Honkai Society’s dead nickname revealed, starting with Succubus Kevin — Chapter 218 – Faloo MTL (2024)

As the picture freezes on the back of Thirteen Yingji.

This means that Yingyi’s nightmare is over.

In Yae Shrine.

Karen and Yae Sakura looked at this beautiful scene in the light curtain picture.

His eyes were also full of tenderness.

Yae Sakura: “That’s good, Golden Garden.” ”

Karin: “It’s not the Golden Courtyard that is good, it’s the people who live in the Golden Courtyard.” ”

“When the sun rises, it means a new day has arrived. ”

It also symbolizes the end of the nightmare. ”

Yae Sakura felt the emotions between the thirteen heroes in the light curtain.

He also said with a smile: “But the happiest thing after a nightmare is not the dawn.” ”

“It’s about having a group of friends around me comforting me. ”

“Are you right, Kalien…”

Karen nodded: “Yes.” ”

“What the sun dispels is the fear of darkness. ”

“And the friends around you are another sun, and what they can dispel is the deep fear in their hearts.” ”

As just now.

In a nightmare, Padophelis can’t find Kevin them.

When I woke up from my dream, I found everyone around.

Under the comfort of all.

Pardophyllis was no longer afraid.

The rising sun outside dispels the darkness of the night for Padofelis.

Suddenly Karen smiled.

Yae Sakura asked curiously, “Karen, what are you laughing at?” ”

Karen replied, “So this fast light curtain is sometimes really romantic, isn’t it?”

Yae Sakura was stunned at first.

Then look at the almost beautiful scene on the screen.

That last bit of anger is gone.

He smiled and said, “Yes, he doesn’t trick us.” ”

“It’s really romantic. ”

Karen nodded.

Looking at Thirteen Yingjian’s back.

Joyfully in his heart, he said, “I hope you can also cross that night full of ends.” ”

“Welcome the new sunrise of mankind…”

The rest of the audience.

Seeing this scene is also particularly touching.

Those thirteen backs.

It’s not the back of ordinary people.

It is the back of the thirteen heroes who are chasing fire.

It is the back of the hero of the pre-civilization era.

And the most touched.

Nothing more than themselves.

Inside the conference room.

There was silence all of a sudden.

Everyone looked at those backs.

Even they themselves forgot.

How long has it been since such a sunrise has been enjoyed.

May didn’t say anything either.

Just look at it lightly.

Everything is silent.

Although before the light curtain routine people.

It’s really infuriating.

But the romance and emotion brought by the light curtain.

It’s also real.

Chaoyang is not alone in Padopheryth.

Rather, all the heroes present …..

Eden said with a gentle look in his eyes: “I hope we can also overcome the nightmare and usher in the hope of a new life…”

Alicia: “yes 143, hopefully we can all do that.” ”

Sue: “When we do it, we can watch a sunrise together.” ”

Mebius: “It’s really difficult. ”

Wilvie: “yes, and it’s definitely tiring. ”

Mei: “No matter what, I will definitely do my best to lead you to defeat Honkai.” ”

Kevin: “History is dead, and we are alive.” ”

“I’m sure we can do it. ”

Pardolphilis: “Yes, even Kiana can do it.” ”

“I’m sure we can too. ”

Pardophyllis finished.

Everyone present suddenly fell silent.

It’s like it’s cold.

Suddenly, Su Xian laughed heartily.

And then it’s like there’s a chain reaction.

Everyone laughed in unison.

The entire conference room was immediately filled with cheerful laughter.


Although everyone did not say anything.

But deep down, it’s basically pessimistic.

Even if I said so before, Kiana and they crossed the end.

Everyone rejoices together.

It is the effort of two eras of civilization.

But if only the era of one’s own civilization could be crossed.

Who would pin their hopes on the next generation?

It’s not about selfishness.

Because the heroes have always wanted to protect.

It’s all their own home.

Own family and friends…

So when you know they’re going to fail.

Although nothing was said on the lips.

It seems very free.

But deep inside everyone’s heart.

There are all unwillingness.

Why did so much be done.

Or failed in the end?

But encouraged by this video.

Once again, the crowd picked up hope.

Oh, yes!!!

Don’t try to spend the night.

How can you see the sun rising again.

This time.

Civilization destroys, everyone carries it together.

If you try hard and still fail.

Then there will be more people to accompany Kevin to the next era of civilization.

Keep up the good work!

Collapse does not disappear for a day.

The story of the thirteen heroes and flames.

And their spirit…

Will never compromise…

Cosmoz: “The new video title is coming out. ”

Kosmo’s reminder.

