The Most Popular Pinch of Nom Recipes You Can Watch on Instagram Reels - Pinch Of Nom Slimming Recipes (2024)

The Most Popular Pinch of Nom Recipes You Can Watch on Instagram Reels - Pinch Of Nom Slimming Recipes (1)

When you’re not sure what to cook next, watching recipes on Instagram reels can be a great way to find inspiration. It’s a lot of fun for us to turn our most delicious-looking recipes into Instagram reels, that you can scroll through (and follow) to help you get things moving in the kitchen.

From brand-new recipes to golden oldies, you’ll have no trouble finding a slimming-friendly recipe video that sparks your cooking imagination. Make sure you’re following us and head over to our Instagram reels tab when you’re on the lookout for fresh ideas.

That’s where you’ll be able to watch our latest mouth-watering uploads, including exclusive never-before-seen recipes from our upcoming cookbook, Pinch of Nom: Express (watch the first-look video for our Air Fryer Sweet Chilli Chicken Nuggets).

Fish Finger Pie

We’re not surprised Fish Finger Pie has received a whole lot of attention on our Instagram reels tab. It’s surprisingly simple to make, with a fluffy topping of cheesy mashed potatoes that turns gorgeous and golden in the oven.

The best part about this winning fish dish is that it’s made with really affordable, staple ingredients (that’s why you’ll find it on pages 58-59 of our Budget cookbook, as well as on our website).

You can assemble the no-nonsense filling by lining your oven dish with a layer of crispy fish fingers, pouring over a tin of baked beans, and adding a melty helping of reduced-fat Cheddar. Who can say no to that?

Creamy Butter Chicken

A crowd-pleaser that never gets boring, it’s no wonder our lovely Instagram followers are watching Creamy Butter Chicken cook on repeat.

You won’t find any real butter in our slimming-friendly version; we’ve used reduced-fat spread and fat-free natural yoghurt to give our sauce its signature silky texture.

We normally serve ours over a fluffy bed of boiled rice, but there’s nothing to stop you turning it into an Indian-inspired fakeaway feast.

A side of Saag Aloo or crispy Onion Bhajis will always go down a storm!

Tuscan Chicken Macaroni

Our Tuscan Chicken Macaroni is always a hit on Instagram and on our website, and it’s not hard to understand why. A seriously creamy, cheesy pasta dish, this indulgent-tasting midweek wonder seems far higher in calories than it actually is (only 430 per serving!).

To give our macaroni some colour, we’ve added juicy roasted tomatoes and leafy green spinach.

Don’t worry if you don’t have macaroni pasta in your store cupboard; any small, dried pasta shape will do – try it with penne, bows or twists to mix things up a bit.

Fajita Bombs

When we’re watching recipe videos on Instagram, it’s always the oozy, melty-looking dishes that stop us scrolling in our tracks. Fajita Bombs is a recipe that has all of that and more, thanks to our flavour-packed, fajita-inspired filling.

We’ve wrapped up our rich, tomatoey peppers and tender chicken pieces nice and tight, inside of crispy, cheese-topped tortilla wrap shells.

Once they’re freshly baked and loaded up with salsa and sour cream, they’re ready to ‘wow’ everyone at the table!

Pesto Chicken Orzo

You only need to watch a couple of seconds of our Pesto Chicken Orzo’s Instagram reel to know you want to make it for dinner. A bright and colourful showstopper, it looks and tastes like a luxurious dish, with a few nifty swaps to bring the calories down.

The best part about this recipe is that the oven does most of the work for you. Once the succulent chicken thighs are bubbling away in roasted tomato juices with pesto and crunchy green beans, all you need to do is wait until it’s piping hot.

To lay on a more extravagant Italian-inspired spread, try it with a side of Tear and Share Garlic Dough Balls.

Air Fryer Sticky Chicken Nuggets

Our Air Fryer Sticky Chicken Nuggets look so yummy, it’s tough to believe you’re watching a slimming-friendly recipe video. Each nug comes coated in an easy-peasy, homemade, takeaway-style sauce, and a moreish layer of crispy panko breadcrumbs.

To get the sauce sweet, sticky and utterly irresistible, you’ll only need a few store-cupboard ingredients – chances are, you’ve already got them at home!

Ready after 20 minutes in the air fryer (or just under 40 minutes from an oven), there’s only one thing left to think about…will you enjoy them with rice or chips?

Breakfast Traybake

Mornings have never been easier thanks to our nifty Breakfast Traybake. A cooked breakfast with all the trimmings can leave you with piles of washing-up to deal with, but our recipe keeps things nice and simple, baking everything together in one oven dish.

You can’t beat ‘soldiers’ with dippy eggs, so we’ve carefully sliced brown bread into fingers, and nestled them into our dish to lightly toast.

If you’re making breakfast for a really hungry crowd, you can always throw in a handful of leftover boiled potatoes (add them to bake with the rest of the ingredients in Step 1).

Enchilada Lasagne

Two mega dishes in one, our Enchilada Lasagne is a feast for the eyes, and the taste buds! Instead of pasta sheets, we’ve built our tiers with crispy, oven-baked, lower-calorie tortilla wraps, and topped each one with a chilli con carne style filling.

It might seem like a lot of effort but, trust us – this one’s less fuss, and even more impressive, than standard enchiladas.

Topped off with a gorgeous layer of melty mozzarella slices, it’s easy to forget there are so many diced veggies hiding in our mildly spicy sauce.

Biscoff Cookie Milkshake

When you watch slimming-friendly recipe videos that look as good as our Biscoff Cookie Milkshake, it’s a must to write the ingredients down for your next trip to the shops. We’ve used a small collection of lower-calorie ingredients to keep our ‘shake lighter than you’d think, without compromising on scrumptious, Biscoff goodness.

A little goes a long way with the smooth Biscoff spread in this recipe, especially when it’s blended with a scoop of low-calorie salted caramel ice cream, low-sugar syrup and velvety almond milk.

To take things up a notch, add a swirl of low-fat aerosol cream and crushed Biscoff biscuits on top.

Marmite Mushrooms on Toast

It’s impossible not to love Marmite Mushrooms on Toast. While Marmite can be a condiment that divides opinion, there’s no question that it brings out whole new depths of savoury flavour in this popular brunch-time recipe.

On the table in less than 15 minutes, let your mushrooms brown in the pan until they’ve soaked up all of the punchy Marmite glaze, then combine them with a few tablespoons of reduced-fat cream cheese.

Don’t forget to add a sprinkling of chopped chives (or spring onion) to start your day right.

Do you follow us on Instagram?

You can watch even more videos on the reels tab of our Instagram page. We’re always sharing fresh recipe content there, including exclusive behind-the-scenes footage from recipe shoots, and what we’ve been getting up to at Pinch of Nom HQ.

Plus, we’ve got a series of reels on Budget-saving tips, including how to prepare homemade breadcrumbs.

We share lots of recipe videos over in our Facebook group too. Feel free to pop over and tell us how your slimming journey is going, it’s really simple to join. We’ve got almost 1 million incredible members just waiting to show you support, and it’s a great place to share your own videos, photos and recipe ideas – or just have a chit chat!

And, if you liked this article, there’s no need to stop here! Keep browsing our blog for more recipe inspiration, kitchen equipment recommendations, penny-saving tips and LOADS more.

The Most Popular Pinch of Nom Recipes You Can Watch on Instagram Reels - Pinch Of Nom Slimming Recipes (2024)


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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.