder, and the metallic clang of doors being opened set the atmosphere on edge. Cyn, ever composed, watched with keen interest as the doors swung open, revealing the anxious faces of two townspeople.

"Get out, we're leaving the town!" one of them urgently exclaimed.

Garrick, his eyes widening in surprise, questioned the abrupt decision. "Why? What's happening?"

"The Mandalorians are destroying the dam! We need to go now!" the other townsfolk clarified.

Without wasting a moment, Garrick rushed towards the exit, his concern etched on his face. Cyn, however, maintained his calm demeanor, inquiring about the Jedi.

"Where is the Jedi?" he asked, his tone cold and direct.

Perplexed, one of the guards responded, "Move! We don't have time for this."

But Cyn repeated his question, “Where. Is. The. Jedi.” The intensity in his voice cutting through the chaos.

The guard, growing impatient, ordered him once more while aiming his blaster at him, “Move!”

Cyn, unfazed, reached into the pendant Kyle had returned to him, revealing a concealed vibro blade. Swift as a striking serpent, he hurled the blade at the guard's neck, rendering him incapacitated.

The other guard, taken aback by the sudden turn of events, found himself on the receiving end of a powerful kick from Cyn, sending him crashing against the wall. The terrified townfolk cowered in fear, barely able to move as he spoke.

“H-he’s on the roof, d-don’t kill me please!”

Garrick, witnessing the display, hesitated but chose not to interfere, paralyzed by a mixture of fear and awe.

As Cyn retrieved the vibro blade, he walked out of the brig with calculated steps, leaving behind a scene of both death and silent compliance.

Amidst the chaotic evacuation and her argument with Varic, Polina's eyes widened with panic as she spotted Cyn calmly making his way through the office, blade visibly in hand. A chilling realization gripped her, and she began to scream, desperately pleading with Varic to release her. The Mandalorian's silent march heightened her sense of urgency, her voice echoing through the room.

"Varic, let me go! We have to help Kyle!" Polina's cries filled the air, but Varic, focused on the evacuation, strained to keep her in check.

As the townfolk filed out of the building, oblivious to the unfolding drama, Polina's desperation escalated. Anguish painted her features as she screamed once more, her eyes fixated on Cyn's determined path. In a surge of frustration and fear for Kyle, Polina summoned the rage within her, an unbridled surge of energy manifesting as she extended her arm toward Varic.

What followed was a torrent of power, an unseen wave that rippled through the room. Varic, caught off guard, was sent flying several feet backward, crashing against the doors and into the outside of the building with an audible thud. Polina, wide-eyed at the unintended strength of her outburst, momentarily hesitated before realizing the urgency of the situation.

"Kyle's in danger!" she yelled, torn between guilt and determination. Without waiting for Varic to recover, she rushed towards the stairs, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and resolve. The realization that she possessed a power beyond her control weighed heavily on her, but her focus remained on the safety of the Jedi who had become her mentor and protector.

On the rooftop, amidst the chaos and destruction, Kyle Katarn's eyes fixated on the massive dam gates. The ominous sound of cracking metal echoed through the air as the Mandalorian starfighters continued their relentless assault.

Fire and smoke surrounded him, a testament to the destruction that had befallen Starfall Outpost. Yet, Kyle knew that the impending flood could bring an even greater catastrophe. With a determined resolve, he called upon the Force, drawing strength from every lesson, every piece of wisdom he had acquired throughout his Jedi journey.

The pain within him surged as he pushed his abilities to the limit. He could feel the strain on his body and mind, echoes of Luke's teachings resonating within him. It was a culmination of every trial, every victory, and every defeat that had shaped him into the Jedi he had become.

With arms outstretched, Kyle focused all his energy on the massive floodgates. The power of the Force manifested around him, a swirling maelstrom of light and energy. The gates, previously yielding to the Mandalorian assault, began to respond to Kyle's intervention.

Despite the searing pain and the overwhelming odds, Kyle pressed on. The gates slowly started to close, water receding, a symbol of hope emerging amidst the turmoil. The force within him became a beacon, guiding the flow of energy to accomplish this formidable task.

It was a battle against time and nature, and Kyle Katarn stood at the epicenter, a lone Jedi striving to defy the forces that sought to bring ruin. As the gates inched closer together, he channeled his strength, recalling the teachings of his mentors and the unwavering spirit of a Jedi.

As Kyle strained against the power of the Force, desperately trying to close the massive floodgates, Cyn, the Mandalorian, moved stealthily across the rooftop, his eyes fixed on the struggling Jedi and his vibroblade held firmly within his hand. The chaotic symphony of destruction played out around them, but Cyn's focus remained on the pivotal struggle unfolding before him.

The Jedi's every muscle tensed as he channeled the Force, and Cyn observed the visible toll it took on him. The Mandalorian, despite his loyalties, couldn't help but feel a surge of respect for the Jedi's determination.

Amidst the turmoil, Kyle's desperate gaze shifted, catching sight of the levers at the rooftop cabin's terminal. A realization dawned on him – those levers held the key to securing the dam. Despite the overwhelming odds, Kyle pressed on, battling not only the destructive forces unleashed by the Mandalorians but also the limits of his own endurance.

Polina, driven by a mix of fear and urgency, raced up the stairs, her footsteps echoing in the tense atmosphere. The weight of the situation pressed upon her young shoulders, her mind racing with worry for Kyle and the fate of the town.

As Cyn, torn between hesitation and resolve, approached Kyle with his blade at the ready, the Jedi's concentration persisted. Polina, arriving just in time, yelled out to warn Kyle

“Kyle, behind you!”

The Jedi's focus wavered as he turned, and in that split second, he felt the searing pain as Cyn's blade pierced the side of his back, narrowly avoiding his original target, his spine. A strained cry of agony escaped Kyle as Cyn twisted the blade, resentment burning in his eyes.

Reacting with instinct and resilience, Kyle delivered a powerful elbow strike to Cyn's head. Utilizing the Force, he pushed the Mandalorian away, sending him crashing against the rooftop wall. The floodgates, momentarily held back by Kyle's efforts, burst open as water gushed forth, adding chaos to the already tumultuous scene.

Despite the excruciating pain, Kyle forcibly pulled the blade from his back, blood staining his jacket. Ignoring his injuries, he once again focused on using the Force to close the floodgates. Before Polina could rush to his aid, a sudden presence loomed behind her – an imposing figure in red Mandalorian armor. Warblade Theron, the Mandalorian leader, seized Polina and activated his jetpack, lifting them both into the air.

Polina, caught in Theron's grasp, called out to Kyle for help.

“Kyle, Kyle help!”

The Jedi, determined to protect her, strained his injured body as he attempted reached out with his other hand to pull Polina from Theron's clutches. The rooftop became a battleground of conflicting forces – water surging from the dam, Kyle fighting against the torrent with the Force, and Polina's desperate plea echoing in the chaos.

As Polina's desperate cries echoed on the rooftop, Kyle's weary eyes reflected the agonizing choice before him. His wounded body strained to maintain a grip on both the floodgates and Polina, but the conflict within him mirrored the tumult of the water surging from the dam.

"Kyle, please! Don't let him take me!" Polina's plea resonated in the chaotic chorus of crashing water and raging storms.

Theron, relentless and determined, continued to propel upwards using his jetpack, the force of the water intensifying. Kyle felt the struggle within himself, torn between saving Polina and preventing the impending flood that could devastate Starfall Outpost.

In that critical moment, as blood seeped from his wounds and exhaustion weighed on his every limb, Kyle's gaze met Polina's. The gravity of decision weighed heavily on his shoulders, and with a heavy heart, he whispered, "I'm sorry, Polina," before redirecting his focus solely to the floodgates.

The Jedi summoned the last reserves of his strength, channeling the Force with unwavering determination. The floodgates groaned against the onslaught of water, and with a final surge, Kyle managed to close them, pulling against the lever which sealed the gates up. The immediate threat of total inundation was averted, but Polina, still held by Theron, now hovered above the rooftop towards an arriving Gauntlet starfighter, its ramp opened.

Ignoring the searing pain coursing through his wounded body, Kyle sprinted across the roof and towards Polina, his outstretched hand reaching for her. Rain cascaded down in sheets, distorting his vision, but determination fueled every stride. Theron's Gauntlet starfighter prepared to depart, the ramp gaping wide, Polina's terrified gaze locked onto Kyle's.

With a final burst of strength, Kyle leaped towards Polina, both of them stretching their hands towards each other. The moment seemed to stretch in agonizing slowness, the distance between them narrowing, and hope flickering in the rain-soaked air.

Yet, despite his valiant effort, Kyle narrowly missed her grasp. The chilling realization struck him as Polina's anguished cry pierced through the storm. The Jedi, robbed of his chance to rescue her, plummeted from the rooftop, disappearing into the shroud of rain-soaked shadows below.

Theron, now boarding the Gauntlet starfighter, held Polina firmly in his grasp. The ship's ramp closed, sealing Polina's fate within its metallic confines. Kyle landed on the muddy ground, battered and broken, he watched helplessly from below as the Mandalorian vessel ascended into the stormy skies, carrying away the girl he had vowed to protect.

The rain continued to pour, mirroring the cascade of emotions within Kyle – regret, anguish, and the weight of an unbearable loss. As the Gauntlet starfighter vanished into the turbulent clouds, a profound sense of failure lingered in the air, it invaded the Jedi’s every being. The rain intensified, mixing with the tears that welled up in Kyle's eyes.

Struggling to regain his composure, the Jedi clenched his fists, the blood from his wound mingling with the rain-soaked ground below. Regret, frustration, and sorrow continued to enveloped him as he looked up at the gray sky, his connection to the Force amplifying the echoes of Polina's frightened cries.

The remaining townspeople, witnessing the tragic scene, gathered around Kyle. Varic, having witnessed the events, approached the Jedi with a heavy heart. The dam remained sealed now, all thanks to the Jedi, and yet the lingering sense of defeat remained.

"Kyle, what do we do now?" Varic asked, his voice heavy with concern, as the townspeople awaited the Jedi's guidance in the face of an uncertain future.

As Kyle's strength waned, he turned to Varic, his once pristine clothes now marred with dirt and blood. He struggled to utter words, his right hand trembling as the left one clutched the seeping wound. The air was heavy with concern as he suddenly collapsed onto the unforgiving ground.

Varic, his face etched with worry, knelt beside the fallen Jedi. The other townsfolk gathered around, their expressions mixed with fear and anxiousness. Kyle's vision blurred, his consciousness slipping away as Varic urgently gestured to the townspeople. The world around him faded into an unsettling darkness, and then, it all went dark.

Kyle found himself once more confronting the malevolent, serpentine entity. Its grotesque form coiled and writhed, a sinister grin etched onto its shadowy countenance. The air grew heavy with an ominous presence as the creature poised itself for another assault, ready to consume the Jedi.

Yet, within the encroaching darkness, a radiant light began to emanate from Kyle. It surged from deep within, a luminous force that defied the shadows. The serpentine being recoiled in terror, its malevolence momentarily overpowered by the brilliance that radiated from the Jedi.

As the light enveloped him, Kyle felt a profound connection with the force, a oneness that transcended fear. The oppressive atmosphere gave way to a sense of hope, as if the very fabric of reality shifted around him. The serpentine creature, now diminished and cowering, released its grip on Kyle.

In this moment of spectral illumination, the nightmare transformed into an awe-inspiring revelation. The force had become Kyle's ally, a beacon of strength against the encroaching darkness, turning the tide from terror to a profound connection with the mystic energies that bound the galaxy together.

“Trust in the force, always…” a voice beckoned.

Kyle's eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the unfamiliar surroundings. A soft bed cradled him, and a subdued light cast shadows on the modest furniture within a dimly lit room. His shirt had been changed, the wound on his side carefully covered. The air carried the sterile scent of a makeshift medical space.

As he tried to make sense of his surroundings, a wave of confusion swept over him. His lightsaber and jacket rested on the side table, silent witnesses to the events he couldn't quite recall. The room felt small and nimble, a stark contrast to the chaos he last remembered.

The sting of pain jolted through his body as he attempted to sit up. Every movement was met with resistance, and the realization of his own vulnerability settled in. Questions lingered in his mind, unanswered, as he grappled with the mystery of how he had ended up in this unfamiliar sanctuary.

Despite the lingering pain, he mustered the strength to stand. As he moved, the sounds of a commotion reached his ears from outside the room. With a sense of urgency, Kyle grabbed his lightsaber and made his way through a narrow wooden hallway and down a set of creaking stairs.

As he descended, he found himself in a larger dining room that seemed familiar. It was the same place where he had met Verna. A lifeless Mandalorian lay on the ground, evidence of recent conflict. Verna emerged from a nearby room, armed with a substantial blaster rifle, and her expression conveyed a mixture of relief and annoyance.

"It's about time you woke up," she muttered, reloading her weapon. Kyle still grappled with the disorientation of his surroundings.

“How long was I out?” He asked.

"An entire day," Verna replied, a sense of urgency in her voice. She quickly briefed Kyle on what was happening, “The Mandalorians are back, and they aren't holding back!”

As Kyle stepped out into the chaos of the night, he felt the weight of his injuries. The magnitude of the attack became apparent. Mandalorians wreaked havoc in the streets, firing wrist rockets and setting buildings ablaze. The air was thick with the stench of burning structures. Determination ignited in Kyle's eyes as he activated his lightsaber, ready to face the renewed threat head-on. The town's defenders fought valiantly around him, and with the Force as his ally, Kyle plunged into the heart of the battle, prepared to defend Starfall Outpost once again.

The determined Jedi, though visibly slowed by his injuries, pressed forward into the chaotic battle. With each step, he deflected blaster bolts, struggling to maintain his footing. As he faced an approaching Gauntlet starfighter, Kyle assumed a battle-ready stance, prepared to confront the formidable foe despite the odds. The ominous ship locked onto him, ready to unleash its destructive payload.

However, before the Mandalorian vessel could strike, the heavens above erupted with powerful blaster fire. Kyle, surprised, shielded his eyes as several starships soared through the night sky. The unmistakable silhouettes of X-wings, adorned with the emblem of what seemed to be the New Republic, unleashed a relentless assault on the Mandalorian forces.

The tide of the battle shifted as the X-wings skillfully targeted and destroyed the Gauntlet starfighter, causing it to spiral out of control and crash. The shockwave echoed through the night, and Kyle watched with a mix of relief and awe as the Republic starfighters continued their precision attacks against the remaining Mandalorian forces.

A glimmer of hope flickered in Kyle's eyes. The timely arrival of what seemed to be the New Republic's support had turned the tide, providing a respite for the beleaguered defenders of Starfall Outpost.

Verna exited her inn and turned her attention to the skies, where the X-wings soared in a timely arrival. Verna, with a hint of sarcasm, commented “they sure took their time as well!”

Kyle, smiling, nodded in agreement. The presence of the New Republic starfighters brought a glimmer of hope to the remaining beleaguered defenders.

However, their focus quickly shifted back to the remaining Mandalorians wreaking havoc in the town. Verna, armed with her blaster, and Kyle, wielding his lightsaber, advanced with determination. Kyle skillfully deflected a barrage of red lasers, closing the distance between him and the Mandalorians. As they raised themselves with their jetpacks, Kyle summoned the energy of the Force and executed a saber throw, dispatching a pair of them. One, however, managed to evade the attack.

Before Kyle could continue his assault, a humming blade, distinctively light turquoise, suddenly sliced through the air, landing on the remaining Mandalorian and dispatching him. The lightsaber then circled back to the hands of a hooded figure standing just behind a stunted Kyle.

As the hood was unveiled, revealing a short-statured female Jedi of bronze skin with neatly tied-up hair, she stood before Kyle in a defensive pose with her lightsaber raised horizontally, Kyle's expression shifted from determination to shock.

"J-Jan?!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with disbelief. The female Jedi, taken aback, lowered her defensive pose. For a moment, an eerie silence enveloped them amidst the ongoing battle, both Jedi staring at each other with a mixture of surprise and recognition.

Kyle's eyes remained fixed on Jan, his disbelief turning into a quiet enchantment. He slowly dropped his lightsaber and took tentative steps towards her, a gesture of familiarity and affection. His outstretched hand sought connection, but Jan swiftly raised her lightsaber, assuming a defensive stance once more that betrayed a clear warning.

As the battlefield settled into a temporary calm, more figures emerged from the shadows, each wielding a lightsaber of their own. They encircled Kyle, their identities concealed beneath hoods. The atmosphere grew tense, and Jan spoke with stern authority.

"You are under arrest. Surrender peacefully, and we won't use force," she declared, her voice unwavering.

Confusion etched across Kyle's face as he slowly raised his hands, acknowledging the command. The group of Jedi remained silent, their expressions hidden within the shadows of their hoods, adding an air of mystery to the unexpected encounter. Kyle, still grappling with confusion, complied with Jan's directive and surrendered peacefully, all this time he had been looking for the Jedi Order, and now he had found it, though perhaps not how he wanted to.

Chapter 12: Across Time


In the aftermath of a fierce conflict with the Mandalorian Dominion, Jedi Master Kyle Katarn faces an unforeseen twist of fate. His young apprentice, Polina, now held captive, Kyle finds himself in the custody of the enigmatic Jedi Order he once sought.

As Kyle grapples with the weight of his loss and the uncertainty of his future, he embarks on a journey to an unknown destination. Amidst the turmoil, memories of the past haunt him, and questions linger unanswered.

But amidst the shadows of uncertainty, a familiar face emerges as his captor, hinting at the possibility of unexpected revelations and unforeseen alliances...


Hello, to those who have read this story, I wanna give my sincere apologies for not updating it for a while. The good news is that here's a new batch of more chapters to enjoy. Please stay safe and as always I appreciate your time.

Chapter Text

As the cool breeze of Sulon's night played with their surroundings, Kyle and Jan found solace under the expansive blanket of stars, embracing in each other's arms. Chuckles from their exchange of funny stories still echoed in the quietude. Kyle, ever the storyteller, couldn't resist a final claim that made his partner in crime chuckle.

Jan's laughter lingered as she regarded him with a teasing skepticism. "Kyle, you never lie? I find that hard to believe."

With a feigned look of innocence, Kyle responded, "Come on, Jan, you know I'm always truthful."

Jan raised an eyebrow, her eyes reflecting the starlight. "Always?"

"Well, almost always," Kyle admitted, his grin widening. "But in matters of the heart, you can trust my every word."

Jan's smile softened, her gaze meeting Kyle's. "I do love that about you."

As the banter settled and the two lay in each other's arms, the night air took on a more contemplative tone. Kyle shifted seamlessly, his playful demeanor giving way to a more earnest reflection.

"What if we left this mercenary life behind?" Kyle proposed, his voice carrying a touch of longing. "A home in the fields, a farm, a bunch of kids running around..."

The words hung in the air, and Jan's expression shifted to one of thoughtful contemplation. She shared love for Kyle but couldn't shake the shadows of uncertainty that clouded their existence. "Kyle, the galaxy needs us," she reminded him.

Undeterred, Kyle gently took her hand and met her gaze. "It won't need us forever, and not if we leave this life behind. We can build a different world for ourselves, Jan. A world where every moment isn't tainted by the fear of the next mission."

Jan considered his words, the weight of their shared experiences evident in her eyes. "In a different world, maybe," she said, a hint of both hope and skepticism in her voice.

With a light-hearted grin, Kyle responded, "Well, that can be arranged, hop into the Raven's Claw and we're on our way, right?"

Their laughter intertwined with the night, the starry sky above them seemingly approving of the dreams they dared to share.

Kyle sat in restrained silence, the subtle hum of the ship's engines creating an ambiance of uncertainty. Shackles bound his hands, a symbol of his captivity, as he observed the cohort of Jedi accompanying him. Chief among them was Jan, focused on a data pad, her expression invoked a mix of concern and duty.

Beside her, two other Jedi, both distinct in their own ways, inspected Kyle's lightsaber with a curious fascination. One, a bearded figure with azure-skin and grizzled features, marveled at the saber's design.

"Intricate craftsmanship," he remarked, his deep voice resonating within the confined space.

The other Jedi, a younger more excited and scholarly female with silver hair and piercing yellow eyes, examined the lightsaber's crystal with analytical interest; she bore a pattern tattoo on her forehead. "The energy from this crystal is unlike anything I've encountered before," she mused, her words filled with a scholarly fascination.

Amidst this scrutiny, Kyle couldn't help but faintly chuckle at the scene. His amusem*nt echoed through the vessel, a subtle acknowledgment of the irony that, even in captivity, the essence of a Jedi's connection to the Force could not be fully contained.

One Jedi, a broad shouldered and tall stern figure with a shaved head and a scar running across his left cheek, glared down at Kyle with undisguised disdain. His piercing eyes bore into Kyle's, demanding an explanation for the perceived amusem*nt.

"What's so amusing, fallen one?" he spat out the inquiry, his tone sharp with scorn as he stood over Kyle. Despite the confrontational stance, Kyle remained unperturbed, meeting the Jedi's gaze with a calm resolve.

With a nonchalant demeanor, Kyle suggested, "Take a seat, friend. These ships can get turbulent, and it's better to be strapped in." His lack of fear seemed to irk the confrontational Jedi even more, but before he could retort, Jan intervened.

"Enough, Malakar," Jan asserted firmly, her eyes still fixed on the data pad. "We're still on a mission, and we need everyone focused. Sit down and save your energy." Malakar grumbled under his breath but eventually complied, taking a seat with a scowl, leaving Kyle to reflect on the dynamics within this group of Jedi.

As the ship sailed through the quiet void of space, one of the curious Jedi, the young scholarly woman with the yellow eyes, couldn't contain her curiosity about Kyle's lightsaber.

"So, Kyle is it?" she began, her voice carrying a tone of genuine interest, "when did you make this lightsaber? It looks so well put together yet rugged, not like something carried through battles and conflicts."

Kyle, with a nostalgic smile, responded, "I crafted it when I first joined the Order, many years ago. As for its condition, credit goes to a friend who kept it safe for me for quite some time, and luck I suppose."

The other Jedi, the bearded warrior with azure skin, marveled at the revelation. "Impressive craftsmanship and care," he remarked, examining the lightsaber with a newfound respect.

However, amidst the intrigue of the Jedi, Jan's expression turned more complex. She seemed caught in a web of conflicting emotions, torn between curiosity and a hint of unease. Kyle noticed this and decided to address it directly.

"Something on your mind, Jan?" he questioned, his gaze meeting hers. The yellow-eyed and the azure-skinned Jedi both paused, waiting for Jan's response, curious about the underlying dynamics of their leader and the mysterious fellow passenger.

Jan continued to eye Kyle with a careful scrutiny, her earlier emotions still lingering beneath the surface. Without answering his question, she raised a hand in a silent gesture for him to be quiet.

Turning her attention to the other two Jedi, she addressed them sternly, "Garen, Sela, refrain from engaging in conversation with him. We're here on a mission, and unnecessary communication with a fallen Jedi is not our priority."

The two Jedi, Garen and Sela, nodded apologetically. "Understood, Master Ors," they responded in unison.

Left to his own thoughts, Kyle leaned back against the transport's cold metallic wall, shackles still secured on his wrists. The atmosphere in the ship grew tranquil, with Jan immersed in her data pad and the other Jedi avoiding any interaction with Kyle. The hum of the ship's engines seemed to echo the muted dynamics within, as they hurtled through the vastness of space towards an uncertain destination.

The transport vessel gently shook as it exited hyperspace, prompting the pilots at the front to announce their successful exit.

"Exiting hyperspace now…"

Jan, acknowledging the announcement, set aside her data pad. Kyle for his part curiously asked.

"Where are we?"

Ignoring Kyle's question, Jan maintained her silence, leaving Kyle in an atmosphere of uncertainty. Garen and Sela, though silent, exchanged a brief glance, and Sela offered Kyle an awkward smirk, hinting at a lack of hostility.

As the ship steadied, Kyle couldn't resist injecting a bit of sarcasm. "Nice try with the whole mysterious silent Jedi routine, but I've been searching for Jedi, and this isn't exactly how I imagined our meeting."

Jan, growing visibly frustrated, once again urged Kyle to be silent.

"Remain quiet."

His curiosity, however, got the better of him, and he questioned her directly, "Why are you being like this Jan, did I crash the Raven's Claw or something?"

Malakar, the confrontational Jedi, stood up, lightsaber in hand, and threatened Kyle into silence.

"You're not in a position to be questioning anyone, fallen one, be silent if you know what's good for you," Malakar said with disdain.

Unfazed, Kyle met Malakar's gaze. "I've faced mightier and uglier than you, scarface."

Jan, attempted to maintain control, "Malakar, back off!"

Suddenly, the transport jolted forward, catching Malakar off guard. He slipped and slammed onto his back, prompting Kyle to smile and casually remark, "Guess I warned you." The tension in the ship lingered, but Kyle seemed to find amusem*nt in the Jedi's struggle for control, Malakar for his part simply stepped away and sat back on his seat, his glare continuously directed at Kyle who payed little mind to it.

As the ship initiated its descent, the pilot's voice crackled through the intercom, "Prepare for arrival shortly." The continuous hum of the engines and the anticipation in the air heightened Kyle's confusion. The vessel descended and a noticeable thud signaled its landing.

The side door opened, revealing a stunning vista—a sunlit, vibrant forest sprawled beneath a blue sky. Jan, breaking the silence, spoke directly to Kyle, "I suggest you cooperate, you'll be able to make your case to the Grandmaster soon…"

Still puzzled, Kyle queried, "Who's this grandmaster you're talking about?" Jan maintained her enigmatic silence, leaving Kyle grappling with unanswered queries.

The allure of the forest, bathed in sunlight, stood in stark contrast to the uncertainty that enveloped Kyle upon his arrival.

The dirt road stretched ahead, winding through the enchanting forest. Kyle, shackled and flanked by the four Jedi, couldn't help but appreciate the serenity of the woods—the rustle of leaves, the melodious calls of birds, and the dappled sunlight filtering through the foliage.

In their beige cloaks, the Jedi walked in disciplined formation, with Jan and Garen at the front, leading the way. Malakar and Sela followed at the rear, the young Sela seemingly enjoying the nature around her.

The journey unfolded in quietude, broken only by the distant sound of the transport ship soaring above. Kyle's curious gaze followed the vessel, prompting Malakar's stern warning "Eyes forward, fallen one!"

"Perhaps it's you who should keep the eyes forward," Kyle quipped. "Wouldn't want you tripping over your robes again. Hazardous business, this Jedi escort."

Garen shot Kyle a disapproving look, while Jan kept her focus ahead, seemingly indifferent to the banter. Sela, sensing the escalating tension, attempted to diffuse the situation.

"Master Malakar, we must embody the principles of peace, even in challenging times," she implored.

Malakar's response was curt and authoritative. "Sela, silence. This is not a time for lessons."

"The young one seems to be wiser than the master, go figure," Kyle remarked.

The woods continued to envelop them in a calming symphony of nature. Kyle couldn't resist but comment on the peaceful surroundings, his words carrying a playful tone. "Quite the scenic route you all picked for a stroll. A little vacation, perhaps?"

Jan glanced at him, her expression unreadable beneath the hood of her cloak. "Silence. We're almost there."

Kyle chuckled, unfazed. "You know, if you wanted a guide, all you had to do was ask. I've been to more planets than I can count, could've easily found my way around here."

Garen, walking beside Jan, interjected, "We don't need your guidance. Just your cooperation."

Malakar, trailing behind, continued to shoot a seething glare at Kyle.

The group continued through the forest, Sela, once more trying to maintain a sense of peace, addressed Kyle. "It's for the best to try and work together for the benefit of peace, even when we may be on opposing sides."

Kyle raised an eyebrow. "Well, that's a nice sentiment. But it's hard to maintain peace when the welcome party has me in shackles."

Sela sighed, her eyes meeting Kyle's. "The grandmaster has her reasons. Please, for all our sakes, try to understand."

Their exchange echoed through the woods, a subtle undercurrent of unease beneath the sounds of nature.

As they progressed, the terrain changed. They crossed a ravine, a narrow path winding through the depths. Emerging on the other side, the woods gave way to a clearer expanse, and a large lake came into view. In the distance, a structure resembling a Jedi temple loomed, a trio of towering structures could be seen from afar, weathered by time and surrounded by the beauty of the lush landscape.

Kyle, momentarily surprised by the sight, couldn't help but comment, "Well, at least we're not sleeping under the stars." He continued to walk with the group, navigating the terrain carefully with his bound hands, the large structure beckoning in the horizon, promising answers and challenges alike.

