Arizona vs. The Citadel 2010 - [PDF Document] (2024)

  • 8/8/2019 Arizona vs. The Citadel 2010


    The Leaky Bugle


    September 11, 2010 - Arizona vs. The CitadelVolume 55 Issue1

  • 8/8/2019 Arizona vs. The Citadel 2010


    Table of ContentsMessage From/About theEditors.....................................3

    Kristen and Chelsea say hi.

    Behind theMusic................................................................4

    A brief history of the band whose music were performing

    What isCydonia?................................................................5

    Mystery driving you crazy? Learn more here

    102 Ways to Say YouSuck!............................................6

    Youll hear most of them by the end of September


    Presenting you with historic information10 Reasons Being AScience/Math Major in the Pride is

    a GoodThing................................................................8

    There are SOME upsides....

    Beat of a DifferentDrummer............................................8

    Our very own Bryce Goods comic returns

    Meet theBand....................................................................9

    Learn about those sections of the band you never get to marchnear

    All You Ever Needed to Know About Bowl Games.........10

    An overview for those of you who have no idea what a bowl gameis


    Think youre funny? Prove it.

    The Citadel: GamePredictions.........................................12

    People who know things about sports try to predict thefuture


    Someone who doesnt know things about sports tries to predict thefuture


  • 8/8/2019 Arizona vs. The Citadel 2010


    Message From/About the Editors

    Hello POA! We are Chelsea Cohen and Kristen Riordan, and

    were the editors for this years Leaky Bugle. Were bothreally

    excited for this season and for being able to do the LeakyBugle.

    Help make it as awesome as it can be by submitting as muchas

    you can each week to [emailprotected]!

    About ChelseaChelsea is a senior clarinet

    player and Tears for Fears

    rookie majoring in CreativeWriting and Linguistics and

    minoring in Math. She is a

    member of Tau Beta Sigma

    and likes reading, solving

    puzzles, and playing video


    About KristenKristen is a senior horn player

    and Tears for Fears rookie

    majoring in Photography andminoring in Art History. She

    is a member of Kappa Kappa

    Psi and likes sleeping, hugs,

    and hanging out with her bros.

    Leaky Bugle Staff

    Committee Members

    Tau Beta SigmaChelsea Cohen

    Stephanie Castro

    Tiffany McCall

    Amanda Tester

    Craig Tester

    Kappa Kappa PsiKristen Riordan

    Tyler Anderson

    Carl McBee

    Emilio Romero

    Lauren Spradlin


    Tyler Anderson

    Erika Barrett

    Stephanie CastroLauren Childers

    Kenny Contrata

    Bryce Good

    Tiffany McCall

    Mark Slater

    Amanda TesterCraig Tester

    Andre Veres

    Chris Waters


  • 8/8/2019 Arizona vs. The Citadel 2010


    The formation of Muse began in 1994 in Teignmouth (UK) withguitarist Matt Bellamys audition in

    drummer Dominic Howards band and concluded with the addition ofChris Wolstenholme on bass gui-

    tar. Together, they underwent a series of gigs under names likeGothic Plague and Fixed Penalty and

    rst moved into recognition when they won a Battle of the Bandscontest under the name Rocket BabyDolls (note how appropriate amingbaby allusions would be if this hadnt changed). The name Muse

    emerged when a friend suggested that a muse was responsible forthe formation of several bands in small-

    town Teignmouth. Putting aside the Oxford English Dictionarysuse of the term in reference to the nine

    goddesses regarded as presiding over and inspiring learning andthe arts, the latter denition of a muse

    as an object of inspiration of poetry or song, provided the bandwith a name that was not only short and

    looked good on posters, but also with a name of substantialmeaning.

    Slowly rising to fame in gigs in London and Manchester, Muse metand signed a contract to produce

    recordings for Sawmills Studio. After producing two EPs, theband eventually signed on with Taste Media

    to produce Muses rst three albums, Showbiz (1999), Origin ofSymmetry (2001) and Absolution (2003).

    The release of their second album, Origin of Symmetry resultedfrom much of the experimentation in bothinstrumental and vocallines to produce the slightly eerie (maybe even reminiscent ofthose Greek god-

    desses) sound recognized as a characteristic to the band. Therelease of Absolution in 2003 debuted as

    number one in the UK and marked the Muses rst top ten hit, Timeis Running Out and top twenty hits,

    Hysteria, Sing for Absolution and Butteries and Hurricanes.Following its release in the UK, they

    were given two TV Europe awards and the merit of Best Life Actin both the Q Awards and the 2005

    BRIT Awards. This success marked the bands move intointernational popularity with tours in the Canada,

    Australia, New Zealand, France, and the US, where the Absolutionwent Gold.