Let everyone look at the light curtain again.

In the light curtain.

The original Yingji back slowly darkened.

Finally, it changed back to a black light curtain.

[Kiana: From now on, I won’t believe any of his titles. 】

【Celine: +1】

【Lauderdale: +1】

【Wendy: +1】


【Himeko: +1】

Look at everyone’s accusations on the light screen.

Mei also smiled lightly.

Although I was really angry at first.

But the mentality behind was changed by the light curtain.

I don’t think there’s anything left.

On the contrary, the light curtain gave them renewed hope.

The new title also arrived.

[Inventory of the ten shocking scenes of collapse]

【Top2: Winter Wish】

[Appearance: All of the thirteen heroes of the fire]

This time.

No one discusses.

Because of this title.

Full of wonderful taste.

Plus the afterglow of the previous video.

It gives people a very warm feeling.

The video starts playing in the light curtain.

When it lights up.

The picture returns to the previous balcony.

Such a heartwarming scene.

The audience in front of the screen loves to watch.

Everyone in Thirteen watched the sunrise together.

Padopelis watching the sunrise.

This is also the coldest time in the morning.


Pardolphyllis sneezed directly.

I just finished playing and haven’t recovered yet.

A blanket flew in from behind.

Changed on the head of Pardolphyllis’s cat.

Pardophilis pulled the blanket off her head and looked behind her.

Qian Hao turned his back to everyone and said in the most ruthless tone: “Take it.” ”

Alicia smiled and said, “Thousand Calamities are so careful.” ”

“Boast about you. ”

Aponia also came out of the room with a few blankets.

Distribute it to everyone who watches the sunrise together.

“It’s cold in the morning, don’t get cold.” ”

Then continued: “Thousand Calamity has always been a gentle and good boy. ”

This time, the light curtain gave a figure of the upper body of a thousand calamities.

A shallow jaw and mouth are exposed.

It can be said that compared to before.

Huge progress!!

Don’t say it’s the chin before.

Even the eyes can be hidden.

[Kiana: In this case, if you continue to read, will you be able to see the full picture of the Thousand Calamities?]

[Bronia: The stupid Kiana’s analysis is not without reason. 】

[Celine: From this chin alone, the appearance of a thousand calamities is definitely not bad. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

[Wendy: Exactly, unfortunately I can’t see the rest of it. 】

[Himeko: Can it still be paid content?]

【Thousand Calamities:……】

In the light curtain video.

Under the common compliment of Alicia and Aponia.

Qian Tribulation said arrogantly: “Don’t think too much. ”

“I just don’t want to catch a cold from you…”

Abonia smiled slightly.

There is no tsundere that pierces a thousand calamities.

Came behind Grace with a blanket.

Grace had already built a snowman.

Abonia draped the blanket over her: “Beware of the cold.” ”

Grace said happily: “Thank you Mother Aponia.” ”

Then Aponia lowered the blanket and handed it to a Kosmo who was beside Grace.

Sylvie looked at the already red sky.

“The sun is about to rise completely. ”

“If I’m not mistaken. ”

“Mebius should have seen the sunrise for the first time, right?”

Velvi looked into the corner.

Mebius holding up his phone to take a picture.

Hua also said on the side: “Professor she usually works overnight in the laboratory. ”

“You must have paid attention to it, did you?”

And in Hua’s arms.

Also holding a long strip of red-crowned chick doll.

Mebius continued to wear her snake sleeping bag.

A selfie came to himself.

“Hmph~ fuss. ”

“It’s just an ordinary (bieb) sunrise. ”

And on her phone.

That smiling selfie betrayed her.

The lake also pulled into the vista at this time.

Everyone had happy smiles on their faces.

Eden and Alicia said, “I used to see the sunrise. ”

“It’s either on set or on an airplane. ”

Kevin was the same as Kosmo, who noticed that his face was not very good.

“Is it uncomfortable?”

“Sorry, I should have double-checked the date of the instant noodles. ”

Kosmor replied, “I’m fine. ”

“Actually, it has nothing to do with it. ”

“Actually, it’s the same as Pado. ”

“I’ve had enough similar dreams. ”

“In dreams, we all become heroes. ”

“But, we are also losers…”

Heroes in front of the light curtain.

After hearing these words from Kosmo.

Knowing that he was in a similar situation with Padophelis.

It’s all because of quantum entanglement.

In the dream, he was associated with the memories of Kos Demon in other worlds.

Especially when hearing the word loser.


And Kevin in the light curtain.

Look at the rising sun ahead.

And said, “No!”