The group approached the outskirts of the temple, Kyle's observant eyes took in the sight before him. The once majestic trees surrounding the temple had been cleared, revealing the worn-down structure beneath. The temple, a shadow of its former glory, bore the scars of time and conflict. Various portions of its walls were missing, and the first gate stood battered, a testament to the battles it had endured.

As they neared, Kyle couldn't help but scrutinize every detail. His gaze moved across the damaged exterior, and he noticed signs that indicated the temple had been the site of a fierce battle. The remnants of once proud walls and pillars now stood as solemn witnesses to the passage of time.

Approaching the second set of doors leading into the temple, Kyle's eyes fixated on a single, tattered banner. The emblem of the Jedi Order was still visible, though worn and faded. It lay draped over the doors, a clear sign of the temple's history.

The group entered the temple, the echoing footsteps resonating through the halls as they ventured deeper into the once hallowed grounds. Kyle's curiosity remained unabated, and he continued to study his surroundings, keenly aware that each corner held the potential for answers to the questions that lingered in his mind.

In the expansive, mostly empty room, the group stood poised for what lay ahead. Several staircases beckoned to deeper reaches of the temple, and as Jan and Garen proceeded, Jan's instructions echoed through the space.

"Guard the fallen one," Jan directed, her tone brooking no argument. Sela and Malakar, now Kyle's sole sentinels, positioned themselves, their vigilance evident.

As Jan and Garen disappeared into the depths of the temple, Kyle, standing amidst the echoes of history, couldn't help but break the silence. "Why do you keep calling me the 'Fallen One'?" he inquired, addressing the Jedi escorts. Malakar remained silent, his demeanor stern, but Sela, ever the voice of reason, chose to speak.

"We believe you've turned away from the Order's path, became a mercenary," she explained. "Though, I don't see how that's true. You helped save a town."

Before Sela could elaborate further, Malakar cut in sharply, "Silence, Sela. His actions do not absolve him of his past."

Kyle, visibly annoyed by Malakar's dismissive attitude, retorted, "Let the girl talk. She seems to have a mind of her own." Malakar, unfazed, drew his lightsaber threateningly, challenging Kyle.

"Make one wrong move, and you'll find out just how wrong you are," Malakar warned with a hint of hostility. Undeterred, Kyle maintained a steadfast gaze.

"Let the girl speak, or are you afraid she might make too much sense?" Kyle quipped, his tone laced with a mix of annoyance and sarcasm.

"I'll teach you what sense is!" Malakar retorted with anger, about to ignite his saber.

Suddenly steps from atop the stairs rang out, signaling an interruption to the building tension. A soft, yet commanding voice pierced through the air, "Malakar, cease!"

Malakar, obedient to the voice, immediately desisted, sheathing his lightsaber. Kyle's attention shifted upward, and recognition flashed across his face as the figure emerged from the shadowy hall.

She donned a pristine white outfit, moving with grace and purpose. The woman, an air of authority surrounding her, approached the scene and stood before Kyle. As his eyes met hers, a moment of surprise flickered on Kyle's face before he spoke.

"It's you..." he stated, his voice carrying a mix of recognition and curiosity.

Rey strode confidently across the sands of the Lars Homestead, her loyal companion BB-8 trailing behind her. She had buried the lightsabers of Anakin and Leia, a symbolic gesture marking the end of a legacy.

Returning to the Millennium Falcon, Chewbacca patiently awaited inside. The loyal Wookiee was already occupying the pilot seat. As Rey approached the Falcon, a faint smile played on her lips as she glanced back at the homestead. The horizon, once adorned by the spectral presence of Luke and Leia, stood silent with the setting suns.

Boarding the Millennium Falcon, Rey moved towards the co*ckpit. Chewbacca emitted a curious growl, his questioning gaze fixated on Rey. With a smirk, she responded, "They were at peace." Chewbacca nodded, a sense of understanding exchanged between them.

As Rey glanced at her Jedi Texts, a moment of reflection washed over her. The Skywalkers were all gone, one with the Force, leaving her as the sole bearer of their legacy. She felt the weight of her responsibility, not only as a Skywalker but also as the heir to the lineage of her grandfather, Palpatine.

With determination, Rey asserted, "Now, it time to rebuild." The Falcon's engines hummed to life, ready to embark on a new chapter in the galaxy's ever-unfolding saga.

Rey's eyes meet Kyle's as she softly inquired, "Who are you?"

Kyle, recognizing Rey from the holographic message on Ajan Kloss, bowed slightly and introduced himself, "Kyle Katarn at your service." His tone carried a hint of respect as he acknowledged her role. "And you, are Rey Skywalker, Grandmaster Rey Skywalker if I assume correctly."

Rey's lips curled into a warm smile. "You assume correctly, Kyle." She then posed a question, her curiosity evident, "But where do you come from?"

Kyle, still uncertain of how much he should reveal, chooses his words carefully. "Well, originally I'm from Sulon, but now, I'm not quite sure where I am… if I'm correct in what I've seen so far, I may not be in my own time if that makes any sense. I know it may sound crazy but it is the only way I can put it in words…"

Rey nodded, sensing there being more to Kyle's story. "You carry an aura of the past, yet also not of this past…" she remarked. "The Force within you, it's different, but there's ways the Force connects us all even across time."

Kyle looked at Rey with a mixture of surprise and understanding. "You've felt it too," he observed.

Rey's expression turned contemplative. "Yes, I have. The Force binds us all, even across generations."

The two Jedi, each from different lives and upbringings, stood in the ancient temple, feeling the echoes of the past and the resonance of their shared connection through the Force.

Having witnessed the interaction with increased wonderment Sela stepped forward, a question lingering on her lips as she addressed Rey, "Master Skywalker, what do you mean by the Force connecting across time? I've never heard of such teachings."

Rey's gaze shifted from Kyle to Sela, the young Jedi standing with an eager glimmer in her eyes.

Rey's smile widened, appreciating the young Jedi's curiosity. "Sela, there is much about the Force that extends beyond what is written in the Jedi texts..."

Sela's eyes widened with wonder, absorbing Rey's words. "But Master, how can we tap into such a thing, connect beyond times?"

Rey nodded, her expression serene. "It's a journey, Sela. Understanding the Force's intricacies is a path of discovery. The more attuned you become, the more you feel its threads weaving through time."

Kyle listened intently to Rey and Sela's discussion, absorbing the mention of the Force connecting across time. Once their exchange concluded, he offered a slight nod of acknowledgment. Clearing his throat, Kyle spoke up, "This is all fascinating, but it doesn't clarify why I'm in binds or why I'm labeled a 'Fallen One.' I'd appreciate some context here."

Rey and Sela shared a quick glance, a silent communication passing between them. Meanwhile, Malakar stood behind, arms crossed, a stoic figure casting a scrutinizing gaze.

Rey broke the silence, "We received a transmission from you not long ago. I've trained many Jedi, but your name is unfamiliar. When we traced the origin, we found you associated with a group of fallen Jedi known as the 'Unchained.'"

Perplexity flickered across Kyle's face as he questioned, "Unchained?" His mind thought back to when Kord had mentioned something of the sort before his demise at Kyle's hands. "Mind explaining?"

Rey took a moment before responding, "The Unchained are individuals who've strayed from the Jedi path, seeking their own interpretation of the Force. Mercenaries, often. Your connection to this group intrigued us, hence our caution."

Sela added, "Grandmaster Rey wanted to understand before passing judgment."

Malakar, maintaining a stance of skepticism, interjected, "But caution is necessary. The Unchained have caused trouble before."

Rey concurred, "Indeed. Kyle, if you're not part of the Unchained, we need to comprehend your intentions and your relationship with the Force and why you were in Ajan Kloss. Can you enlighten me on this matter?"

Kyle's initial confusion gave way to a more measured understanding as Rey explained their concerns. With a sigh, he spoke up, "Look, I get it, you have some kind of division and rivalry. But I'm not some fallen Jedi or part of this Unchained group. I was part of Luke Skywalker's Jedi Order. You know Luke, right? You have his name. Daughter? Granddaughter?"

Rey's response was a subtle evasion. She deflected with another question, "How long ago did you know Luke?"

Kyle, sensing her avoidance, persisted, "Since the fall of the Empire. I trained under him, helped him rebuild the Order after it fell apart. But the last I heard, he's no longer with us." Rey, her expression growing solemn, silently confirmed his assumption.

A melancholic air settled between them as Kyle, equally somber, pressed on. "What happened to him?"

Rey's expression remained pensive as she recounted the fate of Luke Skywalker. She sensed the genuine goodness in Kyle, yet an underlying energy perplexed her. "During the First Order's invasion of the galaxy, Luke became one with the Force at the battle of Crait. His sacrifice inspired the galaxy to continue the fight," Rey explained.

A sense of sadness washed over Kyle at this revelation. "He wasn't just a wise teacher and a brave warrior; he was a good friend," Kyle remarked, a touch of melancholy in his voice. As he thought about Luke's sacrifice, a wistful smile appeared on Kyle's face. "He always did have a knack for being the hero..."

Rey smiled in agreement with Kyle's remark about Luke's flair for heroics. However, she shifted the conversation to a more pressing matter. "Your statements, while heartfelt, bring about troubling uncertainty, Kyle. Your actions at Ajan Kloss, noble as they were, have shattered a fragile truce between what remains of the Reformed Republic and the Dominion," Rey explained, her expression carrying a weight of responsibility. "You will need to face the Council for your actions."

Kyle's visage transformed into one of shock at this unexpected revelation.

Rey's expression carried both understanding and authority as she addressed Kyle, "I know the situation is complicated, Kyle, but resisting won't solve anything. You'll get a chance to explain yourself before the council."

Kyle, still reeling from the news, spoke up with noticeable worry, "Rey, you have to understand. They took Polina, a girl I swore to protect. I can't just sit here."

Rey, maintaining her calm demeanor, replied, "I empathize with your plight, but we must follow due process. The council will listen, and justice will prevail."

Reluctantly, she directed Sela and Malakar, "Escort him to the underground chambers. Treat him as a Jedi, with respect."

Sela, with a hint of sympathy in her eyes, nodded. "Of course, Master Rey."

Malakar, stern and unwavering, added, "This is for the greater good. Cooperate."

Both Jedi stood firmly, their lightsabers close on their belt as they prepared to guide Kyle.

Kyle walked forward with a steady but noticeably slower pace. As he and his escorts reached the split in the path, Kyle inquired about their direction. Sela, with her calming presence, gestured to the right, and so they proceeded.

Entering the large round room with stony chambers, Sela led Kyle to one prepared for him.

"We got it ready for you, the bed is made and there's some food here, I'm sorry it isn't too pleasant," she said.

Kyle nodded appreciatively, his gait had become awkward, and Sela, perceptive, inquired "Are you alright?"

Kyle, downplayed the situation "Just a wound I sustained back on Ajan Jan Kloss, I'm fine."

As he entered the chamber, Sela, genuinely concerned approached him, raising up his shirt to reveal a bloodied bandage at the brink of falling off.

"Kyle, that wound looks serious. You shouldn't underestimate it," Sela said with a touch of worry in her eyes.

Kyle, a half-smile on his face, assured her, "I've had worse, Sela. Just need a bit of rest, that's all."

Malakar, still vigilant, reminded Sela, "Stay cautious, Sela. We don't know the full extent of his intentions."

Sela nodded, torn between her duty and genuine concern for Kyle. "I'll keep watch, Master Malakar. But we can't ignore his injuries."

Sela, with a gentle yet determined demeanor carefully removed the bloodied bandage, and Kyle winced slightly as it pulled at his wound.

"Hold still, Kyle," Sela said, her voice soft but focused.

As she inspected the wound, her hand hovered over it, emitting a soothing warmth. Kyle felt a peculiar sensation as if the Force itself was at work. He watched in amazement as the wound began to close up, the pain dissipating with each passing moment.

Kyle's eyes widened with astonishment.

Sela, concentrating on her healing technique, explained, "It's a basic Force healing technique. I've been learning to use the Force to mend wounds. It's nowhere near as advance as Grandmaster Skywalker's, but it does the job."

Kyle marveled at the fading pain, his wound now nothing more than a memory. "Well, that's quite the Jedi trick. Thank you."

She smiled, a mix of relief and satisfaction. "You're welcome, Kyle. Now, rest. We'll discuss everything soon."

Sela, before stepping out of the chamber, turned her attention to Kyle's still-bound hands. With a swift and practiced motion, she deactivated the bind mechanism, allowing the restraints to fall away. Kyle flexed his wrists, feeling the relief of freedom after being confined.

"There you go, Kyle. The binds are off," Sela said, offering a small, understanding smile.

"Thanks, Sela," Kyle expressed once more, his voice low with gratitude.

She nodded, her smile a continuously warm one inviting Kyle some kind of comfort. Before leaving, Sela turned back and spoke, "Master Malakar and I will be right outside if you need anything. Rest well."

With that, she left Kyle to his solitude, the dim glow of the chamber's lighting casting a contemplative atmosphere, the doors to the chamber shutting loudly which momentarily drew his attention. As he settled onto the makeshift bed, he couldn't help but ponder the events that had led him to this unexpected encounter with the Jedi and just how the beginning of something much larger.

Chapter 13: Judgement


Imprisoned and invaded by doubts, Kyle Katarn now finds himself ensnared within the clutches of the very order he sought to find—the Jedi.

Imprisoned within the labyrinthine corridors of a mysterious temple, Kyle awaits judgment by a council shrouded in secrecy and intrigue. Led by the enigmatic Rey Skywalker, this council holds the fate of Kyle Katarn in its hands, weighing his actions against the backdrop of a galaxy torn apart by conflict.

All the while Katarn continues to be haunted by constant dreams of a cryptic nature, unable to decipher their meaning...

Chapter Text

An ethereal brightness left Kyle momentarily disoriented. As he blinked, adjusting to the lighting he couldn't shake that his mind was playing tricks with him.

"Why all these dreams?" Kyle muttered to himself, glancing around the chamber, a touch of frustration in his voice.

Suddenly, the room seemed to respond as the voice, powerful yet not forceful, reverberated. "Katarn..."

Kyle's gaze darted around, searching for the source of the voice. "Where am I? What's the meaning of all this?"

The entity responded, the words carrying a weight of purpose. "You must close the gap. You are not where you must be."

Frustration crept into Kyle's tone. "Stop talking in riddles! What gap? Where am I supposed to be?"

The voice persisted, its resonance filling the chamber. "Close the gap, Katarn."

And just as suddenly as it began, the dream ended, leaving Kyle to awaken in the dimly lit chamber beneath the Jedi temple. The cryptic words lingered, creating an unsettling sense that a warning had just been relayed to him, leaving Kyle with more questions than answers.

The chamber doors suddenly creaked open, revealing the imposing figure of Master Malakar, his stern demeanor unchanged. Beside him, the young Jedi Knight Sela entered with a more reassuring presence. As Sela approached, she picked up the tray from the night before, a glimmer of curiosity in her eyes as she glanced at Kyle.

"How's the wound holding up?" Sela inquired, her tone gentle.

Kyle placed his hand on the once-injured flank, offering a wry smile. "Like a new man. Your healing skills are impressive, Sela."

Sela chuckled, her eyes reflecting warmth. "Just doing what Jedi do best. I'm glad you're feeling better."

As Sela moved away, she looked back to Kyle, "The council will hopefully meet with you today, one of the masters is returning today from a mission."

"Thank you," Kyle expressed his gratitude for the update, watching as she carried the tray towards the door.

Malakar, remaining in the shadows, kept a watchful eye on Kyle. Seizing the opportunity for a light-hearted remark, Kyle couldn't help but ask, "Is he usually this ornery, or does he just have a thing for me?"

Sela interjected, defending her master with a playful tone, "Master Malakar has his reasons, struggles from the past. But don't worry, despite the stern exterior, he's got a heart somewhere in there." With a parting promise to bring another tray at noon, she left the chamber, leaving Kyle alone with the enigmatic Master Malakar.

The atmosphere lingered with a quiet intensity. The room felt confined, and Malakar's piercing gaze remained fixed on Kyle. Unfazed by the Jedi's imposing presence, Kyle broke the silence.

"You know, Malakar, you're not the first Jedi with a scowl on his face I've had the pleasure of meeting," Kyle remarked, a hint of humor in his voice. "I've been around the galaxy more times than I can count, and there's always someone wearing the 'serious Jedi' look."

Malakar's expression remained still, but there was a subtle shift in his demeanor. Kyle, seemingly undeterred, continued.

"Is it a prerequisite for Jedi Masters to be stern and grumpy here? Or is it a personal choice?" Kyle mused, keeping the tone light.

Malakar finally spoke, his voice measured. "The path of the Jedi demands discipline and commitment. Frivolity is a luxury we cannot afford."

Kyle chuckled, acknowledging the truth in Malakar's words. "I suppose every organization needs its serious types. Keeps the galaxy in balance, right?"

The Jedi Master's response was a nod, and a lingering silence settled once more in the dimly lit chamber. It was then that Malakar closed the doors, leaving Kyle once more on his own.

While at his exercises by the bedside, Kyle's mind was a whirlwind of questions. The dimly lit chamber couldn't hide the frustration etched across his face. Why were the Jedi so distrusting of him? Who was Rey, and what purpose did this place serve? Despite having met the fabled Skywalker he had strangely found himself with more questions, quite an irony.

As he stretched and curled up, thoughts of escape danced on the periphery of his mind. He could easily use the Force to leave this improvised prison, slip away in the shadows. Yet, a glimmer of hope held him back – a hope that this mysterious "Council" would listen, that there might be a chance to clarify the misunderstanding.

The memory of Polina lingered like a haunting specter. Her last expression, a mix of fear and despair as she was taken away, etched itself into Kyle's consciousness. It fueled his determination to find answers, even if he had to face the enigmatic Jedi Council to get them.

The doors once more opened and Jan's arrival into the room disrupted the quiet of the chamber, her traditional Jedi robes contrasting with Kyle's more relaxed attire. The severity of the situation seemed to emanate from her as she entered, her measured steps echoing in the enclosed space. Kyle, finishing his sets, observed her with a mix of curiosity and guarded anticipation. The two shared a lingering moment of silence, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air.

After a pause, Kyle couldn't resist breaking the silence, injecting a hint of sarcasm into his words, "Took you long enough to come visit, Jan. I was starting to think you forgot about me down here."

Jan, her expression unreadable, replied evenly, "I had other matters to attend to. The Council has been deliberating on how to best handle your case."

Kyle, still slightly amused, retorted, "Well, I hope they cleared their schedules for the 'Fallen One.' Got a lot to talk about."

Jan's eyes narrowed slightly at the term, but she maintained her composure. "The Council is cautious, Kyle. Your actions have consequences, and we need to understand the full extent of your involvement."

As her words lingered, Kyle couldn't help but feel the weight of the Jan's scrutiny, a sense that the answers he sought were on the horizon but obscured by formalities he had no time for.

As Kyle settled back onto his bed, Jan's perceptive gaze lingered on him. Sensing his frustration, she inquired, "Have you been treated well?"

Kyle, adopting his usual sarcasm, couldn't resist making a few remarks, "Oh, it's been a five-star experience, Jan. Immaculate room service, and who could forget the hulking scarface Jedi giving me the warmest of glares."

Jan, despite her typically stern demeanor, couldn't help but let a brief smirk escape. However, she swiftly returned to the matter at hand, "Do you always approach everything with such nonchalance, or is this just a defense mechanism to avoid taking things seriously?"

Kyle, looking straight at her, responded with a hint of irony, "Well, you know, when your life involves more blasters and saber duels than casual conversation, you tend to develop a certain outlook. Keeps you from getting too serious about things, I suppose."

Jan listened attentively as Kyle shared his experiences. She acknowledged the uniqueness of his life, remarking, "You seem to have led an interesting life, Kyle."

Kyle, with a wry smile, shook his head, "It's not just me, Jan. We've been through a lot together."

Perplexed, Jan asked for clarification, "Refresh my memory, Kyle. What are you talking about?"

Kyle scoffed, as if amazed that she needed reminding, "Well where to start… there was the whole Jerec situation, the Reborn and Desann, you almost didn't make it alive out of that one. And then there's the Vong…"

There was a subtle melancholy in his expression as he continued, "You know, Jan, I always pictured you as a Jedi. If you had joined Luke's Academy, I thought you'd be a better Jedi than me. But seeing you now... it feels strange."

Jan's face remained a mask of confusion and uncertainty. Her voice, soft yet firm, conveyed her struggle to comprehend Kyle's words. "I don't know you, Kyle. I don't recall any of those experiences you're talking about."

Kyle's expression mirrored the disappointment in his heart. He pressed further, his voice carrying a hint of desperation, "You don't remember that night on Sulon, Jan? The first time I asked you a question."

Jan shook her head in negation, and a heavy silence settled in the room. Kyle's gaze dropped, a profound sense of solitude enveloping him as the weight of his memories seemed to hang in the air, unrecognized and unshared.

Jan's voice, tinged with curiosity, broke the somber atmosphere. "What question, Kyle?"

Kyle remained silent for a moment, lost in his thoughts, before responding, "In another world, Jan, you and I used to have more. But it seems that doesn't exist… not in this galaxy at least."

Jan's eyes reflected confusion, searching for answers in Kyle's gaze but found none. She closed in for a moment, finding a muddled yet still familiar connection to the man and yet she recoiled back, as if afraid to explore more.

"The council will see you soon," Jan stated abruptly, the room's atmosphere shifting. Without waiting for a reply, Jan turned and left the chamber, leaving Kyle alone with the echoes of unanswered questions.

The darkened corridors of the temple served as a silent path for Kyle, his hands bound once more, flanked by Malakar and Sela. The trio approached a colossal door, its weight seemingly accentuating the gravity of the impending meeting. With deliberate slowness, the door creaked open, revealing a chamber within.

A figure soon emerged from the chamber, it was Jan, her gaze steady and demeanor reserved. She stepped into the dimly lit corridor, her cloak billowed slightly behind her as she assessed the situation.

"Kyle," she said, her voice carrying a sense of urgency tempered with reassurance, "come with me." Kyle met her gaze, a flicker of determination igniting in his eyes as he nodded in acknowledgment.

Turning to Sela and Malakar, Jan spoke with authority, "Wait outside, both of you." Her command brooked no argument, and the two guards exchanged a glance before nodding in compliance.

Kyle followed Jan into the chamber, his steps echoing softly against the ancient stone floor. As the door closed behind them, he saw what he could only assume were three Jedi occupying seats in the room, their gazes locking onto Kyle as he stepped forward. Rey, at the center, exuded a mix of sternness and curiosity. To her right sat an older male Jedi with a long, deeply dark beard and flowing hair, while a red-skinned female Twi'lek occupied the left seat. The air in the chamber held tension as the Jedi Council silently scrutinized Kyle's presence.

The council chamber was a rounded sanctum, its walls adorned with intricate designs carved into the stone pillars that supported the curved structure. Each pillar seemed to tell a story, depicting the history and teachings of the Jedi Order. The ornate carvings showcased scenes of galactic peace, lightsaber duels, and Jedi in meditation.

A single, radiant light source hovered at the center of the chamber, casting a focused glow upon the council's meeting area. The light created an almost ethereal ambiance, emphasizing the seriousness of the discussions that took place within its confines. Shadows danced across the pillars, accentuating the architectural details and giving the room an air of ancient wisdom.

Opposite the council seats, several meters away, an unoccupied stone seat stood in solitude. It served as a symbol of the absence, a space that seemed reserved for a significant presence yet to join the assembly. The silence within the chamber amplified the significance of each detail, setting the stage for the impending exchange between Kyle and the council. Jan for her part leaned back amidst the shadowed corners of the chamber.

Rey's voice carried the weight of authority as she calmly instructed, "Please, Kyle Katarn, take a seat."

Kyle complied without any ostentation, his expression steadfast as he faced the council. A brief, tense silence enveloped the chamber before Rey spoke again.

"The council has convened under extraordinary circ*mstances to pass judgment on three matters," Rey declared with measured clarity. "First, to adjudicate on your standing as a possible fallen one. Second, to inquire whether your motives were driven by malice or in adherence to the Jedi Code. And third, to cast the ultimate decision on your fate, considering the current crisis."

Rey introduced herself once more in formality, "I am Rey Skywalker, Grandmaster of the Jedi Order…"

She gestured towards the male bearded Jedi, "This is Duel Master Jacen Syndulla," and then towards the female Twi'lek, "and Archive Master Lira Serni. We shall now proceed with the questioning."

The atmosphere in the council chamber grew more intense as the weight of the impending judgment lingered in the air.

Rey readied herself, ready to direct the first question, yet in usual break from formality, Kyle rose from his seat, his tone firm and assertive, "I've been waiting long enough. Let's skip the dance. I'm not a 'Fallen One,' and I am not in any connections with the 'Unchained.' I'm the one who sought your help and sent the transmission. Whatever preconceived notions you have about me are wrong."

The council, momentarily surprised, recovered swiftly. Master Syndulla, maintaining his composure, directed the first inquiry, "Your directness is noted, Kyle Katarn. Now, let's get to specifics. How did you come to possess a lightsaber, and, perhaps more crucially, what is the origin of your training in the Force?" The council leaned in, awaiting Kyle's response to these pivotal inquiries.

Kyle, momentarily perplexed by the unexpected turn of questioning, gathered himself and responded, "As I mentioned to the Jedi that brought me here, I built the lightsaber years ago and trained under the guidance of Luke Skywalker. But, I understand that might sound unusual now. Yes, the same Luke Skywalker who became one with the Force at the Battle of Crait six years ago. I personally fought alongside him."

Master Syndulla interrupted, a skeptical look on his face, "Luke Skywalker's demise is well-documented. How do you explain your survival of Ben Solo's devastation of his temple?"

Taken aback, Kyle asserted, "I have no idea who 'Ben Solo' is. I was fighting the Yuuzhan Vong on Ord Sedra when I suddenly woke up on some strange planet I never heard of, Jakku. I had been trying to reconnect with the Jedi Order ever since, and everything seems different now."

Rey had a noticeable flinch in her expression at the mention of Jakku. Master Serni meanwhile leaned back, her expression contemplative, as she asked, "What do you mean by 'different'? Can you clarify?"

Kyle responded, "The Force seems strange, like it is actively fighting against me at times. I also found out the New Republic was destroyed, and everything I knew once seems to have been turned upside down. And the Mandalorians are now in control of their own empire by the looks of it…"

As the silence settled in the council chamber, Rey's gaze flickered between Master Syndulla and Master Serni, both of whom wore expressions of contemplation. With a subtle nod from Rey, indicating her consent for the questioning to continue, Master Syndulla continued, his eyes fixed on Kyle.

"Let us delve deeper into your journey, Kyle Katarn," Master Syndulla began, his voice steady and measured. "What prompted your arrival on Ajan Kloss? Why did you seek out this particular location?"

Kyle met Master Syndulla's gaze with unwavering determination. "I had received intelligence that the Resistance once operated on Ajan Kloss," he explained, his voice echoing in the chamber. "I hoped to find allies there, or any lead back to the Jedi Order."

Rey's brow furrowed slightly as she absorbed Kyle's response.

"And what transpired upon your arrival?" Master Serni interjected, her tone gentle yet probing. "What events led to your confrontation with the Mandalorians?"

Kyle's mind raced as he recounted the events on Ajan Kloss, the chaos and violence that had unfolded in the town. "I witnessed Mandalorian forces terrorizing the local inhabitants," he recalled, his voice tinged with a mix of sorrow and resolve. "I could not stand idly by while innocents suffered. I intervened, hoping to protect those who could not defend themselves."

Rey nodded solemnly, her expression reflecting a deep sense of empathy for Kyle's plight. It was clear that his actions were driven by a sense of duty and compassion, qualities that echoed the ideals of the Jedi Order.

Master Syndulla meanwhile seemed more skeptical, his brow furrowed in concern. "We've received troubling reports from the Ord Mantell system," he began, his voice grave.

"Local sources claim that a rogue Jedi, believed to be aligned with the Unchained, had been wreaking havoc. According to witnesses, this individual wields a blue lightsaber and has been responsible for the deaths of dozens, including a local businessman who was brutally decapitated."

Kyle remained silent for a moment, his mind racing as he weighed his options. Finally, he spoke, his voice steady and lacking remorse.

"I did encounter Kord, he was no businessman, he was the crime boss of Ord Mantell. And... I killed him."