    The bands experimentation was furthered with the release ofBlack Holes and Revelations (2006), in

    which a majority of the themes revolved around the inspirationand application of science ction into their

    music. This fourth album hailed a number of awards andnominations, of which Knights of Cydonia was

    voted as number one in the worlds largest poll in Australia.Following the bands innovative drive was the

    release of The Resistance, the rst album produced by the banditself. Topping the charts in 19 countries

    (#3 in the US), the debut saw about 148,000 copies sold in itsrst week in the UK.

    Throughout the success of their career, praise of Muse hascorrelated around the bands ambition and in-

    novation. Queen guitarist Brian May has described the band asReal virtuosos who let their madness

    show through, always a good thing in an artist. Given theambiguity of genres associated with the band

    (progressive rock, space rock, alternative, electronic, Indie,even rock opera), Muses claim to fame lies

    with their ability to create their own sound throughunconventional means.

    Behind the Music

    by Tiffany McCall


  • 8/8/2019 Arizona vs. The Citadel 2010


    Have you ever lost sleep at night after listening to Knights ofCydonia because you have absolutely no

    idea just exactly where Cydonia is? Is it a town in medievalFrance? No. Is it the name of Matthew Bel-

    lamys favorite bowling alley? Doubtful. Is it Professor Reeshome planet? Possibly, but thats the closest

    guess so far. Truth be told, Cydonia isnt on Earth. Its a regionon Mars.

    Mars? you say. How could there possibly be knights on Mars? Wehavent even discovered life on Mars,

    much less one that has developed a feudal system of society!Well, youre right. There are no knights on

    Mars. But there is a face, which is pretty cool too.

    Look familiar? If youve ever seen the movie Mission to Mars orhave paid

    attention in an elementary school science class, it should.Taken by NASAs

    Viking 1 spacecraft, this photo shows the famous face on Marssituated

    within the Cydonia region. Located in Mars northern hemisphere,Cydo-

    nia consists of three smaller regions: Cydonia Mensae, CydoniaColles, and

    Cydonia Labyrinthus, which are a group of mesas, a collection ofsmall hills,

    and a series of complex intersecting valleys respectively. Someof these hills

    are said to resemble human-built pyramids, which combined withthe face has

    created quite the excitement for conspiracy theorists across theworld. So be-

    fore you come to any conclusions, check out the picture below,taken in 2001

    by the Mars Global Surveyor.

    Thats the face without its makeup on. Not as good looking,huh?

    The name Cydonia originates from an ancient city-state on theisland

    of Crete named Kydonia. Kydonia was mentioned in VirgilsAneid,

    where its citizens were praised for their excellent archeryskills. The

    exact location of Kydonia was lost until Robert Pashleydiscovered

    its site using only ancient literature (sometime around 1834).Today,

    the city of Chania, Cretes second largest city, resides on whatwas

    once Kydonia.

    I hope that this brief explanation helps you sleep at night! Oh,and go

    watch the music video. Itll make more sense now.

    What is Cy donia?by Cr aig Test er


  • 8/8/2019 Arizona vs. The Citadel 2010


    1) That sucked2) Unskilled3) Repulsive4) Poor5) Shocking6)Horric7) Terrible8) Appalling9) Atrocious10) Awful11) Disastrous12)Gruesome13) Horrid14) Offensive15) Mediocre16) Unacceptable17)Thats wrong

    18) Thats weak19) Youre not working hard today20) You are verybad at that21) Thats not coming along22) Im upset to see youworking like that23) Thats careless24) Exactly wrong25) You made medepressed26) Youre not improving any today27) Youve just about gotit, for ________ high school28) Thats the worst youve ever done29)Youre doing a crappy job

    30) Are you trying to waste time?31) Do it again32) [ ]33) Thatwas ass34) Are you waiting for the second time?35) Keeping workingon it36) Youre improving37) What do you not understand?38) That'snot it39) You didn't wow me40) Do I have to do it myself?