“As long as you can leave a spark of hope. ”

“It’s not a failure. ”

Under the shock of Kosmo.

Kevin continued: “If there really is such a day. ”

“I think we’ll still be together. ”

“No matter how many times, no matter what the cost. ”

“Mankind will surely overcome those disasters…”

Hear this passage from Kevin.

Whether it is the heroes of the pre-civilizational era.

Still in front of the light curtain.

Others fight against the heroes of Honkai.

The corners of his mouth couldn’t help but smile.

Oh, yes!

No matter what the cost.

Mankind will surely defeat Honkai…

Kosmor listened.

After reacting for a while.

He looked at Kevin awakely: “Did you say…”

“Did you dream about it too?”

Kevin don’t overdo it, and said duplicitously: “No…”

It’s not like you haven’t dreamed about it at all.

At this time, Alicia clapped her hands.

Caught everyone’s attention.

“Let’s make New Year’s resolutions together…”

“Maybe it will. ”

Pardolphyllis rubbed her cat paws: “Then I hope to take a quiet nap every day.” ”

“And there must be the sun. ”

It is exactly the same as the pre-civilizational era of Pardophilis.

Velvi turned around, “Oh, I’m afraid not, little Pado.” ”

“My wish is that every day at noon is the time of the show!”


The black line on Pardolphylis’s face: “Spare me, Sister Vilvi…”

Hua: “I hope that my graduation thesis can be successfully completed. ”


At this time, Hua was still a student in school.

I came to the city to study.

By chance, I lived with everyone.

Sakura next to him smiled and said, “Is this the trouble of being a student?”

“I wish there would have been less overtime next year. ”

Obviously, Sakura and Kevin are about the same.

Also a social animal.

Alicia asked, “Thousand Calamity, what about you?” ”

Everyone looked at the Thousand Tribulations together.

Qian Hao turned his back to everyone: “Don’t look at me, I don’t have any New Year’s resolutions…”

Aponia: “That is. ”

“You’re happy with your life now. ”

Qianji: “You shut up for me.” ”

It’s a pity that you can’t see the face.

Otherwise, the face of the current Qian Tribulation must be red.

Alicia looked at Grace, “It’s your turn, little Grace.” ”

Grace: “Wish…”

“Can’t think of it…..”

“What about you, Cosmoz?”

Kosmo: “Want to get into your ideal university?”

“It’s too early for me. ”

After thinking for a while, Kosmo’s eyes lit up and said, “I hope that all the collector’s edition models with limited colors for heroes can be grabbed in the future.” ”

This is obviously a figuration.

But Kosmor immediately vetoed again: “No, no, no!”

“It’s still more reliable to draw miracles from the wish list…”

“Wait, wouldn’t it be too naïve to say it?”

“Forget it. ”

Cosmo threw the question to the next person: “Sue, you say.” ”

Sue: “May the patient heal, may the world be free of disease again.” ”

Alicia: “Sue’s wish is a bit difficult. ”

“What about Eden?”

Eden: “I…”

“May time stand forever in this moment, may tomorrow…”

Eden suddenly stopped.

“It’s just a lyric, I’ll tell you later.” ”

Alicia: “Okay. ”

Eden: “What about you. ”

Alicia: “My wish is simple. ”

“I want to create an eternal paradise, no disaster, no war…”

“Everywhere, everyone can pursue their own ideals. ”

“Everyone is able to live happily. ”

Mebius struck: “What do you think, that kind of thing doesn’t exist.” ”

Alicia: “Not necessarily, Kevin, what about your wish?”

“Can you tell me?”

Kevin looked at the distant sky: “My wish is three. ”

Everyone looked at Kevin.

“First, I want the work to go well. ”


Kevin’s face turned slightly red and continued: “I hope to be in the same city as Mei next year. ”

“More time to meet…”

Everyone looked at Kevin happily.

At this moment, the sun rose completely.

All eyes were drawn to the newly rising sunrise.

Grace: “Look at the sun rising!”

After watching it for a while, Alicia continued, “That’s right Kevin. ”

“You haven’t said the third wish. ”


The light curtain gave all the pictures to Kevin alone.

“I hope…”

Finally, Kevin’s mouth shape is moving.

But there is no sound…

This can make people in the pre-civilization era anxious.

Especially Pardol Phyllis: “What is Boss Kevin’s last wish?” ”

“Why is there no sound?”

“Is the light curtain broken?”

Kevin replied, “I hope…”

“Together we cross the end…”.

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Honkai Society’s dead nickname revealed, starting with Succubus Kevin — Chapter 218 – Faloo MTL (2024)


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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.