Rey's expression registered surprise at Kyle's unexpected admission, her gaze flickering between him and Master Syndulla. The stern set of Syndulla's features seemed to convey a sense of vindication, as if silently affirming his prior suspicions to the grandmaster.

"This changes things," she said, her voice tinged with a mix of concern and curiosity. "Please, Kyle, explain what happened."

Kyle took a deep breath, the weight of his words heavy in the chamber. "It was self-defense," he began, his voice steady but tinged with sorrow. "Kord and his henchmen attacked us. I had no choice but to fight back to protect myself, a local farmer, and Polina."

Rey nodded slowly, her expression softening with understanding.

"And who is Polina?" Master Serni inquired, her tone gentle yet probing.

Kyle's gaze softened as he spoke of the young girl who had become like family to him. "Polina is a child I met on Jakku," he explained. "She helped me when I was stranded there, and I promised to keep her safe. During the battle of Ajan Kloss, the Mandalorians took her... I tried to protect her, but they overwhelmed us."

Master Serni leaned forward, her eyes filled with compassion. "You care deeply for this girl," she sensed it, her voice kind. "It's clear that she means a great deal to you."

Kyle nodded, a hint of sadness clouding his features. "She does," he admitted softly. "And I won't rest until I find her and bring her to safety."

Rey exchanged a glance with Master Syndulla, her expression thoughtful. "Your actions may have been justified, Kyle," she said finally, her tone measured. "But there are still issues at hand due to those actions..."

Kyle stood firmly, "I just want to find Polina and put an end to whatever that lunatic Mandalore the Resolute is doing to the Galaxy."

Rey's brows furrowed with concern as she absorbed the gravity of the situation. She exchanged a troubled glance with Master Syndulla and Serni, sensing the weight of their deliberation.

"We can't allow you to do that, Kyle," Rey said firmly, her voice tinged with regret. "Your actions have imperiled the fragile truce between the Dominion and the Reformed Republic. Mandalore the Resolute demands justice for the death of his warriors at your hand, and the Republic wishes to try you for crimes against peace."

Kyle's shock was palpable, his expression a mixture of disbelief and dismay. He opened his mouth to speak, but Rey raised a hand to forestall any protest.

"We understand your desire to find Polina and put an end to Mandalore's actions," Rey continued, her tone sympathetic. "But we must consider the broader consequences of your actions and ultimately we must maintain peace, it is our duty as Jedi."

Master Syndulla's expression remained stern, his gaze unwavering. "We will deliberate on what course of action to take," he stated firmly. "In the meantime, you will remain in our custody."

Kyle nodded silently, his disappointment evident. He knew that challenging the council in that moment would only complicate matters further. With a heavy heart, he resigned himself in silence to await their judgment.

Syndulla, with a stern expression, motioned for Jan to step forward. She emerged from behind Kyle, her presence calm but resolute.

"Master Jan, please escort Katarn back to his quarters and ensure he remains under guard," Syndulla instructed, his tone authoritative.

Jan nodded in acknowledgment, her demeanor betraying no hint of uncertainty or protest. The doors behind opened up and Kyle was soon flanked by Malakar and Sela, he followed Jan out of the chamber without a word.

Alone once more, the council members exchanged glances, their expressions reflecting the gravity of the situation. Syndulla wasted no time in voicing his concerns.

"Katarn may not carry himself as an Unchained, but make no mistake, he poses a threat," Syndulla declared, his voice laced with conviction. "There is darkness within him, a recklessness that could've sparked a war. We cannot afford to overlook that, especially after barely surviving the last one."

Serni, though less convinced, offered a dissenting opinion. "We have all struggled with the dark side at some point," she argued, her tone thoughtful. "It does not necessarily make him an enemy."

Syndulla rebutted firmly, his resolve unwavering. "His actions speak louder than words. He may not be our enemy, but he is certainly a menace."

As the two Masters engaged in a heated debate, Rey remained in profound silence, her thoughts racing. After a moment, she spoke, her voice measured yet decisive.

"Kyle Katarn may not adhere to our principles, but he is not our adversary," Rey stated, her words carrying the weight of authority. "He is guided by a different code, one that Luke would have admired."

Syndulla, visibly frustrated, interrupted. "Then what do you propose we do, Rey?"

Rey sighed, her expression pensive. "Whatever decision we make, it will not be perfect," she admitted.

Shadows danced across the walls as Kyle sat in the solitude of his chamber, his thoughts a whirlwind of emotions and uncertainties. Resting his back against the cool stone, he pondered the events that had led him to this moment.

His mind drifted to Jan, her demeanor cold and distant during their encounters. He couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered whenever he was in her presence. It was as if she held a secret, one that Kyle couldn't decipher.

As he reflected on his past actions, Kyle couldn't help but feel a pang of regret. His choices had led him down a path fraught with danger and consequences, and now he found himself awaiting judgment from a council that he couldn't help but find underwhelming.

A wry chuckle escaped his lips as he considered the irony of his situation. Here he was, a seasoned Jedi warrior, waiting for approval from a group of individuals who seemed more concerned with protocol than action. Yet, Kyle knew better than to judge them too harshly. After all, Luke Skywalker himself had been little older than Rey when he had spearheaded the Jedi Academy.

Lost in thought, Kyle couldn't shake the nagging question that lingered at the back of his mind: where was Polina? The young girl who had become his apprentice, now somewhere across the stars and probably under Mandalorian questioning. Kyle vowed to himself that he would find her, no matter the cost.

As the darkness of the chamber enveloped him, Kyle's resolve hardened. Whatever the council decided, he would not rest until he had found Polina and ensured her safety. With that determination fueling his spirit, Kyle closed his eyes and allowed himself to drift into a restless sleep, his mind still grappling with the weight of his decisions and the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

As Rey traversed the dark corridors of the temple, her footsteps echoed softly against the ancient stone walls. Her mind raced with questions, each one leading to another in an endless cycle of uncertainty. She whispered under her breath, a quiet plea for guidance from the one person who had always been a beacon of light in her darkest moments.

"Luke, I could use your wisdom now," she murmured, her voice barely audible against the silence of the temple. But there were no answers, only the heavy weight of solitude that seemed to press down upon her with each passing moment.

Approaching a sliding door, Rey paused briefly before it parted with a soft hiss, revealing the interior of her quarters. The room was not unlike many others in the temple, but it held a sense of familiarity that brought a small measure of comfort to her weary heart.

The space was adorned with an assortment of artifacts and trinkets, each one a testament to Rey's journey and the trials she had faced along the way. Among them, scattered haphazardly across the room, were relics from her time on Jakku – remnants of a life left behind but never forgotten.

Drawing closer to a small table nestled in the corner of the room, Rey's gaze fell upon the sacred Jedi Texts. Despite the chaos that had engulfed the galaxy, these ancient tomes of knowledge had remained intact, thanks in no small part to her efforts.

Reaching out, Rey gently ran her fingers over the weathered surface of one of the texts, its cover cracked and faded with age. She felt a sense of reverence wash over her as she considered the immense wisdom contained within its pages, a legacy passed down through generations of Jedi before her.

Taking hold of the text, Rey lifted it from the table, its weight heavy in her hands. For a moment, she simply stood there, lost in thought as she contemplated the vast expanse of knowledge that lay before her.

But as she opened the text, her heart sank at the sight of the empty pages within. The once vibrant words had faded to nothingness, leaving behind only the echoes of a bygone era.

In that tense moment, Rey couldn't help but feel a sense of despair wash over her. The weight of the galaxy's struggles bore down upon her shoulders, threatening to crush her spirit beneath their burden.

But as she closed the text and returned it to its rightful place, Rey knew that she could not afford to give in to despair.

With a determined resolve, Rey squared her shoulders and turned to leave the room, the echoes of her footsteps fading into the darkness of the temple corridors as she prepared to face the new crisis that her Order faced.

As the first light of dawn filtered through the windows of Kyle's chamber, he stirred from his slumber, feeling surprisingly tranquil and at peace. It was as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, leaving him with a sense of calm that he hadn't felt in a long time.

But his moment of respite was short-lived, as the doors to his chamber opened, admitting Jan and the members of the Jedi Council. Kyle rose from his spot, his expression unreadable as he met their gazes.

Rey stood at the center of the group, her posture rigid and her voice devoid of emotion as she addressed him by his full name. "Kyle Katarn, the council has concluded that you are not an Unchained," she stated flatly. "However, you remain the sole violator of the Mandalore-Republic Truce."

The words hung heavy in the air, and Kyle's expression darkened as Rey continued, her tone mechanical and rehearsed. "Your intentions may not have been malicious, but they were careless. You failed to consider the balance between the immediate good and the greater good."

Kyle's jaw clenched at the council's decision, his disappointment evident in his eyes as Rey continued, "you will have to face a Republic tribunal, under the supervision of a Mandalorian delegation."

Kyle wasted no time in voicing his dissent.

"The Jedi I fought with would never bow to the demands of warmongers," he declared, his voice dripping with disdain, his gaze focused on Rey, "And neither would Luke…"

Rey's expression faltered at Kyle's words, a flicker of sadness crossing her features before she composed herself. "Luke would understand," she insisted, her voice tinged with regret.

But Kyle wasn't convinced, scoffing at her response. "Luke wouldn't have allowed this," he retorted sharply. "And I won't stand by while you betray everything he stood for, I'll save Polina with or without your help."

Master Syndulla stepped forward, his voice cold and authoritative. "You will do no such thing, Katarn," he stated firmly. "A Republic transport will arrive shortly to take you into custody. I suggest you cooperate, unless you want to face further consequences."

Kyle's jaw tightened at Syndulla's words, yet he remained silent, his resolve unbroken. As Jan moved to restrain him, he met her gaze with a defiant stare, his determination burning brighter than ever before.

As Jan approached Kyle with binds in hand, her expression pleading for him, "please Kyle, don't make this worse."

Kyle remained unfazed. Meeting her gaze with a small smile, he shook his head slightly.

"You know that's not my style, Jan," he said softly, his voice tinged with determination.

But before Jan could respond, a sudden surge of energy erupted from Kyle, enveloping the room in a blinding light. Everyone, including Rey and the other council members, was thrown back several feet, staggered but unhurt.

Amidst the chaos, Kyle seized the opportunity to make his escape. He vaulted away from Jan and towards the door, shutting it closed behind him as he dashed across the hall of the temple, his heart pounding with adrenaline.

As he sprinted up a set of stairs, he collided with Malakar and Sela, both of whom seemed momentarily shocked at Kyle's sudden appearance. But Malakar recovered quickly, igniting his lightsaber with deadly intent as he lunged at Kyle.

Reacting on instinct, Kyle dodged Malakar's strike, narrowly avoiding the lethal blade. Sela, meanwhile, hesitated, unsure of what to do as she watched the confrontation unfold before her eyes. Kyle knew he had only precious seconds to make his escape, and he was determined to seize the opportunity.

The fight unfolded with Malakar relentlessly attacking Kyle, his strikes fueled by anger and distrust. But Kyle remained calm and composed, effortlessly evading Malakar's assaults with fluid movements.

As Malakar shouted accusations and threats, Kyle taunted him with a sardonic smile. "Come on, Malakar, you can do better than that," he goaded, his voice laced with sarcasm. "Or are you all bark and no bite?"

Malakar's frustration boiled over as he attempted a powerful strike at Kyle, but the renegade Jedi was ready. With a swift leap, Kyle delivered a stunning blow to Malakar's jaw with a well-placed kick, sending the Jedi tumbling to the ground, dazed and disoriented.

Seizing the opportunity, Kyle swiftly disarmed Malakar, relieving him of his blue lightsaber. The Jedi lay on the ground, momentarily incapacitated and unable to continue the fight.

Meanwhile, Sela remained on guard, her green lightsaber casting an eerie glow in the dimly lit chamber. Her yellow eyes flickered with uncertainty as she watched Kyle's every move, unsure of whether to intervene or stand down.

Kyle, sensing her hesitation, circled around her slowly, maintaining a tense stare-off. But to his relief, Sela did not attack. Instead, she remained still, her expression conflicted as Kyle made his way past her and rushed up the stairs, leaving her behind in the wake of his escape.

Kyle's heart raced as he dashed across the expansive main hall of the temple, his footsteps echoing against the stone floor. The hall, usually bustling with activity, now lay empty and silent, the only sound the rapid beat of his own pulse.

But his hopes of reaching the main door were dashed as a group of figures, each cloaked in robes, materialized in his path. Before he could react, they unveiled an array of lightsabers, each one glowing with a different color, blocking his escape route.

Without hesitation, Kyle pivoted on his heel, his eyes scanning the room for an alternate route. Spotting another flight of stairs leading upward, he sprinted towards them, his pursuers hot on his heels.

As he ascended the stairs, the sound of footsteps echoed behind him, growing louder with each passing moment. The Temple guard was relentless in their pursuit, their determination evident as they closed in on him.

With adrenaline coursing through his veins, Kyle pushed himself to his limits, his muscles burning with exertion as he raced upwards, his only thought to evade capture and escape the confines of the temple before it was too late.

Kyle raced up the stairs, his breath ragged as he darted into a small room at the top of the tower. His eyes quickly scanned the space, taking in the array of computers and consoles. It dawned on him that this was a communications tower, a realization that fueled his next actions.

As he began to barricade the door with crates and whatever else he could find, the sound of pounding footsteps echoed through the chamber, growing louder with each passing second.

Kyle's fingers flew over the controls, his voice tense as he activated the console and initiated the transmission to AD-10. "Come on, come on," he muttered under his breath, his every being racing with urgency.

Finally, the static on the intercom cleared, and AD-10's voice crackled through. "Master Kyle, thank the stars you're okay," AD-10 exclaimed, relief evident in his tone.

"No time for pleasantries," Kyle interrupted, his voice urgent. "I'm in trouble and I need a pickup, ASAP."

AD-10 wasted no time in confirming, "Understood, Master Kyle. I'll begin calculating for a hyperspace jump. I should arrive within the next day."

Kyle nodded, his focus unwavering as he heard the sound of lightsabers cutting through the door behind him. "I'll meet you at..." he started to say, but then hesitated, realizing he needed to focus on the immediate task at hand and that he wasn't so sure where he'd meet AD.

"Later, I'll tell you later," Kyle replied quickly, his voice strained. "For now, just get here as fast as you can."

As the doors began to give way, Kyle took one last look at the room, memorizing its layout before he unplugged the console. With a deep breath, he turned towards the window, his heart pounding in his chest.

With a swift motion, he ran towards the window and sliced through it and leaped out into the open air, the wind rushing past him as he dropped towards the ground below.

Channeling his energies to cushion his landing, Kyle rolled smoothly as he hit the stony surface of the temple's rooftop. With practiced agility, he sprang to his feet and darted across the expanse, his heart still pounding in his chest.

The wind whipped at his shirt as he reached the edge of the roof, the vast lake stretching out below him, its waters dark and foreboding against the cliffside.

Just as he prepared to leap, a voice shattered the silence, calling out his name.

"Kyle, wait!"

Kyle froze, turning to see Rey standing on the rooftop behind him, her expression one of urgency and concern.

"Kyle…" she called, her voice carrying over the rushing wind. "Don't do this. There's still time to make things right."

Kyle hesitated, torn between the impulse to escape and a desire to heed Rey's words. For a moment, he remained rooted to the spot, grappling with conflicting emotions.

"I didn't want any of this. All I wanted was to find the Order, and now I'm an outcast yet again," Kyle's voice was filled with frustration as he spoke to Rey.

Rey's expression softened, and she offered him a comforting smile. "You're not an outcast, Kyle," she reassured him. "We can solve this together, just like Luke and I did in our moments of doubt." She extended her hand towards him, a gesture of solidarity.

But Kyle hesitated, uncertainty clouding his features. "What really happened during the war, Rey?" he asked quietly, his gaze searching hers. "Why are you all so afraid?"

Rey's eyes filled with fear, and for a moment, she was unable to answer. The weight of the question hung heavy within her, a silent reminder of the horrors she had witnessed.

Sensing her hesitation, Kyle nodded understandingly. "You've confused fear with wisdom," he said solemnly. "And allow it to cloud your judgment. But I still have trust in my own…"

With continued determination in his heart, Kyle prepared to jump, but before he could make a move, Rey stopped him. Her hand reached out, holding him still, her expression now more stern.

"I can't allow you to leave, Kyle," she said firmly, her voice tinged with regret.

Kyle's expression hardened, and he too channeled the Force, his own power meeting Rey's in a clash of energy. The air crackled with tension as they engaged in a silent duel, their hands raised against each other's, each determined to stand their ground.

As Kyle and Rey were locked in their intense Force duel, Jan, Syndulla, and several other Jedi rushed to the entrance of the temple, their eyes widening in shock as they witnessed the standoff between the Grandmaster and the Rogue Jedi.

With every ounce of determination, Kyle pushed against Rey's attempt to pull him back, his resolve unwavering. Rey strained under the pressure, channeling all her strength to stop Kyle's advance, but the Rogue Jedi continued to resist, his determination matching hers.

Syndulla's brow furrowed in disbelief as he watched the struggle unfold. Meanwhile Jan's heart pounded in her chest as she watched the scene unfold. They had never seen Rey struggle like this before, not since… Kylo Ren.

As the tension reached its peak, Kyle had had enough. With a determined glance towards the waters below, he took a deep breath and prepared himself. With a forceful push, he broke free from Rey's grasp, causing her to stumble backward momentarily.

In a swift motion, Kyle leaped off the edge of the temple and plunged into the depths of the lake below, disappearing beneath the surface in a splash. Rey rushed to the edge and peered down, her heart racing as she searched the water for any sign of Kyle. But he was nowhere to be seen, leaving her behind in a whirlwind of emotions and uncertainty.

As the ripples on the surface slowly subsided, a heavy silence fell over the Temple, broken only by the gentle lapping of the waves against the shore.

Chapter 14: Jedi Fugitive


On the run, having found himself at odds with Rey Skywalker's Jedi Order Kyle Katarn has managed to escape. Pursued relentlessly by Rey's Order, who view him as a dangerous threat to the galaxy, Kyle must evade capture at all costs if he is to rescue his captive apprentice Polina. Meanwhile, Grandmaster Rey Skywalker assembles her most trusted students, determined to find the fugitive…

Chapter Text

As Rey exited the temple with determined strides, a throng of her Jedi students accompanied her, their expressions reflecting a mix of concern and dedication. Master Syndulla, Master Serni, and Jan stood at the forefront, their faces etched with varying degrees of worry.

"It's imperative we act swiftly," Syndulla asserted, his voice carrying authority. "With Katarn's escape, the delicate peace we've achieved is at risk..."

Rey's brow furrowed with concern as she considered Syndulla's words. "We cannot afford to jump to conclusions, we must locate him before the Republic arrives," she cautioned, her tone measured. "He can't have gone far."

Syndulla nodded in agreement, his expression grim. "We must deploy all available Jedi to track down Katarn," he asserted.

Serni interjected, her voice tinged with skepticism. "Can we afford to dedicate so many resources to find one man?" she countered, her tone firm, "and besides, Katarn poses no immediate threat to us."

Syndulla's scowl tightened at Serni's words, his frustration evident, "He attacked us and incapacitated Malakar," he reminded her sharply. "We cannot underestimate the danger he poses."

Serni's eyes narrowed in disagreement, "Katarn believes he is acting for the greater good," she argued, her voice impassioned. "He could have killed Malakar, but he chose not to. Even Sela acknowledges this."

Before the debate between the two masters escalated further Rey stepped in, her authority commanding attention as she cut through the tension.

"We cannot afford to waste time in fruitless arguments," she declared, her voice firm. "We must act decisively. Jan, assemble a dedicated tracking party immediately."

Jan nodded in acknowledgment, her expression determined as she prepared to carry out Rey's orders.

"Ronan! Ronan, are you in here?" A voice echoed through the vast chamber of the Archives room, filled with stands meant for holocrons and data modules, though most stood empty.

After several moments, a young human with a clean face and tousled hair emerged from a corner, holding a holocron in his hand and with curious eyes at what was unfolding.

"Jack?" Ronan blinked in surprise at the urgency his the soft voice was unlike that of Jack's, "What's going on?" Ronan asked.

"They're calling for volunteers to hunt down that Unchained that escaped," Jack explained, his tone serious as he stood proudly at the entrance, his dark hair thinly cut and a stubble at his brow contrary to Ronan's more disorganized appearance. "Master Jan is assembling a search party, and I'm going."

Ronan furrowed his brow, considering Jack's words carefully. "But didn't the council say he's not an Unchained?" he corrected.

Jack shrugged dismissively. "Doesn't matter," he replied bluntly. "We can't have a rogue force user roaming around out there, are you coming or not?"

Ronan nodded in understanding, though a hint of reluctance lingered in his expression. "I appreciate the offer, Jack, but I think I'll stay here," he admitted, gesturing to the holocron in his hand. "There's still so much to catalogue, especially with the new holocrons Master Serni brought back from Tython."

Jack sighed, shaking his head in mild frustration. "There's more to being a Jedi than studying holocrons all day, Ronan," he admonished gently. "But suit yourself. Just be careful, don't break your head too much!"

With a final nod, Jack turned and exited the Archives room, leaving Ronan to ponder his friend's words in the quiet solitude of the chamber.

Sela sat perched upon her bed, lost in a sea of uncertainty and introspection. The memory of Kyle, wielding her master's saber, lingered like a shadow in her mind, refusing to fade into the depths of forgetfulness.

She replayed the events in her head, questioning her own actions and motivations. Had she allowed Kyle to leave out of sympathy? Cowardice, perhaps? Or was it simply doubt that had stayed her hand? The answers eluded her, slipping through her fingers like grains of sand.

Her thoughts drifted to the moment when Kyle stood before her, his eyes were of a man of conflicting emotions and yet one who also set his mind to a goal. He had not posed a threat, not in the conventional sense at least, yet she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in the pit of her stomach.

As she grappled with her inner turmoil, a familiar voice broke through the silence, calling out her name. Jack stood at the entrance of her room, concern etched upon his features as he inquired about her well-being.

"Sela, are you alright?" he asked, his tone laced with genuine concern.

Sela offered a strained smile in response, a subtle flinch betraying the turmoil within her. "I'm fine," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jack's next words drew her attention, his tone grave yet resolute. "Master Malakar is still at the infirmary," he informed her, his expression solemn. "The guy really did a number on him. Master Jan's assembling a search team. You in?"

Sela seemed unsure, her gaze drifting to the floor as she weighed her options.

"We can't let him slip away," Jack continued, his voice firm. "He might hurt others if we don't find him."

With a nod and seemingly convinced, Sela rose from her bed. "I'm in," she declared, her voice steady.

Jan and Garen stood side by side, their expressions grave as they surveyed the group of assembled Knights. Their young faces stood out as many were barely out of their teenage years. It all spoke of their relative inexperience compared to the seasoned Jedi Masters.

Jan leaned in towards Garen, her voice barely above a whisper, "We've been scraping the bottom of the barrel lately with Knights."

Garen offered a solemn nod in response, his gaze drifting over the assembled group. "Appearances can be deceiving," he remarked quietly. "We were young once too not long ago."

As the murmurs of conversation filled the air, Jan raised her hand for silence, calling the attention of the gathered Knights.

"Everyone, remember this," Jan cautioned, her tone serious, "Kyle Katarn may not be an Unchained, but he is still dangerous. Stay vigilant and use your communicators if you spot him. Do not engage unless absolutely necessary."

Among the group, Sela and Jack stood side by side, their expressions still as they listened to Master Jan continuing to give out instructions. Suddenly Jack leaned in towards Sela, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he whispered, "Maybe if we kill him, they'll make us Masters?"

Sela raised an eyebrow at his comment, her expression incredulous. Jack quickly backtracked with a scoff, "I'm just kidding, of course."

As the knights readied themselves for the search, Jan discreetly approached Sela with a concerned expression etched on her face. She spoke in a hushed tone, her words meant only for Sela's ears.

"Sela, I've noticed your past fondness with the rogue Jedi," Jan began, her voice concerned. "I sense your hesitation as well. Are you sure you should be joining the search party?"

Sela's gaze flickered as she considered Jan's words. She knew her feelings toward Kyle were complicated, but ultimately, her loyalty lay with the Jedi Order. With a firm expression, she met Jan's gaze and replied, "My loyalties lie with the Order, Master Jan. While I may not believe Kyle is inherently malicious, I understand the danger he poses to others. I wish to make sure he does not hurt anyone or himself."

Jan studied Sela for a moment, her own apprehension evident in her expression. Finally, she relented, albeit reluctantly. "Very well, Sela. You may join the search party," Jan conceded. "But remember, do not get ahead of yourself. If you spot Kyle, call for help immediately. Understood?"

Sela nodded solemnly, "Understood, Master Jan. I will exercise caution," she affirmed, before turning to join the other knights as they prepared to embark on their mission.

As the morning fog blanketed the dense forest, the Jedi search party moved forward in a tight formation, their steps careful and deliberate. Sela walked slowly, her senses heightened as she navigated the thick undergrowth. Her hand hovered near her lightsaber, ready to call on her weapon if need be.

Jack, on the other hand, moved more urgently, his lightsaber already in his hands at the ready. His determination to find the fugitive fueled his every step, driving him deeper into the heart of the forest.

About a dozen other Jedi, all led by Garen stood only some distance from each other, together, they formed an impenetrable line, each Knight vigilant and watchful as they pressed onward, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of movement. The sun's rays filtered through the upper foliage, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor as they advanced.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, Jack's voice cut through the silence, drawing Sela's attention. "So, what was it like?" he asked eagerly, a glint of excitement in his tone, "Facing off against an Unchained, I mean."

Sela's steps faltered slightly as she considered his question. Memories of her encounter with Kyle flooded her mind. "It was... strange," she finally replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "I expected danger, but he didn't seem... like a threat."

Jack raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Really? But he had your master's lightsaber. He could've hurt someone."

"He didn't attack and I... hesitated," Sela admitted, her gaze fixed on the forest floor as she recounted the encounter. "I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to him than meets the eye."

Jack nodded, his expression softening slightly. "I get it. But we have to be careful. He could still be dangerous, even if he doesn't seem like it."

Sela sighed, a conflicted look crossing her features. "I know, Jack. But... something about him felt different. I can't explain it."

Jack's confusion grew, but he relented, realizing he wouldn't get any more from her at the moment. "Fine, just... be careful, okay? We can't afford any mistakes out here."

Sela nodded silently, her thoughts still consumed unresolved questions.

Kyle stumbled through the dense forest, his breath ragged and his muscles aching with exhaustion. The trees blurred past him, the rhythmic pounding of his footsteps echoing through the silent forest. His mind was whirlpool of thoughts yet one thing remained clear: He had to put as much distance between himself and the temple as possible.

The temple, with its imposing cliff side presence and watchful eyes, was already a distant memory, lost behind the thick curtain of trees. Kyle pushed himself forward, ignoring the burning in his legs and the heaviness in his chest.

As he ran, the weight of everything he had done up till this point began to bore down on him, each step reminding him that he now found himself as an enemy to all and friend to none. But despite the doubt and uncertainty gnawing at his mind, one thing kept him going: the image of Polina's face, her eyes filled with fear and uncertainty.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of running, Kyle came to a sudden stop, his chest heaving as he gasped for air. He leaned against a tree, his body trembling with exhaustion as he slowly descended down onto the ground.

Taking a moment to catch his breath, Kyle closed his eyes, the sounds of the forest surrounding him like a comforting embrace.

Kyle slowly regained consciousness and as he did he found himself in a serene and otherworldly place. The darkness around him was not oppressive but rather comforting, like the vast expanse of space dotted with countless stars. He floated weightlessly, suspended in this tranquil void, his senses heightened as he took in his surroundings.

At first, Kyle felt a sense of disorientation, unsure of how he had come to be in this ethereal realm. Yet, despite the unfamiliarity of his surroundings, he remained surprisingly calm, allowing himself to simply observe and take in the experience.

As he floated amidst the darkness, his gaze wandered, searching for any signs of life or movement. But apart from the serene stillness that surrounded him, there was little else to see.

Then, suddenly, a faint image began to materialize before him, growing clearer with each passing moment. Kyle's heart skipped a beat as he recognized the figure lying against the tree, asleep. It was him, but from a different perspective, as if he were observing himself from a distant vantage point.

A wave of realization washed over Kyle as he struggled to comprehend the significance of what he was witnessing. Was this some sort of vision? A glimpse into another reality or some kind of dream? He couldn't be certain, but one thing was clear: there was more to this place than met the eye.

As Kyle floated amidst the tranquil void, a faint voice pierced the silence, growing louder and more distinct with each passing moment.