    41) Are you proud of that? Really???42) You can play too______43) You really make my job fun44) Are you new?45) We're notin the business of okay46) That was okay47) What were youthinking?48) Where is your intensity?49) That was special50)*biting sarcasm* Wow...51) __________ Come here

    52) Are you a rookie?53) Thats not the way to do it54) Did youleave your brain at home today?55) What did you even do?56) Or youcould try harder....57) That would be in poor taste58) That simplywill not do59) Thats better than average60) Are you inept?!61) Youmust not have been practicing62) Dont quit your day job63) That wascrap64) Stop. What you are doing!65) At least your mother lovesyou66) Youre scaring the children67) You swing like a dead cat68)Why dont you just quit?

    69) There must be a misunderstanding70) This isnt what Imeant71) That needs correction72) You need to concentrate73) Wedont have all day74) Thats not such a good idea75) Im not so keenon this76) Correct me if Im wrong77) I know youve tried yourbest78) I dont think you understand79) I have some reservations80)Maybe we should reect

    81) Im worried82) Id like to express my doubts83) I regret toinform you, that was awful84) I hate to tell you, that was bad85) Idont know how to say this...86) Its a shame87) Im not satised88) Idlike to le a complaint89) How about we keep on trying?90) You didntoverwhelm me91) Dont try to outdo yourself now

    92) That was pathetic93) At least we have something to workwith94) Well that was different95) I dont think you should do thisanymore96) You remembered! Finally....97) That was loathsome98)That stinks99) If your lifeguard skills were as good as your_______a lot of people would be drowning100) That was frustrating101) Ifyou were _______ing like that two thousandyears ago, people wouldstone you

    102 Ways to Say You Suck!

    By Lauren ChildersUnlike the 101 ways to say Good Job!, I feelthis list is more

    Rees appropriate


  • 8/8/2019 Arizona vs. The Citadel 2010


    Retro-Spectiveby Amanda Tester and Tyler Anderson

    Amanda is a know-it-all history major and a UA tour guide whoenjoys relentlessly drilling campus

    trivia into the brains of prospective students. Tyler is achemistry major, total Boy Scout, and resi-dent expert in allthings UA and Tucson. Alone, we are simply the historians of TauBeta Sigma andKappa Kappa Psi (respectively). Together, we are theguardians of POA history and the keepers of band

    tradition and lore.

    Its no secret that the UA loves its ght songs. Exhibit 1: wehave Bear Down Arizona, which has lyrics so simple that the

    student section can pull off a passable rendition (even afterconsuming as they do on game days) and Fight, Wildcats, Fight(a

    song so complicated that there are four different versions tosing, depending on whether you are an alumni or undergrad andif

    youre at a basketball or football game). So naturally, when wescore a touchdown, the POA plays Fight, just to throw those

    kids a curveball. It only makes sense that the UA band wanted toget on the ght song bandwagon. The following is an ac-

    count of the events surrounding the advent of Here Comes theBand.


    In the early 1960s, the former leader of the popular ARMCOCorporation Band, Frank Simon, arrived in Tucson to accept a

    position as the University of Arizonas trumpet and cornetprofessor. Simon developed close ties to the marching band andwrotethe march Here Comes the Band for the UA Band.

    Under Jack Lee, the UA Band performed Here Comes the Band inparade routines and on the eld. Depending on the situ-

    ation the band would play it, sing it, or alternate playing andsinging. When James Keene took over the directorship in 1980,

    the band participated in signicantly fewer parades than the JackLee Era; therefore, Here Comes the Band fell out of use in

    the Pride of Arizona.

    Here Comes the Band was kept alive mainly by oral traditionwithin the local chapters of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta

    Sigma for the next couple decades. During this time, Simonscomposition became less of a march and more of a ght tune.

    Several odd modulations also appeared as it was passed downthrough the organizations. In the early 2000s a Vice Presi-

    dent of Membership of the Kappa Kappa Psi chapter by the name ofJonah Elrod (former POA trombone section leader and

    all-around awesome TA from 2006-2008) attempted to create adenitive version of Here Comes the Band. The original

    versions couldnt be found for reference, so he transcribed thepiece as it made the most sense to him. Elrods version,withrevision by our very own Scott Matlick, is currently the ofcialversion passed down in the Omega chapters of Kappa Kappa

    Psi and Tau Beta Sigma.

    (For copies of the Elrod-Matlick transcription of Here Comes theBand, please send a request via e-mail to tanderso@email.