His heart quickened as he recognized the voice as Jan's, it seemed to be filled with panic and urgency. It was as if he were eavesdropping on a distant conversation, a spectator to events unfolding beyond his comprehension.

But then, just as suddenly as it had appeared, the image began to fade, dissipating into the ether like a wisp of smoke. Kyle's heart raced as he felt himself being drawn back towards his physical body, the sensation disorienting yet strangely exhilarating.

With a jolt, Kyle woke up, his body drenched in sweat as he sat up abruptly. He looked around, his gaze darting to his own form lying against the tree. For a moment, he was filled with confusion and disbelief, but as the pieces of the puzzle began to click into place, a sense of wonder washed over him.

Had he just experienced an out-of-body journey? The thought both thrilled and unnerved him. But there was no time to dwell on it now. With a deep breath, Kyle focused his mind, intent on exploring this newfound ability further.

Lying back against the tree, he closed his eyes and cleared his thoughts, willing himself to detach from his physical form once more. As he drifted into the void, the scene outside his own body unfolded before him once again, his consciousness free to roam wherever it pleased.

"Over here!"

Once more he heard something, Jan's voice. Kyle turned towards the direction of the voice, his form gliding effortlessly through the void. He watched in astonishment as the veiled surroundings of the forest blurred past him, the lake rushing beneath him as he traversed vast distances with ease. Jan's voice continued to guide him, drawing him closer with each passing moment.

Suddenly, Kyle found himself back amidst the familiar scenery of the forest, but disoriented and unsure of which way to turn. The sound of Jan's voice faded, leaving him alone in the silence once more.

Before he could make sense of his surroundings, Kyle's gaze fell upon Jan, her figure rising above a small ridge as she overlooked the scenery. Unbeknownst to her, Kyle stood right in front of her, watching her with a mix of admiration and longing.

"Spread out, we have to close him off…"

Jan's voice broke through the silence once more, her words echoing in Kyle's ears. Though he heard her speak, he also sensed something more beneath her words, fragments of thoughts and emotions that he couldn't quite grasp in his current state of confusion.

As Kyle watched Jan move through the forest, a profound sense of sadness began to wash over him. He wanted to reach out to her, to hold her close, but he knew it was futile, both in the state he found himself in and in reality. And yet, he continued to hold her with tenderness in his heart.

In his ethereal state, Kyle felt a strange sensation coursing through him, a tingling warmth spreading from his fingertips. Without thinking, he reached out towards Jan's distant form, his hand extending as if to touch her face.

To his surprise, as his fingers brushed the air where Jan stood, he felt a ripple of energy spread outwards. The wind around him seemed to respond to his touch, swirling gently in a mesmerizing dance. Leaves whispered and twigs rustled as if acknowledging his presence.

"What is…" Kyle whispered, his voice barely audible even to himself, yet the words seemed to break through the air with palpable weight in the ambiance.

As Jan's voice crackled through the commlink, Kyle's attention snapped back to her."Garen, what's the status of your search team?"she inquired, her tone tinged with urgency.

Garen's response came swiftly."We're slowly corralling the other bank,"he reported."But I sense something... unusual in the Force."

Jan acknowledged his report with a nod, though her brow furrowed slightly at Garen's mention of the Force anomaly."Keep me informed,"she instructed before clipping the commlink back onto her belt.

As Jan resumed her search, Kyle continued to experiment with his newfound abilities. He focused on the sound of his own voice, projecting it subtly into the forest around him. He then stated more loudly, "Jan!"

And to his surprise, he felt the sound ripple through the air, carrying further than he expected.

Then, as Jan paused and turned her head, as if sensing something amiss, Kyle held his breath. Their eyes met briefly, a moment of stillness before Jan turned away to continue her task.

A heavy sigh escaped Kyle's lips as he watched her depart. Despite the sadness weighing on his heart, a spark of hope ignited within him. If he could manipulate the elements of this realm, perhaps he could find a way to escape from his pursuers, perhaps he could obtain one of those commlinks. With determination in his eyes, he began to form a plan.

As the search party led by Garen pressed on through the forest, closing in on the direction opposite of Jan's, the tension in the air grew palpable. Sela and Jack maintained their positions within the line, moving cautiously as they scanned their surroundings for any sign of their elusive target.

A heavy silence settled over them, broken only by the rustling of leaves and the occasional snap of a twig underfoot. Sela couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her, a sense that something was amiss in the Force. She glanced around nervously, her grip tightening on her lightsaber.

Jack, ever vigilant, pressed forward with his weapon at the ready, his senses alert to any potential threat. Every shadow seemed to hold a hidden danger, and he spared no corner from his scrutiny.

Suddenly, a blood-curdling scream shattered the silence, echoing through the forest and sending a chill down Sela's spine.

"Here, he's here!"

Without hesitation, both Jedi turned towards the source of the sound and sprinted towards it, their hearts pounding with adrenaline-fueled urgency.

They found a fellow Jedi, a young Zabrak with his lightsaber ignited, standing before a cluster of bushes that concealed a dark crevice. Jack wasted no time in demanding an explanation, his voice edged with urgency.

"What happened!?"

"I heard movement in there," the young Zabrak explained breathlessly, his eyes wide with fear.

"The Unchained is probably inside," Jack tensed, ready to spring into action, but Sela held him back with a firm hand on his arm. "We need to wait for Master Garen," she insisted, her voice steady despite the situation.

Before they could make a decision, another cry pierced the air from a different direction, followed by another, and then another. Panic spread through the ranks of the search party as master Garen struggled to focus on any one call amidst the avalanche of voices, all calling out spotting of the rogue Jedi.

Confusion clouded the Jedi's minds as they grappled with the sudden turn of events, uncertain of what lay ahead in the depths of the forest.

As the chaos of cries and callouts engulfed them, the trio of younger Jedi found themselves overwhelmed and uncertain of how to proceed. Amidst the confusion, Jack took charge, determined not to be fooled by the tricks around them.

"We need to draw him out," Jack declared, his voice firm with determination. "You," he pointed to the Zabrak, "come with me. Sela, stay back and cover our flank in case he tries to flee."

Sela hesitated, "But what if he's already gone?" she questioned, her tone apprehensive.

Jack remained determined, "We can't take that chance," he replied firmly. "We need to act fast. Trust me on this."

With lightsabers ignited, Jack and the Zabrak dashed further into the forest, leaving Sela alone.

Feeling a sense of unease settle over her, Sela turned to scan the area, her heart pounding rapidly in her chest. Despite her training, she couldn't shake the feeling of uselessness that gnawed at her, her mind still troubled by her previous encounter with Kyle.

After a moment of indecision, Sela reluctantly lowered her guard and returned her lightsaber to her belt. She found a nearby rock to sit on, her thoughts swirling with uncertainty. She wondered about her Master's status and feared for the future of the Order if they failed to apprehend Kyle.

Lost in her contemplation, Sela couldn't shake an emerging feeling of futility that had began to nag at her. The search for Kyle had yielded no results so far, and she couldn't shake the suspicion that he was already long gone, perhaps even off-planet by now.

As doubt gnawed at her, Sela couldn't help but question her decisions. Should she have listened to Master Jan's suggestion to stay back at the temple? Was she simply wasting her time and energy chasing after a ghost? More questions began to add up on her.

As Sela sat on the rock lost in her thoughts, she heard a rustling in the bushes just ahead of her. Initially dismissing it as nothing more than the forest's natural movements, she remained seated, her guard lowered.

However, as the rustling persisted, Sela's curiosity was sparked. She leaned forward slightly, squinting into the foliage, expecting to see a small animal scurrying about. But to her shock and disbelief, it was Kyle who emerged from the bushes, moving with a stealth that spoke of practiced skill.

Sela's breath caught in her throat as she watched Kyle move further into the forest, his form disappearing amidst the dense undergrowth. She was torn between conflicting emotions—shock, disbelief, and a hint of relief that he seemed unharmed.

Uncertain of what to do next, Sela remained rooted to the spot, her mind racing with questions and doubts. Should she follow him? Alert the others? Or simply observe from a safe distance?

As Kyle's figure faded into the shadows of the forest, Sela knew she had to make a decision—and quickly. But as she grappled with her next move, a sense of hesitation held her back, leaving her paralyzed in indecision.

Kyle moved through the forest with careful steps, leaving his pursuers behind. He had managed to finally fool them, using his newfound ability that he was still unsure of its true nature but this was not the time nor place to ponder on it. As he reached an empty clearing, he paused, his senses sharp despite the tranquil surroundings. With a faint smile, he retrieved the commlink he had acquired from one of the Jedi, his fingers deftly working to adjust its settings in an attempt to establish a connection with AD-10.

Amidst his concentration, a subtle sound caught Kyle's attention, prompting him to whirl around, hand instinctively reaching for his lightsaber. There, standing a few meters away, was Sela, her presence unexpected yet undeniable.

Kyle's gaze locked onto Sela, his stance defensive but not overtly hostile. Sela, equally taken aback, halted in her tracks, uncertainty flickering in her eyes as she faced the Rogue Jedi. Her mind raced, grappling with the surrealness of the encounter and the myriad of possible outcomes.

In a moment of quiet tension, Sela's voice broke through the silence with a simple, tentative "Hi," an attempt to bridge the gap between them and navigate the delicate balance of their unforeseen meeting.

In response to Sela's nervous greeting, Kyle couldn't help but feel unimpressed. With a wry smirk, he quipped, "If that's how you greet a potential threat, I can't imagine how you'd deal with an actual enemy. Invite them to a nice dinner, perhaps?"

Sela let out a nervous chuckle, her demeanor reflecting a mixture of apprehension and boldness as she took a cautious step forward. Kyle remained on guard, his senses keenly attuned to any hint of danger.

"I don't want to fight you, Kyle," Sela spoke earnestly, her voice tinged with sincerity. "I just want to talk."

With a wary gaze, Kyle watched as Sela reached for her commlink, his hand hovering near his lightsaber in readiness. To his surprise, Sela tossed the commlink towards him, a gesture of goodwill. Kyle caught it, his expression shifting to one of puzzled curiosity as he examined the device.

"You're either very brave or very dumb," Kyle remarked dryly, his tone laced with amusem*nt.

Sela, now seated on the ground with her legs crossed, couldn't help but giggle at Kyle's comment. "I've been told that before," she admitted with a sheepish smile.

As Kyle chuckled in response, he leaned against a nearby tree, creating a subtle yet distinct barrier between them.

Almost immediately, Sela's curiosity got the better of her as she then asked.

"What's your plan?" she inquired, her voice laced with inquiry.

Kyle's response was guarded, his arms crossed as he contemplated his answer.

"That's need-to-know information," he replied curtly. "As far as I'm concerned, nobody but me needs to know."

Sela couldn't help but inwardly admit that her initial question may have been rather foolish. She rephrased it, choosing her words more carefully this time. "What are your intentions, then?" she asked, her tone softer yet still tinged with curiosity. "And why did you choose not to heed Master Skywalker's guidance?"

Kyle sidestepped the first part of Sela's question.

"Well, let's just say I'm not entirely convinced that your Master Skywalker knows what she's doing," he remarked, his tone measured. "Hiding away and giving up, leaving the galaxy ripe for a tyrant's takeover isn't exactly the Jedi way."

Sela pondered Kyle's words for a moment, her expression thoughtful as she considered his perspective. Eventually, she spoke up in defense of Rey.

"I understand your concerns, but Master Rey, she's wise, even if she seems cryptic at times," Sela countered, her voice steady. "She wants what's best for the galaxy, and sometimes that means making difficult decisions."

As Sela continued, Kyle listened attentively.

"Since the war with the Mandalorians, the Jedi can't afford to be callous," she explained. "We have to strive for peace, flawed though it may be."

Kyle absorbed Sela's words, intrigued by her perspective. He then shifted the conversation to the Mandalorian War, hoping to learn more about it.

"What exactly happened during the war? How did the Mandalorians come to establish their own empire?" he asked.

Sela paused, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected question. Collecting her thoughts, she began to recount the turbulent events that followed the fall of the First Order.

"After the First Order's defeat, there was a brief period of peace," she began, her voice tinged with gravity. "But then it was chaos, different groups across the galaxy vying for power."

Sela's expression bore a somber weight as she recounted the tumultuous days of anarchy that gripped the galaxy. Kyle observed the heaviness in her demeanor but opted to maintain his silence.

"Master Skywalker managed to bring some semblance of order to the chaos by rallying many to her," Sela explained, "The New Jedi Order was formed thanks to what we call the Awakening of the Force."

Kyle furrowed his brow, "Awakening of the Force?" he repeated Sela's words, "What was that?" he asked, prompting Sela to provide further explanation.

Sela explained, "After the Decimation of Luke Skywalker's temple, the Force channeled a new wave of force affinity for thousands across the galaxy, it allowed them to tap into the force with ease," she explained, her voice carrying a semblance of sorrow followed by reverence, "Master Rey was the first."

Kyle listened intently, the story fascinated him as much as it helped him better understand the galaxy's situation unbeknownst to Sela.

"With Master Rey's guidance, thousands were able to use their newfound powers to bring peace, freedom and justice to the galaxy as Jedi," Sela continued, a hint of pride evident in her tone.

Kyle couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment at the story. However, the tone of Sela's voice shifted, growing somber as she continued her tale.

"But then the Mandalorians began a massive crusade, led by Mandalore the Resolute," Sela added, her voice tinged with sadness.

Kyle absorbed Sela's words, part of him knew where this was leading and he dreaded it.

Sela's voice trembled with emotion as she recounted the harrowing events that unfolded during the war, "Master Rey tried to advocate for peace and dialogue between the Mandalorians and the Republic," she began, her words trembling, "She tried to prevent another galactic war."

Kyle's expression was visibly saddened as he absorbed Sela's words. The turmoil of war and its devastating consequences echoed in his mind.

"But the Mandalorians didn't listen," Sela continued, her voice wavering with emotion. "They unleashed a terrible war against the galaxy and many Jedi, they..."

A tear glistened in Sela's eye as she spoke, her grief palpable. She paused, unable to continue, the memories of loss and devastation too raw to bear.

Kyle's heart clenched with empathy as he witnessed Sela's pain. "I understand," he said softly, his tone filled with compassion. "I know the cost of war all too well."

Sela wiped away her tears, she met Kyle's gaze. "Then you understand why we must strive to keep the peace with the Mandalorians," she asserted, her voice steadying.

"We can't afford to let history repeat itself."

Rising to her feet, Sela gestured towards the path to the temple. "You should return to the temple," she urged, her tone gentle yet firm. "Talk to Master Rey. She may not have all answers but she is wise and strong. She'll know what to do and I know you don't want to do this Kyle, I know you're a good man," she stepped closer "I have seen it, you're one of us."

"Thank you, Sela," Kyle said sincerely, a faint smile forming on his mouth and gratitude evident in his voice.

Sela's eyes shimmered with a glimmer of hope as she momentarily believed she had convinced Kyle to reconsider. However, her hopes were dashed as Kyle spoke with unwavering determination.

"But I won't go back," he stated firmly, his gaze steady. "I have a promise to keep, and neither Rey nor anyone else will help me keep it."

Despite his refusal, Kyle's words carried a tone of encouragement as he turned his attention to Sela. "You're clearly wise and strong, perhaps more so than your own masters would have you believe," he remarked, his voice earnest. "Don't just follow everything you're told."

Before Sela could respond, their conversation was abruptly interrupted by a cackling voice emanating from a commlink, "Master Kyle, are you there, Master Kyle?" AD-10's voice chirped urgently, a hint of static punctuating his words.

Without sharing further words, Kyle reached for the commlink.

"AD-10, I hear you," Kyle responded calmly, his focus shifting to the urgent matter at hand.

As Kyle engaged in conversation on the commlink, Sela paced around the clearing, her frustration evident as she grappled with her conflicting emotions.

Her mind raced through various options, knowing that Kyle's actions could potentially jeopardize peace. Yet, she also wrestled with the knowledge that Kyle was not the villain many perceived him to be. As she glanced down at her lightsaber, a fleeting thought crossed her mind, but she quickly dismissed it, her inner turmoil unresolved.

Amidst her inner battle, Kyle's voice broke through her thoughts. Turning to face him, Sela saw him standing a few feet away, he met her gaze with a solemn expression. "This is where our paths diverge," he said, his tone firm yet tinged with regret. "Don't follow me."

Sela's mind remained a jumble of conflicting emotions as she struggled to find clarity. Before she could gather her thoughts, she sensed movement behind her. Turning around, she saw several figures emerging from the forest—the Jedi search party.

Realizing his pursuers has been closing in, Kyle wasted no time, swiftly making his departure and leaving Sela behind. As the search party arrived, Sela stood alone in the clearing.

A stunned Sela was soon met by Jack, who approached her with a puzzled expression, trying to get her attention. "Sela, what happened? You weren't back at the line," he asked, concern evident in his voice. "Did you see the Fallen One?"

Sela's mind continued to battle with her emotions, torn between whether to confide in her friends or keep silent. She weighed the consequences of her actions, grappling with the decision to be truthful or deceitful.

As Sela hesitated, Garen approached her, his azure skin and stern bearded gaze contrasting with her pale complexion and disposition as he towered over her. With determined eyes, he asked plainly, "Sela, did you see Kyle Katarn?"

Sela's uncertainty seemed to fade in the face of Garen's direct question. Nodding slowly, she confirmed, "Yes, Master Garen, I saw him."

Garen's gaze hardened as he pressed further, "Where did he go?"

Without hesitation, Sela pointed in the direction where Kyle had departed.

Kyle found himself once more hurriedly navigating through the dense forest, his breath ragged as he pushed himself to keep running. With each stride, he leaped over fallen logs and dodged between thick underbrush, his senses keenly attuned to the sounds of pursuit echoing behind him.

Meanwhile, Garen and the other Jedi pursued relentlessly, their determination evident in their swift movements. Jack passed by several of his fellow Jedi, exchanging determined nods as they all shared the common goal of apprehending the Fallen One.

Garen's commanding voice cut through the rush of the chase as he relayed crucial information to the group. "Kyle is approaching the Jallowfell cliffsides," he announced, his tone unwavering. "One group, we'll follow up to the cliffside. The rest of you, keep on Kyle's trail."

Without hesitation, Jack stepped forward, determination blazing in his eyes. "I'll keep on him," he declared, his voice determined as he prepared to pursue Kyle without relent.

Sela, ever vigilant, followed closely behind Jack, she managed to follow the pace despite her mind still muddled with questions.

As the group of Jedi continued to trail behind Kyle, Jack, his lightsaber firmly gripped in hand, grew increasingly impatient, his determination to capture the rogue Jedi burning fiercely within him.

With each step, Jack's impatience strengthened. He was determined to prove himself worthy of more than just a knight, to bring Kyle to justice and demonstrate his valor to his fellow Jedi.

Meanwhile, Garen's group strategically moved to the side to cut off Kyle's potential escape routes, their movements precise and calculated. Sensing the opportunity to close in on the rogue Jedi, Jack surged forward, his senses honed in on his target.

Soon enough, Kyle came into view, mere meters away from Jack. With a surge of adrenaline, Jack seized the moment, his lightsaber igniting with a brilliant glow as he unleashed a powerful throw.

The saber soared through the air, slicing through the dense foliage of the forest with a sharp hiss as it hurtled toward Kyle, its trajectory set on intercepting the rogue Jedi's path.

In a breathtaking display of agility, Kyle executed a remarkable spinning dodge, narrowly avoiding the incoming saber. As the blade whizzed past, the searing heat singed the tips of his hair, a close call that left him unfazed but more alert than ever.

But Jack was quick to react. With a quick leap, he intercepted the saber mid-air, his movements fluid and precise. Descending upon Kyle with unwavering determination, Jack brought down his blue lightsaber, poised to strike.

In that critical moment, Kyle ignited his own lightsaber, the brilliant beam of light casting a glow across the forest clearing. The clash of sabers echoed through the air as the two Jedi locked in a fierce duel.

Witnessing the intense confrontation unfold before her, Sela's heart raced with fear and urgency. With a cry of desperation, she pleaded for Jack to stop, her voice filled with anguish at the prospect of violence between fellow Jedi.

"Jack, no! Stop!" Sela's voice rang out, her plea cutting through the chaos of the moment. Her hands trembled as she watched the duel unfold, her gaze shifting between Kyle and Jack, her heart torn between loyalty to her friend and the desire to prevent bloodshed.

Jan's boots pounded against the forest floor as she led her Jedi search party through the dense foliage, her senses sharp and her mind focused. The knights followed closely behind, their footsteps echoing hers as they moved swiftly in the direction where Kyle had been spotted.

Amidst the rustle of leaves and the distant calls of wildlife, Jan's voice cut through the air as she spoke into her commlink, "Garen, we're only a few clicks out. Do you copy?"

Silence greeted her inquiry, and Jan's brows furrowed in concern. She repeated her call, the urgency in her voice rising as she awaited a response.

Finally, Garen's voice crackled through the commlink, his tone firm and determined, "We've got Kyle cornered."

Relief washed over Jan at the news, her heart racing with anticipation. "Understood," she replied, her voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins. "We'll be there soon."

With renewed determination, Jan quickened her pace, her Jedi companions matching her stride as they pressed on toward their target.

The forest echoed with the clash of lightsabers as the duel between Jack and Kyle intensified, in spite of Sela's desperate call to stop. Jack's movements were swift and relentless, his saber dancing through the air as he launched a barrage of strikes at Kyle, who remained steadfast in his defense.

Jack's attacks came with ferocious speed and precision, each strike aimed at wearing down Kyle's defenses. His scowl deepened with each failed attempt to breach Kyle's guard, his determination unyielding as he sought to prove himself worthy in combat.

Kyle, on the other hand, remained composed and focused, his expression stern as he parried each blow with calculated precision. Despite being pushed onto the defensive, he stood his ground, his resolve unwavering as he weathered Jack's relentless assault.

As the clash of lightsabers momentarily ceased, Jack stepped back, his chest heaving with exertion. The other Jedi knights, their lightsabers ignited, closed in around him, forming a semi-circle as they prepared to engage in combat. Sela lingered behind, her expression torn between worry and uncertainty.

Kyle remained cautious, his eyes darting between his adversaries as he assessed the situation. With slow, deliberate movements, he shifted to the side, maintaining a safe distance from the group of Jedi now arrayed before him.

Jack, visibly tired yet still as determined as ever, leveled a scornful gaze at Kyle. "Give up, Unchained," he spat, his voice dripping with disdain.

Kyle's response was silence, his expression inscrutable as he weighed his options. His brow furrowed in thought as he considered his next move.

Sela's heart pounded with urgency as she witnessed the tense standoff between Kyle and the other Jedi. She glanced towards the approaching figures of Master Garen's group, their lightsabers ignited and ready for action. Without hesitation, she stepped forward, her voice cutting through the tension like a beacon of reason.

"Stop this!" Sela's voice rang out, her hands raised in a gesture of peace. "We are Jedi. We are meant to fight together, not against each other."

Jack's scowl deepened as he dismissed Sela's plea, his grip tightening on his lightsaber. "Get out of the way, Sela," he growled, his tone laced with frustration.

But Sela stood her ground, her gaze unwavering as she addressed Kyle directly. "Please, Kyle," she pleaded, her voice soft but urgent. "Come with us. Listen to reason, listen to the Force…"

As Kyle began to lower his lightsaber, Sela's words seemed to resonate with the other Jedi as well, their weapons lowering in response. Hope flickered in Sela's eyes, but before the moment could solidify, Garen arrived on the scene, his presence commanding and authoritative.

"In the name of the Jedi Order and the Reformed Republic, surrender, Kyle," Garen's voice boomed, his lightsaber igniting with a fierce hum.

Sela opened her mouth to speak in Kyle's defense, but before she could utter a word, Kyle unleashed a powerful force push, catching Jack, Garen, and the others off guard. Seizing the opportunity, Kyle turned and fled, his footsteps echoing through the forest as he raced onward.

Sela had been untouched by the force push and without hesitation began following closely behind, calling out to Kyle to wait. Behind her, Garen, Jack, and the other Jedi recovered quickly, their determination renewed as they resumed their pursuit.

As Kyle continued to run through the woods, the cliffside loomed larger, the drop becoming more treacherous with each step. Sela pushed herself harder, matching Kyle's pace as she chased after him.

Through the commlink, AD-10's voice crackled, "Master Kyle, I have picked up your signal now, I am positioning for pick up…"

"Stay on my signal AD!" Kyle replied bluntly as he then focused solely on his path ahead.

As Kyle sprinted toward the edge of the cliff, his heart pounded exhilaration and adrenaline. With each step, the ground seemed to fall away beneath him, the drop below dauntingly steep. But Kyle's focus remained fixed on the other side of the forest, his goal clear in his mind.

As he began reaching the edge, Kyle spared a quick glance over to the side, spotting Jan's group closing in from one side. Sela's voice rang out behind him, a desperate plea for him to stop, but Kyle's resolve was unyielding.

"Kyle, wait!" Sela's voice called out through the forest.

But Kyle pressed on, his muscles straining as he pushed himself harder, his determination unshaken. With a final surge of energy, he launched himself into the air, soaring over the gaping chasm and towards the other side.

Sela's heart raced as she followed in Kyle's footsteps, her determination driving her forward despite the feat she had seen. Behind her, Jack's voice pierced the air with a desperate yell.

"Sela, don't do it!" Jack's voice carried a note of worry, but Sela paid it no heed as she continued her pursuit of Kyle, she also arrived at the edge and with every fiber of her strength pushed herself up and away through the air.

As Sela soared through the sky she felt a rush of excitement unlike she'd ever feel. She was taking a true leap of faith, trusting in her own abilities and the Force to carry her to safety.

As Sela descended towards the other side of the chasm, her heart raced with a mixture of excitement and fear. The wind whipped past her, tugging at her clothes and silver hair as she plummeted towards the stony terrain below.

But as she neared the ground, her eyes widened in shock as she saw Kyle not landing on the ground, but instead landing upon the side door of a ship that swooped down and upwards, snatching him from the air.

Realization struck Sela like a thunderbolt as she looked down and saw the unforgiving rocks below rushing up to meet her. Panic surged through her veins as she desperately flailed her arms, trying to slow her descent.

With a sickening thud, Sela crashed against the stony cliffside, her body jolting with pain as she struggled to maintain her grip. But the rocks were slick with moisture and her mind overburdened in panic Sela's fingers slipped, her desperate attempts to find purchase proving futile.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she slid ever closer to the edge, the yawning chasm beckoning to her with its terrifying embrace. Fear gnawed at her insides as she fought against gravity's relentless pull, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she searched desperately for something, anything, to anchor herself.

But the cliffside offered no reprieve, its jagged surface offering nothing but treacherous footing. With a final, desperate cry, Sela's grip failed her completely, and she teetered on the brink of the precipice, her body tilting dangerously over the edge.

As Sela began to fall, a wave of despair washed over her, the precipice below yawning open to claim her. But in the moment of her greatest peril, she felt a strong grip wrap around her forearm, halting her descent. With tear-filled eyes, she looked up to see Kyle, his face strained with effort as he held onto her.

With a hint of jest, Kyle broke the tense silence. "You know, I don't mind saving you and all but could you put some effort here too?" he quipped, his voice laced with straining.

Sela nodded, her focus returning as she grasped onto Kyle's outstretched hand, pulling herself up with all her strength. After a few moments of struggle, the two Jedi managed to haul themselves onto solid ground, breathing heavily as they collapsed in exhaustion.

Lying side by side on the ground, Sela glanced over at Kyle, gratitude shining in her eyes. Despite their differences, he had risked everything to save her.

Meanwhile, Kyle gazed across the cliffside, his Jedi pursuers visible in the distance. As he watched them, a pang of uncertainty tugged at his heart. He had abandoned his escape to rescue Sela, someone he didn't know and who had been trying to capture him mere minutes back.

Reflecting on his actions, Kyle couldn't help but wonder if he had made the right choice. But as he looked at Sela lying beside him, safe and sound, he knew that, in that moment, saving her had been the only option that mattered.

Chapter 15: Help


Ever the elusive one, Kyle Katarn continues to evade capture. Having rescued a fellow Jedi from certain death, Katarn continues to find himself trapped and with the Jedi Order hot on his trail. As Kyle plans a new escape, Master Rey Skywalker and her Jedi Order face a new challenge: the Reformed Republic, determined to bring the fugitive to justice, dispatches agents to track down the rogue Jedi…

Chapter Text

Rey found herself within the sanctuary of her chambers once more, the events that had unfolded over the past few days haunting her. Sitting in silence, her gaze drifted to the shelves lined with ancient Jedi Texts, their wisdom, and secrets had been preserved for generations, she was meant to be their keeper, their bearer of their knowledge. Yet, she hesitated to reach for them, unsure if she truly deserved such a role.

Kyle's words began to echo in her mind, his resilient eyes and unyielding voice embedded in her memory.

"The Jedi I fought with would never bow to the demands of warmongers..."

Doubt gnawed at her resolve as she questioned the decisions that had led her to this moment. Had siding with Syndulla been the wisest choice, or had she compromised the values that defined the Jedi? She understood Jacen's intentions, his desire to safeguard the Order and preserve their hard-won peace. But now, Rey grappled with the unsettling notion of a peace built upon compromise and concession that had allowed terror to reign in the galaxy once more, a false peace.

"Neither would Luke…" she murmured softly, repeating Kyle's own words, her voice barely a whisper in the stillness of her chamber.

As Rey continued to wrestle with her thoughts, a sharp knock interrupted the silence of her chamber. Startled, she rose from her seat and swiftly crossed the room to answer the door. Upon opening it, she was greeted by one of her Jedi Knights, standing tall and composed.

"Master Syndulla has called for you, Master Rey," the Jedi informed her, his voice steady and respectful. "They've arrived."

Rey nodded in acknowledgment, gratitude flickering in her eyes, "Thank you, Sebastian."

With a sense of purpose, she moved past him, leaving the solitude of her chambers behind.

Jacen Syndulla stood just beyond the weathered entrance to the Jedi temple grounds, his gaze fixed on the departing X-Wings disappearing beyond the forest's canopy. His dark green hair fluttered in the wind, mirroring the turmoil within him as he struggled to contend with all that had happened. He couldn't help but feel blame for having been so careless when they had Kyle in their grasp. Locked away, yet always with the ability to escape if he wished, Kyle had slipped through their fingers once the Council's decision didn't align with his own desires. To Jacen, that spoke of a darker nature, one he couldn't ignore. Perhaps Kyle wasn't evil, he thought, but he most certainly wasn't a friend.


As Rey's voice called out his name, Jacen turned to face her, his features a mask of sternness tinged with regret. "Master Rey," he greeted her with a nod, acknowledging her presence with a sense of solemnity. The other Jedi around them offered respectful bows as Rey approached.

Rey's expression was a mix of concern and urgency, "How many ships did they send?"

Jacen met her gaze squarely, his voice firm, "Several transport ships, and X-Wing escorts," he answered. "The ground team must be on their way here as we speak."

Rey's brows furrowed slightly, a silent acknowledgment of the seriousness of their predicament. "Let's hope we can resolve this without further escalations," she said, her voice betraying apprehension.

Soon after several figures began to emerge from the dense foliage of the forest. A group of roughly two dozen men, their beige uniforms adorned with green armored vests, stepped into view. Some wore helmets with goggles to shield their eyes from the elements, while others sported simple caps, each had a blaster at the ready. Adorning their shoulders was the unmistakable logo of the Reformed Republic, the Rising Phoenix of the Rebel Alliances, it had served the New Republic as well and now served as the symbol for its new inception.

Leading the group was a man distinguished by his crisp dark blue uniform, a stark contrast to the rugged appearance of his subordinates. He had well-balanced features telling of a man no older than his 30's along with a neat haircut and defined mustache, his steely gaze surveyed the scene with a mix of calculative curiosity and a clear sense of authority as he addressed Rey and Syndulla.

"Greetings, Master Rey, Master Syndulla, I'm Captain Ryker Halcyon of the Reformed Republic's Defense Forces." Halcyon began, his voice commanding yet respectful. "I trust you understand the gravity of the situation. Our orders are clear: apprehend the truce violator, Kyle Katarn, and bring him into custody to face the tribunal for crimes against peace. We hope that your personal leanings will not compromise our efforts given he managed to escape your compound…"

Rey's expression remained static as she nodded in acknowledgment, while Syndulla's features tightened.

"We will cooperate with you and your men in everything, Captain Halcyon," Rey replied evenly. "But I must emphasize the importance of caution, Katarn is resourceful. We have made progress in tracking him down, however."

Halcyon inclined his head in acknowledgment, "Is that so, well then I trust you've managed to pinpoint his whereabouts?"

"We know he's somewhere in the western side, his last known location was at Jallowfell cliffside, he managed to elude our tracking groups and we believe he has taken one of our Jedi hostage…" Rey replied, her voice momentarily sorrowful at the admitting of her Order's failure.

"Rest assured, Master Rey. We are well-prepared for any eventuality, we'll do everything to ensure your student is brought back alive and well," Halcyon assured the pair with a confident tone. "Now, if you would be so kind as to provide me with a layout of your compound, I will also require access to your facilities for communication, any armory you have and in addition, we will have to secure any ships in the vicinity. This is all procedure to avoid the fugitives' escape I'm sure you know, our X-wings above will ensure nothing can get off planet without proper authorization."

As Halcyon strode past Rey and Jacen, Jacen cast a bewildered glance at Rey, his expression bordering on incredulous. "Rey, this is absurd," he protested, his voice revealing his frustration. "Our grounds are for our students, not for Republic troops to trample through."

Halcyon, overhearing Jacen's protest, turned back to face him, his tone firm but composed. "I understand your concerns, Master Syndulla," he said calmly, "but my orders are clear. I need a layout of your compound, and I need it now. Preferably in hologram form."

Jacen's jaw clenched with barely contained irritation, but before he could respond, Rey stepped in, "Perhaps, Captain Halcyon, if we were to speak with General Dameron, we could resolve any misunderstandings and ensure our work can be as smooth as possible…" she suggested diplomatically.

Halcyon's gaze hardened slightly as he met Rey's eyes. "There's nothing to discuss, Master Rey," he replied curtly, his tone leaving no room for negotiation. "All my orders regarding this operation come directly from General Dameron himself."

Rey's brows furrowed in frustration, her mind racing with the implications of Halcyon's words. For a moment, she was left speechless, grappling with the realization that their autonomy as Jedi had been compromised by the higher echelons of the Republic.

"General Dameron was quite clear in his instructions, Master Rey," Halcyon remarked, his voice tinged with a hint of menace. "He expects the full cooperation of the Jedi Order in this matter. Anything less would be… unwise."

Rey's expression hardened at Halcyon's veiled warning, a flicker of defiance in her eyes as she continued to digest the implications of his words. Jacen, too, stiffened beside her. They were faced with a stark choice: comply with the Republic's demands, or risk facing the consequences of defiance.

After a brief moment of tense silence, Rey's shoulders sagged with resignation, her expression betraying the weight of her decision. "Jacen," she said, her voice heavy with regret, "provide Captain Halcyon with everything he's requested."

Jacen shot Rey a scowl of momentary shock, his brows furrowed in frustration, but he ultimately complied with the Grandmaster's orders. With a curt nod, he moved past Halcyon, gesturing for the captain to follow.

Halcyon turned to Rey, a self-satisfied smile playing at the corners of his lips as he thanked her, "Your cooperation is appreciated, Master Rey."

Rey remained silent, her gaze distant as she still grappled with the implications of her compliance.

As the Republic troopers began to filter into the temple grounds, Halcyon called upon Lieutenant Okul, a man clearly older and more weathered than himself. Okul bore rugged features, his gaze sharp as he approached Halcyon.

"Okul, gather a team," Halcyon instructed, gesturing at the lake he continued, "Begin a search of the last known location of the fugitive."

Without hesitation, Okul acknowledged the order with a crisp nod before swiftly moving to assemble his team. Meanwhile, Rey stood silently amidst the bustling activity, her mind consumed with thoughts of the events that had led them to this moment.

Kyle Katarn led the way with a determined stride, his senses keenly attuned to the surroundings as both he and Sela found themselves venturing deeper into the untouched wilderness.

For hours they trekked through the dense forest, the only sound of the soft rustle of leaves underfoot and the distant calls of native creatures. Kyle's gaze often flickered back to Sela, silently observing her as they pressed forward. With every glance back at Sela, Kyle couldn't help but notice the awkward expression that seemed to shadow her features each time their eyes met.

Sela, meanwhile, grappled with her conflicting emotions as she followed behind the far more seasoned Jedi, her thoughts were a tumultuous whirlwind of gratitude and doubt. She couldn't shake the lingering sense of unease that gnawed at her, torn between her loyalty to the Jedi Order and her burgeoning understanding of Kyle's motivations, though the full extent of them she had yet to fully grasp.

As they continued their journey westward, away from the familiar grounds of the temple, Sela couldn't help but wonder what awaited them in the depths of the wilderness. With each step, she found herself inching closer to speaking out, though she was uncertain of what to say.

As the duo continued their journey deeper into the wilderness, the atmosphere between them remained tense and laden with unspoken tension. Sela, her nerves frayed by the unfamiliar surroundings, finally mustered the courage to speak up, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Kyle," she began tentatively, "we're heading further and further away from the temple. Shouldn't we... shouldn't we turn back?"

"I'm going where I need to go," Kyle replied simply, his tone brooking no argument as he continued onwards.

Sela fell silent once more, her gaze flickering nervously between Kyle's back and the dense foliage surrounding them. The thought of being lost in the wilderness, far from the safety of the temple and her fellow Jedi, filled her with a rising sense of panic.

"They're going to be looking for me," she blurted out suddenly, her voice trying to relay both anxiousness and a reminder at Kyle.

Kyle continued to walk without breaking his stride, his response curt. "Then go find them."

Sela's frustration boiled over at his dismissive tone, her patience wavering as she struggled to keep up with his pace. With a forced attempt at assertiveness, she called out to him, her voice tinged with desperation.

"Stop, Kyle!" she demanded, her tone tinged with a forced toughness. "We can't keep going like this."

Kyle sighed in annoyance, finally coming to a halt and turning to face her. "And why not?" he retorted, his patience wearing thin. "I'm not going back, Sela. So why are you still following me?"

Sela stood before Kyle, her gaze unwavering as she listened to his response. For a moment, she seemed lost in thought, searching for the right words to convey her convictions.

"It's my duty to try and mend things between you and the Order," she began, her voice firm with determination. "And I know deep down, you want the same. You wouldn't have saved me otherwise."

Kyle's initial reaction was one of skepticism, a scoff escaping his lips before his expression softened into something more sincere. "I didn't save you because I'm seeking approval from the Order," he explained, his voice tinged with honesty. "I did it because you needed help. Regardless of what others may think of me, I couldn't just stand by and watch you fall."

He paused, considering his next words carefully. "There's nothing left for me back at the temple," he admitted. "But you, Sela... you still have a place you belong with. Go back, maybe you can convince them to stop chasing after me."

Sela listened to Kyle's words, a mixture of emotions swirling within her. Despite her lingering doubts, in that moment she could sense his sincerity, yet also a slight feeling of pain within him.

As Sela and Kyle lapsed into a solemn silence, a distant humming noise pierced the tranquil ambiance of the forest. Kyle reacted instinctively, swiftly moving to seek cover behind a nearby tree, his eyes scanning the sky with caution.

Confusion etched Sela's features as she followed Kyle's lead, her gaze tracking the path of the passing X-Wing through the dense foliage above. "That's the Reformed Republic," she murmured, realization dawning. "Master Rey must've called for them."

A muttered curse escaped Kyle's lips, frustration evident in his voice as he clenched his jaw. "Sithspit," he grumbled, his tone tinged with annoyance. "Just what I needed - more complications…"

The transport ship of the Reformed Republic soared through the skies, its streamlined design cutting through the air, the mood within the elongated troop bay was tense and focused. Over a dozen soldiers of the Republic sat in silence, their expressions stern and alert, blaster rifles strapped securely to their backs.

Lieutenant Okul moved with purpose through the bay, his authoritative voice breaking the quiet atmosphere. "Listen up," he commanded, his tone firm and commanding. "Our mission is clear: locate the fugitive Kyle Katarn and bring him in. Deadly force is authorized if he resists…"

He paused, his gaze sweeping over the soldiers before continuing with a grave tone, "This time, the Jedi do not give the orders. Under no circ*mstances are they to take custody of Katarn."

With a press of a button on his brace, Okul activated a holographic projection of the fugitive. Kyle's image flickered to life before the soldiers, some casting curious glances at the depiction while others remained focused and unimpressed.

"Katarn is a dangerous individual, former Jedi with extensive combat training. Do not underestimate him." Okul continued, gesturing to the hologram. "He's evaded capture before and is considered extremely resourceful. We cannot afford to let our guard down, he also has a hostage with him, a Jedi from what our reports say, so make sure to watch your fire."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before concluding, "Our priority objective is to apprehend Katarn, we do not waste time with Jedi antics. Are we clear?"

"Yes, sir!"

A resounding chorus of affirmations filled the troop bay as each soldier acknowledged their orders. With their mission parameters clear, the soldiers prepared themselves as the transport began its descent down a clearing, the doors began opening up, the bright light of day shining in and unveiling the sight of untamed wilderness that awaited the team.

Lieutenant Okul wasted no time, with a swift leap, he vaulted out into the rugged terrain below, blaster carbine at the ready as he advanced into the landing zone.

Moments later, the figure of Jan Ors emerged to meet him. As she stepped forward with Master Garen at her side Jan offered a slight bow in greeting, her expression welcoming yet tinged with slight uncertainty. "Lieutenant Okul," she began, her voice steady, "we've been expecting you. We're glad to see you've made it safely."

Okul wasted no time with pleasantries, his focus laser-sharp as he cut to the chase. "Have you managed to locate the fugitive?" he inquired, his tone businesslike.

Jan's expression tightened slightly as she relayed the situation. "He managed to evade us once he crossed the cliffside," she explained. "But we're certain he's somewhere in the western ranges that descend into Shadowleaf Valley."

Nodding in acknowledgment, Okul rallied his men. "Team Delta, assemble," he ordered crisply, his voice carrying across the landing zone as the soldiers swiftly organized themselves.

As the team assembled, Lieutenant Okul began briefing them on what he had just been told. "Listen up," he commanded, his voice cutting through the tension. "We're descending into the valley from the western side. Team Echo will secure the eastern flank, effectively blockading the valley as we search for the fugitive, we'll be deploying the surveillance droids as well, so Henix has those ready."

"Yes sir!" Trooper Henix replied immediately.

Turning to Jan and Garen, Okul designated their roles. "Jan, you're with my team," he directed, his gaze firm as he met her eyes, he turned his gaze to Garden, "You'll await Team Echo for pick-up."

Jan hesitated, her concern evident as she spoke up. "Shouldn't we go together to ensure we have the best chance of capturing Katarn?" she suggested, her voice tinged with urgency. "He's proven to be resourceful, and if we split up, we risk losing him."

Okul's response was sharp, almost dismissive. "If the Jedi failed to capture Katarn, then it's clear your current approach isn't working," he retorted, his tone both dismissive and curt. "We'll force him to meet us dead on, no more time wasting. Now move out!"

Jan's brow furrowed with frustration, but she nodded in reluctant understanding as Okul motioned for the squad to form up. As they prepared to move out, Jan couldn't shake the feeling of unease gnawing at her, knowing that their chances of apprehending Katarn were dwindling with every passing moment.

Sela continued to trail behind, her expression a mix of concern and confusion. As Kyle navigated through the tangled undergrowth, Sela couldn't help but voice her frustrations.

"Why can't you just talk things out with the Republic?" she asked, her tone exasperated.

"Because, no matter what I say, I'm an outcast to all sides," Kyle replied, his voice weary as he kept moving. "I'm not your kind of Jedi, Sela."

Sela's brows furrowed as she struggled to comprehend his words. "But you're still a Jedi," she insisted.

"Sure, I'm a Jedi," Kyle muttered dryly, a small chuckle emanating from his mouth. "Just not the kind they want."

Undeterred, Sela pressed on, her voice pleading. "Please, Kyle, come back with me," she implored. "There's no way you'll get off the planet with X-Wings patrolling the skies."

"They can try to stop me," Kyle remarked, his eyes narrowing with determination as he continued his march through the woods.

"Would you really hurt Republic soldiers just doing their job?" Sela asked with concern in her voice, her gaze fixed on Kyle's profile as he strode ahead.

Kyle's steps faltered briefly before he continued, his voice soft, "I wouldn't," he replied sharply, his jaw clenched with resignation. "But I can't afford to waste any more time with this circus."

Sela's brow furrowed as she pressed the issue, her voice growing more insistent. "Why, Kyle? What's out there that's more important? Why can't you just listen?"

Kyle's pace slowed as he turned to face her, his eyes ablaze with suppressed emotion. "There's someone out there who I had to protect," he began, his voice heavy with sorrow and anger. "She looked up to me, she trusted me. And the last thing I saw was a pair of fearful eyes as the Mandalorians took her away, the same Mandalorians that Rey is so willing to appease…"

Sela's heart clenched at Kyle's words, a wave of sympathy washing over her.

Turning away, Kyle's gaze remained fixed on the path ahead as he spoke, "I won't rot in a cell while Polina is out there," he declared firmly. "If I have to scour every inch of the galaxy to find her, I will. And may the Force help anyone who stands in my way."

Sela stood silent, her expression a mixture of sympathy and confusion as she grappled with the weight of Kyle's words. "I didn't know," she began, her voice soft with regret. "I'm sorry, Kyle. I didn't know about... about Polina."

Before she could say more, the crackle of Kyle's commlink interrupted their conversation. AD-10's voice echoed through the device.

"Master Kyle, master Kyle are you there?"

Kyle wasted no time in answering, "I'm here AD, how's things?"

AD-10's message brought grim news. "Master Kyle," the droid's voice relayed, "I detected several ships in the sector, military ships by the looks of it. They seem to have the skies well covered, I worry we may not be able to evade them."

Sela couldn't help but interject, "X-Wings are hard to fool…"

Kyle shot her a glare before continuing his conversation with AD-10, "Very well AD, keep the ship hidden, once we regroup we'll work up a plan, Kyle out."

As Kyle set the commlink aside, a surge of frustration seemed to consume him. Sela reached out, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. But before she could speak, Kyle's voice erupted with anger.

"None of you 'peacekeepers' cared!" he snapped, his words biting with bitterness. "Not Rey, not Jan, not a single one. The Galaxy is in complete chaos and all you care about is preserving a peace that doesn't exist!"

Sela recoiled, her heart heavy with shame. Kyle's anger seemed to dissipate as quickly as it had flared, and he sighed heavily. "It's not your fault," he admitted, his voice softer now, tinged with regret. "I was too harsh."

With a more gentle tone, Kyle turned to Sela once more, his expression pained yet understanding. "You need to go back," he urged, his voice carrying a note of finality. "I'll find my own way out."

Sela hesitated, her mind racing as she thought about going back, trying to convince the Order that Kyle was not who they thought, and yet her mind also flung with a sudden idea. "Perhaps... perhaps you don't have to," she suggested tentatively, a flicker of hope igniting in her eyes.

As Okul and his men descended upon the valley in a precise formation, Jan Ors trailed behind with some of her fellow Jedi. Her thoughts churned with a mixture of concern and contemplation as she observed the advancing line of Republic troopers.

The brazen actions of the Reformed Republic weren't entirely unexpected. Since the war's end, tensions between the Republic and the Jedi had simmered beneath the surface, occasionally flaring into monetary disagreements. Yet, the outright disregard for the Jedi's authority was a new development, one that left Jan disconcerted.

"Luke wouldn't have allowed this… I won't stand by while you betray everything he stood for…"

Kyle's words echoed in her mind, his accusations and frustrations stirring a sense of unease within her. While she couldn't deny that Kyle was a fugitive who needed to be stopped, there was a kernel of truth in his words. The Jedi Council's decisions hadn't always been just or wise, and she couldn't help but wonder if their actions had strayed too far from what had once been noble principles.

Lost in her thoughts, Jan continued to follow silently behind Okul and his men, her gaze flitting between the dense foliage of the forest and the soldiers ahead. She couldn't afford to dwell on Kyle's words now, not with the immediate task at hand, but the doubts lingered, gnawing at the edges of her conscience.

As Kyle and Sela navigated cautiously through the dense forest, the distant chatter of incoming soldiers served as an ominous backdrop to their movements. Sela led the way with a sense of purpose, almost as if she were following an invisible path she already knew.

Kyle couldn't shake off his suspicion as they veered farther away from his intended rendezvous point. He spoke to Sela, his voice laced with concern. "Where exactly are we headed?" he asked, his gaze inquisitive and cautious as ever.

Sela's response was confident, albeit cryptic. "I reviewed the outlying maps from the temple," she explained. "If they're still correct, we should be nearing a tunnel entrance that leads straight to a safe place for someone like you."

Kyle's curiosity was ticked at the mention of a safe haven, "And where is this safe place?"

Sela paused for a moment before answering, "Maz Kanata's Castle."

"Maz Kanata?" he repeated, the name unfamiliar to him.

Sela opened her mouth, poised to explain who Maz Kanata was to Kyle, but before she could utter a word, Kyle's sharp gaze fixed on several approaching figures.

As the figures approached in the distance, Kyle's instincts surged, prompting him to swiftly guide Sela into the cover of the forest underbrush. The two laid down, blending into the foliage as the approaching footsteps grew louder.

Before Sela could say anything Kyle motioned for her to stay quiet. They huddled together, silent as the figures drew nearer.

The voices of what were now clearly Republic soldiers drifted closer, their conversation filling the air with mundane chatter.

"Can't wait to get back to Dantooine. Miss the rolling hills and fresh air," one trooper said with homesick flair.

Another trooper began to reminisce, "Yeah, it's been ages since I've been home. Can almost smell my mom's cooking from here."

It was then that a much more seasoned-sounding trooper cut the banter, "Quit your yapping. We're on a mission, not a vacation. Save the nostalgia for later."

Just as the patrol was about to pass by, Sela's slight movement caused a branch to snap, the sound slicing through the quiet of the forest.

"Hold up. Did you hear that?" One of the troopers drew the attention of the others.

"Probably just a wildlife. Keep moving."

The suspicious trooper hesitated, their senses on high alert as they scanned the surroundings.

"Nah, sounded too close for comfort. Let's check it out."

The leading trooper cautiously approached the area where Kyle and Sela were hiding, blaster rifle at the ready.

"Careful. Could be anything in there."

As the trooper drew nearer, Kyle tensed, his hand hovering over his lightsaber, ready to defend himself and Sela. But before he could make a move, Sela intervened, placing a hand on his arm to stop him.

"Wait. Let me handle this," Sela enunciated without needing to speak.

With a furrowed brow, Sela closed her eyes, her lashes fluttering briefly before settling into a determined calm. Focusing her thoughts, she reached out with her hand, palm upturned, as if grasping the unseen threads of the Force. Slowly, she channeled her energy, her fingertips tingling with the subtle power flowing through her, directing it toward the distance.

Just as the trooper was about to step into their hiding spot, another noise echoed from further ahead, catching the soldiers' attention.

"What was that?"

"It's probably the fugitive trying to sneak away, come on move it people!"

The troopers diverted their course, their focus now on investigating the new disturbance, leaving Kyle and Sela undiscovered in the safety of the forest.

As the sounds of the troopers' footsteps faded into the distance, Kyle and Sela emerged from their hiding spot, cautiously rising to their feet. Kyle's expression was pensive, his mind clearly preoccupied.

Sela regarded him with understanding, her eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and concern. "There are always other ways, Kyle," she offered softly, her voice carrying a gentle reminder. "Not everything has to be settled through fighting."

Kyle remained silent, it was a sentiment that struck a chord within him, reminding him of the code he had once inscribed onto Polina, and that Luke had also taught him.

However, before he could dwell on it further, Kyle pushed aside his introspection and turned his attention to the task at hand. "Which way to Maz's castle?" he asked, his tone brisk as he gestured for Sela to lead the way.

Little did the pair know they were being watched attentively, by the electronic red visage of a surveillance droid, quietly floating above the tree line, its blinking eyes began to beep as it maintained sights on the unsuspecting pair.

Kyle and Sela emerged from the forest into the clearing dotted with ancient structures, Kyle's eyes widened in surprise at the sight before him. The structures, slowly being reclaimed by nature, stood as silent witnesses to the passage of time. The stony passageway led into the oval-like clearing, with the mountain wall towering above and indeed a tunnel entrance laid within, the scene felt almost surreal.

"This place... it actually exists," Kyle remarked, a hint of awe in his voice as he glanced around.

Sela, on the other hand, was practically buzzing with excitement, her eyes sparkling with fervor. "I told you!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with triumph. "I knew it! This must have been some kind of adjacent temple during the High Republic."

Kyle furrowed his brow at the mention of the High Republic, unfamiliar with the term, but he didn't dwell on it. Instead, he offered Sela a genuine albeit sarcastic smile. "Well, congratulations, Sela. You were right," he conceded, a touch of humor in his tone.

Sela returned the smile with a playful bow, her demeanor light and joking. "Why, thank you, Master Kyle. I graciously accept your admission," she replied, her tone teasing and a playful twinkle in her eye.

As the moment settled into an awkward silence, Kyle took the opportunity to express his gratitude. "And, uh, thanks for your help," he began, his voice earnest as he glanced at Sela. "I'm sorry about losing my temper back there."

Sela offered him a warm smile, her gaze softening with understanding. "It's okay, Kyle," she reassured him, her tone gentle. "Just... try and find Polina, alright… I'll vouch for you at the temple, hopefully, they'll listen, or at least stop trying to look for you."

Before Kyle could respond, Sela removed her utility belt and held it out to him. Kyle hesitated, but Sela insisted, her expression determined. "You'll need this more than I will," her voice was firm yet kind. "Especially with the tunnel being so dark and all, a light in the darkness as small as it is will always lead the way."

Reluctantly, Kyle accepted the belt, his expression reflecting gratitude. "Thank you, Sela," he murmured, his voice sincere, he paused for a moment before he then asked, "I gotta ask… why did you decide to help me all of a sudden?"

Sela's smile widened, a warmth in her eyes as she met Kyle's gaze. "Because you needed help," she replied, her voice sincere. The callback emitted a faint smile from Kyle.

As the pair stood at the tunnel's threshold, preparing to part ways, Sela had one last bit of information to provide to the fugitive Jedi.

"Once you get through the tunnel try and look for Maz," Sela suggested, her voice filled with confidence. "Tell her Rey sends you, if she gets too cynical tell her you know about the cualuxium deposits on Versia, she'll understand…" The mention of this left Kyle momentarily perplexed before Sela continued, "She may also have good information that might help you with your search."

Kyle nodded, appreciating the guidance. "Thanks, Sela. I'll do that," he replied gratefully, his mind already processing the new lead.

Just as Kyle was about to head towards the tunnel entrance, the ground beneath them began to tremble, sending vibrations through their bodies. They exchanged a concerned glance, unsure of what was causing the disturbance.

Suddenly, the earth cracked open, and a massive creature emerged from the depths below. It was a reptilian behemoth with a green, foliage-covered hide, its four sets of eyes fixating on Kyle and Sela with a mix of curiosity and wariness.

Instinctively, Kyle reached for his lightsaber, ready to defend himself if necessary. But Sela placed a calming hand on his arm, her expression urging caution.

"Let's not provoke it, Kyle," she whispered, her voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

The creature emitted a low, rumbling sound, assessing the duo before it. Sensing the tension in the air, Sela stepped forward, her demeanor calm yet resolute.

"We mean you no harm," she addressed the creature, her voice carrying a soothing tone. "We're just passing through."

The creature regarded them for a moment longer before nodding its massive head, as if understanding Sela's words. With a final rumble, it began retreating back into the earth, leaving Kyle and Sela standing in the clearing, relieved yet awestruck by the encounter.

As silence fell between Kyle and Sela neither would have a moment of thought as a loud voice suddenly cracked through the silence behind them.

"Kyle Katarn, surrender yourself!" It was Lieutenant Okul, accompanied by several dozen Republic troopers emerging from within the forest, all with blasters at the ready.

"Let the hostage go and raise your hands!" Okul's voice boomed, his commanding authority cutting through the tranquility of the moment.

Kyle and Sela exchanged panicked glances, completely taken by surprise. Before they could react, the soldiers began closing in, their blasters trained on Kyle.

Sela stepped forward, her hands raised in a gesture of peace. "Hold on!" she called out, her voice pleading. "Kyle isn't dangerous. He saved me."

But the soldiers showed no signs of slowing down, their blasters all aimed at the rogue Jedi with deadly intent. Jan also emerged from the forest, her expression stern as she called out for Sela.