    And now, because the entire band deserves to share in the epicawesomeness of this piece, here are the lyrics to the POAs

    ght song.

    Here comes the band, the U-of-A Band

    With matchless reputation

    The best by test, the best in the WestA pattern for thenation!

    Here comes the band,

    And Gee! But its grand

    Hear that Bear Down melody

    So cheer for Arizona! Fight for Arizona!

    And lead the team to victory!


  • 8/8/2019 Arizona vs. The Citadel 2010


    10 reasons being a science/math major in the pride is

    a good thing

    By Erika Barrett












    10.+ + Androstenone


  • 8/8/2019 Arizona vs. The Citadel 2010


    Is i o play . . .

    meet tHe BAND!!

    LETS MEET ThE TEnorS!Also Known As: Tac.

    Quos: G tac! Tat e ad a ai i it. 3 e ad a. JJ te Jet Plae.

    morabl mons: We Zack didt beak is aess, we Zack wete wg aess, weKik didt take pictue f us but tk pictues fte te sectis at dum camp,leavig a le f Zack, Zack memizigte sw ad dill i e day.

    Qusions for Rs: Is te clck sud bette yet? Wat des te bld fmtalstaste like? Wy dt we get t meet te bad duig Satuday pac-

    tices? Ca we play te te call evey time te bad as t g t atteti?Cawe play te Ameica te Beautiful sl?

    Show Suggsions: retu f Zeppeli, Te Eagles, Mas Vlta, Cake,Cami-a Buaa (te full vesi), Liki Pak, Bea Dw 2002, retu f Muse,retuf Aesmit, retu f F Figtes, nusey ymes fm te 19tcetuy, Seseme Steet,ad Tes Extavagaza.


  • 8/8/2019 Arizona vs. The Citadel 2010


  • 8/8/2019 Arizona vs. The Citadel 2010


    In the past, weve always had the Hawaii bowl, which was usuallythe 6th place bowl. Now we have the addi-

    tion of the Alamo bowl, which actually dishes out a decent loador cash to the teams playing. Money would

    dictate that the Alamo Bowl is now the third place bowl and theSun bowl is 4th. Lets be honest. They are

    both in Texas, and you dont want to go there over your holidaybreak...unless youre *Jake Thompson...

    because you already live there.

    Here is the last little tidbit before I close out this articleand let you progress your reading onto more impor-

    tant things like witty band inside jokes, articles about Muse,and an interview with Rees (This is assuming

    the Bugle is the same as it used to be). The #1 and #2 overallteams at the end of the season play in the BCSchampionship game. Ifa Pac 10 team makes it to the championship game, then everyone elsegets bumped up

    one! Also, USC (being the spooty spoot head school that it is)is currently serving a 2 year bowl suspension

    for paying Reggie Bush, their former **Heisman running back toplay for their school. This means we have

    9 teams competing to play in 6 bowl games. Washington State andArizona State are already out. Theyre

    absolutely terrible this year. I hope this helps get you guysexcited and I hope to see you all at the Rose bowl

    this year! Ill be the drunk UA fan...


    Chris Waters

    PS- As you read this article, at this very moment, I am layingon the beach. Suck it.

    * In every article I write, I usually try to pepper in mydislike for the state of Texas and then somehow mention

    that Jake Thompson lives there. I will occasionally referencehis testosterone packed masculinity and boyish

    good looks (that sexy devil).

    **The Heisman award goes to the best college player of the year.It is an extremely prestigious award. Other

    players who have won the Heisman are Matt Leinart (The exArizona Cardinals mediocre quarterback) and OJ

    Stabby Wifey Simpson.


    Send in emails with a funny or witty caption to this weekspicture, and the

    top three will be in the next Bugle!


  • 8/8/2019 Arizona vs. The Citadel 2010


  • 8/8/2019 Arizona vs. The Citadel 2010


    Arizona football season has ofcially begun! With the Wildcatsexciting annihilation of the Rockets last

    week, it seems as though a Rose Bowl berth could be a very realpossibility especially since USC appar-

    ently did some bad things and isnt allowed to go any bowl games,poor them.

    But before we have the chance to see roses, the Wildcats rstmust do battle against The Citadel.

    Never heard of The Citadel? Dont feel bad, neither had I. So forthose not in the know, The Citadel is a

    small military college in South Carolina. Their total number ofstudents hovers around 3,300 yes, thats

    roughly the same number of students in some of yourlectures.