"Sela, step away from him now!" Jan's voice cut through the tension, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Sela's heart raced as she tried to defuse the escalating situation. "Please, listen to me," she implored, her voice desperate. "Kyle isn't a threat. He's just trying to—"

Before she could finish her sentence, the soldiers' aggression reached a boiling point. "Drop the weapon!" they ordered Kyle aggressively, their voices echoing through the clearing.

Kyle tightened his grip on his lightsaber, his instincts urging him to defend himself. But as the soldiers drew closer, they knew little of what they were truly stepping into.

Suddenly, chaos erupted as the massive reptilian creature emerged once again, its appearance sending the soldiers into a frenzy of panic. Blaster fire filled the air as the troopers unleashed a barrage of shots, their fear driving them to react with aggression.

As blaster fire erupted, the massive reptilian creature roared, its fury unleashed upon the unsuspecting troopers. With each mighty swipe of its claws, it tossed soldiers aside like mere ragdolls, sending them sprawling amidst the ancient ruins.

Amidst the chaos, a couple of troopers managed to maintain their composure, taking aim at Kyle with deadly accuracy. Reacting swiftly, Kyle ignited his lightsaber, its vibrant blue blade humming to life as he deflected incoming blaster bolts with practiced skill. In that moment Kyle felt immense conflict, torn between defending himself and possibly harming soldiers of a Republic that though seemingly flawed was still the last bastion of freedom this Galaxy had.

But just as the troopers began to close in, a figure emerged from behind them. It was Sela, her movements agile and swift. With a wave of her hand, she effortlessly disarmed the troopers, sending their weapons clattering to the ground before swiftly incapacitating them with a swift strike of her fist against their bodies, causing the two to drop on the floor almost instantly, incapacitated.

"Sela, what are you doing?" Kyle shouted, his concern evident in his voice.

But Sela simply maintained her headstrong eyes as she stood before Kyle. "Go, Kyle," she urged him, her voice unwavering. "Save Polina. I'll hold them off."

Kyle hesitated for a moment, now torn between his desire to stay and fight alongside Sela and his duty to find Polina. But ultimately, he knew he had to trust Sela's judgment. With a heavy heart, he nodded in resignation and turned to run towards the tunnel entrance.

As he sprinted across the clearing, sounds of blaster fire and screams could be heard from afar as the creature continued its rampage. Kyle's path was then blocked by the sudden appearance of Okul and more troopers. Their weapons trained on him, they unleashed a barrage of shots, forcing Kyle to deflect them with all his skill and focus.

But before the troopers could close in on him, Sela leaped to his defense once again. With graceful movements, she landed in front of Kyle and deflected blaster fire with her own lightsaber, her resolve unyielding as she shielded Kyle from harm.

Kyle and Sela stood side to side, their lightsabers ablaze and deflecting the attacks in unison. With a shared nod of understanding, they both summoned the Force within them, channeling its power into a potent wave of energy.

In perfect synchrony, they unleashed their combined strength, sending a powerful surge rippling outward. The force of their push caught the troopers off guard, knocking them back with a mighty gust of wind.

Seizing the opportunity, Kyle dashed forward, his heart pounding with adrenaline as he made a break for the tunnel entrance. Behind him, he heard the shouts of the troopers as they struggled to regain their footing amidst the chaos.

"Sela!" Kyle called out, his voice filled with concern as he glanced back at her.

But Sela simply offered him a reassuring smile, still standing in defense. "Don't worry about me," she shouted back, her voice calm. "Just go and find Polina. That's what matters now."

With a final nod of gratitude, Kyle turned and continued his desperate sprint towards the tunnel entrance, the echoes of blaster fire and Sela's valiant defense fading behind him as he disappeared into the darkness.

As Sela braced herself for the next wave of attackers, her green lightsaber poised for action, she was surprised by the calm yet authoritative presence of Master Jan, emerging once more from the depths of the forest. With measured steps, Jan advanced into the clearing, her expression stern as she regarded Sela with a mixture of disappointment and concern.

"Sela," Jan began, her voice steady but tinged with sorrow, "step aside."

Sela maintained her defensive posture, her grip tightening on her lightsaber. "Master Jan, I can't do that," she protested, her voice trembling slightly.

"I don't want to hurt you, Sela," Jan interjected, her gaze unwavering.

"But to reach Katarn, you'll have to go through me," Sela replied nervously, her resolve unwavering.

"So be it..." Jan's voice trailed off as she unveiled her turquoise-colored lightsaber, the hum filling the air with tension. The two Jedi locked eyes in a silent exchange of determination as they prepared to clash.

With a swift motion, Jan moved to push Sela away from her path, but Sela held her ground, parrying the blow, her heart raced but she did not allow herself to be consumed by fear or be unbalanced by it, at least not in that moment. The air crackled with energy as the duel intensified, neither willing to yield.

"You're making a mistake, Sela," Jan warned, her voice strained with regret, as if she were giving Sela a lecture and not a scolding.

"I think the Order is the one who made the mistake," Sela retorted, her voice defiant.

Undeterred, Jan unleashed a flurry of strikes, her movements were now fast, unforgiving, and calculated. Caught off guard, Sela stumbled as Jan twirled her lightsaber away, disarming the young knight. But she wasn't defeated yet.

Summoning all her strength, Sela tapped into every fiber of her being, her connection with the force heightened as she then lifted several pillars from the nearby ruins. She closed her eyes and with a strained gaze, she hurled them not at Jan, but at the entrance of the tunnel where Kyle had first entered. The ground shook as the upper hillside collapsed, burying the entrance beneath a cascade of debris.

Together, Sela, Jan, and the Republic soldiers managed to flee to safety before the avalanche consumed everything in its path. As Sela looked upon the scene with a sense of accomplishment, she turned to find Jan, her lightsaber ignited once more, her eyes filled with judgment.

"You don't understand what you've just done, Sela," Jan admonished her regretfully.

"And you do, Master Jan?" Sela countered with frustration. "You only know what the Council says, what Master Rey says. I actually spoke with him, he's a good man, he's one of us!"

Jan's expression softened slightly, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features. Sela noticed it, falling silent for a moment. But just as quickly, she pushed it aside, her resolve hardening once more.

"I'm sorry, Sela," Jan said, her expression saddened for a moment before she once more resolved herself. "But I can't let you interfere any further."

With a nod to Okul and the troopers, Jan signaled for Sela's arrest. Okul wasted no time, issuing orders for the troopers to move in and apprehend her.

Sela stood her ground, refusing to back down even as the troopers surrounded her, their blasters trained on her. Though she didn't resist, her defiance remained unbroken. She had a faint smile on her face, knowing she had managed to save Kyle valuable time.

Kyle now found himself within the tunnel leading to Maz Kanata's castle. The long, dark corridor seemed to extend endlessly, with only the dim light from his belt projector illuminating his path. His breathing was heavy from sprinting for what felt like miles, but he finally slowed down, sensing he had put enough distance between himself and any potential pursuers.

Pausing to catch his breath, Kyle listened intently to the silence. No sound of footsteps or voices followed him, but an eerie feeling began to creep into his mind, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. It was then that Kyle's eyes wandered along the walls of the tunnel, drawn to the faded hieroglyphics etched into the stone. Despite the damage caused by time and neglect, the intricate designs still held a certain mystique.

His gaze lingered on one particular section where three distinct seemingly otherworldly figures stood side by side, their forms weathered but still discernible in that moment his eyes widened as realization set in. The three figures were the same as he had seen at that temple time ago before he somehow had been shifted around to this unfamiliar new Galaxy. The trio seemed to be engaged in some sort of ritual or ceremony, their poses each raising a hand and conveying a sense of reverence or importance.

But as Kyle's eyes moved to the next set of symbols, he noticed a sudden break in the continuity of the artwork. The stone was marred and fractured, obscuring whatever message the hieroglyphics were meant to convey. It was as if something had violently torn through the wall, erasing the narrative that had been painstakingly carved into the stone.

A shiver ran down Kyle's spine as he studied the damaged section, a feeling of unease creeping over him. What had caused such destruction in this ancient place? And what secrets lay hidden beneath the surface?

Before he could dwell on the implications a faint, crackling sound broke the silence. Kyle's commlink sprang to life, but the signal was weak, barely cutting through the static. He could just make out the familiar voice of AD-10, distorted and faint.

"Master Kyle... do you copy? Are you there?" AD-10's voice was almost inaudible, buried under layers of static.

Kyle tried to respond, but the tight confines of the cave seemed to be interfering with the signal. "AD-10, this is Kyle. I'm here. Do you read me?"

Only more static answered him, and he gritted his teeth, frustration mounting. He moved further down the tunnel, hoping to find a spot with a clearer signal. The darkness seemed to press in around him, amplifying every sound and shadow.

"Master Kyle... status... rendezvous point?" AD-10's voice came through again, still fragmented but a bit clearer.

Kyle adjusted his commlink, straining to catch the words. "AD-10, Kyle here. Had to take a detour. Heading to Maz Kanata's castle. Can you hear me?"

There was a moment of silence, then a slight shift in the tunnel seemed to improve the connection just enough. AD-10's voice broke through more clearly, though still tinged with static. "Master Kyle, I read you. Are you safe? Will you make it to the planned rendezvous?"

Kyle felt a surge of relief at the improved connection. "I'm okay, AD-10. Had to change plans. Heading to Maz's castle now. I'll meet you there."

As he spoke, a hushed, almost ghostly whisper echoed through the tunnel, calling his name. "Kyle..."

Kyle froze, his senses immediately on high alert. He turned, looking around the dark passage, trying to locate the source of the eerie voice. His heart pounded in his chest, and the hairs on his neck stood on end. The silence that followed was almost deafening.

"Master Kyle, are you there? What's your location?" AD-10's voice crackled again, snapping Kyle out of his trance.

He shook off the unsettling feeling and focused back on the commlink. "I'm still here, AD-10. I'm in the tunnels leading to Maz's castle. There's something strange going on, but I'm pressing on. I'll meet you there."

AD-10's response was filled with concern. "Understood, Master Kyle. Be careful. I'll be waiting for you at Maz's. AD-10 out."

"Got it."

Kyle clipped the commlink back onto his belt and took a deep breath, steeling himself against the lingering sense of unease. Despite the disturbing whisper and the dark, foreboding tunnel, he knew he had to keep moving. With a final glance at the enigmatic hieroglyphics, Kyle pressed on.

Chapter 16: Wanted


With the help of an unlikely ally Kyle Katarn has managed to evade capture once more. The Reformed Republic, relentless in their pursuit, remains hot on his trail, determined to bring the fugitive Jedi to justice and avoid a new war with the Mandalorians Dominion.

Seeking sanctuary, Kyle makes his way to Maz Kanata's castle, the once-destroyed palace now rebuilt to its former glory. As the Republic closes in, Kyle's search for refuge in this ancient stronghold of lore and legend becomes a desperate race against time…

Chapter Text

As Maz Kanata descended the steps into her newly rebuilt castle, a wide grin spread across her face. The vibrant orange humanoid surveyed the bustling scene below with glee, taking in the sight of her patrons enjoying themselves in the recently furnished bar lounge. The sounds of laughter and chatter filled the air, a stark contrast to the desolation her castle had endured during its reconstruction.

Dressed in fine red robes that flowed with each step she took, Maz made her presence known with a hearty laugh and a warm greeting. "Well, well, well! Look who's back in business!" she exclaimed, her voice booming over the crowd. "Miss me, did you?"

The patrons erupted into cheers and applause, their excitement palpable as they welcomed Maz back with open arms. "Maz! You're back!" one exclaimed, while another shouted, "You look fabulous, Maz!"

Maz chuckled at the enthusiastic reception, raising her hand to quiet the crowd. "Oh, settle down, my friends! You'll make me blush," she joked, a twinkle in her eye. "But as a token of my appreciation for your loyalty and patience, this round of drinks is on the house!"

The announcement was met with a chorus of cheers and grateful murmurs as the patrons eagerly made their way to the bar. Maz watched with satisfaction as her staff sprung into action, serving up drinks with practiced efficiency.

Amidst the revelry, Maz's keen eyes caught sight of two figures entering her bar. Clad in the distinctive uniforms of the Reformed Republic, the two soldiers stood out amidst the eclectic crowd. A furrow formed on Maz's brow as she observed them, a hint of concern flickering in her gaze.

Approaching the soldiers with cautious steps, Maz maintained her composure, though her mind raced with questions. "Well, well, what brings the Republic's finest to my humble establishment?" she inquired, her tone laced with curiosity and a touch of wariness.

"Magistrate, we're on pursuit of a dangerous fugitive," one of the soldiers began, his voice gruff as he produced a holo disc from his pocket. With a press of a button, the holographic image of Kyle Katarn appeared before them, his features stern amid the blue hue of the hologram.

Maz regarded the image with a mixture of curiosity and detachment, studying the face of the man depicted before her. For a few moments, she remained silent, her eyes flicking from the hologram to the soldier standing before her.

Finally, she spoke, her tone casual yet decisive. "Sorry to disappoint, but he hasn't been here," Maz replied, her voice carrying an air of finality. "You're welcome to search the premises if you'd like, but I assure you, you won't find him here."

The soldier exchanged a wary glance with his companion, uncertainty flickering in his eyes. Maz's nonchalant demeanor seemed to catch them off guard, but they remained composed as they processed her response.

The older trooper remained skeptical, his gaze lingering on Maz as if trying to gauge the sincerity of her words. "Forgive me, Magistrate, but your castle has quite the reputation," he remarked, his tone skeptical yet cautious. "It's known as a safe haven for those looking to evade the law."

Maz turned her attention back to the soldiers, her expression unchanged as she addressed their skepticism. "I understand your concerns, but my castle has always been a refuge for the downtrodden," Maz retorted, a hint of indignation creeping into her voice. "Not everyone who seeks sanctuary here is a criminal."

Maz bristled at the insinuation, her demeanor growing more defensive. "My castle may have a colorful history, but I assure you, I run a respectable establishment now," she countered, her voice firm. "And as an honorable magistrate of the Republic, I take my responsibilities seriously."

The second trooper stepped forward, his expression more conciliatory as he attempted to diffuse the tension. "Magistrate, I remember you from my time in the Resistance," he interjected, his tone respectful. "You helped me and many others when we needed it most. If anyone understands the value of friendships in tough times, it's you."

Maz's features softened at the trooper's words, a flicker of gratitude crossing her face. "Thank you for your kind words," she replied, her voice sincere. "You and your companion are more than welcome to have drinks on the house. Consider it a gesture of goodwill."

As the older trooper hesitated, glancing at his companion with a furrowed brow, the younger soldier addressed him, his tone persuasive yet lighthearted. "Come on, Jenkins," he urged. "We're on duty, sure, but if a fugitive like Katarn was trying to hide, he wouldn't come here. Besides, one drink won't hurt, and no one has to know."

Jenkins regarded his younger counterpart with a mixture of exasperation and amusem*nt, clearly torn between duty and the allure of Maz's offer. After a moment of contemplation, he sighed resignedly and relented. "Alright, fine," he conceded, a wry smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "But just one drink, and then we're back on duty, got it Dix!?"

With a nod of agreement, Dix led the way to the bar, his enthusiasm evident as he anticipated the brief respite from their mission. Maz watched them go with a knowing smile.

As the troopers settled in at the bar Maz seized the opportunity to slip away unnoticed. She easily navigated through the bustling crowd, her steps swift and unnoticed as she made her way toward the basem*nt area of her castle.

Descending the worn stone steps, Maz entered the dimly lit corridor that led to the underground chambers. Despite the passage of time, this part of her castle remained virtually untouched by the destruction that had befallen it years ago. It had served as a refuge against countless adversities in the past, and now, it provided sanctuary once more.

Reaching the end of the corridor, Maz paused before a nondescript section of the stone wall. With a deft motion, she pressed on a single block of stone, causing it to slide aside with a soft rumble. A hidden room was revealed, bathed in the warm glow of flickering torches.

Inside, Kyle Katarn sat in the dim light, his expression a mixture of surprise and uncertainty as he blinked against the sudden brightness. Maz regarded him with a brief smile, her eyes crinkling at the corners.

"Looks like you're more popular than you let on," Maz greeted, her voice amusing. "I hope you don't mind the accommodations so far…"

Kyle's gaze darted around the hidden chamber, "I've had worse believe it or not, what's going on?"

Maz stepped forward, tossing a hood to Kyle with a casual flick of her wrist. "Change of plans, my friend," she explained, her voice low but urgent. "You need to leave, and you need to do it now."

Kyle caught the hood with ease, his brow furrowing in confusion. "Leave, why?" he questioned, his mind racing to make sense of Maz's sudden urgency.

Maz met his gaze, her expression serious. "Republic soldiers are here," she revealed, her tone leaving no room for argument. "It's only a matter of time before they find you here. You need to cover yourself up and disappear into the woods."

Kyle's eyes widened in disbelief, "Wouldn't it be better to just wait until nightfall," he inquired, uncertainty apparent in his voice.

Maz shook her head, her tone firm. "Trust me, it's better to leave now while you still have the chance. Once the Republic sends more men, you'll be in real trouble."

Reluctance lingered in Kyle's gaze, but he ultimately nodded in acquiescence. He stood up and with a determined set to his jaw, he pulled the hood over his head, concealing his features from prying eyes.

As Maz watched Kyle prepare to leave, she reached into the folds of her robe and pulled out a small holo disk. "Wait," she said, holding it out to him. "I couldn't find the exact location where the Mandalorians take new foundlings, but I have a contact who may know. Their last coordinates are in here."

Kyle took the disk, his expression one of gratitude mixed with determination. "Thank you, Maz," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "I owe you one."

Maz offered him a reassuring smile, her eyes reflecting a shared understanding. "Just stay safe out there," she replied, her voice a quiet plea. "And when you see Rey, tell her this goes into the Jedi's favor flask, eh?"

With a nod of thanks, Kyle slipped the holo disk into his pocket as he turned and disappeared up the stairs, his movements hurried as he ascended to the castle's upper floor. The echo of his footsteps faded into the distance, leaving Maz alone with her thoughts in the dimly lit chamber below.

"May the force be with you, outcast…"

As he reached the main lounge of Maz's castle, Kyle scanned the bustling crowd from the shadows, his hood still pulled low over his features.

Beings of various species mingled in the hallways and adjacent patios, their conversations blending into a vast array of voices. Bounty hunter types leaned against the bar, their eyes darting around in search of their next target, while droids shuffled past carrying trays of drinks.

Kyle remained on the sidelines, his senses heightened as he kept a watchful eye out for any signs of Republic presence. He knew he couldn't afford to be careless, not when his pursuers could be lurking around any corner.

As a group of card players began to disperse, Kyle saw his opportunity to blend in. With quick steps, he moved closer to the bar, his movements deliberate as he merged seamlessly into the crowd.

Keeping his head low and his hood pulled tight, Kyle made sure not to lock eyes with the patrons around him, careful to avoid drawing attention to himself. He listened intently to the snippets of conversation around him, searching for any hint of Republic activity.

But amidst the revelry and laughter, there was no sign of the soldiers who sought him. Perhaps Maz's diversion had bought him the time he needed to slip away unnoticed.

Taking a moment to collect himself, Kyle allowed himself a silent exhale of relief. He knew he couldn't afford to let his guard down, but for now it seemed he was in the clear.

As Kyle cautiously made his way towards the exit he inadvertently collided with an R-unit carrying a tray of drinks. The droid emitted a series of offended beeps, its photoreceptor flashing with annoyance as Kyle quickly apologized and backed away, hoping to avoid drawing attention.

Before he could slip away unnoticed, a towering Dowutin blocked his path, his massive frame imposing as he loomed over Kyle. With a flourish, the Dowutin uncovered Kyle's hood, revealing his face to the surrounding crowd.

"It is you!" the Dowutin exclaimed in a loud voice, his tone filled with excitement. Kyle's confusion deepened as he struggled to comprehend the sudden attention.

Before he could react, the Dowutin continued, "Ah, but of course, you may not remember me," the Dowutin's voice resonated with pride as he introduced himself. "I am Gruner of the Constancia Council, son of Huron, Bearer of the Lance of Alkida, Champion of- '' Gruner continued to bombastically introduce himself with various other titles that Kyle scarcely registered as his mind raced to make sense of the situation.

Kyle attempted to excuse himself, he interjected, "I'd love to stay and chat, but I really must be going."

Gruner grasped Kyle at his shoulder in a friendly manner, his grip firm but not threatening. "Ah, but you must stay, my friend," Gruner insisted, his voice carrying across the room. "You were the one who freed me and many others from the clutches of that vile crimelord Kord back in Ord Mantell!"

Kyle's eyes widened in alarm as his mind finally made the connection, Gruner meanwhile kept progressively unveiling him in front of everyone. Desperate to escape the spotlight, he attempted to leave once more, only to be thwarted by Gruner's insistence.

"I think you got me mixed up for someone else, I never venture in those parts…" Kyle tried to faint ignorance yet Gruner was not having it.

"But of course you are, my dear liberator, we Dowutin never forget a face," Gruner proclaimed, his voice prideful as he virtually shoved Kyle towards his table. "The Tablets of Honor demand that we share a drink in celebration of your heroic deeds!"

Kyle found himself reluctantly seated at Gruner's table, surrounded by other Dowutins, including a woman of odd appearance who wore a dark leather coif over her head, and striking black makeup, her features sharp and enigmatic. She observed Kyle with keen interest, her expression unreadable as she sat beside a larger Dowutin who regarded Kyle with undisguised scorn.

"Gather round, my esteemed companions!" Gruner announced, gesturing grandly to Kyle. "Allow me to introduce the Great Liberator of Ord Mantell!"

Uncomfortable with the attention and the embellished title, Kyle shifted uneasily in his seat, his discomfort palpable.

As Gruner ordered drinks for the table, one of the Dowutins, a grizzled-looking creature with a noticeable cybernetic on his right eye, turned his attention to Kyle.

"Is it true?" he asked, his tone laced with cynicism. "Did you really take on the Eight Hands by yourself?"

Kyle hesitated, caught off guard by the direct question. Before he could formulate a response, another Dowutin interjected, his voice brimming with loyalty to Gruner.

"Of course he did!" He exclaimed, his tone reverent. "If Gruner says so, then it must be true."

The larger Dowutin sitting beside the enigmatic woman snarled, his expression twisted with contempt.

"Gruner talks a lot of Bantha," he scoffed, his voice dripping with disdain. "Just because he says it doesn't make it so."

Kyle remained silent throughout the exchange, his discomfort growing with each passing moment, his thoughts consumed by the precariousness of his position.

As Gruner returned with several drinks, he distributed them among the table's occupants, including Kyle. With each passing moment, Gruner's storytelling grew more extravagant, painting Kyle as a legendary hero.

"Ah, my friends, let me regale you with tales of our dear liberator's exploits," Gruner proclaimed, his voice loud. "He bested Kord's guns for hire, hundreds of them, and brought down Kord's gunship with nothing but a blaster, freeing the city from that tyrant!"

As Gruner's words echoed through the lounge, more patrons began to take notice, their curiosity piqued by the spectacle unfolding. Meanwhile, the snarling Dowutin across Kyle spat on the floor, his skepticism evident.

"I heard differently," he growled, his voice dripping with doubt. "A mercenary killed Kord by order of the Pykes."

One of the Dowutins chuckled, addressing the snarling one by name, "Grummgar, that doesn't make sense. The Pyke Syndicate hasn't run spice into Ord Mantell for years, not since the Mandalorian War."

As the two Dowutins engaged in argument, Kyle's attention was drawn to the woman with the enigmatic appearance. Despite the commotion around them, she maintained a calm demeanor, her gaze fixed on Kyle with an intensity that sent a shiver down his spine.

Her eyes, yellow and penetrating, seemed to see straight through him. Kyle couldn't help but feel a sense of unease under her scrutiny, a feeling that only intensified as the moments stretched on. All the while the hulking beings at the table continued to argue.

"I saw him from the very cells they held me in, he sliced through them with ease, like a vibroblade through meiloorun!" Gruner said as he took a swig of his drink, slamming the mug onto the table.

As the argument between Gruner and his companion escalated, the woman's gaze never wavered, her expression inscrutable as she continued to watch Kyle with an intensity that bordered on unsettling.

The woman then finally broke her silence, her voice low and inquisitive. "How exactly did you manage that?" she asked, her yellow eyes narrowing slightly. "Cutting through endless waves of thugs? Are you a Jedi, perhaps? Or maybe an Unchained?" A smile formed on her lips as she leaned in, clearly intrigued.

Kyle maintained a neutral expression, avoiding her gaze. "Thank you for the drinks, but I really must be going," he said, rising from his seat.

Before Gruner could protest, a man wearing a mask and bearing dark red armor approached the table, his eyes locked onto Kyle. "Well, well, well," the masked man began, his tone dripping with mockery. "So you're the hero who killed Kord aren't ya."

He finished off his drink and unveiled a holopuck from his pocket, he activated it and a blue hologram casted an eerie glow on the table. Kyle's face appeared on the projection, along with the sign "500,000 credits" prominently displayed at the top.

"This one's an expensive hero," the masked man continued, his voice carrying a hint of menace.

Another bounty hunter emerged from the shadows, this one wearing a helmet with large red insect-like visors and a black tunic with armored pauldrons. "For my client as well," they stated, their voice modulated by the helmet.

Around the lounge, patrons began checking their datapads, brace computers, and holoprojectors, all showing Kyle's face with the enticing bounty attached to it. Murmurs of interest rippled through the crowd as more eyes turned towards Kyle.

Kyle let out a sigh, his Dowutin acquaintances looking around with growing concern. Gruner's expression shifted from pride to worry as he realized the danger they were all in.

The woman with the black makeup, still seated, leaned back slightly, her smile widening as she watched the scene unfold. "It seems you're quite popular," she remarked, her tone amused.

Kyle's mind raced as he assessed the situation. He had no choice but to act. "Gruner," he said, his voice low and urgent, "get your friends out of here. This is about to get messy."

Before Gruner could reply, Kyle stepped away from the table, he steeled himself for what was to come. The masked bounty hunter and his companion closed in, their intentions clear.

"You can still walk away from this, nobody needs to get hurt…" Kyle warned, his voice cold and steady as his hand moved closer to his lightsaber under his hood.

The masked man chuckled, his hand visibly closing into his own weapon. "You think you can take us all on, hero?"

Kyle's response was as direct as it was bold, "Watch me."

The tense standoff seemed ready to reach its peak when the two Republic soldiers suddenly made their presence known right behind Kyle, both with weapons drawn.

"Surrender in the name of the Republic," the younger soldier barked, his blaster trained on Kyle.

The older soldier began to radio in, "We found the fugitive. Requesting immediate backup."

Kyle couldn't help but make a sarcastic comment. "Oh, great, this just keeps getting better."

The masked bounty hunter sneered at the soldiers. "You're not welcome here. This is the Guild's quarry."

The soldiers kept their weapons at the ready, ignoring the bounty hunter's comment. "Stand down," the younger soldier ordered, his voice firm.

The bounty hunters, now joined by several more, raised their weapons in defiance. Suddenly, Gruner and his own group stood up, revealing their weapons. Only Grummgar remained seated, his eyes glinting with interest as he observed the escalating situation. The woman in black makeup watched the scene unfold, a bemused smile on her lips.

Gruner's voice declared loudly through the room. "This man is under the protection of the Constancia Council!"

The Republic soldiers kept ordering everyone to put their weapons down. "Drop your weapons, now!" the older soldier shouted, his voice carrying a note of urgency.

The bounty hunters taunted in response. "You first," one of them said with a sneer.

Gruner stepped forward, his weapon held high. "You'll all fall under my boots before you lay a finger on him!"

The bounty hunters insulted the Dowutins, disregarding their threat. "You're nothing but overgrown brutes," one of them spat.

Kyle looked around, assessing the situation. Bounty hunters on one side, the Republic on the other, and him and his unexpected allies caught in the middle. He knew this wouldn't end well. He decided to make a wild play.

"Everyone, hold on," Kyle said loudly, drawing all eyes to him. "We're all a bit tense given the circ*mstances. How about we lower our weapons, enjoy some drinks, and go home safe and sound?"

The tension in the room was palpable, everyone on edge. The sound of incoming ships outside made it even worse. One of the bounty hunters glanced towards the windows as shadows of what seemed to be starships seeped through. "It's the Republic," he said, his voice filled with alarm.

Suddenly, a blaster fired. Chaos erupted as everyone began shooting. The lounge turned into a battlefield, with blaster bolts flying in every direction. Kyle moved swiftly, his lightsaber igniting with a snap-hiss as he deflected shots aimed at him.

Gruner and his Dowutin companions engaged the bounty hunters, their massive frames making them formidable opponents. The Republic soldiers fought back, trying to maintain some semblance of order but quickly getting overwhelmed by the sheer number of combatants, they took cover behind a pillar.

Kyle fought his way towards the exit, knowing that staying in the lounge was a death sentence. A bounty hunter stood in his way, firing bolts of blaster fire. Kyle's lightsaber moved in a blur, deflecting the bolts back toward the hunter. The crimson and blue bolts ricocheted off the walls.

Kyle charged, ready to attack. The bounty hunter, a hulking figure with a scarred face and a cybernetic arm, roared in defiance. He drew a vibroblade from his belt, the weapon humming with lethal energy. As Kyle closed the distance, the hunter swung the blade in a wide arc. Kyle ducked, the blade slicing through the air just above his head.

With a swift upward motion, Kyle parried the vibroblade and pushed the hunter back. The bounty hunter staggered but recovered quickly, lunging forward with a series of rapid thrusts. Kyle danced around the attacks, his lightsaber deflecting each strike with effortless grace.

"You're not getting out of here alive, Jedi!" the hunter shouted, his voice dripping with rage.

Kyle didn't respond. Instead, he shifted his weight and spun to the side, bringing his lightsaber down in a powerful slash. The hunter blocked the blow with his vibroblade, the two weapons clashing in a shower of sparks. For a moment, they were locked in a test of strength, the hunter's brute force against Kyle's finesse and precision.

Kyle could feel the hunter's strength pushing against him, but he remained focused. With a sudden twist, he disengaged and spun around, bringing his lightsaber in a low arc that sliced cleanly through the bounty hunter's cybernetic leg. The hunter screamed in pain and fell to the ground, his vibroblade clattering away from his grasp.

Kyle stepped forward, his lightsaber poised for a final strike. The hunter looked up, fear and hatred in his eyes. "Do it," he spat.

Kyle hesitated for a brief moment, then deactivated his lightsaber. "Not today," he said quietly, turning away from the fallen hunter.

As he continued to make his way to the exit, the woman with dark makeup moved through the chaos with surprising agility, her eyes never leaving Kyle. She navigated the room with ease, slipping past brawling patrons and dodging stray blaster bolts, her movements almost as fluid and deliberate as Kyle's own.

In the midst of the chaos, Kyle spotted her again, her presence a curious constant. But he didn't have time to ponder her intentions.

As Kyle reached the door, he glanced back to see Gruner and his friends holding their own against the bounty hunters, providing him with a chance to escape. "Thank you!" he shouted to Gruner, who gave him a quick nod before returning to the fight, grabbing a pursuing bounty hunter by the head and slamming him into the wall.

Kyle dashed outside, narrowly avoiding a blaster bolt that scorched the doorframe. The incoming ships had begun to land on the pads near the entrance.

Kyle knew he had to get off the planet, and fast. He sprinted towards the courtyard right outside the palace entrance, his mind racing with plans for escape. Behind him, the sounds of battle raged on, but he couldn't afford to look back. Every second counted, and Kyle was determined to survive.

The incoming ships were just landing on the pads outside the castle. Kyle rushed to the courtyard outside the castle entrance, frantically trying to find a way to escape. Various speeders were parked outside, and he quickly scanned the area for a viable option.

As he was considering his next move, the woman with the black makeup appeared beside him, moving with a grace that belied the chaos inside. "You have quite the knack for causing trouble," she said with a sly smile.

Kyle's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Who are you?"

"Someone who finds you very interesting," she replied cryptically. She held out a keylink. "Take this."

Kyle hesitated, suspicion evident in his eyes. "Why should I trust you?"

The woman shrugged. "You don't have much choice unless you want to spend the rest of your days in a Republic prison..."

Kyle glanced around at the landing pads and the approaching soldiers, then back at the woman. He snatched the keylink from her hand. "Fine."

She pointed to one of the speeders. "That one. It's fast enough to get you out of here."

Kyle hopped onto the speeder, and as he started it up, he glanced back at her. "Thank you... what's your name?"

She didn't reply, merely waving him goodbye with her fingers and a wink. "Good luck, troublemaker."

Without a second thought, Kyle revved the engine and sped off. As he zoomed away, Republic soldiers rushed down from the landing pads, a few of them firing blasters in his direction. One of the officers approached the woman, concern etched on his face.

"Are you okay miss?" he asked, looking her over for injuries.

She pretended to be scared, her eyes wide. "Bazine, name's Bazine… It's chaos inside! They're tearing the place apart."

The officer nodded and ordered two troopers to pursue Kyle, "You two, after him! Don't let him get away."

The troopers obeyed, quickly hacking the controls of a couple of speeders and taking off after Kyle. Soldiers continued to rush into the castle to subdue the situation inside.

As Bazine watched the speeders fade into the distance, she pulled a communicator from within her sleeve. "I've got someone you may find of interest…" she said into the device, her voice calm and confident amidst the pandemonium.

As Kyle sped through the dense forest, the trees blurring into a green-brown mosaic around him, he activated his commlink. "AD, come in. I need you."

There was a brief crackle of static before a polished, slightly sardonic voice replied. "Master Kyle, I am here. What seems to be the problem this time?"

Kyle swerved to avoid a low-hanging branch. "There's been a change in plans. Again."

AD's voice carried a hint of dry amusem*nt. "That often seems to be the case with you, Master Kyle."

Kyle couldn't help but chuckle despite the situation. "Yeah, I can't argue with that. Listen, I need you to get the ship ready and pick me up at my coordinates. I'm riding a speeder, so I need a quick extraction."

"Understood, Master. I will prepare the ship for departure immediately. Are you being followed?"

Kyle glanced behind him, seeing nothing but the forest. "I don't think so—"

His words were cut off by the unmistakable sound of speeder bikes roaring through the trees behind him. He cursed under his breath. "Oh, great. Just get the ship moving, AD."

"Of course, Master Kyle. I am en route. Estimated arrival time: seven minutes. Please try not to get yourself captured or killed in the meantime."

Kyle grinned despite the tension, pushing the speeder to its limits as the forest sped past in a blur. "I'll do my best. See you soon, AD."

"Indeed, Master. Good luck," AD replied, the commlink cutting off with a final click.

Kyle focused on navigating the increasingly narrow path, the speeder bikes' blaring engines growing louder behind him. He knew he had to buy himself enough time until AD arrived. The chase was on.

The once serene ambiance of the Jedi Temple's main entrance hall had been transformed into a bustling command center. Various computers, terminals, and datapads were set up, with Republic technicians and soldiers attending to the equipment. The once peaceful refuge of the Force had been appropriated for what was by all measures a military operation. Not a single Jedi dwelled in this impromptu headquarters, all simply watching from afar or minding their own tasks.

At the very center of the hall Okul and Halcyon stood around a holo table, a topographic display of the region projected above it. Static frequently cut through the image, the temple's thick stone walls tampering with the connection.

"This tunnel Kyle escaped through," Okul began, pointing to a section of the map, "it doesn't show up in any of the Old Republic's records. We don't know where it leads, and the entrance was blocked pretty tight, it would take machinery and time we do not have to clear it up. The structures around it are definitely Jedi-made, but we've been scouring through the Temple's own archives and haven't found anything yet."

Halcyon frowned, his gaze fixed on the flickering hologram. "Has Master Serni given you any trouble?" he asked, almost as if he expected it.

Okul shook his head. "Besides a nasty look here and there, she hasn't impeded us."

Halcyon seemed deep in thought for a moment. Okul continued, "We only have so many men, so we've dispatched scouting pairs to the local vicinities."

"Which locations?" Halcyon inquired.

Okul listed them off. "We've got teams at the Plenor Forest, the old Senoth ruins, Draymar Fields, and Maz Kanata's rebuilt castle, among others."

Halcyon's eyebrows raised slightly at the mention of Maz Kanata. "Maz Kanata, isn't she the sector magistrate?"

"Yes," Okul confirmed. "But her castle was recently rebuilt."

Halcyon nodded, then switched to a more delicate topic, "What of the accomplice, Sela? How's the progress with questioning her?"

Okul's expression softened a bit as he thought of how to word his next statement, "We haven't been able to make her talk. She's been resilient."

"Perhaps the Jedi could assist with this," Halcyon mused, his tone contemplative.

Okul quickly expressed his opposition to the idea, "I'm not sure that's a good idea Captain."

Halcyon, however, seemed to consider it seriously. "It's worth thinking about," he said, more to himself than to Okul. "If we can't get answers by conventional means, we might need to explore other options."

Okul sighed. "Let's just hope it doesn't come to that. We're already walking a fine line here."

Halcyon nodded, his eyes still on the holographic map. As he gazed at the holographic map, he felt the weight of the galaxy's fate pressing down on him, he didn't show it but his sense of anguish was within him. The peace they had worked so hard to maintain was at stake. If they failed to capture Kyle, the delicate balance could tip into chaos. He knew the Jedi were upset over his seemingly derisive approach, but his options were limited. He hoped the Jedi could truly live up to their supposed role as keepers of peace, even as their relationship with the Republic grew strained.

Okul, standing beside him, harbored a more cynical view. He wasn't fully convinced of the supposed deal between the Republic and the Mandalorian Dominion. He had fought the Mandalorians before, alongside the Jedi no less, and he knew they were brutal and unforgiving. The thought of another war haunted him, and he feared his actions might inadvertently spark it. Yet, deep down, he suspected the conflict had already begun.

As Okul and Halcyon continued their analysis of the situation, their attention was drawn by a technician calling out to them. "Sir, we've received a transmission from Scouting Pair 4 at Maz Kanata's castle!"

The two officers approached the technician in a hurry, concern apparent in their faces. The transmission crackled with static before a voice came through, urgent and strained. "We found the fugitive. Requesting immediate backup."

Okul's eyes narrowed as he listened. "Has the response force been deployed?" he asked.

The technician nodded. "Yes, sir. Echo Squad was already in the skies and is approaching the site now."

The sounds of blaster fire could be heard from the live transmission, the chaos evident. Without hesitation, Okul grabbed his blaster and began hurrying to the exit, several troopers falling in behind him.

"Hold the line until we arrive!" Okul ordered into his own commlink, his voice firm. "We're on our way."

Halcyon remained pensive, his mind racing with the implications of the situation. He called over a nearby trooper, who approached immediately with a crisp "Yes, sir."

"Find Master Jan and bring him here," Halcyon instructed. The trooper saluted and rushed off to carry out the order.

As Okul and his troopers exited the hall a pair of eyes observed from afar, hidden within the darkened corners of the temple. Jacen Syndulla's gaze was deep, calculating, as he watched the unfolding events with interest. Shadows played across his features, he backed away seemingly satisfied with what he had seen so far.

Kyle sped through the dense forest on his speeder bike, the roar of the engine echoing through the trees. The Republic troopers were hot on his trail, their own bikes weaving through the underbrush in relentless pursuit. As branches and leaves whipped past him, Kyle muttered to himself, "Just need to keep them far for seven minutes. Simple."

Behind him, one of the troopers spoke over his radio, his voice crackling. "This is Corporal Juhan to command. Private Kiks and I are in pursuit of the fugitive."

"Copy that, keep eyes on him, reinforcements are on the way…" came the reply from command, barely audible over the wind rushing past Juhan's ears.

Private Kiks chimed in, his voice tense with determination. "Juhan, a ridge is coming up, I'll go up and cut him off, you keep on him!"

"Copy that, Kiks," Juhan replied, his bike staying on Kyle's trail.

Meanwhile, Kyle glanced over his shoulder, catching a glimpse of one of the troopers veering off while the other stayed directly behind him. The dense forest loomed ahead, the trees a blur as he pushed the bike faster. "Alright, let's see what this ride can do," Kyle muttered, pressing down hard on the accelerator.

Juhan maintained his pursuit, the gap between them closing just slightly. The speeders zoomed through the forest at breakneck speed, the hum of their engines mingling with the rustle of leaves and the distant calls of forest creatures.

As Kyle rounded a bend, he saw a down path ahead with a fast-moving silhouette emerging from the trees. The trooper who had veered off was closing in, likely aiming to intercept him. Kyle's eyes darted around, searching for any advantage. He spotted a narrow, overgrown path branching off to the left, barely visible through the thick underbrush.

Taking a calculated risk, Kyle swerved sharply onto the path, the bike skidding slightly as it adjusted to the new trajectory. Behind him, Juhan cursed under his breath but followed, determined not to lose his target. The path was narrower and more treacherous, leading into a crevice that seemed to have not been passed through for years. Kyle's agility allowed him to navigate it with precision, avoiding some dangerously close calls.

Kiks, meanwhile, had descended rapidly back onto the main path, only to find neither Kyle nor Juhan on it.

"Kiks, you there?" Juhan's voice crackled through the radio.

"Juhan, where the hell are you?" Kiks replied, frustration evident in his tone.

"He veered off into a crevice to the right. I'm still on him!" Juhan's voice struggled through the interference.

Kiks slammed his fist on his bike's hull, frustrated. "Blast it! I'll head back and try to catch up!"

"Got it!" Juhan responded, focusing on the chase as the path began to converge into what seemed to be some kind of stone quarry. A small lake lay at the center, surrounded by abandoned machinery and rubble. Kyle pushed the speeder to its limits, the bike responding with a surge of power as he sped up, narrowly avoiding the debris strewn across the ground.

Juhan's bike roared behind him, the sound of the pursuit echoing off the quarry walls. Kyle's heart pounded as he weaved through the obstacles, the narrow path demanding every ounce of his concentration. Above the quarry at the very cliffs, Kiks tried to regain sight of them, his bike speeding along the ridge in a desperate attempt to rejoin the chase.

As Kyle raced along the edge of the quarry, the shimmering water below added to the peril. The abandoned machinery loomed like ancient sentinels, their rusted and decaying shells adorning the paths ahead. The quarry's terrain was also unforgiving, but Kyle's quick reflexes kept him just ahead of Juhan, who seemed to struggle to keep up with the Jedi.

"Juhan, I'm almost back in position," Kiks reported, his voice tense.

"Stay sharp, he's fast," Juhan warned, his sight focused as he tried to close the gap.

Kyle's mind raced as he sought a way out of this high-speed cat-and-mouse game. An idea sprang to mind as he noticed the scattered machinery. A rusted-out crane loomed ahead, and Kyle seized the opportunity. He lowered his speed, allowing Juhan to close in.

Juhan's voice crackled over the radio. "Kiks, it looks like his speeder is out of juice," he said, preparing to raise his blaster.

Kyle suddenly extended his hand, and the large crane arm creaked and twisted. The metallic beam slammed onto Juhan's bike, causing it to wreck and sending him tumbling sharply onto the ground. Kyle stopped for a moment, concern evident on his face—he did not want to harm Republic soldiers.

Before he could check on the trooper, blaster bolts flew down the path as Kiks descended, his blaster firing rapidly towards Kyle. The Jedi quickly accelerated forward instead of trying to flee. Kyle and Kiks now headed straight for each other, Kiks still firing while Kyle veered his speeder to the sides, avoiding each shot. As they were about to collide, Kyle unveiled his lightsaber, the blue beam of energy cutting through the front of Kiks' bike with ease.

Kiks dropped onto the ground, his bike cut in half and bursting into flames, he was alive but in visible pain. He tried to rise but couldn't move his arm, he panicked, crawling on the ground in pain. Kyle stopped his bike, descending from it with his lightsaber still ignited.

Kiks' heart raced as he desperately searched the ground with his one functioning hand, his breaths coming in ragged, panicked bursts. The fugitive Jedi advanced toward him, the smoke from the burning bike cloaking his figure in an ominous shroud. The eerie blue glow of Kyle's lightsaber pierced through the haze, casting a cold, ghostly light on Kiks' terrified face.

As Kyle walked closer, his silhouette loomed larger, the crackling hum of his lightsaber the only sound cutting through the thick smoke. Kiks' trembling hand finally closed around his blaster pistol. With a shaky grip, he aimed at the approaching figure and squeezed the trigger.

Blaster bolts shot through the air, their red streaks slicing through the smoke, but Kyle deflected each one with effortless precision. The bolts ricocheted off the blade, leaving glowing trails that briefly illuminated Kyle's stern expression. Kiks' panic grew with each blocked shot, his fear mounting as the rogue Jedi seemed unstoppable.

In a desperate move, Kiks fired again, but with a mere flick of his wrist, Kyle wrenched the blaster from his grip, the weapon flying through the air to land in Kyle's outstretched hand. The rogue Jedi continued his advance, the blaster now held alongside his ignited lightsaber.

Kiks' mind raced, each step Kyle took feeling like an eternity. The smoke and shadows played tricks on Kiks' eyes, making Kyle seem larger, more imposing—a vengeful wraith come to claim his life.

As Kyle finally stood over him, Kiks' heart pounded so loudly he could barely hear the crackle of the burning wreckage. The Jedi's eyes bore into him, and for a moment, Kiks was sure this was the end. He closed his eyes, bracing for the inevitable.

And yet instead of the searing pain of a lightsaber strike, Kiks heard the hum of the blade deactivating and the sound of his would-be killer kneeling down before him. He dared to open his eyes and saw Kyle holding out a pair of stim packs, their green glow a respite from the fear that had flooded the trooper.

"Here, take this," Kyle said, his voice calm.

Kiks' bloodied face was a mask of confusion and doubt, his eyes flicking between the stim packs and the fugitive Jedi. The sincerity in Kyle's voice was bewildering, almost unbelievable.

Kyle left the stims at the trooper's side. "Patch yourself up and then help your friend."

With that, Kyle turned around and got back on his speeder, speeding off from the quarry. Kiks watched him go, the fear slowly ebbing away as he grabbed the stim packs, his mind reeling from the encounter unsure what to make of it in the moment.

Halcyon stood at the holo table, his face etched with worry as he watched the chaos unfolding at Maz Kanata's castle. The topographic display showed flashing red markers indicating active skirmishes, and the frantic radio chatter only amplified the tension in the room. Every minute that passed felt endless to him.

One of the radio technicians broke through the din, his voice strained. "Sir, we've got an unidentified vessel approaching the vicinity near a quarry within the Plenor forest. We've also lost contact with Corporal Juhan and Private Kiks."

Halcyon's frustration was palpable. He clenched his fists, eyes narrowing, "Where are the X-Wings?"

"They're just a minute out, sir," the technician replied, his fingers flying over the console.

Halcyon slammed his hand on the holo table, the display flickering momentarily. "I want that ship brought down. Katarn is not leaving this planet. Do whatever it takes."

The room fell silent for a moment, the weight of Halcyon's words sinking in. The technician's hands moved swiftly over consoles as he related the captain's order.

"Amber Squadron, unidentified ship tagged, order to bring down, I repeat bring down!"

Halcyon took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. The stakes were high, and only getting higher.

He turned to another soldier nearby. "Where is Master Jan?"

The soldier snapped to attention. "I'll find her immediately, sir."

Lost in thought, Halcyon couldn't shake the feeling of dread within him, a cold sweat dripping down his brow.

As Kyle sped onto the cargo elevator of the Barloz freighter, the deactivating whirring of the speeder bike mixed with the creaking metal of the lift. The lift ascended, Kyle scanned the familiar interior of the ship. The freighter's metallic hull, though worn and weathered, was a sight he didn't think he'd miss so much until now.

His commlink crackled to life, and AD's voice came through, filled with a mechanical warmth. "Master Kyle, it's a relief to have you back on board."

Kyle dismounted the speeder bike, patting it absently as he stepped off. "Thanks, AD. I hope you didn't get into too much trouble while I was gone."

The cargo elevator sealed up and Kyle walked into the bay, his footsteps echoing against the steel floor. AD's voice continued over the commlink. "Many things did occur in your absence, Master Kyle. After Ajan Kloss, I took extensive measures to locate you and Polina, to no avail. It was quite challenging, and I also had to address multiple issues with the ship—"

In that moment Kyle entered the co*ckpit, cutting AD off mid-sentence. "I didn't mean I wanted to hear it now, AD."

The droid, seated in the pilot's chair, turned its head, its optical sensors focusing on Kyle. "Understood, Master Kyle. Shall we prepare for immediate takeoff?"

Kyle nodded, glancing out the co*ckpit windows at the quarry below. "Yes, get us out of here. The Republic's hot on our tail."

AD's mechanical hands moved swiftly over the controls, the ship's engines humming to life. "Any destination in mind, Master?"

"Do you still have the coordinates we found back in Ajan Kloss for Ahch-To?"

AD swiveled in the pilot's chair, looking into the nav computer before he replied, "I do, Master Kyle. Ahch-To is not far from our current location, but it is still quite a trek, I would recommend stopping by a resting outpost, perhaps the Bakura system."

Before Kyle could respond, the ship trembled violently, alarms blaring and scanners beeping frantically. The co*ckpit's displays showed incoming fire. "No time to argue, AD. Make the jump to Ahch-To!"

AD's hands moved swiftly over the controls, the ship's engines roaring to life. "This is a risky decision, Master Kyle."

Kyle strapped himself into the co-pilot's seat, his eyes scanning the displays. "I'm an expert in that," he said, glancing at the sensor readout. "Looks like we've got X-Wings on our tail, and they're circling around for another attack."

The freighter shook again as another volley of laser fire struck its shields.

"With those X-Wings still on our trail, we may not be able to make it to orbit," AD stated, the droid's voice tinged with unusual concern.

Kyle hesitated for a moment before making his way to the weapons console. "I'll try to drive them off, at least until you can make the jump. Get us prepped for orbit."

"That would be desirable, Master Kyle," AD replied as he continued to prepare the ship for the jump to hyperspace.

Kyle manned the side turrets, his hands holding firmly over the controls. He fired sporadically, aiming to scare the X-Wings rather than hit them. The blue bolts of energy zipped past the agile fighters, but the X-Wings remained undeterred, continuing their relentless assault.

The ship shook again under another hit. "If this keeps up, we'll be back on the ground, but not in a good way," AD warned.

Kyle's mind raced. He didn't want to shoot down Republic ships, but he needed to buy them some time. An idea sprang up. "AD, activate the Netro-Boosters."

AD paused for a moment, his processors whirring. "Master Kyle, using the Netro-Boosters in the atmosphere could create a shortwave electromagnetic pulse, other ships including our own could deactivate."

"We'll have to risk it," Kyle replied, moving back to the co-pilot's seat. "Get ready to punch it."

As the X-Wings lined up for another attack run, Kyle's fingers hovered over the controls. "Now, AD!"

The Netro-Boosters activated with a powerful thump, a sudden burst of energy propelling the freighter forward at an incredible speed. The ship rocketed up into the atmosphere, leaving the X-Wings momentarily disoriented by the sudden electromagnetic pulse.

Kyle and AD braced themselves as the freighter hurtled toward the edge of space. The stars began to stretch into streaks of light as AD finally activated the hyperspace drive. The ship jumped into the swirling blue tunnel of hyperspace, leaving their pursuers behind.

It was only then that Kyle let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding, the tension in his muscles slowly easing.

AD's voice broke the silence. "Jump to Ahch-To confirmed, Master Kyle. Systems are surprisingly optimal given the circ*mstances."

Kyle nodded, his mind taking a break from it all.

"Hopefully Ahch-To can offer some respite, we'll need it if we're going to rescue Polina…"

The droid tilted its head, its photoreceptors focusing on Kyle. "Pardon me, Master Kyle, is young Polina not with us?"

Kyle looked at AD, his eyes tired and filled with a deep-seated melancholy. The weight of it all truly seeped in, every decision and failure etched into his weary expression.

"No, AD… not anymore…" he said, his voice heavy with regret.

Chapter 17: Twin Suns


Freedom at last. Jedi outcast Kyle Katarn finds himself a moment of rest as he and his droid companion, AD-10 have managed to escape from the Reformed Republic. However, with the Republic, Bounty Hunter Guild, and the Jedi still pursuing them Kyle and AD-10 venture to the enigmatic and isolated world of Ahch-To to regroup and devise a plan for Polina's rescue from the grass of the Mandalorian Dominion. Yet this mysterious far-off planet may carry more than meets the eye…

Chapter Text

The blue haze of hyperspace bathed the co*ckpit of the Barloz freighter in an ethereal glow as the ship glided smoothly. In the co-pilot's seat, Kyle lay slumbering, exhausted from his harrowing escape from Takodana had gotten the better of him. The fleeting tranquility of hyperspace offered a rare respite, yet his rest was anything but peaceful. His closed eyelids fluttered rapidly, and his murmurs filled the empty co*ckpit.

"Jan… P-Polina… the girl, find the…" sporadic words lingered in the air as Kyle tossed and turned in his seat.

Within his mind, Kyle was plunged into a chaotic abyss of fragmented thoughts. Disembodied voices echoed through his consciousness, and haunting memories of failure invaded him. He saw Polina's terrified eyes as the Mandalorians dragged her away, her fingertips slipping from his grasp by a hair's breadth. The encounters with Rey and her new Jedi Order, their relentless pursuit, the myriad close calls he had barely survived—all of it swirling in his mind, leaving him adrift in a galaxy that seemed ever more confounding. His dreams offered no solace, only deeper perplexity.

Kyle's eyes snapped open, the suddenness of his awakening jarring his senses. He found himself lying on a stony, moist floor, a chill seeping through his clothes. The sound of waves crashing against a rocky reef filled his hearing, it mingled with the steady rain falling upon his head. Disoriented, he pushed himself up and glanced around, his mind struggling to grasp his new surroundings.

The sky above was nothing but deep gray clouds, a storm casting a colorless palette over the landscape. Kyle's breath came in shallow gasps as he took in the scene—the rugged coastline, the relentless sea, and the cold rain soaking him to the bone. He couldn't fathom how he had ended up here, on this desolate shore.

Suddenly, a tingling sensation crept up his spine, an unmistakable warning from the Force. Turning his head, he saw a darkened, gaping hole in the rocky ground, its entrance leading into an abyss of shadow. The void seemed to beckon him, drawing his gaze into its depths. Kyle stared at it for a long moment, an inexplicable pull urging him to step closer.


Suddenly, he heard a voice call out his name, clear and familiar, cutting through the roar of the storm. He spun around, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Kyle, Master Kyle!"

Kyle's eyes flew open, the vision of the stormy shore dissolving into the familiar interior of the co*ckpit. AD-10 hovered beside him, the droid's photoreceptors glowing softly.

"Master Kyle, are you alright? You've been thrashing in your sleep," the droid said, concern evident in its mechanical voice.

Kyle took a deep breath, reality slowly settling back in "Yeah, AD, I'm... I'm fine. Just a dream."

He glanced out the viewport at the swirling blue of hyperspace, still trying to make sense of it all but nevertheless brushing it aside.

"Just a bad dream."

AD-10 seemed momentarily unsure of his master's state, the droid's sensors whirring slightly as he assessed Kyle. However, he didn't linger on the matter, "We are poised to arrive at Ahch-To shortly, Master Kyle."

Kyle readjusted himself in the co-pilot's seat, still trying to fully reawake. He rubbed his eyes and stretched, his muscles stiff from the uneasy rest, "Alright, AD. Let's get ready for the approach."

AD-10 took his place in the pilot's seat, the droid's mechanical hands moving fluidly over the control panel. With a few precise button presses, the droid initiated the sequence to bring the ship out of hyperspace. As the terminal lights flickered in response, AD-10 turned its head slightly towards Kyle.

"Master Kyle, if I may inquire... have these dreams been prevalent?"

Kyle hesitated for a moment, staring at the droid's illuminated eyes, "Yeah, AD. They've been happening on and off for a while. But something's changed ever since... well, ever since Polina was taken."

"How do you mean Master Kyle?" The droid questioned.

"Well, before Ajan Kloss I would have these visions, haunting me, trying to break my mind… dark side attacks if I had to guess," Kyle paused, his gaze a reminiscing one, "But now they're a lot more… strange, as if they're trying to guide me to something, I don't know what it is."

Kyle sighed, his words lingered as he seemed ever more uncertain of himself, part of him thought he was losing his mind, "I don't know what to make of them. They feel more like warnings than just nightmares."

AD-10's sensors focused on its master's troubled expression, "I see, Master Kyle. And if I may ask, what is it that you seek in Ahch-To, do you perhaps believe it may hold answers to your turmoil?"

Kyle eyed the droid silently, unsure of what to answer, "For now we just need to recoup and by the looks of it Ahch-To is the best option for us given the circ*mstances."