    I originally thought that The Citadel might be a force to bereckoned with since theyre a military school,

    and who doesnt love a man in uniform? But Ive come to realizethat they just wont do.

    First on my long list of grievances is that they do not play intheir military uniforms. Whats the good of

    having those delicious uniforms if you dont even wear them in acontest of strength, smarts and agility.

    Now dont get me wrong. Football uniforms are also nice, butmilitary uniform would have trumped football.

    Too bad they dont take advantage of it.

    Second, the uniforms The Citadel players do wear are tackybeyond all reason. In case you havent seen

    them, they are a god-awful shade of blue. It doesnt quite havethe softness of Carolina blue but maybe has

    some seafoam in it. Anyway its ugly and out of style.

    Third, their quarterback is not hot and not just in comparisonto our ultra-hottie QB Nick Foles hes not

    attractive, like, at all. Now, I can forgive a lot of things, Ima very understanding and kind person butIm pretty sure it says inthe Constitution, All quarterbacks must be at least an 8. And theirquarterback,

    freshman Matt Thompson, is no better than a 3. Thompson is oneof ve vying for the ofcial quarterback

    position, and there is not one redeemable prospect in the entiredeformed band of mists. All are far below a

    5. The Citadel really should remedy that if they want to bechampions.

    Nick Foles, on the other hand, will of course lead our team tovictory. Though Im not necessarily diggin

    his new haircut (still owing blond locks, though slightlyshorter than last year), I will say that Foles is still a

    hard 9. Thats like a bagillion points higher than any of theBulldogs QBs.

    Fourth, their mascot is a bulldog which is totally adorable butwouldnt last ten minutes if we put it in a

    cage with a wildcat. Rawr!

    So at the end of the game, when the shoulder pads and cups comeoff, Arizona will be victorious and one

    step closer to having a lovely rose garden in backyard.

    Arizona: 764

    The Citadel: -3

    And now for a slightly different take...

    Fabulous Football!by Kenny Contrata


  • 8/8/2019 Arizona vs. The Citadel 2010


    Drumming in a





  • 8/8/2019 Arizona vs. The Citadel 2010




  • 8/8/2019 Arizona vs. The Citadel 2010



    Best section ever :)

    Love E


    Show me your stomach!

    Guard! First game! Good luck tonight!

    :) Get ready to experience the magic

    of Arizona Stadium.

  • 8/8/2019 Arizona vs. The Citadel 2010


    PLUS MORESHOUT OUTS!Dearest woman,

    I love you. Oh and puddles!!!!! Hope

    you have a great first game!!!!!

  • 8/8/2019 Arizona vs. The Citadel 2010






    Kiwi Punk,

    Youre doing a great job so far, for


    Keep up the awesome job and dont


    Yay first game! :D

    Hey Bones!

    Way to be awesome on our hike!

    It was tons of fun and now we know an

    epic song.

    Next time, lets shoot for the whole

    section. Dont Stop!


    I miss marching with you. Well have

    to have

    Delta Xi nite soon.


    Joe-You have done a fantastic job this

    year as section leader. I am loving

    this year. Dont Stop.



    You have done an awesome so far this

    season. We only can get better from


    Love, Lauren

    To all rookies:

    Good Luck on your first game this

    week. Just remember to keep going,

    watch, dont listen, and enjoy :)


    Boo, youre in Japan. And Im not

    there with you.

    -The one who just came back from Ja-


    I am so glad you came back this

    year. I couldnt make it with-

    out you. When you are not there on

    Wednesdays I get kind of depressed.

    Hope your lab is worth it.


    To the person who stole the monkey-

    Please return him to Room J. The

    band doesnt know how to have mon-

    key feet without him. I know he is

    small, but he is definitely notice-


    LEFT!!!! DONT STOP!!!!


    Love you tons. You are fabulous.




    Keep up the good work.




    Forever striving.



    Amanda Tester, Will Lathrop, Craig

    Tester, Kyle Johnston, Kelsey Riley,

    Jake Thompson and Sarah Early rockmy world! Thanks for all yourhelp

    guys! ~Ashley M.


    Your band better check themselves...

    BEFORE they wreck themselves. March

    10, 2011. Staples Center.


Arizona vs. The Citadel 2010 - [PDF Document] (2024)


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