AD-10's sensors whirred softly as he refocused back to the ship controls, "Perhaps you are right, Master Kyle, let's just hope we don't have any more unfortunate encounters."

"Hope's all we got…" Kyle retorted.

As if on cue, the ship shuddered slightly, signaling their imminent exit from hyperspace. Kyle adjusted himself in his seat, eyes fixed on the front windowscreen ahead. The swirling blue tunnel of hyperspace elongated and then snapped back to normal space, revealing the massive visage of Ahch-To.

The planet's surface was a tumultuous tapestry of stormy cyclones along vast areas of deep blue ocean. Thunderheads loomed ominously over the waters, their swirling masses punctuated by occasional flashes of lightning. Kyle gazed at the scene with a mix of intrigue and apprehension.

"Initiating planetary approach," AD-10 announced, its mechanical voice steady as it began a detailed readout. Kyle for his part continued to eye the planet carefully, almost as if trying to deduce something of it.

"Ahch-To's atmosphere is currently experiencing significant meteorological activity," AD-10's mechanical voice informed, "High winds, heavy rainfall, and potential lightning strikes are prevalent at the moment. Oceanic turbulence is also considerable. Scanning for a suitable landing site."

Kyle nodded, still absorbing the sight before him, "Back on Ajan Kloss, I found a hologram of Rey. She was assembling potential apprentices here, so there has to be some kind of outpost or "

AD-10 processed this new information, then voiced a concern, "Master Kyle, if the Jedi are after you, why come to a planet that may be occupied by them?"

Kyle considered this for a moment, then replied, "I don't think they're here anymore. If they were, they would've taken me here in the first place."

As the ship kept floating through the void the sensors beeped with a new discovery, "Master Kyle, the sensors detected a small island with a series of stone structures. It matches the parameters of a possible settlement."

"That's our target then, take us in AD," Kyle said, determination in his voice.

The events of the past few days had plunged the temple into chaos. Kyle's escape seemed to continue driving a significant wedge between the Jedi Order and the Reformed Republic.

Jan Ors strolled through the corridors, her steps composed as her eyes scanned everything around her. She passed rows of Republic troopers and fellow Jedi, both sides kept away from each other as it seemed they were all on edge from the escalating situation. Despite her outward calm, Jan couldn't shake the memory of Kyle, the fierce defense Sela had mounted for him. It had caught her attention, a curiosity over just what Katarn could have done to turn Sela to his side bedeviled her, though she kept it well concealed.

As Jan approached the council chamber, she could sense the tension within. Taking a deep breath, she pushed open the large doors and stepped inside. The room was a hive of strained discussions and wary glances. On one side stood Captain Halcyon and Lieutenant Okul, their military stances rigid and alert. Opposite them, Rey Skywalker and her fellow Jedi Masters, Jacen Syndulla and Lira Serni, held their ground. In the center of the room, a holographic display projected a lone figure, their image flickering slightly.

Jan's entrance drew the attention of everyone present. She nodded respectfully to both sides, then turned to the hologram.

"Master Ors," General Poe Dameron greeted her. "Thank you for joining us."

Jan nodded, stepping closer to the seats where her fellow Jedi were at, "Of course, General Dameron."

As Jan took her spot, Poe continued, "As Halcyon was explaining, our X-Wings were unable to catch Kyle before he left the planet aboard a modified ship." He turned to Rey and asked, "Do you have any input on how Kyle obtained such a ship?"

Rey seemed surprised at the question. "Whatever ship assisted Kyle was not one of ours. Halcyon made sure our docking bay was under lockdown..."

Poe seemed to backtrack slightly, "Regardless, we can't exactly rule out that Kyle received help from within the temple, especially given that, according to Lieutenant Okul, one of your knights helped Kyle escape."

Okul nodded in confirmation, his gaze briefly switching to Jan before going back to Poe. "Sela has been unwilling to talk so far, we're still holding her separately from the temple."

Poe crossed his arms and stated more plainly, "This suggests the whole Order could be compromised. Everyone at the temple should be questioned."

Jacen stepped forward, clearly against this idea, "The rogue actions of a single misguided Jedi do not taint the integrity of the Order as a whole. It could've very well been the Unchained that helped Kyle escape."

Halcyon interjected, his tone almost dismissive, "The Unchained were a splinter off the Jedi, were they not?"

Jacen remained silent, his expression stern, as he faced Halcyon.

Rey stepped in before Jacen and Halcyon could continue their back-and-forth, her voice calm but firm, "Everyone, let's take a moment. We're supposed to be working together, not against each other." She turned to Poe. "There aren't that many places Kyle could go, given that he's one of the most wanted by the Guild."

Poe shook his head, contesting her point, "There are still plenty of systems outside both the Republic and the Dominion where he could hide, especially since the Corellian Bloc separated from the Republic."

Lira Serni interjected, her tone thoughtful, "It's improbable that Kyle would venture into the core worlds. He doesn't seem to be aware of much in terms of galactic politics, so that may be irrelevant to him."

"We should deploy probes across the outer rim. If we can't spare the men, then at least the droids can help detect any sign of him," Halcyon suggested.

While the debate continued, Jan remained silent, her thoughts dwelling on Kyle's possible goals. She wondered what his next move would be and how they could possibly anticipate it. The room was filled with voices, but her mind was elsewhere, focused on the image of Kyle and the lingering question of what could drive a Jedi to such lengths.

Jacen spoke up, his voice concerned, "Kyle remaining on the loose makes a Mandalorian reprisal imminent. If that happens, any search may be superfluous."

At the mention of the Mandalorians, Jan's eyes widened as a realization struck her. Before anyone else could speak, she raised her head from her thoughts, "Kyle is going to try and rescue Polina."

Poe, clearly confused, asked, "Who is Polina?"

Rey answered, "Polina is a child, one that Kyle has taken on as his apprentice. According to him, the Mandalorians took her during the incident on Ajan Kloss."

Jacen looked skeptical, "The Dominion is the last place Kyle would want to go. He's essentially public enemy number one to them."

Jan shook her head "That didn't stop him back on Ajan Kloss. As Serni said, Kyle cares little for politics. He's likely planning to infiltrate Dominion space."

Everyone in the room took this into consideration, the weight of the revelation settling over them. Rey turned to Poe, her voice firm, "Has the Dominion been notified about any of this, General?"

Poe hesitated, glancing around the room before responding, "Grandmaster, we need to talk in private."

Rey nodded, "Everyone, please leave the room," Rey ordered with a calm voice.

"Captain Halcyon, Lieutenant Okul, that includes you as well," Poe added.

The room emptied, and Poe's holographic display remained, flickering slightly as the chamber doors closed, leaving Rey and Poe alone.

Rey took a deep breath, focusing on Poe, "Now, General, what's the real situation with the Dominion?"

Poe seemed hesitant to talk, something clearly gnawing at him. Rey, dropping formalities, addressed him more directly, "Poe, something's clearly bothering you. Just tell me."

Poe finally spoke, his tone worried. "I spoke with the Chancellor. Things are not looking good."

Rey frowned, leaning forward slightly, "What does that mean?"

Poe sighed, his holographic form flickering. "If we can't find Katarn and push comes to shove with the Mandalorians, the Chancellor has instructed me to cut off all Republic support to the Order. The Jedi will stand on their own against any Mandalorian attack."

Rey took this in, visibly taken aback but doing her best to conceal it, "Even after everything, the Republic is that quick to abandon us if it means their own survival? Nothing the Jedi did during the war matters?"

Poe shook his head, a look of sadness in his eyes "This is out of my hands, Rey. The Chancellor's decision is final."

Rey leaned back, her expression hardening as she absorbed the situation, "Then we need to find Kyle, and fast…"

Poe nodded, his holographic form flickering. "I know. I'm doing everything I can on my end. For now, I'll dispatch probes around as many systems as I can, but we need concrete updates on Kyle's whereabouts."

Rey sighed, the weight of his words settling heavily on her shoulders, "We'll do everything we can, Poe. But if the Republic turns its back on us, it won't be forgotten."

Poe's expression softened, a mix of regret and determination in his eyes, "Rey, you know I have your back. But we both have our duties. Just... be careful."

Rey gave a small nod, "You too, Poe. May the Force be with you."

"And with you," Poe replied, his hologram flickering once more before stabilizing. The transmission lingered for a moment, the silence between them speaking volumes before the connection finally cut off, leaving Rey alone with the weight of their predicament.

The Barloz freighter began its descent into Ahch-To's atmosphere, the stormy winds causing significant turbulence. Kyle and AD-10 struggled to keep the ship steady as it rocked through the turbulent air currents.

Kyle glanced at the droid, "You weren't kidding about the weather, AD."

AD's sensors flickered as it analyzed the surrounding conditions, "Indeed, Master Kyle. We need to find a suitable landing site quickly. A larger storm is fast approaching."

The nav computer began to flash red, warning alarms blaring. Kyle's eyes locked onto the display as AD-10 analyzed the interference, "It appears the storm is disrupting some of our systems. Without them, locating the island would be problematic. I recommend returning to orbit until the storm subsides."

Kyle remained silent for a moment, his senses heightened as he tried to find a solution. Suddenly, a voice, barely a whisper, called to him.


"Head east," Kyle instructed AD, his voice firm despite the chaos around them.

AD seemed taken aback. "East, Master Kyle? If we run into the storm, we could crash into the ocean. That would be less than desirable."

Kyle glanced at the droid, his expression resolute. "Trust me. If we don't find the island in the next few minutes, we'll go back to orbit."

AD-10 hesitated but then steered the ship eastward, the freighter slicing through the soft rain. As they navigated through the storm, AD asked, "What's the plan for rescuing young Polina, Master Kyle?"

Kyle remained quiet for a second, contemplating his response. "I have a possible contact who might know where Polina is. For now, we need to lay low for a few days."

AD's optical sensors flickered, "By my calculations, every day that passes reduces the odds of finding Polina. The current optics are already unfavorable."

Kyle shot AD a stern look, "Don't tell me the odds."

Suddenly, through the storm and rain, something emerged in the distance—a rocky island, shrouded in mist but unmistakable.

"There it is," Kyle said, a sense of relief washing over him.

AD adjusted the ship's trajectory, heading towards the island, "I'll prepare for landing, Master Kyle."

Kyle nodded, his thoughts already moving ahead. They were not out of danger yet, but for now, they had a place to regroup, to plan, and to hope.

Rey moved quickly through the temple corridors, her stride fast-paced. She stared straight ahead, hardly acknowledging anyone in her path. As she entered her chamber, she barely paused to close the door behind her.

The ancient Jedi texts lay on her tabletop, untouched yet filled with untold wisdom. Rey hesitated, fear flickering in her eyes as she approached them. She reached for the first book that came to her grasp, opening it with trembling hands. The pages stared back at her, blank and devoid of the knowledge they once held. A cold panic gripped her as she set the book aside and grabbed another, only to find it empty as well.

Her breathing quickened, and she began to hyperventilate. The texts that had once been her source of guidance and solace were now barren, their wisdom lost to her. Fear turned to rage, and she hurled one of the books across the room, its impact echoing in the silence. Tears welled up in her eyes as she crumbled down against the wall, her hands covering her face.

"Luke," she whispered, her voice breaking, "Please, talk to me."

But there was only silence.

She was meant to usher in a new era, to lead the Jedi and preserve peace. Now it all seemed to be falling apart around her. The emptiness inside her grew, piercing at her heart and mind. She felt like a fraud, a mere pretender to the legacy of the Skywalkers.

A knock at the door interrupted her despair. She wiped her tears hastily, taking a deep breath as she tried to compose herself. The knock came again, gentle but insistent.

Rey opened the door, revealing the figure of Jacen Syndulla. The bearded older Jedi regarded her with concern, and Rey simply asked, "What's going on?"

Jacen took a breath before responding, "I'm departing for Nar Shaddaa. I have a contact there who might have intel on Kyle's whereabouts. It's a long shot, but it's worth a try."

Rey frowned slightly, "Wouldn't it be better to contact them from the temple?"

Jacen shook his head, "With all the Republic eyes around, it's best I go in person. I won't be long."

His eyes searched her face, sensing her distress "Are you alright?"

Rey immediately replied, "I'm fine."

Jacen's concern deepened "You may be Grandmaster, but I've used the Force longer, and I can tell you're not fine."

Rey pursed her lips, insisting, "I'm fine. I've just been trying to meditate, trying to find guidance in the Force."

Jacen nodded understandingly "I often find it hard to do so here. It's always so loud. Maybe you need to find a place where you can truly clear your mind, perhaps find the guidance that eludes you."

Rey managed a small smile, grateful for his words, "Thank you, Jacen. Good luck, and may the Force be with you."

Jacen bowed slightly "As with you, you'll see me soon."

As he walked away, Rey was left alone once more in her room. She closed the door and slumped against it, her eyes falling on the ancient text she had thrown in her frustration. She picked it up, the reddish cover of the Rammahgon worn from age.

Memories of where she had obtained the texts surfaced. She had taken them from the island where Luke had cast himself into exile. The knowledge within had helped her defeat Palpatine, but now they offered her nothing. Perhaps, she thought to herself, it was time to find guidance in solace.

Rey stood up, the text still in her hand, she called on her commlink, "R2, contact Chewie. I need to speak with him."

The Barloz freighter sat docked on a flat stone surface at the very bottom of a marina. A steep hillside ascended from the dock, leading up into the island's lush terrain. The surrounding cliffs provided some shelter from incoming winds. Inside the ship, AD-10 was busy running diagnostics as Kyle prepared his lightsaber and examined the blaster he had taken from the Republic trooper back on Takodana. The weapon, with its long barrel and metallic squared shroud at the front, had a curved handle that fit comfortably in his grip. Kyle noticed a marking on the side that read "Enforcer."

AD glanced over, "The HDA-7 Enforcer is a respectable blaster, Master Kyle, popular with many law enforcement organizations across the galaxy."

Kyle gave a sarcastic nod, "Thanks for the lecture, AD."

"You're welcome," the droid responded, unfazed, as he continued his diagnostics.

Kyle aimed the blaster at the ground, testing its grip, "It's no Bryar, but it'll do for now," he muttered to himself as he holstered it.

As Kyle was about to step out of the co*ckpit, AD-10 called to him. Kyle turned around, and AD-10 said, "Master Kyle, it isn't in my place to question, but if I may ask, how far are you willing to go to save Polina?"

Kyle was blunt. "As far as I have to."

The Jedi then told the droid, "Keep the ship safe. I'll do some scouting and be back soon."

AD-10 didn't say anything more. Kyle moved to the boarding ramp, and as it opened up, the bright light of Ahch-To enveloped him. He squinted his eyes, taking in the sudden change in brightness. As he began to step out, Kyle felt a weight increasing on him with every step, but he continued on.

He finally exited the ramp, and right as he stepped onto the stony terrain, the weight he felt dissipated. He took a deep breath; the air was pure. He looked around. The soft rain continued to fall, covering his hair and exposed arms, yet he felt no cold. It was strange.

Kyle readied himself as he looked up the hillside. What seemed to be steps adorned it. Without much more fanfare, Kyle made his way up the steps.

As Kyle ascended the steps, he glanced back at the freighter below, which grew smaller with each step. His eyes shifted to the oceanic horizon and the grey clouds in the distance, engulfing everything in their path as thunder rumbled within them. He didn't linger, continuing his climb.

The path straightened out, and the Barloz freighter was no longer in view. Kyle continued up several more steps, then moved along the side of the island. A sense of wonder invaded him as he looked around. The place was clearly ancient, not what he had expected.

As he passed through a wall of cobblestone and rounded a corner, Kyle came across an even more intriguing sight: the remnants of a village, destroyed by the looks of it as debris and telltale signs of some kind of attack adorned the path ahead. The few remaining structures were rounded and made of cobblestone, a perplexing sight.

"What happened here…" He wondered aloud as he approached one of the fallen huts, debris of rock scattered all over the place. He knelt down and ran his finger over the darkened ground.

"Ash," he told himself. He stood up, surveying the area with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

"What could've caused this?" he murmured, his voice echoing slightly in the eerie silence, "This place... it's seen something catastrophic."

Kyle continued through the destroyed village and up more steps leading upward, his mind filled with a myriad of questions. As he ascended past the village, he approached a valley at the top. Just as he was about to head towards the high saddle overlooking the cliffs a tingle shot up the back of his head. He heard a voice, faint but distinct.


He turned around almost defensively, finding no one. But then, he noticed a path leading further into the island. Without hesitation, he followed it.

The path began to descend into a cove flanked by two towering cliffs. The wind blew strongly, almost roaring in his ears. As he approached carefully, the sound intensified, seeping into his senses.

He looked down and saw a hole — a dark, foreboding chasm. The darkness within seemed to pulse with an almost tangible presence. Kyle stood at the edge, peering into the abyss, feeling the weight of an ancient, ominous energy.

"What is this place?" he muttered to himself, the words barely audible over the howling wind. The darkness seemed to call to him, a powerful pull that both intrigued and unsettled him.

As Kyle looked into the hole with caution, he found only darkness, nothing else. Despite the otherwise treacherous appearance, the site seemed frivolous. Just as he was about to turn away, he heard it — the voice of Polina, calling from within the chasm.

"Kyle! Help me!" Her voice echoed, filled with fear and desperation.

Kyle's heart raced. He turned back to the hole, his worry mounting as Polina's screams grew louder and more urgent.

"Help! Please!"

He tried to resist, knowing deep down this could be a trick. But as Polina's screams turned into wails of pain, he couldn't ignore it any longer.

"Polina!" he shouted, his voice trembling with urgency.

Without thinking twice, Kyle ignited his lightsaber, the blue blade humming to life, and leapt into the chasm. The darkness swallowed him whole as he plunged into the unknown, driven by the unyielding need to save her.

Rey walked the corridors of the Millennium Falcon, her hood pulled over her head. Her mind was in a thousand places, chief among them on Kyle. This intrepid and ever-elusive Jedi, or so he claimed to be. Part of her knew he was not of this galaxy; that much she could deduce. She pondered what his arrival truly meant. What was the grand design of the Force in all of this?

Rey entered the co*ckpit of the Falcon. The blue haze from hyperspace illuminated the room as Chewbacca manned the controls. Her ever-loyal companion growled in seeming confusion.

Rey sat beside him and smiled. "I just need to find guidance, Chewie," she said softly. "It's not a bad place to start."

Chewbacca seemed unsure but continued to manage the controls. Suddenly, R2-D2 rolled in, beeping and bobbling. Rey glanced at the droid with understanding.

"I know you don't like this, R2," she said, her tone reassuring, "but it's the only way I might get in contact with him."

R2 beeped, seemingly unconvinced but ultimately acquiescent.

Rey looked onward at the hyperspace lane ahead, a faint smile on her face. "I have to try."

The Falcon continued onward, the vastness of space stretching out before them.

As Kyle dropped further into the darkness, he saw a pool of water below. With quick reflexes, he boosted himself upward, landing on the first solid surface he saw, avoiding the ocean water.

The shallows were chaotic, with waves crashing into the ledges and spreading water everywhere. Kyle stood with caution, his lightsaber casting a blue glow that illuminated the cavern. He inspected his surroundings carefully.

The cavern walls were smooth and reflective, an eerie quality that made the space feel both vast and confined. Shadows danced on the walls, creating the illusion of movement.

Kyle steadied himself, his senses on high alert. The place felt ancient, filled with a strange energy that pulsed around him. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart. As he moved deeper into the cave, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched, the voice of Polina still echoing faintly in his mind.

Kyle took a few cautious steps, the voice of Polina no longer present. The cave seemed to be no more than just some kind of reflective wall. He deactivated his lightsaber and approached the natural mirror, a sense of curiosity compelling him. As he looked at his own reflection, Kyle's curiosity deepened. He set his hand against the mirror and suddenly found himself surrounded by various other reflections of himself. He looked around in confusion as none of them moved with him. He was momentarily frightened before one of the reflections suddenly spoke.

"Who are we, Kyle?" the reflection asked.

Kyle made a remark, "Is this some kind of dark side trick?"

Another reflection behind him chuckled. "Always the clever one," it said.

"That's why everybody wants you dead," a different reflection stated, followed by an insidious laugh. Kyle recognized the voice from long ago. He turned to find Jerec, the Inquisitors twisted smile and slanted flat visor as eerie as always, standing before him within the reflection.

Kyle simply asked, "Have you come back for another defeat?"

Jerec continued to silently smile. Suddenly, another voice, deep and menacing, drew Kyle's attention again.

"Katarn, once more bested by his own failures," said Desann. "The hubris of the Jedi Code blinds you to your grand potential."

Kyle looked at Desann boldly. "The only one who failed to live up to potential was you," he retorted.

The Chistori merely scoffed. Jerec then spoke, "As predictable as your father," and unveiled his red lightsaber. Desann did the same.

Kyle stood his ground. "This is all a trick," he said firmly.

Jerec and Desann stepped forward from the mirror at that moment, a clear showcase to Kyle as they stepped forward. Then, a third reflection emerged from a mirror in the middle, blurry and hard for Kyle to discern. As the figure moved closer he was shocked to see none other than himself step out, wearing dark robes, with a cold gaze, and wielding a red lightsaber.

His reflection spoke softly. "This is no trick," he said, raising his lightsaber, as did Jerec and Desann. The three dark figures advanced on Kyle, their intentions clear.

Kyle quickly unveiled his lightsaber once more, preparing to defend himself. His dark-side counterpart snickered at this and swiftly launched a series of powerful attacks. Each strike was accompanied by derisive taunts.

"Weak," Dark Side Katarn spat, "Slow, tied down, feeble."

Their lightsabers clashed, and Kyle looked into his doppelganger's eyes, which reflected the intense light of their duel. Dark Side Katarn spoke again, his voice a malevolent twist of Kyle's.

"You could easily take over this dimension, mold it into what it should be. Depose the incompetent and replace them with the capable."

Kyle, his expression determined, shot back, "That's not for me to decide."

Dark Side Katarn's eyes turned a golden yellow, the telltale signs of the Sith. He smiled wickedly, "You've already done so."

Suddenly with a powerful thrust of the force, Dark Side Katarn sent Kyle sprawling into the waters of the cavern. Kyle was momentarily unconscious, and as he floated in the water, he found himself once more transcending out of his body. He looked around, seeing his fallen form submerged.

Kyle had only a few seconds to process his surroundings when a faint glow caught his attention. It flickered softly at first, barely noticeable against the darkness. As Kyle's awareness sharpened, the glow grew stronger, its light gradually illuminating the cavern's reflective surfaces, creating a cascade of shimmering reflections.

He felt an inexplicable pull toward the light, as if it was calling to him. The glow intensified, taking on a more defined shape. The cave's ominous presence seemed to recede in the face of this radiant apparition. Kyle's breath caught in his throat as the figure began to emerge from the light.

At first, it was just an outline, a silhouette bathed in a bluish luminescence. Then, details started to form – a flowing robe, the contours of a familiar face. The light continued to build, pushing back the shadows and filling the cavern with a sense of calm and reassurance.

The realization hit Kyle like a tidal wave, and he whispered in awe.


The figure of Luke Skywalker, bathed in a soft, ethereal light, stood calmly. His presence was serene, contrasting sharply with the chaos Kyle had just experienced.

"Kyle," Luke's voice echoed gently, "Remember who you are and why you're here."

Kyle's spirit, though momentarily adrift, felt a surge of clarity, "Luke, how do I fight this? What am I here for?"

Luke's figure moved closer, his expression compassionate yet firm. "The darkness is a part of you, but it does not define you. Trust in the light within you, the legacy you carry. Your strength lies not in power, but in your choices."

As the words resonated within him, Kyle felt a pull back to his body. The waters around him stirred, and he found himself rising to the surface. Gasping for air, he regained his footing in the cavern. His lightsaber was still in hand.

Kyle climbed out of the water, his resolve shaken but remaining. The reflections had vanished, but the memory of the encounter remained vivid. He still wasn't sure why he had arrived to this Galaxy, this dimension that seemed so different from his own but he knew that his journey was not just about finding Polina, but also about confronting and overcoming the darkness that haunted him.

He looked around the cavern once more, "I won't let you win," he murmured to the lingering shadows, before making his way back toward the surface, determined to continue his journey.

The Millennium Falcon hurtled through hyperspace, the familiar blue streaks of light casting a tranquil glow over the co*ckpit. Rey sat in the pilot's seat, her hood pulled up, her mind racing with thoughts of Kyle and the ever-escalating crisis. Beside her, Chewbacca manned the controls, his furry paws moving through each control with long-time familiarity. R2-D2 remained at the back, his dome swiveling to keep his gaze fixed on Rey.

Breaking the silence, Chewie growled a question, his deep voice rumbling through the co*ckpit. Rey glanced at him, her eyes thoughtful. "If I can't contact him," she began, "then I'll just have to keep going somehow."

Chewie growled again, his tone concerned. Rey sighed, running a hand through her hair, and pulling her hood down. "Kyle says he knew Luke well. How true that is, I'm not fully sure, but if he did, then Luke may be able to point the way."

Chewie nodded, his eyes reflecting his unquestionable loyalty. The co*ckpit was filled with silence when suddenly, the Falcon exited hyperspace, dropping into the serene blue orbit of Ahch-To. The planet's rolling oceans and scattered islands came into view, a stark contrast to the vastness of space.

Rey leaned forward, her gaze fixed on the planet below. "Head to the temple, Chewie," she instructed. The Wookiee responded with a low growl of acknowledgment, expertly guiding the Falcon toward the island where the ancient Jedi temple stood.

As they descended, the memories of her first visit to Ahch-To flooded back to Rey. She recalled both the excitement and great sense of responsibility she felt when she first came to seek Luke's guidance. Now, that responsibility seemed even greater. She hoped that this visit would provide the answers she sought, perhaps a way to find Kyle.

"Land on the Caretaker's village, it's got stable ground from the currents…" She instructed and Chewie followed suit without question.

The Falcon smoothly approached the island, its familiar figure coming into sharper focus. Rey's heart pounded with anticipation as they neared the landing site. She glanced back at R2, who emitted a series of beeps and boops.

"We're almost there," she said softly, both to herself and to her companions. The Falcon settled onto the rocky ground nestled aside from the village of the Caretakers with a gentle thud. Rey stood up, setting her hood up and ready to search for the answers she sought.

Kyle emerged from the cave, the stormy clouds above beginning to clear, revealing patches of blue sky. The path ahead was rocky and winding, leading him back up from the depths of the cavern to the high saddle. His mind still contending with the recent visions and voices, but his determination remained.

As he reached the saddle, Kyle paused. The view from the cliffside was breathtaking, the horizon stretching endlessly before him. The twin suns were beginning to set, casting an orange hue across the landscape and illuminating his face with a warm, fading light.

Kyle stepped closer to the edge, looking out over the vast ocean. He glanced down at his hands, his thoughts racing with a thousand unanswered questions. The events in the cave had left him unsettled, but he knew he had to stay focused on his mission.

"Father, I could use your guidance..." he whispered, the words carried away by the gentle breeze. Kyle remained standing silently on the saddle.

Rey had made her way up from the Caretakers' village, heading into the inland valley. She occasionally glanced back, seeing the Millennium Falcon still docked at the village. The orange hue of the day signaled the coming night as she hurried up the stone stairs into the heart of the island.

As she walked through the greenery, Rey suddenly sensed something—someone—with a strong connection to the Force. Her eyes drifted from place to place before she looked into the distance. A lone figure stood at the saddle adjacent to the path to the temple, silhouetted against the bright setting suns.

Rey was completely amazed as she slowly approached, whispering to herself, "Luke..."

Making her way closer, every little detail of her movement seemed heightened—the sound of her steps against the grass, her breath catching in her throat. She now stood before the figure, who remained motionless against the backdrop of the setting suns. Rey reached out in complete wonderment.

As the light of the suns set further down, the figure's face became more discernible. To her surprise, it wasn't Luke standing there but Kyle, the Outcast Jedi. His expression was one of intense contemplation, mirroring her own mix of hope and confusion.

The silence between them was heavy, Kyle's eyes met hers, a flicker of recognition passing between them. They stood there, both feeling the other's energy in the Force but not uttering a word.

Rey felt a strange connection, something she couldn't fully understand or articulate. Kyle, too, seemed to sense this shared moment, though neither knew what the other truly thought. The suns continued to set as both Jedi gaze into each other's eyes.

Kyle Katarn: Through Worlds Unknown - InfamousWriter123 (2024)


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.